ሰላም እንዴት አመሻችሁ
ይህንን የአምስት ቀን ስልጠና እድል በኬንያ ናይሮቢ በሚዲያ ውስጥ በኃላፊነት ያላችሁ እንድታመለክቱ እናበረታለን፡፡ የማመልከቻው መጨረሻ ቀን ነሐሴ 25 ቀን 2014 ነው፡፡
The Aga Khan University – Graduate School of Media and Communications in partnership with The Konrad Adenauer Foundation will be hosting this in-person, 5-day programme whose content will focus on managing newsroom conflict in a way that does not disrupt processes and impact on journalism quality.
This is a great opportunity for newsroom leaders to delve into key conflict resolution concepts relevant to the functions of newsroom leaders.
Please note that all costs associated with attendance of the programme in Nairobi will be catered for, that is, visa, flights and accommodation and participants are NOT required to pay to attend the training.
Participants to this programme will be selected on a first come-first serve basis and upon satisfactorily meeting the set criteria in the document attached.
Kindly apply via this link. If you need any assistance with your application, please feel free to reach out via phone, email, text or WhatsApp (+254 722 52 59 51).