Digital Oromia - DO

Digital Oromia - DO Digital Oromia - DO: a digital media supporting the liberation of the people of Oromia from the century old subjugation.

Mee Kawoon meerreree? Jija Qeerroo-Kan Ittiitaa...Join us in celebrating the beautiful wedding of Etika Teferi, a proud Oromia nationalist, firm integrity ad...

Cidha Artistii Qaalii - Ittiiqaa Tafarii

Cidha Artistii Qaalii - Ittiiqaa Tafarii

Mee Kawoon meerreree? Jija Qeerroo-Kan Ittiitaa...Join us in celebrating the beautiful wedding of Etika Teferi, a proud Oromia nationalist, firm integrity ad...

  expects all   troops to leave Somalia by the end of December 2024, the VOA’s Harun Maruf reported citing Hussein Sheik...

expects all troops to leave Somalia by the end of December 2024, the VOA’s Harun Maruf reported citing Hussein Sheikh Ali, the National Security Adviser to the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, as saying on Friday.

Referring to Hussein, the report said “Ethiopian troops will not be part of the AU-led forces” that will operate in Somalia once the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia ( ), mission ends by this December.

“Post-ATMIS forces will come from the other four contributing countries - Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda and Burundi,” VOA’s Harun reported quoting the President’s advisor.

Thousands of Ethiopian troops are part of ATMIS, a multidimensional mission consisting of military, police and civilian members authorized by the African Union and mandated by the United Nations Security Council and AU Peace and Security Council.

ATMIS is expected to exit Somalia by the end of December 2024, according to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2710 (2023). However, ATMIS said there are plans to establish a post-ATMIS force to help protect strategic population centres, UN facilities and key government installations.

Diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Somalia plummeted to a new low following the signing on 01 January this year of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia and Somaliland, granting Ethiopia access to the sea for a leased military base in return for recognition for Somaliland.

Somalia rejected the MoU and in April expelled Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Somalia Muktar Mohamed Ware and ordered the closure of Ethiopia’s consulate offices in Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland, and in the semi-autonomous Puntland state.

But despite the demands Mogadishu has not been able to enforce the closure of Ethiopian consulate offices both in Hargeisa and Garoowe, the capital city of Puntland.

Addis Standard

Gurmuun Hayyoota OromooGurmuun Hayyoota Oromoo, mootummaan Itoophiyaa yeroo waraana uummata irratti labsee geggeessaa os...

Gurmuun Hayyoota Oromoo

Gurmuun Hayyoota Oromoo, mootummaan Itoophiyaa yeroo waraana uummata irratti labsee geggeessaa osoo jiruu, namoonni hedduun murtii seeraa malee waggootaaf mana hidhaa keessatti dararamaa osoo jiranii, leeliftoonni ciccimoon siyaasaa karaa nagaa akka Obbo Battee Urgeessaa qaama nageenya mootummaatiin wayta ajjeefaman jiranitti, marii biyyaalessaa geggeessutti jira jedhan.

Mariin biyyaalessaa qooda fudhattoota hunda hirmaachisuu qaba, marichi ABO fi KFO hirmaachisee hin jiru kan jedhu ibsi Gurmuu hayyootaa kun, olaantummaa dhaaba biyya bulchuun taasifamaa jira jedhan.

Komiishinichi jijjiirama heera mootummaa faallessu seera qabeessa gochuuf akka meeshaatti itti fayyadamaa jira jedha ibsi kun.

Gurmuun hayyoota Oromoo ibsa tibbana baaseen mariin biyyaalessaa qooda fudhattoota siyaasaa hunda hirmaachisuu qaba akkasumas qaama qindeessituu walaba ta’een geggeeffamuu qaba jedhe.

Hirmaannaan taasifamu gufuu malee qooda fudhattoota hirmaachisuu qaba kan jedhe ibsichi, qooda fudhattoota adda durummaan marichi ilaallatu keessaa dhiibuun olaantummaa siyaasaa paartii tokkoon kan dhuunfatameefi kan bu’aa hin fidne dha jedhe.

Sirni amma muummicha ministeeraa Abiyyi Ahimadiin durfamu jalqabuma irraa kaasee heera mootummaa kan dhiitaa jiruufi seera dhabdummaatiin bulchaa jira jedha.

Sirni isaa yeroo ammaa lola gara jabinaa labsee jiruun qaamota isa morman hunda balleessuudha jedha ibsi Gurmuu Hayyootaa kun.

Waamichi nagaa ABO-WBO'n irra deddeebiin taasisaa ture mootummaa biyya bulchaa jiruun gufataa turee jedha ibsichi.

Kaayyoon amma marii biyyaalessaa jedhamuun geggeeffamaa jiru seeraan alaa fi karaa heera mootummaa faalessuun kan Abiyyi Ahimediin akka abbaa irreetti aangomsu akkasumas, imammata koloneeffataa sirnaan deebisanii dhaabuuf shaakalamaa jiruudha jedha.

Hirmaattonnii fi miseensonni marii biyyaalessaa walga’ichaan yaaliin seera diiguuf taasifamu mormamuu akka qabu ibsi Gurmuu Hayyoota Oromoo kun ni dhaama.

Waan sirnichi maqaa marii biyyaalessaatiin geggeessaa jiru jijjiirama kan fidu osoo hin taanee, seeraan alummaa fi jijjiirama heera mootummaa faallessu kan Abiyyi Ahmad guutummaatti akka abbaa irreetti aangessudha jedha ibsichi.

  calls for parliamentary inquiry into detention of Oromo Liberation Front leadersThe National Election Board of Ethiopi...

calls for parliamentary inquiry into detention of Oromo Liberation Front leaders

The National Election Board of Ethiopia ( ) has requested the House of Peoples' Representatives' Legal, Justice, and Democracy Affairs Standing Committee to investigate the detention of Oromo Liberation Front ( ) leaders.

Despite court orders for their release, leaders including Abdi Regasa, Mikael Boran, Kenessa Ayana, Lammi Begna, Dr. Geda Gebisa, Dawit Abdata, and Girma Tiruneh remain in custody “under life-threatening conditions,” according to an OLF letter dated 14 April, 2024.

The OLF's call for action follows the recent killing of , a party political officer, whose body was found in Meki, East Shewa Zone of the region. The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission ( ) and international bodies like the and have also called for an investigation.

Ethiopia's human rights situation has significantly worsened since its last Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in May 2019....

Ethiopia's human rights situation has significantly worsened since its last Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in May 2019. According to reports from Human Rights Watch (HRW) and various other rights groups, government forces, militias, and armed groups have been engaging in widespread abuses without facing consequences, leading to serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Efforts by the government to address past and ongoing abuses, including atrocities committed during armed conflicts since 2020, have lacked transparency and independent oversight. Journalists, civil society organizations, and outspoken public figures have encountered an increasingly hostile and restrictive environment, with government authorities resorting to arbitrary arrests and prolonged detention without charge. Access the PDF to read the full content of the document here.

Seenaa Jaal Dagaa Deenoo (Dagaa Hasan Maatii)~ Nabaanii Shaafii 'tiinDagaa Deenoo (Dagaa Hasan) kan dhalate godina Jimma...

Seenaa Jaal Dagaa Deenoo (Dagaa Hasan Maatii)
~ Nabaanii Shaafii 'tiin

Dagaa Deenoo (Dagaa Hasan) kan dhalate godina Jimmaa aanaa Saxxammaa ganda Doonee jedhamutti abbaa isaa Hasan Maatii fi haadha isaa Badiriyyaa Abbaa Awaajii irraa bara 1957 dhalate. Jalqaba barnoota amantii barate.

Barnoota idilee isaa immoo hanga kutaa 6ffaa achuma mana barumsaa sadarkaa 1ffaa magaalaa Gaatiraatti barate. Dagaan seenaa qabsoo Oromoo keessatti nama hojii guddaa hojjatee fi qabsoo hidhannoo naannoo kibba dhiha Oromiyaa keessatti bara 1983-1988 gaggeeffamaa ture, gara tokkoon maqaa gooticha kanaatiin yaadatama. Dagaan goota roorroo diinaa baachuu hin dandeenye ture.

Dagaan Ijoolummaa isaatti nama Farda gulfsiisuu fi tapha Geengee woraanuu jaallatu ture. Kan inni ittin beekamu keessaa tokko Addaanyummaadha; dhukaasee hin dhabu jedhama. Maqaa addaa inni maatiisaa biratti ittiin beekamu Abdulwahaab jedhamu qaba ture. Ijoollummaa isaatiin mucaa namni hundi jaallatu fi daldalaan beekamu ture.

Bara 1977 tti osoo barumsa irra jiruu mootummaan Dargii dirqamaan qabee gara adda waraanaa geesse. Kaambii leenjii waraana keessa osoo jiruu gaaf tokko wanti addaa tokko isa mudate. Dagaan amantaa isaas
Baayyee nama jaallatuudha guyyaa tokko salaanni geenyaan, bakkuma jirutti waduu’a godhatee salaatuu eegale.

Waahillan isaa hedduun itti hidhatan. Yeroo kanatti hogganaan waraana isaanii rasaasa mataarra qabee itti dhukaase.

Waahillan isaa hunduu rifaatuu sagalee rasaasaatiin salaata adda kutan. Garuu Dagaan didee salatee xumure. Sababa kanaaf adabbii garaa garaatu irra ga’aa ture. Qullaa isaa Bishaan qorraa keessa tursiisuu; nyaata namoota hedduu itti fe’anii lafa dheeraa deemsisuu fi k.k.f rakkisanii dararaa turan. Garuu gochi isaanii kun ejjannoo isaa duubatti deebisuu hin dandeenye Inumaa booda ofuma isaaniitii waamanii yeroon sagadni ga’ee salaati jechuunii eegalan.
Gaaf tokko ajajaan isaanii waraana walitti qabee Dagaadhaan ala namni biraa akka hin salaanne; Islaamni as keessaa Dagaa male hin jiru jechuun faarse sababani isaa sodaa rasaasaa salaata addaan kutuu waan dideef.

Dagaan kan ittiin beekamu tokko arjummaadha. Yeroo sabni isaa mootummaa Dargiitiin gibira gaafatamee waan kaffallu dhabu qarshii ofii kaffaleefii ummatasaa baraaraa ture. Arjummaa fi gootummaa isaa kana dhaloonni yeroo faarsu akkas jedha;

Dagaa abbaa hiyyeessaa
arjoomaa dureessaa
yaa aayyoo fakkiisaa
yoomuma nuu deessa?
ati yoomuu hin baddu
qalbii keenya keessaa
nutti agarsiifteetta
egeree bineensaa jechuun leellisufi.

Dagaan turtii waggoota lamaaf baatii jahaa booda gara iddoo dhaloota isaatti deebi’ee, jalqaba bara 1980 keessa bultii ijaare. Hojii daldalaa waan beekuuf akkuma galeen itti fufe. Kanaanis daldalaa beekamaa fi Abbaa qabeenyaa ta’uu danda’eera.
Gaaf tokko Dagaan aanaa Gommaa lafa gabaa Aggaaroo jedhamu keessa osoo jiruu saamtonni tokko akkuma amala isaanii dhufanii saba isaa rakkisaa akka jiran arge. Namoonni sodaa fi dhiphina hattoota kanaatiin liqimfamuu ogguu hubatu, Dagaan qabee to’annoo ofii jala olche. Namoonni gaafas akkas jedhan;
shiftoota hattuu ija jabaa
Dagaa Guumaa male
eenyutu nurraa qabee gadi dhaaba jedhanii leellisaa oolan.

Bara 1984 tti qabsoo karaa nagaa ummanni Oromoo gaggeessuuf eegaa ture gantoota ilmaan Tigiraayiin gufachuun Chaarterri diigamee, qabsoo hidhannoo haaressatti seename. Kanaan walqabatee bara Ce’umsaa bakka adda adaatti miidhamni guddaan qabsaa’ota Oromoo irra ga’aa ture. Dagaan miidhama saba isaarra gahaa ture kanaaf osoo gubataa jiruu, Abbaa Firaa A/Awaajii kan jedhaman gara mana jireenyaa isaa dhufanii akka qabsoo hidhannoo waliin gaggeessuuf yaadan itti himan.

Yaanni kun jalqaba Dagaan keessa waan jiruuf osoma hin turin ummata waliin marii gochuu eegalan. Jalqaba hawaasa aanaa Sigimoo fi Saxxammaa waliin marii taasisan. Akkasumas aanaa Gumaay fi Geeraa deemuun marii bal’dhaa waliin taasisan. Marii kanaanis Jaal Dagaa Deenoo aanaa Saxxammaa irraa dura bu’ummaan yoo filaman, Jaal Nabaanii Abaadir Sigimoo irraa dura bu’ummaan filamuun qabsoo hidhannootti seenaan.

Dagaan Qarshii Kuma 12 (kuma kudha lamaa) oliin meeshaalee waraanaa bitee ummata hidhachiisee waliin bosona seene. Adoolessa 4, 1984 tti humni gabroomfataa Wayyaanee haala sochii naannicha keessatti eegalame gufachiisuuf gara aanaa Saxxammaatti qajeelan. Yeroo isaan dhufanii naannoo bosona Galligaahoo Maqa Haji Tamaam jedhamu irra ga’an, waraanni Dagaa hidhatee bosona jiru tarkaanfii irratti fudhateen Wayyaanee konkolaataa tokko guutuu daaraa godhe.

Sana booda daandii Iluu Abbaa Booraa, Buunnoo Beddellee, Sigimoo fi Saxxammaa wal qunnamsiisu aanaa Gumaay irratti muka jigsuun, diinni akka isaanirra hin dabarre ofirraa ittisan. Waraanni diinaa humna jabeeffatee yeroo lammaafaaf Ooraalii lama guutee dhufe. Daandiin waan adda citee jiruuf, naannoo aanaa Gumaay Magaalaa Toobbaatti konkolaataa irraa bu’uun lafoo deemuu eegalan.

Humni diinaa aarii duraan waraanni isaanii hedduun naannicha keessatti dhume haaloo ba’uuf wal guuree dhufe. Waraanni Dagaa naannoo laga Dhidheessaa irratti osoo da’annoof lafa muraa jiranii oddeefannoo dhaga’uun dhaqanii naannoo Hallayyaa Futee jedhamutti diinaan kokkee walqabuun lola wallitti banan. Lola kana irratti diinni hedduun eega dhumanii, Dagaanis rasaasa diinaatiin rukutame. Rukutamuu isaatiin walqabatee waraanni isaa ni faca’e. Dagaan gara aanaa Sigimoo Jaal Naabaanii Abaadiritti xalayaa erge. Humni diinaa daran jabaatee akka dhufee fi waraanni isaa faca’ee akka jiru ibsuun, dafee akka qaqqabu itti dhaame.

Jaal Nabaaniin waraana isaa kaambii Joloo keessaa kaafatee gara aanaa Saxxaammaatti qajeele. Naannoo Hallayyaa Futee jedhamutti diinaa dhukaasa walitti banan. Waraana Dagaarraa hafan Wayyaanota 48 (Afurtamii saddeet) fixan. Meeshaa waraanaa irraa hiikachuun qawwee sadi-sadii hiratanii gara iddoo Dagaan jiru dhaqan. Yeroo waraanni Nabaanii bira ga’u, Dagaan madaa isaa hidhatee kallatii diinni dhuftutti gara galuun qawwee afaan dabarfatee eegaa ture.

Miilli isaa rukutame mala aadaatiin qorichi garaagaraa itti godhamus dandamachuu hin dandeenye. Caba lafee miila isaa deebisuuf lafeen hoolaa keessa ka’amuun dhidhiibamaa turullee, fayyuu hin dandeenye. Koomeen isaa rasaasa diinaaatiin garmalee waan miidhameef hedduu bittinnaa’ee ture.

Sana booda Fardaan dhoksanii aanaa Cooraa jedhamu keessaan gara Wollagga bahaa hospitaala magaalaa Naqamtee geessan. Hospitaalli magaalaa Naqamtee riferii gochuun gara hospitaala Xuqur Ambassaa magaalaa Finfinneetti dabarsan. Achitti eega yaalamaa turee booda, turtii ji’a 6 hin caalle keessatti ammas bosonatti deebi’ee qabsoo finiinsuu eegale.

Garaa ofii guttachuuf ‘‘kan sabaaf waan goone, uumaan isaa haa lagu’’ kan jedhu gootichi ilmi Oromoo Dagaan, eega bosonatti deebi’ee kan duraa caalaatti qabsoo hidhannoo jabeessuun lafaa kaasee kaambii waraanaa jaalleewwan isaa biroo waliin ijaaruun bifa haaraadhaan qabsoo hidhannoo eegale.

Aanaa Saxxaammaa ganda Sallaakkoo qarqara bishaan Sallaakkoo jedhamutti gootowwan akka H/Abdulqaadir Girgisii, Giddii Roobaa, Abbaa Diggaa Qaaqaa, Xaalibuddiin Harargee (Mirkana Sabaa), Munnawwar Muusaa (Uztaaz Abdallaa), Dr. Muhammad Wollaggaa, Muhammad Baalee, Kaliil Bishiqaa, Biyyaa Bishiqaa, Sharafuu Dhaabaa fi k.k.f waliin Muddee 15, 1986 kaambii waraana Sallaakkoo hundeessan.

Hogganaan waliigala Kaambichaa Xaalibuddiin Harargee ture. Itti aanaan ajajaa mooraa immoo Muhammadawwal Abdurramaan kan jedhamu ture. Muhammadawwal bara Chaarteraa hogganaa waraana ABO kutaa Iluu Abbaa Booraa jedhamuun Harargee irraa kan dhufe yoo ta’u, eega Chaarterri diigamee immoo waraana IFLO tti makamee lolaa ture.

Dagaan hanga tokko yaala argatee bosonatti deebi’us, miilli isaa guutummaatti hin fayyine ture. Garuu dhukkubbii luka isaa caalaa kan itti dhaga’amaa ture, gabrummaa sabni isaa jala jiru waan ta’eef bobba’uu hafus mooraadhuma keessatti gorsaa waraanaa ta’ee tajaajilaa ture. Qabsaa’onni Oromoo murannoon akka diina isaanii lolanii injifatan jajjabeessaa ture.

Jaallewwan qabsoo wantoota isaan rakkisee fi tooftaa diina irra aanuuf isaan gargaaru yeroo garaa garaatti Dagaa mariisisu ture. Murannoon inni osoo dhukkufsatuu manatti galuu didee bosona taa’u kun, hamilee qabsaa’ota hedduu ta’uu bira darbee caalaatti humni waraannichaa akka jabaatu taasiseera. Dagaa fakkeenya godhachuunis namoonni hedduun gara qabsoo hidhannootti seenaniiru. Isa waliin obboleewwan isaa sadi Sulxaan Deenoo, Rajab Deenoo fi Imaam Deenoo jedhaman qabsoo hidhannoo keessa turan.

Yeroo kanatti jaallewwan qabsoo osoo bobbiirra jiranii magaalaa Gaatiraatti to’annoo Wayyaanee jala seenan. Obboleessi Dagaa Sulxaan Deenoo jedhamu diina irraa qabsaa’ota kana baraaruuf namoota biroo waliin hidhatee gara magaalaa Gaatiraatti qajeele.

Caamsaa 5, 1986 waajjira mana hidhaa magaalaa Gaatiraa irratti haleellaa bananiin Wayyaanota 18 ol galaafatan. Sulxaan Hasan lolicha irratti woreegamee boolla sareen summiin duutee keessatti waliin awwaalame.

Xumura bara 1987 keessa yeroodhaa gara yerootti humni TPLF jabaataa dhufe. Qabsaa’onni hedduun ajjeefamuu, achi buutee dhabamsiifamuu, hidhamuun jabaatee itti fufe. Dagaanis qofaa isaa hanga xumuraatti mooraa kaambii Sallaakkoo keessa turuun ji’a soomaa (raamadaana) keessa gara manatti gale. Dinni oddeeffannoo dhaga’anii gara mana jireenyaa isaatti qajeelan.
Basaastuun Wayyaanee tokko ogguu isiin gara qe’ee isaa dhuftu sagaleen rasaasaa akka hin dhaga’amneef jecha Dagaan qabee morma isii guraadeen irraa gate.
Obboleettiin isaa Zakuu Hasan kan jedhamtu yeroo inni diina ajjeesaa turetti, isheen immoo qawwee (hidhannoo diinaa) irraa hiikuun boollatti guurtee awwaalaa turte.

Dagaan akka wareegamu Ramadaana guyyaa 16 halkan abjuun argee maatii isaatti erga himee booda akkas jedhe kan na'ajjeese diina kooti; kanan irratti du’e lafa kooti; kanan du’eef saba Oromoof’’ jedhee falmii isaa cimsee itti fufe. Osoo hin turin barii guyyaa Jimaata diinaan dhukaasa walitti bane. Naannoo mana jireenyaa isaa boroo fi balbalatti lafa gadi-fageenyaan muruun da’annoodhaaf akka tolutti qopheeffatee ture. Yeroo diinni gara balbalaan itti dhufu, boolla fuuldura manaatti qotame keessa taa’uudhaan ajjeesaa ture.

Dudduubaan ogguu itti dhufanis da’annoo keessa taa’uun fixaa ture. Mana keessa boroo fi balbalatti darbee waan itti dhukaasaa tureef salphaatti waraanni diinaa argachuu hin dandeenye ture. Kallattii rasaasni Dagaa irraa dhufu waan hin mul’dhanneef, namoota baay’eedhaan waan lolamaa jiru diinatti fakkaataa ture.

Ganama sa'atii afuritti dhukaasni eeratti baname hanga sa'atii 7:00 Oso hin daabbatin dagaan rasaasni harkaa dhumee saatii 7:30 wareegame.

Akkasumas obboleeyyan isaa 3 qabsoo keessatti kan wareegaman.
1 Rajab,Deenoo
2 Sulxaan,Deenoo
3 Imaam,Deenoo

Suuraan Tuntiyyaa Design


2023/24 AFRICAN TALES Folk Story Submissions
Entrants: Primary School Pupils of African Countries and African Descents in the Diaspora.

“For many of our African communities, the transmission of oral traditions from one generation to the next is at the heart of their cultural practices. Multi-culturism and rapid socio-economic changes mean that most young people have less access and exposure to their own culture, in contrast to information that is readily available and easily accessible everywhere. In time, the rich cultures and traditions of Africans will be threatened as elders, who are the main vehicles for the transmission of unique cultural knowledge, die – hence, the need to secure this heritage for the future generations.

The African Tales is a diaspora initiative to collect, document and digitally preserve Traditional Oral African History. Specifically, the 2023/24 Call for Folk Stories seeks to engage primary school children of African descent wherever they live, to participate in the competition for the best traditional African folk story.

African folktales embody our common African history and help to strengthen our cultural values and traditions. Folktales include fairy tales, tall tales, legends, proverbs, fables and everything else: Folk tales are often stories about people or animals that behave like people and involve mythical and magical transformations. Most of these stories convey a message or moral to the listener, or explain something in a creative way. Folktales are often passed down and retold orally from generation to generation. Fairy tales are completely fictional and often begin with such formulas as “Once upon a time …” and “In a certain place there lived__.


31 December–30 June, 2024.

Opening Date: December 31, 2023. Entries must be submitted via the online entry form.

Entries must be submitted via the online entry form by June 30, 2024 (23:59 in each time zone). Entries submitted after this date will not be considered.


Please read these competition rules before starting the online entry process. Submission of an entry constitutes acceptance of these entry rules.

If you have any questions about entering or eligibility, please contact us at:

[email protected] before submitting an entry.

The competition is open to all primary school pupils of African descent.

● Pupils can register for the competition online or offline as individuals or groups within the specified time.

● Folk Stories can be submitted in the official national language or in the original language in which they are told, as long as they can be translated by judges.

● All stories must be ancient and told by a grandparent or grandparent figure.

● Entries maybe written or recorded.

● Each pupil or group of pupils may submit only one folk story to the competition.

● We aim to make decisions and contact entrants by 30 September, 2024.

● Up to 10 entrants per country will be selected to participate in the online academy and their entries will be published in the digital archive.

● Participants must indicate which country they represent in case of dual citizenship.

● A prize will be awarded to the top three entrants.

● The international judging panel will consist of one judge from each region. Please note that although entries will be judged nationally, all judges will read and consider entries from all countries.

● There will be three winners from each country and region. Three international winners will be selected as the overall winners.

If you have any questions or technical problems, please email us at: [email protected]

The Ministry is Trying to Justify Its Poor Performance While Consuming Almost All of Its 2016 EC Budget in 9 Months Whic...

The Ministry is Trying to Justify Its Poor Performance While Consuming Almost All of Its 2016 EC Budget in 9 Months Which is Over 5 Billion ETB ( Addis Fortune )

Officials from the Ministry of Irrigation & Lowlands blame project delays on contractor issues and unforeseen circumstances, but lawmakers remain unconvinced. They point to wasted budgets and neglected regions in desperate need of irrigation.

Read more

Baatiiwwan saglan darbanitti miseensonni Komishinii Poolisii Oromiyaa 4225 Waraana Bilisummaa Oromootti makamuu sanadni ...

Baatiiwwan saglan darbanitti miseensonni Komishinii Poolisii Oromiyaa 4225 Waraana Bilisummaa Oromootti makamuu sanadni komishinichaa Oromia Media Network (OMN) dhaqqabe mul'ise.

Guutuusaa Pdf'n as tuqii dubbisi👇


'OPDO'n ilmoo badiiti hin dhagahinaa' jedhe Beekan Gulummaa!

Dubbii Dubbiin Duuba Jiru - Dubbii Amantii~ Barsiisaa Hayilamikaayel TaddasaaTibbana ebaluuun amantii ebaluu faa ni jibb...

Dubbii Dubbiin Duuba Jiru - Dubbii Amantii

~ Barsiisaa Hayilamikaayel Taddasaa

Tibbana ebaluuun amantii ebaluu faa ni jibba ykn ammoo ebaluun akkana, eebaluun akkasi waliin jechaa jirra. Dhimmicha ammoo kan hadheessu balaa komii kanaatiin sabni kan gargar wal qoodu ta'uusaati. Kanaaf, jechuu keenyaan dura waa shan otoo qalbeeffannee dansaadha. Tokkoffaan ragaa gahaa dha. Ragaa malee wanti haasoofnu amanamuummaa keenyaa bishaasheessa. Naamuusa dhaloota duubaa dhufuus ni balleessa. Namoonni lafumaa ka'aanii waan hin taane akka walitti dhooban gochuun fakkeenyuummaa sirrii hin taaneetti nu galcha.

Inni lammataa Dhugummaa dhimmichaati. Ragaan gahaaniis jiraatee ragaan sobaa qindaa'uu waan maluuf dhugummaa dubbichaa, ragaadhaa ol murteessaadha. Kuni kan hojjatu yoo dhugumatti dhugaan nu marare qofaadha. Ani akka kootti amanaaniis ta'ee sabni Oromoo Dhugaa ni jaalata. Kanaafiis Dhugaan Ilmoo Waaqaati jedha. Kanaaf akka Oromoo amanaatti wanti jennuu fi goonu bu'uurri isaa dhugaa ta'uu mirkaneeffachuun mataan isaa calaqqii sabboonummaa keenyaa ta'uu qaba.

Inni sadaffaan yaadicha ibsuuf pilaatiformii sirrii filachuu keenya. Sababni isaas wanti hundi midiyaa hawaasuummaa irratti hin facaafamu. Qaamaaniis haa ta'u bilbilaan ykn mala biroon seecca'anii mari'achuun ni danda'ama. Qabxiin sadaffaan kuni asumaan dhugummaa dhimmichaas qulquulleessuufiis ta'ee, ragaa namni suni qabu hubachuu fi amanuu fi dhiisuudhaafiis carraa ni laata

Afraffaan qeeqni nuti qeeqaa jiru sabaaf bu'aa buusuu isaati. Waa hundaan wal qeequun yoo sabaaf bu'aa hin buusne ykn ammoo ittuu saba gargar baasa yoo ta'e dhimma kana qabatanii midiyaa hawaasuummaa irratti facaasuudhaa mannaa golatti qabatanii furuutu mala.

Shanaffaan rakkinicha yoo kaasnu wal balleessuudhaa mannaa wal sirreessanii sararatti wal deebisuuf ta'uu qaba. Inaaffaa ykn haaloo walitti ba'uu ykn jibbi ykn miirri dhunfaa dhimmicha miira obbolummaatiin akka hin madaalle nu jaamsa. Kanaaf, gama kanaaniis wantoota waliin jechaa jirru ilaallachaa deemuun ni barabaachiisa.

Jabaan Waaqa!
Hailemichael Tadesse


Bu'urri siyaasaa ABO, KFO fi WBO Oromoo dha Oromiyaa dha. 💯% Dura dursoo Oromootu ture. Oromoon humna qawweetiin cabee cunqursaafi gabrummaa hamtuu jalatti kufe. Cunqursaan kunis qabsoo sabaa dhalche, qabsoo Sabaa san keessaa ABO'n dhalachuudhaan qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo hoogganuu eegale. Hoggaa akka ABO'tti sosso'uun dadhabamu ammoo, filannnoo biraa 'Plan B' qabaachuun dirqii tahe. Achirraa KBO dhalatee WFDO dabalatee KFO tahee sochii qawwee maleessaa gama laaleen hamma danda'ame hojjechuuf yaalii godhaa ture. ABO'dhaanis quba wal qabaachaatuma ture. Waan kana Prof Mararaafi Jaal Daawud'tu ifoomse. Akka ABO'ttiifi KFO'tti sosso'uun akka hin danda'amne yoo mirkana'aa'u WBO tan durii caalaa jabaatee gaaffii Oromoo qabatee qabsoo mirga hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu tikfachuuf (self-defense) taasifamu itti fufsiisuuf irree jabeeffatee marroo lamaaf Bilxiginnaa mariitti dirqamsiise, marichi sababa Abiyootin fashalus, injifannoo dippiloomaasii itti gonfateera.

Bu'uurri siyaasaa (political base) DhDUO/ OPDO ykn Bilxiginnaa har'aa hoo?
Waggaa 27'n darban maal gochaa turaniit gaaffiin Oromoo deebi'eera jedhu? Isaan ergamtummaa jalaa baasuun gaaffii Oromoo ture? Ajjeechaafi hidhaa dachaa dachaadhaan nuuf dabalaa jedhee gaafatee Oromoon? Qoqqoodinsa nuuf oomishaa tokkummaan na rakkise jedhee gaafate Sabni?

Qaamni siyaasaa ykn mootummaan akka jara kanaatti, Oromoo fixe, kan hidhe, kan darare, kan tokkummaa siyaasaa Oromoo diiguuf dhama'e takkaa hin jiru.

Uumamni OPDO kanaa gaaffii Oromoo deebisuuf otoo hin taane, gaaffii Sabaa dabsuuf ykn ukkaamsuuf qofa. Miseensota OPDO kan ergamtummaa waloo malee kaayyoo waloo hin qabne san tu har'a bakka gooftaa saanii bu'e malee wanti haaraan dhalate hin jiru. Jarri lun bu'ura siyaasaa sabboonummaan Oromoo irratti ijaarame diiganii bakka san buusuu dhaaf qofa hojjetu. Hoggayyuu akka TPLF mormituu malee Tigraay bulchee Itoophiyaas bulche sanitti Oromiyaa mormituu tokko malee dhuundatanii Itoophiyaas dabalachuu fedhu. Akka gooftaa isaanii durii tahuu barbaadu. Akka abaluuttan sirbaan morma nama jal'isa!

The Oromo Liberation Army, High Command in its press release has emphasized the critical need for a national dialogue in...

The Oromo Liberation Army, High Command in its press release has emphasized the critical need for a national dialogue in Ethiopia, bringing together various stakeholders, political parties, and the public to forge a meaningful agreement and secure the nation's future.

Read in pdf here👇

Oromos for Justice, Security, and Truth (O-JUST), media release.To read in pdf press here👇 👉

Oromos for Justice, Security, and Truth (O-JUST), media release.
To read in pdf press here👇
(English Version)

Addis Standard: Commission ‘forced to quit’   investigation into Bate Urgessa's assassination after gathering witness te...

Addis Standard: Commission ‘forced to quit’ investigation into Bate Urgessa's assassination after gathering witness testimonies implicating security forces

's witness statements revealed a chilling detail of accounts, including testimonies that after Bate left the Pension he was staying in at approximately 5:30 PM on same night he was shot and killed, a vehicle pulled into the same Pension’s compound, and four security personnel “armed with weapons”, wearing security uniforms commonly called ‘Ranger’, [military camouflage] and “red bonnet” dismounted the vehicle with “two officials” who appeared to be accompanied by the security personnel. A total of six people rented bedrooms in the same Pension, the letter chronicles.

Unlike other days, around 5:45 PM on the same day, the security forces of the city started “preventing the movement of three-wheeled vehicles (Bajajs) and pedestrians.”

On the same night, at a location outside the city where Bate’s lifeless body was found, one camouflage-painted, double-cabin pick-up vehicle “sped and exited the main road” and stopped without turning off its lights at around 12: 00 midnight, according to EHRC’s accounts gathered from eyewitnesses. Four men wearing ‘Ranger’ uniforms, red bonnets, and armed with weapons got out of the vehicle, dragged one person from the back of the vehicle, shot the person repeatedly, and left, the letter revealed. On the morning of 10 April Bate’s body was found with his hand “tied behind his back, shot in the head, chest, and abdomen areas.”

አዲስ አበባ እንደ ስሟ Vs ፊንፊኔ - እንደ ስሟ''ፊን - ማለት አዲስ ወይም ውብ ሲሆን 'ፊኔ' ደግሞ አበባ ማለት ነው።'' Kantiibduu አዳነች አበበ Ee badi, Waaqi si ba...

አዲስ አበባ እንደ ስሟ Vs ፊንፊኔ - እንደ ስሟ

''ፊን - ማለት አዲስ ወይም ውብ ሲሆን 'ፊኔ' ደግሞ አበባ ማለት ነው።'' Kantiibduu አዳነች አበበ
Ee badi, Waaqi si balleessinnaa🤣
Adanech Abiebie- አዳነች አቤቤ

Press Release of   for Justice, Security, and Truth (O-JUST): “The   Government Is Not an   Government But Non-Elected A...

Press Release of for Justice, Security, and Truth (O-JUST): “The Government Is Not an Government But Non-Elected Abiy Led Prosperity Party Government Committing Grave Human Rights Abuses and War Crimes ”
Afaan Oromo Version

Oromoo Haqaaf, Nageenyaaf, Dhugaaf (O-HAND)

Ibsa baaseen Mootummaan Abiyyi Mootummaa Oromoo otoo hin taane Mootummaa Paartii Bilxiginnaa kan Abiyyi hundeeffatee tahuu ragaaleedhaan deeggaree dhiyeessera. Guutuusaa fuula telegram keenyarraa pdf'dubbisaa.


Digitaal Oromiyaa


Mirgi yaada ofii bilisaan ibsachuu maal hammata maal hin hammatu? Daangaasaa beektaa?Yoo daangaasaa hin beekne kunoo beeki. Yoo yaada kee ibsachuun hamma mirga nama biraatti hin darbinetti qofa tahuu beeki. Ummata arrabsuun, gosa xiqqeessuun ykn Oromummaarra dabarsanii leellisuun ykn mirga amantii namaa tuquun yaada bilisaan ibsachuu miti.


ጨቅላው ምን አለ🤣
'ጫካ ፕሮጀክት የጦቢያ ትንሣኤ ምልክት ነው'


Yaa ummata 'footoo' jedhe taajjabaan Facebook tokko. Jirtuu adaraa? Footoo keessan nagumaa🤣

Misoomicha😁' ፀሃዩ መንግስታቸው እንዲህ ነው በልማት (ወጥመድ/ገደል) ኢትዮጵያውያንን ተቀበሎ ኢትዮጵያ የሚያደርጋቸው😁 ''ይህ ልማት (ገደል) ባይኖር የት እንገባ ነበር🤔 ?'' አለ ...


' ፀሃዩ መንግስታቸው እንዲህ ነው በልማት (ወጥመድ/ገደል) ኢትዮጵያውያንን ተቀበሎ ኢትዮጵያ የሚያደርጋቸው😁 ''ይህ ልማት (ገደል) ባይኖር የት እንገባ ነበር🤔 ?'' አለ በሬው🤣

አሁን ባለው ተጨባጭ ሆኔታ እዚህ ልማት ውስጥ የገባው ሰው ቢሆን ኖሮ ይህ ሁሉ ርብርብ የሚኖር ይመስለሃል? አይመስለንም እኛ። ሰውማ....


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