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SOUTHERN AFRICAN COUNTRIES TOP FACTS ✅ 🇲🇼 🇿🇲 🇿🇼 🇦🇴 🇱🇸 🇸🇿 🇲🇿 🇧🇼 🇳🇦 🇿🇦 🇲🇬

1. Madagascar 🇲🇬 is the fourth largest island in the world.

2. Madagascar 🇲🇬 has the largest coastline in Africa.

3. South Africa 🇿🇦 is the only Country to have hosted FIFA World cup in Africa.

4. Eswatini 🇸🇿 is a kingdom ruled by a Monarch.

5. South Africa 🇿🇦 has the largest GDP in the region.

6. South Africa 🇿🇦, cape Town city was ranked the best in 2019.

7. Namibia 🇳🇦 has the largest desert in the region known as namib desert that meets The Atlantic Ocean.

8. Lesotho 🇱🇸 is the only Landlocked country inside a country in Africa.

9. In Madagascar 🇲🇬 All houses should face west

10. Madagascar 🇲🇬 The head of the bed must face north

11. People in Madagascar 🇲🇬 Never have a funeral on a Thursday.

12. Nearly 40% of Botswana 🇧🇼 is made up of national parks and wildlife reserves which provide plenty of large areas for animals to roam.

13. Botswana 🇧🇼 is home to the world's largest concentration of African elephants, of which the highest concentration is found in Chobe National Park.

14. 🇧🇼 The world’s second-largest gem quality diamond was discovered in Botswana last year. It is the biggest diamond to be discovered in Botswana and the largest find in more than a century.

15 Botswana 🇧🇼 holds a number of world records including the world’s largest salt pans, the world’s largest inland delta and the world’s shortest border.

16. Half the people in Mozambique 🇲🇿 are under-17.More than half the women have their first child before they are 19.

17. Mozambique 🇲🇿 is the only country with a single word name that includes all five vowels.

18. Mozambique is the only country in the Commonwealth never to have been part of the British Empire.

19. Termite hills in Zambia 🇿🇲 can grow as big as a small house. With room for a pony. The termite hills are the size of a house.

20. In Zambia 🇿🇲 Victoria Falls is double the height of Niagara Falls
Victoria Falls is 108 metres in height. It’s almost double the height of Niagara Falls in Canada.The traditional name for Victoria Falls is Mosi-oa-Tunya, Mosi-oa-tunya means the ‘Smoke that Thunders’ and, as you can imagine, Victoria Falls truly lives up to its name.

21. In Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 There’s a massive man-made lake that sustains life to the country, Lake Kariba is the world’s biggest man-made lake and is used for commercial fishing operations and to supply electric hydropower to Zambia and Zimbabwe.

22. In Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 The noise of the Victoria Falls can be heard as far as 40 kilometers away.

23. Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 has five UNESCO World heritage sites; these are Khami Ruins, Great Zimbabwe Ruins, Victoria Falls, Mana Pools and Matobo Hills. Now that’s a good reason to come and visit. Find out more about these sites.

24. Angola 🇦🇴, there are many Portuguese speakers in Angola than Portugal itself.
25. Namibia 🇳🇦 is home to the world’s oldest desert.

26. In Namibia 🇳🇦 The himba rive of Namibia is the most famous tribe in the region. The Himba tribe in the Kunene region of the country have strongly clung to their traditional ways and beliefs. They wear traditional clothes, eat traditional foods and even practice traditional religions. The women wear skirts and leave their upper body bare.

27. In Malawi 🇲🇼 Lake Malawi contains the largest number of fish species of any lake in the world.

28. South Africa 🇿🇦 has the best Healthcare in Africa that matches Europe and international standards.

29. South Africa 🇿🇦 is the second leading tourist destination in Africa after Morocco.

30. South Africa 🇿🇦 is the most popular country in Africa after Nigeria.

31. South Africa 🇿🇦 Rovos Rail & Blue Trains Are Considered The Most Luxurious Trains In Africa

32.South African 🇿🇦Table Mountain Is One Of The Oldest Mountains In The World & Has More Species Of Flowers Than Some Countries In Europe

33. CapeTown South Africa 🇿🇦 Is Ranked Number 7 Most Beautiful City In The World.

34. South Africa 🇿🇦 South Africa is the first country in the world to carry out a successful heart transplant in capetown.

(Source: Powerful Africa)

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💪💯 በዝቅታህ ታድጋለህ!

💪💯 ብዙ ብታውቅም እውቀትህ አያመፃድቅህም ፤ ዝነኛ ታዋቁ ብትሆንም ዝናህ አያኮራህም ፤ ታዋቂነትህ አያስኮፍስህም ። ብዙ ጀብድ ብትፈፅም ፣ ብዙ ተዓምራትን ብታደርግ ፣ በብዙ ውጣውረድ ውስጥ ብታልፍም ፤ ፈተናዎችህን ብታልፍም ፤ ታግለህ ብታሸንፍም ትህትናህን አላጣህም ፤ ከሰውነትህ አልወረድክም ፤ ማንነትህን አላጣህም ። ምንም እንኳን ታዋቂ ያደረገህ ተግባርህና ጥንካሬህ ቢሆንም እውቅናህ ግን በሰዎች ዘንድ ነውና ሰዎችን ማገልገል አታቆምም ፣ ማህበረሰብህን መጥቀም አትተውም ። ጀርባህን ስላልረሳህ ፣ መንገድህን ስላልካድክ ታማኝነት በውስጥህ ይታያል ፤ ታታሪነትህ ይቀጥላል ፤ ተወዳጅነትህም እየጨመረ ይሔዳል ።

💪💯 አዎ! ጀግናዬ..! በዝቅታህ ታድጋለህ! አንገትህን ብታቀረቅር ስለማትችል አይደለም ፤ ታች ወርደህ ብታገለግል ደረጃህ ታች ሆኖ አይደለም ፤ የመጣልህን እድል ለሌሎች አሳልፈህ ብትሰጥ ፣ ወንድምህን ብታስቀድም ፣ ያለህን ብታካፍል ፣ ለሰዎች መኖር ብትጀምር ለእራስህ ባዳ ልትባል አትችልም ። ቅንነትን ገንዘቡ ያደረገ ፣ በትህትና የተመላለሰ ፣ ወንድም እህቱን ያስቀደመ መልካም ሰው በጎ ተግባሩ ብቻ ያሳልፍለታል ፤ ሰላም ይሰጠዋል ፤ በሃሴት ይሞላዋል ፤ በመንፈስ ያበረታዋል ፤ አቅሙን ያንፀዋል ። ዝቅ ብለህ ስታገለግል ፣ በትህትና የሚገባህን የተሻለ ለሚጠቅመው ሰው ስትሰጥ ክብርን በውዴታ ታገኛለህ ፤ ፍቅርን በፍላጎት ትቸራለህ ፤ በሰዎች ልብ ውስጥ በደማቁ ትፃፋለህ ።

💪💯 አዎ! ትህትናህ ብዙ ሊያሳጣህ ይችላል ፤ ዝቅ ብለህ በነፃ ማገልገለህ ብዙ ሊያስብልህ ይችላል ፣ ያለህን ማካፈልህ ፣ እድልህን አሳልፈህ መስጠትህ ፣ ለተቸገሩ ወገኖችህ መድረስህ ፣ እነርሱን ማስቀደምህ በአሉታዊ ጎኑ ጫና ውስጥ ሊከትህ ፣ እንደ አስመሳይነትህም ሊያስመለክትህ ይችላል ። ነገር ግን እራስህን ዝቅ ማድረግህ ማንነትህን አያሳጣህም ፤ አንተነትህን አያጠፋውም ፤ ችሎታህን አያደበዝዘውም ። ማድረግ የምትፈልገውን በማድረግ ፣ ማድረግ የምትችለውን አድርጎ በመገኘት ብርቱውን አንተነትህን ትገነባለህ ፤ ጠንካራውን ማንነትህን ታጎለብታለህ ።

💪💯 አዎ! ማደግ ከፈለክ በሚገባህ ልክ ማገልገል ይኖርብሃል ፤ ደረጃህን ማሻሻል ከተመኘህ ዝቅ ብለህ አስፈላጊ ነገሮችን መመርመር ፣ በቻልከው መጠን የእራስህን አስተዋፅዎ ማበርከት ፣ ወደሚያስተምርህና ልምድ ወደሚሰጥህ ተግባር መጠጋት ይኖርብሃል ። አምነህበት እስካደረከው ድረስ ዝቅ በማለቴ አመለጠኝ የምትለው በረከት አይኖርም ፤ በትህትናዬ ምክንያት ተሸሸገብኝ የምትለው ስጦታም አይኖርም ። የውስጥ እርካታህን ፣ ንፁ ደስታህንና የተጣራውን እድገትህን ታረጋግጣለህና መቼም በአትራፊው ዝቅታህና በልባዊ ትህትናህ አንዳታዝን ፤ በፍፁም እንዳትቆጭ ።
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