Magan Times

Magan Times Ha iisheegin anigana
Waxaan lala shir imaan karin
Afkaa lagala shiixaa
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Shoocadayska ila dhaaf

  ayaa kaamaahtay haayada lacagaha aduunka ee IMF iyo Baanka aduunka [world Bank] lacag dhan $10.5 billion.Lacagtan ayaa...

ayaa kaamaahtay haayada lacagaha aduunka ee IMF iyo Baanka aduunka [world Bank] lacag dhan $10.5 billion.

Lacagtan ayaa loogu talagalay in waxlagaga qabto isbadalada iyo didu habaynta dhaqaale ee dalka kasocda , sida lasheegay, wadahadalada daynta ayaa soobilawday 2021, reform yada dhaqaalaha ee dalka ayaaa ujeedkiisu yahay waxlagaga qabto caqabadaha dhaqaale ee dalka kajira, sidookale sida sicirbarar ka, iyadoo salka loodhigayo dhaqaalaha.

Dhinaca kale waxaa hoos loodhigay qiimaha lacagta birrta ee dalka, oo markii h**eba 50% kabadan kahoosaysay safirifka suuqa modaw

Sarifka cusub hoos kafiiri


They Don't See Palestinians as Human Beings”.

In late March, Francesca Albanese, the United Nations special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, presented a report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on Israel's war in Gaza. Titled "Anatomy of a Genocide," it concluded that there were "reasonable grounds" to believe Israel had crossed the threshold of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The report argued that Israel's political and military leadership were intentionally distorting international humanitarian law in an attempt to "legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people."

After the release of the report, which Israel rejected, Albanese said publicly that she had received threats since her appointment as U.N. special rapporteur in 2022. The Biden administration, which opposes Albanese's mandate, also rejected her conclusions about genocide, while a State Department spokesperson smeared her as antisemitic.

"The Israelis will have to come to terms with what they have done to the Palestinians," Albanese tells Democracy in Exile in an extensive interview. "I don't think that they realize it yet." As for the United States, she says: "It's incredible to me that the place which has some of the most renowned, reputable universities, including in disciplines like international law, has a government which is so detached, if not adversarial to international law."

An Italian lawyer and academic, Albanese is the first woman to serve as the U.N. special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, an independent expert position created by the U.N. Human Rights Council in 1993 to monitor, advise and report on human rights situations in specific countries. (She succeeded Michael Lynk, a law professor who is now a non-resident fellow at DAWN). She is an affiliate scholar at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University and a senior adviser on migration and forced displacement for the think tank Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development, where she co-founded the Global Network on the Question of Palestine, a coalition of scholars and professional working on Israel-Palestine. From 2003 to 2013, Albanese worked as a human rights expert for the United Nations, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UNRWA Department of Legal Affairs, based in Jerusalem. Her book Palestinian Refugees in International Law, co-auth**ed with Lex Takkenberg, was published in 2020. She holds a law degree with honors from the University of Pisa and an LLM in human rights from SOAS University of London.

Albanese recently spoke to Democracy in Exile about her genocide report, the urgent need for a cease-fire in Gaza, and the lack of humanity for Palestinians. "I did not realize that there was such a deep, entrenched racism in our societies that prevents us from looking at the Palestinians as ordinary human beings," she says.

The following transcript has been edited lightly for length and clarity.

In genocide, it's difficult to prove intent. But as I said to the Human Rights Council, when the intent is so conspicuous, so ostentatious as it is in this war, what are you looking for? Every day there is evidence.
As somebody who has been smeared with accusations of antisemitism since taking up your role as special rapporteur, what do you make of the efforts to define criticism of Israel as antisemitism?

The accusation of antisemitism is very painful. Very painful. And it will never come without the scar because antisemitism is disgusting. It's disgusting today, it was disgusting years ago, and it can continue to be disgusting, as any form of racism or discrimination against the other based on whatever reasons, including Islamophobia. Antisemitism, because of the history, it's heavy on me. At the same time, I had to develop a thick skin because this is the normal accusation leveled against anyone who dares to scrutinize Israel's practices. I know it's a technique to deflect attention from the content of my work, so I tend to ignore it.

What advice do you have for others who might be facing similar smears?

Stay strong, stay focused, build alliances, and don't get scared. Be louder, speak louder and louder.

Twenty years ago, if a special rapporteur was denied access to a country—like Israel has denied you access to the Palestinian territories—it would have become very difficult to do your work. But now that has changed with social media.

Correct. For example, the fact that there is so much video evidence that has been circulated by Israeli soldiers themselves, much of which is self-incriminatory, for what concerns Gaza. You always have to be careful, because certain things can be fabricated, which this is why whatever I receive, I have to verify the information.

You have been facing enormous political pressure within the U.N. system and from the U.S. directly. How does that pressure manifest in your day-to-day work and ability to report accurately, fairly and frankly on what you're seeing?

I do not receive pressures from within the United Nations in the sense from the organization. No, I don't receive much support beyond the Secretariat support that which the Commissioner for Human Rights provides. My greatest support circle is the special rapporteurs family—independent experts. They are amazing. They are the ones who have really stood up for me all the time. Other than that, I feel the solidarity of individuals, U.N. officials, especially the younger generation—not the high-ranking ones.

The rest of the United Nations is what it is. Member states, the pressure is indirect, in the sense that there is the non-cooperation, which is not good. A number of states have taken very strong personal issues with the way I act—because I'm a pain in the neck. I mean, they consider me a pain in the neck, and probably I am. I'm very straightforward. I call a spade a spade. I call out their hypocrisy and out of despair, because I cannot accept that human beings are treated like bags of potatoes, just to quote an ambassador I heard recently saying.

Other than that, the pressure is the continuous, relentless smears and attacks. It comes more from these so-called NGOs. They are more like GONGOs [government-organized non-governmental organizations], governmental organizations who parrot whatever the Israeli government says and act like the sheriffs in town.

Palestinians amid the rubble of destroyed buildings in Gaza City following weeks of Israeli bombardment, Nov. 24, 2023. (Photo by Omar El-Qattaa/AFP via Getty Images)
How about the U.S. government?

What the young generation cannot stomach today, on top of what they see happening in Gaza, and to the Palestinians in general, is the huge failure of the United Nations, the fact that the United Nations cannot function. But I can tell you that the United States get along with the U.N. system as long as it serves its interests. Otherwise, they don't feel part of it, as they don't feel part of international law. It's incredible to me that the place which has some of the most renowned, reputable universities, including in disciplines like international law, has a government which is so detached, if not adversarial to international law. This is my impression, especially after two years as a special rapporteur.

What is the implication of such an approach?

Double standards and exceptionalism, which is intolerable and unsustainable. I'm sorry, we are not in the pre-decolonization era. It's true that the Global South might still be weaker in terms of economic power, in terms of influence, but there is also a global youth. I don't know how this has formed, because I'm not a sociologist, but for the first time in my life, I do see a global consciousness. And it's made of principles. It's informed. It's empathetic. Of course, there are always extremisms here and there. But the majority of people taking to the streets, speaking out, setting up encampments in universities today—they want justice. They want equality. Which is exactly the opposite of the system as it stands today: exceptionalism and double standards.

You have found that there are "reasonable grounds" to conclude that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Can explain your view on that?

I believe that Israel has committed at least three acts of genocide: Killing members of a protected group, the infliction of severe bodily and mental harm to members of that group, and the creation of conditions of life that would lead to the destruction of the group. In genocide, it's difficult to prove intent. But as I said to the Human Rights Council, when the intent is so conspicuous, so ostentatious as it is in this war, what are you looking for? Every day there is evidence. There are mass graves, one after the other. There are summary executions, broadcasted or captured in video and shared on social media by the very soldiers. The mass destruction of neighborhoods, mosques, churches, universities. Why so? This has been sustained by a hatred and an eliminatory animus against the Palestinians.

It's ingrained in the history of the Palestinian people that even before the creation of the State of Israel, Palestine and Palestinians have been seen as a threat to Israel. It's so clear that they represent the threat because Israel continues to have a mission toward what remains of the territory of historical Palestine, including the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. So as long as these people stay there, preventing Greater Israel, there will always be a push for ethnic cleansing.

Israel, this time, has committed genocide as a crime prohibited by the Genocide Convention, by justifying—this is what I call humanitarian camouflage—by justifying its crime as international humanitarian law-abiding. It has killed the people, saying they are all Hamas. They are Hamas, we have killed the Hamas combatants—without even knowing who they were killing or knowing that they were killing civilians. They assume the risk and they justify this by saying they were human shields, or they were collateral damage. Bombing people when they were in safe zones. Forcing them to live without food, without water, without medicines. If this is our creation of conditions of life, that will lead to the destruction of people. If this is not infliction of severe bodily or mental harm, what is it?

The Israelis will have to come to terms with what they have done to the Palestinians. I don't think that they realize it yet. Whenever the dust settles, then everyone will see.

You have called for sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel.

This is not a new call. I think that sanctions on Israel were necessary as a peaceful set of coercive measures. Some coercion on Israel needs to be exercised, because Israel clearly doesn't feel bound by international law, by U.N. resolutions, and what we are facing today are the extreme consequences of decades of tolerated and protracted impunity. So now it's even more urgent than before to have the sanctions—especially because Israel is violating the International Court of Justice's provisional measures that have recognized the plausibility of risks to the rights of Palestinians protected under the Genocide Convention, meaning the plausibility of risk of genocide. Those measures were binding. The fact that Israel has violated those measures would trigger states' obligation to take all possible measures toward prevention of genocide, and therefore, measures against Israel.

What does Israel need to do to comply with the International Court of Justice's provisional measures in its ruling on genocide in Gaza, in the case brought by South Africa? What actions need to be taken to ensure that Israel complies with these measures?

There have been measures on the 26th of January and on the 28th of March. The most important are that Israel is to refrain from committing acts that would amount to those prohibited under the Genocide Convention that I listed: the killing, the infliction of harm and the creation of conditions of life that could lead to the destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza as a protected group. And preserving the evidence of any possible crime, which clearly Israel is not doing. The investigation and prosecution of a number of identified state officials for genocidal incitement, and this has not happened. And ensuring unfettered humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. These are the most important measures—and none of that has been observed. When it comes to humanitarian aid, not only has Israel not ensured access to that relief itself, as it would be obliged to do as an occupying power, it has obstructed the international community from doing so. It has shelled the convoys of trucks transporting aid, including the people who were desperately trying to reach much-needed aid as they were thirsty and hungry.

If Israel refuses to cooperate with international courts like the ICJ, with the support of the U.S., is this the end of international justice?

I don't know if it's the end. But it's such a low point for international law and the international justice system that it could be the confirmation that it's really not worth the investment—for example, for the local human rights communities who have invested so much in documenting violations and abuses, including relevant to this the Rome Statute, and they see nothing.

What role could the U.S. play in holding Israel accountable? Do you see the recent changes in tone from the Biden administration, and its hold on sending a shipment of large bombs to Israel, making any difference on the ground?

It's a good development, and I hope it continues. The reason why I'm skeptical is that there is a good word today, an annoyed word tomorrow, a good word the day after, and then another annoyed word the following day. So it seems to me that when criticism is leveled at Israel, it's not sincere. And in any case, Israel doesn't listen to anyone. It has said it through the voice of its ministers, and it has done it. Israel never listens to anyone unless measures are taken.

Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese briefs reporters at U.N. Headquarters in New York, Oct. 23, 2023. (U.N. Photo by Loey Felipe)
There have been reports recently that the International Criminal Court may issue indictments soon against Israeli and Hamas officials. What are your thoughts on the ICC's work to date?

How do I assess or judge the work of the ICC? It's late, it's very late. The ICC, there is no question, has been dragging its feet, one way or another for procedural reasons or political reasons. The fact is that there were enough elements to advance a much-needed investigation on Israel's responsibilities before the 7th of October, because it's true that this is a deterrent from the commission of crimes. Instead, the inaction, the lack of effectiveness of the ICC, has corroborated the perception that Israel was untouchable. Therefore, it has also enhanced or rather fed the sense of impunity the Israeli leadership had. Things might be changing now. Let's see.

How could the ICC be more effective? What are the things they could do that they are not doing now?

Assigning a proper investigation and starting to send out arrest warrants—because it's clear that crimes have been committed, I would say on both sides, but they're not the same. For sure, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups have committed heinous crimes against Israelis, that goes without saying. And the Israeli army and Israeli armed settlers and the State of Israel have committed heinous crimes against the Palestinians before the 7th of October, and after.

One of your reports recognizes "the inherent illegality of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem"—an issue that is now being argued before the ICJ in another case, as you know. Can you explain the basis and legal framework for your conclusion that Israel's occupation is illegal?

Israel has for a long time disputed, first of all, the fact that the occupied Palestinian territory is occupied because it calls it "disputed." It lives in its own reality, in its own interpretation of international law. But in the real world, what is true is that Israel has maintained an occupation for now almost 57 years, an occupation that has been used as a vehicle for colonizing the land and taking the resources, or simply displacing the people. It's committing violations of international humanitarian law on a daily basis. So Israel's occupation is unlawful because it violated repeatedly and protractedly international humanitarian law. It has existed as part of an apartheid regime, which is unacceptable and criminal. It has frustrated the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people. And there are scholars who argue that this can lead to the qualification of the occupation as a form of aggression against the Palestinian people. Also, because basically, this occupation is against the best interest of the Palestinians as the occupied population. It's not justified by military necessity. It's just justified by security needs, meaning the need to secure expansion of the colonies.

There are two pending pieces of legislation in the U.S. that relate to Israel. Under one, the Antisemitism Awareness Act, the federal government would police campus speech, using the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's narrow definition of antisemitism, which incorrectly equates criticism of Israel with antisemitism and conflates Judaism with Zionism. Another bill would give the Treasury Department broad new powers to revoke the nonprofit status of an organization, 90 days after making the unilateral determination that it supports terrorism. The bill appears targeted at U.S. groups critical of Israel. What do you make of these efforts in the U.S. to curb freedom of speech?

I see two things. First of all, it's astonishing how far against its own values and basic democratic tenets the U.S. is going to go in order to favor Israel. And the second thing is that I hope that the American people understand how much of their rights and freedoms are being sacrificed in the name of defending a foreign country. It's incredible.

How do you think the student protests on U.S. campuses are seen from the outside world?

What is happening on U.S. campuses is reinvigorating the entire world, after South Africa. South Africa gave us hope. And this young generation—I call it the watermelon revolution—also gave us hope, because they asked for justice. They simply asked for justice. There might be an element of agitators among them, and there might be people with a different agenda other than being peaceful. But the majority of them have very clear asks: for divestment of their university, whose fees they pay, from Israel's enterprise; to have transparency; to have a proper education, including about Palestine, which is necessary; and to stop practicing anti-Palestinian racism. This is basically what they are asking, in all its forms. I think it's very moving and inspirational.

Israel has now started its ground invasion of Rafah. What steps does the international community need to take at this moment? Are there any steps?

They have to stop Israel. A cease-fire is not a recommendation; it must be imposed from outside through all possible means. There is no other way. We need to save lives, both lives of the Palestinians in Gaza and the lives of the hostages. There is no other way to protect the hostages. It's been used as a rhetorical argument empty of meaning, because if the priority had been the hostages, Gaza would not have been turned into rubble. And many Palestinians will still be alive or not in mutilated bodies. The only thing that is needed in the immediate is a cease-fire.

Given how close you are to this issue, what do many other people—for example, in Europe or in the U.S., in Washington, in the media—not see about what is happening in Gaza?

They don't see the Palestinians. They don't see the Palestinians as human beings. They don't. They see a mass—faceless, dreamless. They have no idea. They have no idea. This is the thing that troubles me, and it's very painful. There has been a huge deception. I did not realize that there was such a deep, entrenched racism in our societies that prevents us from looking at the Palestinians as ordinary human beings who go to school, who go shopping, who have had their homes—from the birthday cards, to the musical instruments, to wedding pictures, to clothes, everything they had—destroyed. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people have been destroyed. And 17,000 children orphaned. This number is just so shocking.

I talk to people sometimes and they keep on saying, yeah but, what happened on the 7th of October? First of all, there is no but. And the 7th of October, I keep on saying, would not have happened had Israel's impunity been put under check before, because it's the hatred that we have seen unleashed against Israeli civilians, which was brutal. It was horrific, there is no question about that. And I will never condone it, of course. I will never justify it, of course. But at the same time, what has spread the hatred is the years of bombing, killing, destroying with impunity. It is the years of jailing the Palestinians in Gaza that has turned some of the people into these individuals full of rage and vengeance.

Ultimately, we have to manage to bring the Palestinians and the Israelis to a place of compassion and mutual understanding. They need to see each other, see their humanity. But again, they are not equal. The Palestinians are the ones who have been subjugated, their rights and freedoms forfeited. The Israelis will have to come to terms with what they have done to the Palestinians. I don't think that they realize it yet. This is probably also the irrational fear in the Israeli war cabinet right now. Whenever the dust settles, then everyone will see.


BREAKING: Xubno katirsan Senate ka Maraykanka ayaa waxay Warqad digniin iyo Hanjabaad isugu jirta udireen Maxak**ada Caa...

Xubno katirsan Senate ka Maraykanka ayaa waxay Warqad digniin iyo Hanjabaad isugu jirta udireen Maxak**ada Caalamka [ICC],
Iyagoo ugu goodiyay hadii ay talaabo Qaadaan in Maraykanku Cunaqabatayn dooono Maxak**ada, sidookale ay burburin doonaanba Maxak**ada gabi ahaanteedba


Some philosophical questions that we all need to ask ourselves from time to time.

1. What is your mission in life? To seek virtue or fortune? How do you balance Dunya with your Deen?

2. How do you want to be remembered when you are long gone? People come and go; some go quietly, and others leave memories behind.

3. What legacy do you want to leave behind? Books, writings, companies, etc?

4. What will be your memories in old age? How do you create more memories rather than regrets?
Via: Nuur Hassan

Maxay Israa'iil u duqaysay dhisme diblomaasiyadeed oo Iran ay ku leedahay Suuriya?Suurtagal ma tahay in Iran ay ka jawaa...

Maxay Israa'iil u duqaysay dhisme diblomaasiyadeed oo Iran ay ku leedahay Suuriya?

Suurtagal ma tahay in Iran ay ka jawaabto ciidan ahaan oo ay gasho dagaal ballaaran?

Maxay tahay sirta ku jirta ka bixitaanka ciidamada Israa'iil ee Qasa, tanise ma waxay xiriir la leedahay dagaal ballaaran oo ay Israa’iil la galayso Xisbullah iyo Iran, mise Israa'iil ayaa dhab ahaantii isu diyaarinaysa inay weerarto Rafah?

Halkan waxaa ku jira taxane militari iyo fallanqeyn siyaasadeed oo arrintan ku saabsan;

14-kii sanno ee ugu dambeeyay, Israa’iil waxay dishay tiro badan oo jeneraalo ka tirsan Ilaalada Kacaanka iyo saynisyahanno u dhashay Iran. In kasta oo Israa’iil ay si rasmi ah u qaaday hawlgallada qaar, haddana Iran k**a ay jawaabin weerarradaas oo kaliya waxaa ka jawaabay wakiiladeeda, halka mararka qaarkood ay iska dhego tirtay, waxa ku dhacaya. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, howlgalkii ugu dambeeyay oo ay fulisay Israa’iil dhawaan ayaa ahaa dilkii Jeneral ka tirsanaa Ilaalada Kacaanka Iran, Mohammad Reza Zahedi, waxaa kalo isla duqeynta lagu dilay 7 sarkaal oo darajo sare haystay, waxaana markiiba weerarka loo qaatay midkii khasaaraha ugu badan gaarsiiyay Iran.

Ugu horrayntii, weerarkan waxaa ka horreyay, marka loo xisaabiyo tan iyo markii uu bilowday dagaalka Qasa, labo weerar oo muhiim ah oo Israa’iil ku beegsatay saraakiisha Iran, weerarrada h**e waxaa lagu dilay; la-taliyihii Ilaalada Kacaanka, Major General Reza Mousavi — midka kale wuxuu ahaa dilka sarkaalkii sirdoonka ee ciidamada Qudus ee Iran u qaabilsan sirdoonka dibadda, howlgallada, tababarka kooxaha iyo hubayntooda kaaso ahaa , Sadiiq Caamid iyo ku xigeenkiisii ​​Xaaji Ghulam, iyadoo lagu duqeeyay dhismo ku yaalla Suuriya.

Midda labaad, weerarkan ayaa yimid kadib markii ay Iran indhaheeda ku aragtay dhowr qarax, oo ay ku dhinteen boqollaal qof oo rayid ah, intii lagu guda jiray xuska dilkii Qassem Soleimani, kuwaaso ka dhacay dhulkeeda. Iran ayaan ka waaban in ay Israa'iil ku eedayso duqeymaha, iyadoo ay taasi jirto, jawaabta Iran ayaa ahayd mid aad u liidata, maaddaama ay jawaab aargoosi ah ka qaaday dhulkeeda, laakiin jawaabtu ma ahayn dhulka Israa’iil, balse waxay kaga jawaabtay duqayn Pakistan, kaddibna duqaynta Erbil, halkaas oo ay sheegtay in ay ku bartilmaameedsatay goob ay Mossad ku leedahay Erbil.

Marka saddexaad, weerarkii ugu dambeeyay ayaa loo arkaa mid halis ah, maaddaama Israa’iil ay ku xad gudubtay xeerarka caalamiga ah, ayna duqeysay dhismaha qunsuliyadda Iran ee Suuriya. Arrintan ayaa loo arkaa inay xadgudub ku tahay heshiisyada caalamiga ah, isla markaana weerarkan ayaa loo arkaa mid si toos ah iyo mid guud loogu bartilmaameedsanayo Iran. Si rasmi ah weerarka wuxuu uga dhacay dhulka Iran, sababtoo ah sida ku cad heshiisyada caalamiga ah, dhismayaasha diblomaasiyada waxaa loo tixgeliya dhulka ka tirsan waddanka uu calankiisa suranyahay.

Marka la soo koobo, Israa’iil waxay Iran uga tagtay farriin ah , inaysan ku soo jawaabin wax kale oo aan ahayn inay si militari uga jawaabto, sababtoo ah haddii aysan jirin wax jawaab ah markan, dabeecadda Iran , waxay luminaysa kalsoonida xitaa taageerayaasheeda gobolka.

Haddaba sidee ayay Iran uga jawaabi doontaa weerarkan halista ah, mase laga yaabaa in arrintu isu beddesho dagaal ballaaran?

Sida aad la socotaan, jawaabtani waxay u baahan tahay jawaab ka timaada Iran lafteeda, oo aan adeegsan wakiillo, tani waxay la macno tahay in Iran aysan haysan wax kale oo aan ahayn inay hawada u isticmaasho si ay ugu jawaabto Israa’iil

Haddii hawada loo isticmaalo in laga jawaabo, waa maxay fursadaha Iran ee ay ku qaadi karto weerarro hawada ah?

Noocyada weerarrada ay qaadi karto Iran , waxay noqon karaan;

•Diyaaradaha dagaal.
•Gantaalada Ballistic-ga.
•Gantaalada Cruise.
•Diyaaradaha aan duuliyahan lahayn ee is qarxiya.

> Hadii aan dhahno Iran waxay adeegsan doontaa diyaaradaha dagaalka si ay ugu jawaabto Israa’iil si la mid ah oo ay duqeyso dhulkeeda, markaas militari ahaan fursadda ay diyaarada Iran kaga badin karaan diyaaradaha Israa’iil ay heysato ee F35 waa wax aan macqul ahayn, kuwaaso hawada loo diri karo mar kasta oo ay oggaadaan in diyaaraddo dagaal ay soo galeen hawada Israa’iil, waxaana dhacaysa markaa in la burburiyo diyaaradaha Iran oo ay ku dhacaan gantaalada F35!

> Sida aad ogtihiin dalka Iran waxa uu ka mid yahay waddamada ugu horumaray dhanka warshadaha gantaalada ballistic-ga,waxana ay haysataa gantaalada riddada dheer oo gaari kara Israa’iil, isla markaanna burbur u gaysan kara bartilmaameedyada dhulka Israa’iil.

Laakiin dhinaca kale, Israa’iil waxay leedahay mid ka mid ah nidaamyada difaaca hawada ugu casrisan ee ka hortagga gantaallada ballistic-ga ah (Nidaamka Arrow) waxayna ku jirtaa kaalinta labaad ee adduunka marka laga reebo Mareykanka.

Maxaa faa'iido ah oo ay u leedahay ka-hortagga Iran haddii ay riddo boqol gantaal oo ballistic ah oo Israa'iil ay wada qabato iyaga oo aan gantaal ku soo dhicin dhulkeeda?

Taas beddelkeeda, arrintan waxaa loo aqoonsan doonaa guul-darro weyn oo Iran gaartay, waxaana halka ku gaaraysa fadeexad.

>Hagaag, haddii Iran ay go'aansato inay isticmaasho gantaalada cruise-ka iyo diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha lahayn ee is-qarxiya.

Dabcan, habkani waa mid aad waxtar u leh, gaar ahaan gantaalada ay xambaaraan diyaaradaha ismiidaaminta, sababtoo ah hubka noocan oo kale ah wuxuu isticmaalaa nidaamka meelaynta caalamiga ah si loogu dhufto bartilmaameedkiisa si sax ah.

Laakin ma xasuusataa warkii faafay maalmo ka hor oo ku saabsanaa Israa’iil oo adeegsatay tignoolajiyada aad u horumarsan si ay u jahawareerto nidaamka tilmaamaha iyo khadadka caalamiga ah GPS?

Jahwareerkani wuxuu gaashaan u noqday Israa'iil oo wuxuu gaaray xataa Jordan, Qasa, iyo badda Mediterranean-ka, taa oo la macno ah in Israa'iil ay isticmaashay taxaddar si ay u xaqiijiso jahwareer ku yimaada hagista diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha lahayn iyo gantaallada cruise-ka haddii ay dhacdo in weerarro lagu soo qaado.

Sidaa darteed, waxaan dhihi karnaa Iran waxaa u haray laba doorasho oo waxtar leh oo kaliya si ay ugu jawaabto Israa’iil.

• Iran waa inay aadaa wakiilladeeda oo ay u diyaarisay hab ay u qaadi karaan weerarro aargoosi u noqon kara , khasaaraha iyo fadeexaada ka soo gaartay duqeynta dhismaha qunsuliyadda Suuriya.

• Midda labaad waa inay Iran weerarta xarumaha Israa’iil ee dhismayaasha diblomaasiyada oo ay ku leedahay adduunka.

Kaarka ugu muhiimsan uguna xoogga badan ee Iran ay ku dhibaateyn karto Israa’iil waa Xisbullah oo bilowda in ay dagaal ballaaran ku qaado Israa’iil.

Iran ma yeeli doontaa taa…?

Yaa la socday mowqifka Xisbullah tan iyo markii uu billowday dagaalka Qasa? Waxaad oggaanaysa inaysan Xisbullah marna qorsheyn dagaal ballaaran, oo kaliya ay doonayaan weerarro isku dhacyo kooban ah,taa oo ay xata Israa’iil si buuxda u garwaaqsatay.

Sidaa darteed, suurtagalnimada in Xisbullah ay billaabaan dagaal ballaaran oo ka dhan ah Israa’iil xilligan waa mid aad u liidata, gaar ahaan kaddib markii Mareykanku uu ku hanjabay inuu faragelin ku sameyn doono Xisbullah haddii ay weerar ballaaran ku qaadaan Israa’iil.

Laakin ka warran haddii Iran ay go'aansato in ay weerarto safaaradaha Israa'iil ee dibadda?

Aad ayey ugu adag tahay Iran in ay fuliso howlgallo ka dhan ah safaaradaha Israa’iil ee Yurub
sababtoo ah juqraafi ahaan waa ka fogyihiin, taasina waxay u baahan tahay shaqo sirdoon oo weyn, xitaa haddii ay ku guulaysato, waxay ka baqaysaa cunaqabataynta Yurub.

Inkasta oo Imaaraadka iyo Baxrayn ay juqraafi ahaan u dhow yihiin Iran,si kastaba ha ahaatee, suurtagal ma aha in Iran ay halis galiso xiriirka ay la leedahay labadan dal.

Hindiya iyo Shiinahana sidaas oo kale ma ay doonayso inay dhulkooda ku xad-gudubto.

Haddii Iran ay go'aansato inay qaado weerar la mid ah kan Israa’iil oo ay bartilmaansato dhismayaasheeda diblomaasiyada, waxaa laga yaabaa inay beegsato safaaradaha Israa'iil ee ku yaalla;

•Waddamada Aasiyada Dhexe

Looma baahna in iyaga lagu beegsado gantaallo ama diyaaraddo aan duuliye lahayn, sababtoo ah haddii aad taas samayso, waxa loo qaadan karaa ku dhawaaqid dagaal. Laakin waxa furan ayaa ah howlgallo sirdoon iyo weerar qaraxyo ah oo ka dhaca.

Waxaa laga yaaba markii horaba inay Israa’iil, xisaabisay inay xaddidanyihiin hababka ay weerar jawaab celin ah ku soo qaadi karto Iran, waana midda ka dhigtay Israa’iil inaysan ka laba-labayn inay weerarto dhismaha qunsuliyada Iran ee Suuriya.

Laakiin waa maxay hadafka dhabta ah ee ka dambeeya in Israa'iil ay sii kordhiso weerarrada ay la beegsanayso Iran?

U fiirsada maalmihii tagay iyo xaaladda ay wajahaysay Israa’iil;

Mudaaharaadyo lagu dalbanayo in xukunka laga tuuro Netanyahu iyo Israa'iil oo qorsheynaysa inay duulaan ku qaado Rafah, waxay ahayd wixii aan ka maqalnay gudaha Israa’iil , waxa xigay khasaare iyo dhimasho badan oo ciidanka Israa’iil lagu gaarsiiyay Khan Yunis, koonfurta Qasa.

Halkan ayuu yaalla, nuxurka ; Israa’iil si arrimahaa oo dhan ay diiradda uga leexiso , waxay qaaday tallaabo ay sare ugu qaadayso xiisadda kala dhaxaysa Iran , taa waxay faa’iido u tahay maamulka Netanyahu, sidaas oo kale ayayna Iran u tahay.

Marka Iran ay ka jawaabto weerarrada ay la kulmayso oo ay beegsato Israa'iil , marka waxay isku dayi doontaa inay ka faa'iideysato dhacdada Israa’iil si ay dib ugu hesho naxariista ra'yiga dadweynaha Yurub. Waxay isku dayi doontaa inay qariso xasuuqa ka dhalan kara weerar kasta oo lagu qaado Rafah

Laakin sida aad ogtihiin waxaa jira mucaarad reer galbeed ah oo kasoo horjeeda duulaanka Israa’iil ee Rafah,sababtan awgeed, Israa'iil waxay u baahan tahay dhacdo caalami ah si ay indhaha uga leexiso dhacdooyinka Qasa. Tusaale ahaan, dagaalka Israa’iil ee Qasa waxa uu indhaha caalamka ka weeciyey dagaalka Ukraine.

Laakiin waxaa jira jahawareer, kaas oo ah haddii Israa'iil ay damacday inay weerarto Rafah, maxay ciidamadeeda ugala soo baxday Khan Yunis iyo Qasa..?

Haddii aan dhahno Israa'iil waxay la baxday guutooyinkaas si ay u dhigto jihada waqooyi ee Xisbullah, sidee ayay caqli-gal u noqon kartaa in la adeegsado ciidamo dagaal adag ku soo galay Qasa oo aad usoo daalay , oo loo galin karaa dagaallo hor leh, iyadoo aad haysato kayd ciidamo aan wali dagaallamin!

Israa’iil ma waxay ciidankeeda ul baxday, khasaare gaaray iyo dhimasho badan oo ay kala kulmeen dagaallada iska caabinta , taana ma waxa ka dhalatay inay lumiyeen awooddii ay ku xakameyn lahaayeen Khan Yunis? Waa suurtagal, laakiin tani lama hubo!

Ciidanka Israa’iil ayaa la baxay ciidamadooda si ay ugu diyaar garoobaan dagaal kale; haddii tani run tahay, sida uu sheegay afhayeenka ciidanka Israa’iil, markaas macnaheedu waa inay ciidanka Israa’iil haysato dhibaato la xiriirta tirada khibrada u leh dagaallada inay hooseeyaan, oo markii h**e culeyska oo dhan lagu tuuray Khan Yunis, taana ay qasbayso si loogu diyaar garoobo weerarka Rafah in isla ciidankaa loo helo oo dib looga soo saaro halkii ay ka howlgalayeen, maaddama aysan jirin ciidan kale oo awoodda duulaan kale. Balse, doorashadan ayaa ka dhigan in la daalinayo ciidamadii afarta bilood oo xiriir ah dagaallamayey, waxaana adag in ciidamada ay galaan howlgal cusub.

Intaa waxaa dheer, waxaa jira wax aan gebi ahaanba la fahmi karin ciidan ahaan; ciidanka Israa’iil ayaa sheegay in sababta ay ciidamadooda ugala baxayaan ay tahay in ay isu diyaariyaan weerarka Rafah.

Hagaag, hadday arrintu sidaas ahayd, maxaa guutooyinkii looga saaray Khan Yunis?

Sababtoo ah haddii guutooyinka ay joogaan Khan Yunus, tani waxay siin doontaa ciidanka Israa'iil weerar jihooyin leh oo natiijo dhalin kara, oo joogitaanka ciidanka ee Khan Yunis waxay bixin lahayd fursad ah inay Rafah weerarro kala kulanto dhanka galbeedka ee badda , dhanka waqooyi iyo koonfurta, laakin hadda sida laga arkayo qorshaha Israa’iil, kaliya waxay Rafah ka weerarri doonaan dhanka bari, markaanna si cad waxay la kulmi doonaan khasaare weyn, maaddama ay siiyeen garoon ay ku dagaallami karaan kooxaha iska caabinta.

Haddii la isku dayo in go’aanka Israa’iil la sharraxo , waxaa soo baxaya aragtiyo badan, mid ka mid ah waa in Israa’iil ay isku diyaarinayso inay aqbasho dalabaadka Xamaas ee shuruud ka dhigtay inay ciidanka Israa’iil ka baxaan Qasa, si maxaabiista la sii daayo, si aan loogu malayn inay dalabka Israa’iil u hoggaansantayna waxay qaaday jiho kale iyadoo sheegaysa inay diyaar garow u baxeen, laakin sidaa ma aha mid h**ey looga arkay hab fikirka Israa’iil.

Waxaa jira aragti kale oo qasbaysa in sharraxada go’aankan lagu soo daro, waa inay Israa’iil doonayso hal jiho inay ka weerarto Rafah , sababta ay Khan Yunis u banaysana ay tahay inay furto waddo ay ku barakacayaan dadka ku sugan Rafah , iyagoo loo furayo waddo ay dib ugu laabtaan waqooyiga Qasa. Waxaana aragtidan xoojinaya in guutada ku hartay koonfurta Qasa looga tagay khadka kala qaybiyo waqooyiga iyo koonfurta Qasa , si aysan dadka ka barakacaya Rafah ugu noqon waqooyiga fog,sidoo kale Israa’iil waxa ay isku dayi doontaa in ay ku qanciso ra’yul caamka caalamka iyo dawladaha reer galbeedka ee ka soo horjeeda hawlgalka Rafah in ay waddo u furtay dadka rayidka ah.
Iman Jama




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