I interviewed these 5-6 figure earners that work within the same business model as me.
These people have worked with this business for 5-10 years and have transformed their and their closest ones lives.
It is truly remarkable what you can create in such a short time window with the right business model. Chats with these people just reassured to me that I’m on the right track and a good reminder to keep it going.
And you know what is the funny thing, these people also started from the scratch with zero knowledge and skilss. The only difference between them and you is that they started and you haven’t yet👀
#rightbusiness #workforyourself #createyourreality #learnfromthebest #leadermentality
Kova työ aina palkitaan!
Jos sä haluat jotain tarpeeksi paljon, löydät myös keinot että saat sen mitä toivot.
Menestyneen yrittäjän tärkeimmät tärkeimmät ominaisuudet on itsekuri, johdonmukaisuus ja organisointitaidot. Koska kun työskentelet itsellesi, sinun on opittava toimimaan eri tavalla mihin olet tottunut normityöelämässä. Ja mulle näiden taitojen kehittäminen ja ylläpitäminen on ollut avain tuloksiin.
Olen itse suurin esteeni tässä, kuten monessa muussakin asiassa, joten on elintärkeää löytää oikeat rutiinit, työkalut ja struktuuri bisneksen pyörittämiseen. Ilman niitä bisnes pysyy vaan harrastuksena.
#onlinebisnes #naisyrittäjät #yrittäjänarki #ajattelutapa #menesty
Our community’s @alife.withoutlimits business event was my third event this year!
These events always boost my business so much. And since my first offline event in February 2024 my business has taken a massive growth. It’s the magic of surrounding yourself with like-minded people and winner-mentality🤩
Thank you for organizing💛
#businessevent #onlinemeetsoffline #surroundyourselfwithpositivepeople #winnermentality
Where has this time gone by so fast? It’s so close to 2025 already…
What have you been up to for these past months?
Have you taken steps to explore new opportunities and move closer to your dream lifestyle, or have you mostly stayed in the same place?
This last third of the year is a good reality check for you to see have you actively progressed in your life?
Are you currently in a situation where you want to be a year from now?
If not, then it’s time to get to work! Let’s be honest, this is the youngest you’ll ever be.
#makegoals #makeyourdreamsreality #workonyourself #bebravewithyourlife #nowisthetime