Making December biscuits it's traditional yearly.
Pinayverafinland Channel Tikay da Vlogger Noemi Nogadas Maukonen
It's my turn to open coz all is doned.thanks Santa all my gifts i received this year.
Thanks Santa for a new Toy he said this best gift this year.
Pinayverafinland Channel Tikays vlog Tikay da Vlogger Noemi Nogadas Maukonen Marites Nogadas
I miss dried fish so this is it's.
Pinayverafinland Channel Tikays vlog Tikay da Vlogger Marites Nogadas Chris Nogadas
Father's day bed breakfast for Daddy.
Someone want make a vlog.
Our simple happiness in Finland fishing during summer before become cold.
#fishing #sea #enjoylife #summer2023 #familytime
Tikays vlog Tikay da Vlogger Cristina Cabiso Nogadas Alconen Nogadas Marites Nogadas
We saw many speedboat in the sea during our fishing time.
#speedboadcontest #enjoylife #finland #summer2023 #sea
Pinayverafinland Channel Tikays vlog Tikay da Vlogger Cristina Cabiso Nogadas Marites Nogadas Alconen Nogadas
Nakita Ako Ng Maraming speedboat nakiki marites ano gawa nila.
#enjoylife #finland #sea
Tikays vlog Pinayverafinland Channel Tikay da Vlogger Noemi Nogadas Maukonen Marites Nogadas Alconen Nogadas Cristina Cabiso Nogadas
Grilling time after fishing.
Pinayverafinland Channel Tikays vlog Noemi Nogadas Maukonen
Almost done the summer and Autumn is coming soon.
Tikays vlog Noemi Nogadas Maukonen Cristina Cabiso Nogadas Marites Nogadas
We love swimming but mommy just watching first and take video.
#vacation2023 #enjoylife #manilaph
Tikay da Vlogger Tikays vlog Cristina Cabiso Nogadas Marites Nogadas Noemi Nogadas Maukonen Alconen Nogadas Sõül Kēēpër
Esa like this ride than in Finland.
#vacation2023 #enjoylife #manilaph #MallOfAsia
Pinayverafinland Channel Cristina Cabiso Nogadas Felmar Cabiso Tikays vlog
Esa memory in Philippines.
Tikays vlog Pinayverafinland Channel Tikay da Vlogger Cristina Cabiso Nogadas Noemi Nogadas Maukonen
Our Vacation in Philippines.
#enjoylife #vacation2023 #manilaph
I love this place coz many memories this place for me.
#vacationmode #backday #swimming #Philippines #Lavista
Tikays vlog Pinayverafinland Channel
Welcome back anak in your own house.#home #backday #arriving
This is the time that I don't want to watch outside cos I know I need to wait again long time to come back this country.Bye Philippines and see you next time again.