Ethiopian Veterinarians Voice

Ethiopian Veterinarians Voice Striving for Change


CBE is going wrong, but nothing to worry with since we have an option!


ከቅርብ ግዜ ወዲህ የምርመራ ዘገባዎች በስፋት የተሰሩና አመርቂ ውጤት ያሳዩ ነው። ለአብነትም የመሬት አገልግሎት፤የኢሚግሬሽንና ዜግነት አገልግሎት እና የባንኮች የሰው ሀይል አቅራቢ ኤጀንሲዎች ሲሆኑ ምንም እንኳን በመጀመርያዎቹ ሁለት ሴክተሮች ጥሩ ውጤት ቢታይም የሰው ሀይል አቅራቢ ኤጀንሲዎች የ 20/80 መመርያን እስካሁን ያልተገበሩና ዜጎች በዘመናዊ ባርነት ውስጥ መሆናቸውን አምርረው ያነሱ ይገኛል። ስለዚህ መንግስት በአስቸኳይ መፍትሔ ሊያበጅ ይገባል።

አባት አፉን ያስከፈተው ምን ይሆን?

አባት አፉን ያስከፈተው ምን ይሆን?

የጂጂጋው The SPARK አካዳሚ አስተምሯት 605/700 ያመጣችው ይህች ባምላክ ዳዊት የተባለች ተማሪ ለጥናት እንደዲመቻት ያደረገችውን ነገር አስገረመኝና ወደናንተ ላሻግረው ወደድኩ። ፀጉሯ ...

የጂጂጋው The SPARK አካዳሚ አስተምሯት 605/700 ያመጣችው ይህች ባምላክ ዳዊት የተባለች ተማሪ ለጥናት እንደዲመቻት ያደረገችውን ነገር አስገረመኝና ወደናንተ ላሻግረው ወደድኩ።

ፀጉሯ ረጅምና ብዙዎች የሚቀኑበት ነበረ። አንድ ቀን ጠዋት ተላጨችው። ምነው ቢሏት "ማበጠሩና መንከባከቡ የጥናት ጊዜዬን እየወሰደብኝ ነው" ሆነ መልሷ።

ወጥራ አጥንታ ከመላው ኢትዮጵያ ከ600 በላይ ካመጡ 200 ተማሪዎች ውስጥ አንዷ ሆነች። አሁን አላሟ ተሳክቶ ፀጉሯም እየበቀለ፣ እየረዘመ ነው። ለአላማ የሞከፈልን ቁርጠኝነት አሳይታለች። ቲክቶክ ከተማሪዎች ላይ የሚወስደውን ጊዜ ሳስብ አስተከዘኝ።

ታሪኩ ልቤን ነክቶታል። ያበርታሽ 👏


የአሜሪካ ወጣት ሳይንትስት የ14 ዓመቱ ሄማን በቀለ ነው፡፡ October 9 እና 10 በሴንት ፖል ሚኒ በሚገኘው 3M ዓለም አቀፍ ዋና መሥሪያ ቤት የፍጻሜ ውድድር ላይ ከዘጠኝ ተወዳዳሪዎች ልቆ የተገኘው ሄመን ክብሩንም ሽልማቱንም ተቀብሏል፡፡
ይህንን ውድድር የተወዳደረው በ16 ኛው ወጣት ሳይንስቶች ውድድር ሲሆን ለቆዳ ካንሰር ህክምና ዘርፍ ጥናቱን አከናውኖ ፤ ከተወዳዳሪዎቹም ልቆ ብዙዎችን አስደምመዋል፡፡


The U.S. Senate has established a Veterinary Medicine Caucus for the first time in its history. The caucus will focus on increasing awareness of veterinary-related matters in Congress, educating lawmakers and their staffs about the challenges facing the profession, and advancing legislation that supports veterinary medicine.

The bipartisan caucus will be led by co-chairs Senators Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.).


A pink pigeon has been spotted in a UK town centre - and ruffled a few feathers with surprised locals.

Read more:


"ባለፈው ሳምንት ጠዋት ወደ ስራ ስሄድ ከሚኒሊክ ሆስፒታል ፊት ለፊት አስፋልት ላይ የገጠመኝ ነገር ልቤን ነካውና በፎቶ አስቀረሁት እነዚህ ውሾች ጏደኛቸው መኪና ገጭቶት ሞቷል ወገናቸውን ጥለውት መሄድ አልፈለጉም በጣም አዝነዋል :: እኔ ወደ እኛ አሰብኩ እናንተስ? "

Via Ejig Ejigayehu

Guess who is this

Guess who is this


Happy World_Field_Epidemiology_Day!
Sep 07, !
🤝👩‍🔬💉Advancing field epidemiology means leaving no one behind.
This , we highlight the In-Service Veterinary Applied epidemiology training (ISAVET) programme that trains frontline health workers in applied epidemiology, the approach, and community engagement capabilities for better control and management of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases, with new diagnostic and surveillance skills.

Live worm found in Australian woman's brain in world firstAustralian surgeon Dr Hari Priya Bandi describes her shock at ...

Live worm found in Australian woman's brain in world first
Australian surgeon Dr Hari Priya Bandi describes her shock at finding the live worm in patient's brain
In a world first, scientists say an 8cm (3in) worm has been found alive in the brain of an Australian woman.The "string-like structure" was pulled from the patient's damaged frontal lobe during surgery in Canberra last year.
"It was definitely not what we were expecting. Everyone was shocked," said operating surgeon Dr Hari Priya Bandi.
The woman, 64, had for months suffered symptoms like stomach pain, a cough and night sweats, which evolved into forgetfulness and depression.
She was admitted to hospital in late January 2021, and a scan later revealed "an atypical lesion within the right frontal lobe of the brain".But the cause of her condition was only revealed by Dr Bandi's knife during a biopsy in June 2022.
The red parasite could have been alive in her brain for up to two months, doctors said.
The woman, who lived near a lake area in south-eastern New South Wales state, is recovering well.
Her case is believed to be the first instance of a larvae invasion and development in the human brain, researchers said in the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal which reported the case.
'I pulled it out... and it was happily moving'
The neurosurgeon who found the worm said she had only begun to touch the brain part that had shown up strangely in the scans when she felt it.
"I thought, gosh, that feels funny, you couldn't see anything more abnormal," said Dr Bandi.
"And then I was able to really feel something, and I took my tweezers and I pulled it out and I thought, 'Gosh! What is that? It's moving!"
"Everyone was shocked. And the worm that we found was happily moving, quite vigorously, outside the brain," she said.
A brain scan and the 'happily moving' worm in a specimen jar
She then consulted her colleague Sanjaya Senanayake, an infectious diseases expert, on what they should do.
"Everyone [in] that operating t

It is heart warming to see Ethiopia at the top of nations

It is heart warming to see Ethiopia at the top of nations


The Africa we want ❤


FOCUS ON ABILITY is a short film festival that will encourage the community to become more aware of the ability of people with a disability.




ነገ በዎላይታ ሶዶ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የመማር ማስተማር ስራ አይኖርም።

ነገ በዎላይታ ዞን ከሚካሄደው የሕዝበ ውሣኔ ምርጫ ድምፅ አሰጣጥ ጋር በተያያዘ በዞኑ የሚገኙ የፌዴራልና የክልል መንግሥታዊ ተቋማት ሥራ ዝግ እንዲያደርጉ ተብሏል።

በዚሁ መሰረት በዩኒቨርሲቲው በሆስፒታል እና በተማሪዎች አገልግሎት በዕለቱ ምድብ ከተሰጣቸው ሠራተኞች በስተቀር በመማር ማስተማር ሆነ በሌሎች የአገልግሎት መስኮች ሥራ እንደማይኖር በዩኒቨርሲቲው ተገልጿል።




1. In church its called (offering),
2. In school its (fee),
3. In marriage it's called (dowry),
4. In divorce it's called (alimony),
5. When u owe someone it's called (debt )
6. When u pay the government it's called (tax)
7. In court it's called (fines)
8. Civil servant retirees it's called (pension)
9. Boss to workers it's called (salary)
10. Master to subordinates it's called wages (wages)
11. When u borrow from bank it's called (loan)
12. When u offer after a service it's called (tip)
13. To kidnappers it's called (ransom)
14. illegally received in d name of service it's called (bribe)

*The big question is?*
"when a man gives it to his wife/girlfriend what do we call it??

Answer __________??


wants a job offer in Ethiopia. He is from Yemen. The hereunder is his detail anyone who want to communicate with him can send a DM. Thanks!
- Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
- From Yemen
- More than 10 years of experience
- Looking for an opportunity or a job contract in Ethiopi .
To contact me on my Facebook account or call and :


Keep going!
They said No way, I heard Norway.



What is new about veterinary in Ethiopia today? Here is the answer:
social and mass medias are reporting giving birth of a Mule as a miracle. This can happen don't be surprised with it. To our surprise medias who had reported when it happened in Ethiopia some years ago totally forgetted their report. Here is the reason why a Mule can't give birth and how it can, one in a million then. The reason a Mule can't give birth is because of it is a hybrid of two species, a donkey and horse. Getting 31 chromosome from a donkey(62) and 32 to from horse(64) having an odd chromosome(63) can't divide in to two evenly. Even if this is a case there is a rare report of a mule giving birth, here we can put scientific reasons how this could happen. It may related to getting even number of chromosome pair by chance, most probably 62, I said this because what she gives is a Mule which is very similar to donkey in phenotypic characterizations . Thank you for reading scholars can add your say.
Dr. Shimelis Kebede
From Jimma

The Fifth National Veterinary Education Conference(NVEC) is to be held at Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary M...

The Fifth National Veterinary Education Conference(NVEC) is to be held at Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture from May 16-17, 2023 at Bishoftu with a theme '' Veterinary Research and Education in Ethiopia: Policy Perspective and International Standards''

Congratulations Professor Mesfin Bibiso!

Congratulations Professor Mesfin Bibiso!




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