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Pan-Africanism: A spiritual weapon against Western neocolonialism
press.etDec 4, 2021 12:00 PM
As Ethiopia’s fascist invasion in 1936 galvanized an international response in support of the Ethiopian people, so does the current neocolonial machinations against Ethiopia to impose a kind of American-led covert invasion that is supported by Western powers and being implemented by proxy forces. The game might have changed but the rules of the game remain the same. Regime change is both the objective and one of the new tools of ensuring US hegemony in Africa.

For most of the last decades, Pan-Africanism as a practice seems to be in a sleeping state. Almost a century after its birth, the philosophy and practice of Pan-Africanism has not yet achieved its stated objectives, namely securing the political, economic and social liberation of Africans from the vestiges of colonialism and neocolonialism.

A conventional definition of pan-Africanism would be a “philosophy that is based on the belief that African people share common bonds and objectives and that advocates unity to achieve these objectives. In the views of different proponents throughout its history, Pan-Africanism has been conceived in varying ways. It has been applied to all black African people and people of black African descent; to all people on the African continent, including nonblack people; or to all states on the African continent.”

The philosophy of pan-Africanism emerged as a reaction to colonialism in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries. “It developed as a reaction to the impact of European colonialism in Africa on peoples of African descent. In the mid-20th century, activists in Africa adopted Pan-Africanism as a rallying cry for independence from colonial rule. Some African Pan-Africanists sought to unite the continent as one independent nation.”

Why are we talking about neocolonialism and Pan-Africanism today? This is because both neocolonialism and Pan-Africanism are alive although mutating into new forms and manifestations. The chief protagonists of neocolonialism are now stronger than ever on the continent. They consolidate and provide generous assistance to pro-Western political forces and work hard to undermine anti-Western and anti-American or radical forces that say no to all round Western hegemony on the continent. Western and American neocolonialist forces have one objective in mind and that is the perpetration of their control over Africa in all areas of life. And one of the targets of American neocolonialism is the domination and subjugation of Africans in general and people of the Horn of Africa in pursuit of their strategic objective of ensuring that this part of Africa fully falls under the control of American neo-imperialism and neo-colonialism.

Why is Ethiopia presently the target of Western and American covert neocolonialist strategy? There are many reasons for this. The first one is the fact that America is acting as a wounded beast. It has lost any of the contemporary wars of invasion that it fought in many parts of the world. It fought in Iraq to control its oilfields but the country has refused to fall under American protectionism. The US sought to defeat Syria and put it under its umbrella
The second reason is American frustrations caused by the prospect of losing economic upper hand globally. China is advancing economically in the face of a declining America. This makes the White House nervous and extremely agitated. Any strategy that helps America keep its economic domination would be welcome, including at the cost of the sovereignty and dignity of critical and emerging regional powers like Ethiopia unless they break their economic links with China in favor of US aid assistance, the control of global banks and the pe*******on of Western multinational corporations.

The third reason is the inherent weakening of America as a global power because of its dysfunctional institutions, unethical media that propagate fake news and the corruption of its politicians. America is electing to the White House presidents with mediocre calibers and devoid of America’s political and moral values who are bullying their own citizens and institutions as well as foreign countries that are not accepting their diktat. Iran, Russia, China, Syria, Korea, Cuba, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia… you name it.

In Afghanistan, the US not only lost the war but also left the country in humiliation. America destroyed the former Soviet Union and expected to turn Russia into its vassal state in the name of democracy and free enterprise. Instead of that Russia is now up on its foot as a major competitor in the economic and military spheres. The US is losing the economic race with China that has become the second most powerful economic powerhouse. In the coming twenty or thirty years, the US is bound to lose its number one economic and military position and this is giving reasons for the hawks in the US administration to concoct “strategies” for regaining its lost positions or undermine its immediate competitors.

As a matter of history, the Horn of Africa has become a bone of contention among the great economic powers of the world and Ethiopia is the biggest and most significant entity in this region. Chinese economic influence in this region is quite obvious and the Americans don’t want this as it threatens their long-term political hegemonic ambitions. Ethiopia being the critical component of the Horn, it is crucial to win it over the side of the Western and American powers.

If this does not work, the alternative scenario is to destabilize the country, force a regime change and put a puppet government that will play both the anti-China card for them. The worst case scenario, is to let Ethiopia descend into Libyan-style chaos. In case that fails the US wants a regime change that would bring to power rapacious elites that would play the role of Trojan horse for American overall hegemonic strategy.

American cannot directly invade Ethiopia. As always, it wants a pretext for invasion or someone else to do the work for them. And as a matter of convergence of interests, the TPLF is here to take up that mercenary role and turn itself from a band of killers and looters into an American puppet paid in American dollars. This was the role in which it had excelled in when it was in power for the last 27 years. The TPLF fought the so-called anti-terrorism war in Somalia and elsewhere against lavish American secret payments for its services from which its elites benefitted immensely while the masses became further impoverished. This was the basic contradiction that exploded into its face and led to the popular revolution back in 2018.

Neocolonialism is therefore raising its ugly heads as a many-headed hydra under such political circumstances. A hydra is a many-headed monster. In Greek mythology it is a monster that has nine heads and was killed by Heracles. When one head was cut a new one grew instantly in its place. Neocolonialism has also many heads. Its first head was imperialism that gave birth to colonialism and then to Imperialism and now to globalism and neo-imperialism. Its parents originated in Europe and more particularly in England where capitalism developed first and started to stretch its ugly te****les in search of markets everywhere particularly in Africa. the second head of the hydra was born and its name was colonialism.

In the 20th century, the new colonies in Africa started to feel the suffocating holds of the hydra and began rebellions to get rid of its deadly holds. By the first half of the century, many of the hydra’s heads were cut off and colonies started to breath a fresher air. But this only lasted for a couple of decades after which the third head of the hydra started to make its presence felt not openly, directly or in daylight. It manifested itself covertly, indirectly and in the dark. This te****le of the hydra soon produced offspring across the colonized continent, so that when it will be time for the parent hydra to go, it could hand over its legacies to its heirs or direct descendants.

The new African post-colonial elites were the heirs that took up the unfinished works of their parent hydra and worked hard to prove themselves worthy heirs of their parents. The other head of the hydra that was born from the union between the parent hydra and the elite hydras was baptized neocolonialism because it looked like its parents while it had new features before the facial features of a real hydra. Neocolonialism in its turn gave birth to neo-imperialism and now it has a new offspring to take care of whose name is globalism. So, the metamorphoses of the original hydra is continuing to shed off its old skins and grew new skins like those of snakes.

In fact, the hydra of colonialism has given birth to two kinds of elites: elites that looked exactly like the original prototype and others who looked differently from the venomous species of elites that helped in the sucking of the blood of Africa and its peoples in the mineral mines, cotton fields, oils fields of north Africa, the coastal areas and the highlands of East Africa, in the dense forests of central Africa, and many other resource-rich parts of the continent.

The weapon of choice for Ethiopians and Africans in this part of the world is therefore not sophisticated technology but a potent philosophy of African militancy as expressed in Pan-African solidarity. In its hegemonic bid, America wants to subjugate not only Ethiopia through a puppet government headed by the TPLF, if at all that proves feasible. Its objective is to dominate the Horn of Africa. A year or so ago, the TPLF was dead and buried. America is now trying to resuscitate it by giving it a second life, which is both impossible in human life as well as in Ethiopia politics.

If successful in Ethiopia, the US hegemony is bound to expand towards the neighboring or adjoining countries of Djibouti, Somalia, and Eritrea to link up with its East African strategic objectives. The peoples of the region will therefore have to form a bond of solidarity between them on the basis of African Unity or Pan-Africanism since an injury to one of them will sooner or later turn into an injury to all of them. Their battle cry should be Pan-Africanism under a new covenant among the popular forces to protect the continent against the neocolonial hydra and its collaborating elites and their domestic ramifications.

 -Kadir💪Balee koo biyyaa Goota yoom takka Goota dhabde beekta yaa baliyyoo koooooooGootittin kun Sanyii  -Guutuuti. Daha...

Balee koo biyyaa Goota yoom takka Goota dhabde beekta yaa baliyyoo kooooooo
Gootittin kun Sanyii -Guutuuti. Dahannoo Juntaa Kan Cabsuudhaan kan seentedhaa. nuuf Himaa. Qarree kaleessaa Dhagaadhaan Dahannoo juntaa Oromiyaa keessaa Cabsitee ariitee. Har'aa Kilaashiidhaan Dahannoo Juntaa Caccabsaa jirti.

Biyya keenya keessatti mootummaan qormaata cimaa keessa jiraatee bu'aawwan daangaa hin qabne ummataaf buuse mootummaa Dr...

Biyya keenya keessatti mootummaan qormaata cimaa keessa jiraatee bu'aawwan daangaa hin qabne ummataaf buuse mootummaa Dr.Abiyyiin ala hin jiru.

  !!፨ ፈረንሳይ ከአሜሪካ ከአውስትራሊያ አምባሳደሮቿን ጠርታለች !፨ የአውሮፓ ህብረት ከአሜሪካ የተነጠለ ወታደራዊ እና የኢኮኖሚ ግንባር ለመፍጠር እየተዘጋጀ ነው ። የዚህን እንቅስቃሴ ፈረ...


፨ ፈረንሳይ ከአሜሪካ ከአውስትራሊያ አምባሳደሮቿን ጠርታለች !

፨ የአውሮፓ ህብረት ከአሜሪካ የተነጠለ ወታደራዊ እና የኢኮኖሚ ግንባር ለመፍጠር እየተዘጋጀ ነው ። የዚህን እንቅስቃሴ ፈረንሳይ በቀዳሚነት ትመራለች ።

፨ የአሜሪካ ፖለቲከኞች የአውሮፓዋን የኢኮኖሚ ሞተር ጀርመንን " የማትታመን አጋር " በማለት በተደጋጋሚ ሲጠሯት ይሰማል ። ጀርመንም ለአሜሪካ ጆሮ ሳትሰጥ ከሩሲያ ጋር ያላትን ወዳጅነት አጠናክራ ቀጥላለች ።

፨ እንግሊዝ ከአውሮፓ ህብረት የመውጣቷ ነገር የአውሮፓን ህብረት ያፍረከረከ መሆኑ ሳያንስ ዛሬ እንግሊዝ ከአሜሪካ ጋር አብራ የፈጠረቺው ጥምረት ምእራቡን አለም ለሁለት ሰንጥቆታል ።

ከሰሞኑ አሜሪካ እንግሊዝና አውስትራሊያ አንድ የጦር ግንባር ይፋ አደረጉ - የተሰኘን ወታደራዊ ጥምረት ። ይህን ጥምረት ሶስቱ ሀገራት በሚስጥር መስርተው ይፋ እስኪያደርጉ ድረስ ወዳጆቻቸው እነ ፈረንሳይ ቅንጣት ታክል አያውቁም ። እናም ፈረንሳይ የዚህን ጥምረት መመስረት ስትሰማ ቁጣዋን መቆጣጠር ተሳናት ። አምባሳደሯን ከየሀገራቱ ጠራች ። እናም አለች " ከጀርባየ ተወግቻለሁ "!!!

ድሮም ቢሆን ፈረንሳይ አሜሪካን አታምናትም ። ለዚያም ነው ከአመት በፊት ፕሬዚዳንት ማክሮን " ከአሜሪካም ከሩሲያም ከቻይናም ነፃ የሆነ አውሮፓዊ ጥምረት ያስፈልገናል " ሲል ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ብግን ትክን ብሎ " አሜሪካ ደርሳልህ ከጀርመን ቅኝ አገዛዝ ነፃ ባታወጣህ ኖሮ ይሄኔ ያንተ አፍ መፍቻ ቋንቋ ጀርመንኛ ይሆን ነበር " በማለት ማክሮንን በነገር የወጋው ። ይህ የትራምፕ ንግግር የሚያስቀይመው ፈረንሳይን ብቻ አይደለም ይልቁንም ጀርመንን ጭምር እንጅ ። ለነገሩ ጀርመን ሁኔታዎች አስገድደዋት እንጅ አሜሪካን በወዳጅነት ከልብ የምትቀበል ሀገር አይደለችም ። ለዚህ ነው የናሽናል ኢንተርስቱ ፅንፈኛ ተንታኝ ሚካኤል ሩፒን ጀርመንን " የአሜሪካ መጥፎ አጋር The bad Ally " ሲል የሚጠራት ።

አሜሪካ አውስትራሊያ እና እንግሊዝን ወታደራዊ ጥምረት እንዲመሰርቱ ያስገደዳቸው ነገር ፍፁም ከግምታቸው እየወጣ የመጣው የቻይና ወታደራዊ ፈርጣማነት ነው ። እናም እነዚህ ሶስት ሀገራት ቻይናን በጋራ ለመቋቋም የኑክሌር ስምምነትን ያካተተ በጋራ ኒክሌር የተገጠመለት የባህር ሰርጓጅ መርከብ ሰርተው ቻይናን ሊቋቋሙ AUKUSን መሰረቱ ።

ይህ ጥብቅ ወዳጅ ነኝ ለምትለው ፈረንሳይ ክህደት ነበር ። ከዚህ ወታደራዊ ጥምረት በፊት ፈረንሳይ ከአውስትራሊያ ጋር ትልቅ ወታደራዊ ስምምነት ነበራት ። በዚህ ስምምነት መሰረት ፈረንሳይ ለአውስትራሊያ በ 60 ቢሊዮን ዶላር ኑክሌር የታጠቁ የጦር መርከቦችን ታቀርባለች ። AUKUS ሲመሰረት ግን አውስትራሊያ ከፈረንሳይ ጋር ያደረገቺውን ስምምነት ማፍረሷን ይፋ አደረገች ። ፈረንሳይም የነ አሜሪካ የዚህ ግንባር አጋር አለመሆኗ ተነገራት ። በዚህ ድርጊት ፈረንሳይ እርር ድብን አለች ። አምባሳደሮቿን ከሁለቱም ሀገራት አስወጣች ።

ፈረንሳይ በውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትሯ በኩል ባወጣቺው መግለጫ " የተፈፀመብን ክህደት ነው ። የተወጋነው ከጀርባችን ነው ፤ እኛ የምንተማመን ወዳጆች ነን ብለን እናስብ ነበር ለካስ አይደለንም ተለያይተናል " በማለት ምሬት የተቀላቀለበት በቁጣ የታጀበ መግለጫዋን ሰጠች ። ከዚህ በሗላ አለች ፈረንሳይ ከዚህ በሗላ እያንዳንዷን ነገር ተመልሰን እንፈትሻለን ይህ ጥምረት እስካልፈረሰ ድረስ እንደቀድሞው ወዳጅ ሆነን አንቀጥልም አለች ።

አውስትራሊያ ፈረንሳይን ከእንደዚህ አይነት ነገር እንድትቆጠብ ብታስጠነቅቅም አሜሪካ ለማባበል ብትጥርም ፈረንሳይ ግን አምርራለች !

ጀርመን እንደሆነች ደንታም የሰጣት አይመስልም ። ጀርመን በሁለተኛው የአለም ጦርነት ስለተሸነፈች እንጅ እነ አሜሪካ የልብ ወዳጆቿ እንዳልሆኑ ታውቀዋለች ። እናም የነ አሜሪካን ድርጊት ለማውገዝ እንኳ አልሞከረችም ።

ቻይና እና ሩሲያ በዚህ የምእራባውያን መከፋፈል እጅጉን ተደስተዋል ። ይህ የነ አሜሪካ ድርጊት የአውሮፓ አጋሮቿን ወደ ቻይና የሚገፋ ድርጊት ነው ። ጀርመን እና ሩሲያ የበለጠ ወዳጅነታቸውን እንዲያጠብቁ የሚያደርግ ነው ። ጣሊያን ቀድሞውንም ከቻይና ጋር የአንድ መንገድ አንድ ቀለበት ፕሮጀክት አባል በመሆን ጥልቅ ወዳጅነትን የመሰረተች ሀገር ናት ። ፈረንሳይም ከቻይና ጋር ግዙፍ ስምምነቶች አሏት ።እናም ለአሜሪካ ሲባል አውሮፖች ቻይና ላይ ፊታቸውን የሚያዞሩበት ጊዜ እያከተመ ይመስላል ።

የአውሮፓ ህብረት ካለቻይና ድጋፍና ትብብር ከደረሰበት ኢኮኖሚያዊ ውድቀት ማንሰራራት አይችልም ይላሉ የዘርፉ ጠበብቶች ። ቻይና የአለም ትልቋ የገበያ ማእከልነትን ከአሜሪካ ባለፈው አመት ተረክባለች ። ትልቋ አምራች ሀገር ቻይና ናት ። ትልቋ ኢንቨስተር ሀገር ቻይና ናት ። አሜሪካን ጨምሮ ባለፀጋ ሀገራት የቻይና ትሪሊዮን ዶላሮች ብድር አለባቸው ። በቴክኖሎጂው ዘርፍ በቀዳሚነት እየመራች ያለቺው ይህቺው ሀገር ናት ።ከሩሲያ እና መሰል ሀገራት ጋር የፈጠረቺው ወታደራዊ እና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ጥምረት እንድሁም አለምን ለማገናኘት የዘረጋቺው የ One belt one road ፕሮጀክት የአሜሪካን የልእለሀያልነት ፀሃይ እያዘቀዘቀው ነው ።

የምእራቡ ጎራ እየተናደ ነው ነው !

Gurraandhala 20/2013 Yaa'iin Idilee 13ffaa waggaa 6ffaa bara hojii Caffee 5ffaa taa'amaa jira.**************************...

Gurraandhala 20/2013
Yaa'iin Idilee 13ffaa waggaa 6ffaa bara hojii Caffee 5ffaa taa'amaa jira.
Yaa'ii kanarratti KPBMN Obbo Shimallis Abdiisaa kabajamaa Caffeef raawwii hojii ji'oota jahan darbanii dhiheessan. Haaluma kanaan Naannoo keenyatti ji'oota ja'an darbanitti Qindoomina caasaalee nageenyaa fi ummataatiin olaantummaan seeraa mirkanaa'ee, abjuun waamicha badii fashalaa'eera. Omisha midhaanii kuntaala miliyoona 191.1 sassaabuuf karoorfamee, lafa heektaara miliyoona 6.3 misoomsuun danda'ameera.

Tiraaktaroonni 310fi kombaayinaroota 80 qonnaan bulaaf dhihaataniiru.Misooma jal'isii marsaa tokkoffaan karooraa ol lafti hektaara kuma 487.7 qotamee, hektaara kuma 420 irratti facaafameera.Qamadiin godinaalee Oromiyaa hundatti lafa hektaara kuma 130.6 Irratti haala gaariin misoomaa jira. Kanaafis xaa'oon kuntaala kuma 474 dhihaatee, kuma 261 raabsameera.Biqiltuuwwan bunaa miliyoona 57 oliifi shaayiin miliyoona afur qophaa'eera.

Waldaalee hojii hamtaa haaraan kuma 427 horachuun kaappitaalasaanii qarshii miliyoona 548tti guddisuun danda'ameera.Pirojektonni bishaanii sadarkaalee garagaraa kumaafi 511 xumuramanii hawaasni miliyoona 1.2 fayyadamoo ta'aniiru.

Hojiiwwan ijaarsaafi daandii haaraa kiloomeetira 112 ol ijaarameera; kiloomeetirri 438 ammoo cirrachaan uwwifameera.Carraan hojii dhaabbii kuma 525 ol uumameera. Invastimantiiwwan haaraa kuma afuriifi 385 qarshii biliyoona 86.8 galmeessan simachuun danda'ameera.

Ijaarsa seeraan alaatiin walqabatee lafti hektaara 217.8 baankiitti galchuun danda'ameera. indastiriiwwan maanufaakcharingii haaraa sadarkaa garagaraa 840 uumuun danda'ameera. Qaala'ina jireenyaa furuuf mootummaan zayitii litirii miliyoonni 79, abbootiin qabeenyaa Litirii miliyoonni 416 dhiheeffameera.

Balaa tiraafikaa walii galan %13n hir'isuun danda'ameera.Manneen Barnootaa Ifa Boruu 100fi bultii addaa 7 ijaarsisaa eegaleera. Dareen dabalataa kumni 34 olis ijaarameera. Gama fayyaatiin hojiin dhaabbilee fayyaa ijaaruufi babal'isuun bu'uuraalee misoomaa guutuu, du'a haadholiifi daa'immanii hir'isuu, dhiheessii meeshaalee yaalaafi qorichaafi kkf irratti xiyyeeffatame hojjetamaa tureera. Uwwisa tajaajila fayyaa bu'uuraa %90 geesisuun danda'ameera.Gama sassaabbii galiitiin qarshii biliyoonni 15.3 sassaabameera.

Walumaa galatti, ji'oottan ja'an darban rakkoolee uumamaafi nam tolchee mudatan furaa hojiiwwan milka'an hojjetamuu gabaasicha kan dhiheessan pirezdaantiin Oromoo Shimallis Abdiisaa ibsaniiru.

Miseensonni Caffee gabaasa dhihaate irratti gaafilee gara garaa kasanii deebiinis itti kennameera.

  moo, haa dhiifamuuf,…?----------------------------------Afrikaa Kibbaa keessatti kan argamu saba durii eegalee waliin ...

moo, haa dhiifamuuf,…?
Afrikaa Kibbaa keessatti kan argamu saba durii eegalee waliin jiraatutu ture. Sabni kun miseensa isaanii keessaa namni tokko yeroo balleessaa hojjetu, misensonni saba sanaa hundi lafa dirree irratti walitti yaa’uudhaan gaaddisa jalatti walitti qabamanii taa’u. namicha badii raawwate sanas ofitti waamanii jidduu isaanii teessisu. Isaan ammoo itti marsanii, geengoo uumanii taa’u. Erga itti naanna’anii taa’anii booda, waan gaarii fi namatti tolu kan namni sun hojjechaa ture dabaree dabareedhaan walitti odeessuu eegalu. Hundi isaanii haaluma kanaan itti fufuun gaarummaa nama har’a yakka hojjete sanaa kan duraanii walitti haasa’u. Gaarummaasaa kan yeroo duraanii dubbatuuf. Baay’ees hamilee kennuuf. Akka amantaa saba sanaatti, namni kamiyyuu waan gaarii yoo hojjeteyyuu dogoggora hojjechuus akka danda’u itti amanu. Nama waa hojjetutu dogoggora jedhaniis amanu. Gaafa namni badii wayii hojjete akka ajaa’ibaatti hin ilaalan, namni kamuu dogoggoruu fi balleessaa raawwachuu ni danda’a jedhanii waan amananiif. Namni tokko gaafa badii wayii hojjete walitti yaanee gargaarree, badii isaa irraa baratee gara fuulduraaf karaa sirrii qabatee akka deemu gochuu qabna jedhaniis dubbatu. Dogoggoraa fi badii hojjete irraas gara eenyummaa isaa isa dhugaatti akka deebi’uufis hin jajjabeessu.

Ubuuntuun saba Egsoosaa keessatti (Ubuntu in Xhosa Nation) aadaa waliin ta’uu isaanii kan agarsiisu yoo ta’u, jecha afaan Niguunii (Nguni) ti. Hiikaan isaas, “Namummaan koo nama biroof” ykn “Ana jechuun nuyi,” jechuu yoo ta’u, aadaa durii eegalee Afrikaa Kibbaa keessa jirudha.

Qorattoonni seenaa baay’een isaanii, Ubuuntuun aadaa qofa osoo hin taane faalasama addaa saba Egsoosaati jedhu. Sababni ammoo, yeroo Afrikaan Kibbaa dhiittaa warra adii sirna Appartaayidii (Apertaid) Ingilizootaa jalaa baate, sabni warra Ingiliizii dogoggora isaanii irraa baratu jedhaniitu dhiifama godhaniif warri Egsoosaa.

“Yoon dogoggore na gorsi, boruuf irraa barachuun danda’a, tarii boru yeroo dogoggorte si gorsuun danda’a bar.”
“Yoo dogoggorte sin gorsa,…irraa barattee tarii boru ammoo yeroon doggore atiyyuu na gorsitawoo.”
Jecha warra Egsoosaati

“Ana jechuun nuyi”,,,,,,,”Namummaan koo nama biroof”

Madda; Book Shelf (Facebook)

Horaa bulaa!

  👊👊👊👊👊👊Hiriirri deeggarsa Dr Abiy Ahmed fi Hoggansa paartii Badhaadhina uummata Sidaamaa birattis bifa ho'aa fi hawwata...

Hiriirri deeggarsa Dr Abiy Ahmed fi Hoggansa paartii Badhaadhina uummata Sidaamaa birattis bifa ho'aa fi hawwataa ta'een geggeeffamaa jira.

Jabaa maaltu jibba!

Itti fufa..


የድጋፍ ሰልፉ ቀጥላል።

ምንም ማረግ አይቻልም።ህዝብ ለህዝብ የምሰራውን ያዉቃል !!!!!

Warra iluu warra abbaa booraa!...................Abbichuu waliin hiriiruun injifannoodha! Hiriira deeggarsaa MM Dr. Abiy...

Warra iluu warra abbaa booraa!...................
Abbichuu waliin hiriiruun injifannoodha! Hiriira deeggarsaa MM Dr. Abiyyiif taasifamaa jiru Godina Iluu Abbaa Boor magaala Mattuutti gaggeeffamaa jira.

Mallaatton filaannoo partii badhaadhina ittin dorgoomu ifaa ambuulitti fulduuri kenya ifaa

Mallaatton filaannoo partii badhaadhina ittin dorgoomu ifaa ambuulitti fulduuri kenya ifaa

Godinaalee fi Magaalota Oromiyaa Gara Garaatti Hiriirri Deeggarsa Dr. Abiyyii Gaggeefamaa jiraGodinaalee fi Magaaloota  ...

Godinaalee fi Magaalota Oromiyaa Gara Garaatti Hiriirri Deeggarsa Dr. Abiyyii Gaggeefamaa jira

Godinaalee fi Magaaloota Oromiyaa gara garaa keessatti hiriirri deeggarsaa fi dinqisiifannaa hoggansa Dr. Abiyyii bifa ho’aa ta’een gaggeeffamaa jira. Dr. Abiyyi hoggansa bulchaataa fi tarsiimoo cimaan gaggeeffameen injifannoo guddaa Juntaa Woyyaanee irratti galmeesseen uummanni gammachuun hiriira bahee dinqisiifataa, deeggaaraa, jabeeffataa fi beekkamtii kennaa jira.

Uummani godinaalee Oromiyaa magaalota guddoo fi aanaalee gara garaa keessattitti hiriira bahuudhaan bulchiinsa mootummaa Dr. Abiyyii (Badhaadhina) deeggaruun yoo faarsanu, dhaabbilee finxaalessitoota kanneen akka ABO-Shane, Abin fi Baaldiiraas faa balaalleffachaa jiran.

Uummanni godinaalee fi magaalota Oromiyaa gara garaa keessa jiraatu kun, dhaadhannoo Dr. Abiyyii fi bulchiinsa isaanii faarsu qabatanii hiriira akkuma itti fufanitti jiran.

"Kabajni Manaa Baha" jedha Oromoon!! Nuti wal tuffannaan jarri walitti nu tuffatte!! Ni deeggarraNi eegganna.

"Kabajni Manaa Baha" jedha Oromoon!!
Nuti wal tuffannaan jarri walitti nu tuffatte!! Ni deeggarra
Ni eegganna.

Do you often find yourself fighting with your own self ?Many times the real obstacle to success is conflict within ourse...

Do you often find yourself fighting with your own self ?

Many times the real obstacle to success is conflict within ourselves. To achieve something in life, your heart and soul must be united and be in harmony to achieve your goals.

There is no magic formula for success. Success comes to those who work with patience and persistence. When you want to achieve something in life you have to make a team with your own self. In the low times you have to motivate yourself, when you feel too tired, you have to push yourself, when things go wrong you have to assess and correct yourself.

When your mind and heart work as a team, you feel more confident, more positive and stronger.

Remember you are no less than a team, team up with yourself and you will achieve anything.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

Oduu duriiBara durii sangoota sadii bifaan: adii, burreefi gurraacha ta’an jaalalaan bosona keessa waliin jiraatu turan....

Oduu durii

Bara durii sangoota sadii bifaan: adii, burreefi gurraacha ta’an jaalalaan bosona keessa waliin jiraatu turan. Waraabeessi ammoo jaalalaafi tokkummaa isaaniitti hinaafuudhaan mala ittiin adda isaan baasu barbaadu eegale.

Sangootni yeroo mara waliin waan jiraataniif waraabessichi itti siqee waa isaan gochuu hin dandeenye ture. Gaaf tokko garuu mala ittiin sangoota kunneen adda baasee tokko-tokkoon isaanii nyaatee fixu qopheesse (dhahe). Waraabessi yeroo mara halkan waan deemuuf: bifa isaaniitiin adda qoodee nyaachuuf karoorfate.

Guyyaa tokko halkan dhaqee sangaa isa gurraachaafi burree kophaatti waamee, “Maali isin akkamitti isa adii kanaa wajjin jiraattuu? Bineensi bifa isaa kanaan fagootti argee dhufee isin nyaachuu danda’a waan ta’eef isa of keessaa baasaa” jedheen. Isaanis mala isaa waan hin hubanneef dhuguma nutti himaa jira jedhanii hiriyaa isaanii kan bara hedduu waliin jiraatan sangaa isa adii, kophaatti isa hambisan. Waraabessichis sangicha isa adii kophaatti argatee nyaate.

Guyyaa lammaffaa ammoo sangaa isa gurraacha qofaatti waamee, “Maal argitaa bifa isaa kanaa? Bineensi fagootti isin argee isin nyaachuu dandaa’a waan ta’eef maaf isa of biraa hin ariituu?” jedheenii ammas adda isaan baase. Haala kanaan waraabessichi qofa qofaatti isaan argatee nyaatee isaan fixe jedhama.

Oduu durii kana irraa kan hubannu diinni tokkummaafi jaalala keenya diiguuf bulee ka’ee mala ykn tooftaawwan adda addaa kan qopheessu ta’uufi tokkummaan keenya shira diinni xaxuun yoo diigame kufaatiifi badiif kan nu saaxilu ta’uudha. Tokkummaan keenya gaachana ittiin diina ofirraa ittisnudha.

የሩሲያው ፕሬዜዳንት ብላዲሚር ፑቲን ከክርሚያ ቤተመንግስት አፍሪካን እንዲህ ጠይቀዋል፡፡መቃብርን እንዴት ማልማት ይቻላል?!አፍሪካ ለአፍሪካውያን የቀብር ቦታ ብቻ ናት፡፡አንድ አፍሪካዊ ሃብታም...

የሩሲያው ፕሬዜዳንት ብላዲሚር ፑቲን ከክርሚያ ቤተመንግስት አፍሪካን እንዲህ ጠይቀዋል፡፡
መቃብርን እንዴት ማልማት ይቻላል?!
አፍሪካ ለአፍሪካውያን የቀብር ቦታ ብቻ ናት፡፡
አንድ አፍሪካዊ ሃብታም ሲሆን ..
ከደሃ የነጠቀውን ገንዘቡን የሚያስቀምጠው በስዊዝ ባንክ ነው!
ለህክምና የሚሄደው ፈረንሳይ ነው!
ኢንቨስት የሚያደርገው ጀርመን ውስጥ ነው!
ዕቃ የሚገዛው ዱባይ ነው
የሚጠቀመው ቻይና ነው
ለፀሎት የሚሄደው ሮም እና መካ ነው
ልጆቹ የሚማሩት አውሮፓ ነው
ለቱሪዝም ጉብኝት የሚሄደው አሜሪካ እና ካናዳ ነው
ሲሞት ግን የሚቀበረው በእናት ሃገሩ አፍሪካ ውስጥ ነው።
አፍሪካ ለአፍሪካውያን የቀብር ስፍራ ብቻ እንጂ ሌላ አይደለችም፡፡
የመቃብርን ቦታ ደግሞ እንዴት ማልማት ይቻላል?
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'PUTIN LIFE'
Ephrem Woldemichael ገጽ ለይ

"ባልደራሱአልተገራም ወይ ፈረሱ"የአዲስ አበባን ህዝብ መብት ለማስከበር በሲቪክ ማህበር ድርጅት ሥም ተዋቅሮ የነበርው ባልደራስ "በቃ እንደውም ተዉት የፖለቲካ ድርጅት ሆኛለሁ "ሲል እንዳልገረ...

አልተገራም ወይ ፈረሱ"

የአዲስ አበባን ህዝብ መብት ለማስከበር በሲቪክ ማህበር ድርጅት ሥም ተዋቅሮ የነበርው ባልደራስ "በቃ እንደውም ተዉት የፖለቲካ ድርጅት ሆኛለሁ "ሲል እንዳልገረመን አሁን ደግሞ ሲፋቅ ለአንድ ብሄር መብት ማስከበር ከተቋቋሙ የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች ጋር ጥምረት ፈጥሮ ሊንቀሳቀስ መሆኑን ስንገነዘብ ሿረ! እንዴት ነው ነገሩ በፊት ጥብቅና ቆሚለታለሁ ብለህ እንቅስቃሴ የጀመርከው ከ 80 በላይ ብሄር ብሄረሰቦች ውሁድ ለሆነ የአዲስ አበባ ህዝብ ነው እና አይጋጭም እንዴ ልንለው እና የዚህን ድርጅት ግራ የሚያጋባ አካሄድ በጥንቃቄ ልንመረምር ግድ ይለናል። ያለበለዚያ ባልደራሱ ሲፋቅ ምን እንደሆነ እያየን ነውና።

Abbiichuun hojiirra jira"Guyyaa har'aa qaama namtolchee miseensota Raayyaa Ittisaa miidhamaniifi namoota siiviliif hojje...

Abbiichuun hojiirra jira
"Guyyaa har'aa qaama namtolchee miseensota Raayyaa Ittisaa miidhamaniifi namoota siiviliif hojjetaman daawwadheera. Hojiin hojjettonni dhaabbata qaama namtolchee hoomishuufi, tola ooltonni, warra adeemsa Seeera Kabachiisuu ture keessattifi yeroo kanbiroo qaama miidhamaniif hojjetaa jiran kan dinqisifaamudha. Warri akka Salamoon Amaareefaa alaa dhufanii haala tola ooltummaatiin hojii jabaa kana hojjetaa jiranis jajjabeeffamuu qabu."

ከአፈሙዝ ወደ ሙዝ፡- የሙዝ ንቅናቄ!======================ከመስከረም በኋላ መንግሥት አይኖርም፤ ከመስከረም በኋላ ቤተመንግስት በቁጥጥር ስር እናውላለን! ከመስከረም በኋላ ጠቅላይ...

ከአፈሙዝ ወደ ሙዝ፡- የሙዝ ንቅናቄ!
ከመስከረም በኋላ መንግሥት አይኖርም፤ ከመስከረም በኋላ ቤተመንግስት በቁጥጥር ስር እናውላለን! ከመስከረም በኋላ ጠቅላይ ሚንስትና ም/ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር እንሆናለን ብሎ ሲፎክር የኖረ ሁላ ዛሬ ሙዝ በሙዝ ሆኖ ከሙዝ ንቅናቄ ጋር ቁልቁለቱን ተያይዘውታል። እብጠታቸው አይጣል ስለ ነበረ፤ ውድቀታቸው መቅሰፍታዊ ሆኖ ተጠናቀቀ። ዳግም አያንሰራሩም። አይደለም በሙዝ በአፈሙዝም አልቻሉም። ወያኔ ምስክራችን ናት!
ፈዮ ባለ ቅኔ!
Via Hailu Adugna

አዎ ጊዜው አሁን ነው!!(ለዚህ ቀን ያለሆነ ፌስ ቡክ ይፈረካከስ)።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።።ከመቼውም ጊዜ በላይ ከአብይ አህመድ ጋር የምንቆምበት ጊዜው አሁን ነው። ለፓለቲካ ...

አዎ ጊዜው አሁን ነው!!
(ለዚህ ቀን ያለሆነ ፌስ ቡክ ይፈረካከስ)
ከመቼውም ጊዜ በላይ ከአብይ አህመድ ጋር የምንቆምበት ጊዜው አሁን ነው። ለፓለቲካ ትርፍ የገዛ ወገኖቻቸውን የሚያርዱ አውሬዎች የብሔር ጠበቃ መስለው ህዝብን እያወናበዱ ስልጣን ለመቆናጠጥ ሁሉንም መንገድ ሞክረው ሲከሽፍባቸው አይተናል። በብልጽግና ውስጥና በመንግስት መዋቅር ውስጥ ባሉ ቅጥረኞቻቸው አማካኝነት ማድረግ የሚፈልጉትን በፌስቡክ አጋፋሪዎቻቸው በኩል አስነግረዋል። አብይን የምንል ሁሉ የማያባራ ድጋፋችንን በየገጻችን በመለጠፍ የምንወደው መሪያችን መሆኑን ማሳየት ይገባናል።

#ለዚህ ቀን ያልሆነ ፌስ ቡክ ይፈረካከስ።

وزير الخارجية : إن 85٪ من جميع ممرات المساعدات الإنسانية مفتوحة في تغراي.فانا – أديس أبابا23.01.2021قال نائب رئيس الوزرا...

وزير الخارجية : إن 85٪ من جميع ممرات المساعدات الإنسانية مفتوحة في تغراي.
فانا – أديس أبابا
قال نائب رئيس الوزراء ووزير الخارجية الإثيوبي السيد دمقي مكونين إن 85 في المائة من جميع ممرات المساعدات الإنسانية في إقليم تغراي مفتوحة الآن.
وكشف السيد دمقي عن ذلك خلال لقائه مع وزير الخارجية البريطاني دومينيك راب عصر يوم أمس (الجمعة) في أديس أبابا.
في حديثه للصحفيين عقب الإجتماع ، قال المتحدث الرسمي باسم وزارة الخارجية السفير دينا مفتي إن نائب رئيس الوزراء ووزير الخارجية الإثيوبي أطلع نظيره دومينيك راب على عملية إنفاذ القانون والمساعدات الإنسانية وأنشطة إعادة التأهيل وهيكل الإدارة المؤقتة التي يتم إنشاؤها في إقليم تغراي.
وفي إشارة إلى الإكمال الناجح لعملية إنفاذ القانون في الجزء الشمالي من البلاد ، صرح دمقي بأنه يمكن الوصول إلى 85 في المائة من جميع ممرات المساعدات الإنسانية ، حتى مستويات سكان الأحياء يمكن الوصول إليها.
وقال المتحدث: "أطلع نائب رئيس الوزراء ووزير الخارجية وزير الخارجية الزائر، على أن حملة إنفاذ القانون قد اكتملت بنجاح وأن أنشطة إعادة الإعمار والمساعدات الإنسانية جارية. وأوضح أيضا حول الهيكل الإداري المؤقت الذي يتم إنشاؤه في إقليم تغراي ".
وأضاف أن حكومة إثيوبيا تواصل العمل مع الوكالات الإنسانية الدولية لتعزيز وصولها إلى جميع أماكن الأزمات في الإقليم.
وأوضح السفير دينا مفتي، أن السيد دمقي أبلغ وزير الخارجية البريطاني بأن التوتر الحدودي مع السودان قد تدهور إلى حد ما، مشيراً إلي ضرورة إيجاد حل دبلوماسي عبر التفاوض والحوار لحل الخلافات الحدودية مع السودان وأن إثيوبيبا تعمل بلا كلل لحل النزاع الحدودي سلميا.
وتابع السفير دينا، أن المحدثات بين الطرفين تطرقت لملف سد النهضة، حيث أوضحت إثيوبيا تمسكها بالوساطة الاتحاد الأفريقي في المفاوضات لإيجاد تسوية دائمة بين إثيوبيا ومصر والسودان، وإلتزامها بعدم إلحاق أي ضرر بدول المصب.
وشدد المتحدث، على أن إثيوبيا تسعى دائماً لإنهاء المفاوضات بشكل يكون فيه الجميع رابحا.
ومن جانبه حث وزير الخارجية البريطاني دومينيك راب إثيوبيا على تعزيز جهودها لتعزيز المساعدات الإنسانية في إقليم تغراي. كما تعهد بتعزيز دعم إنجلترا لإثيوبيا في جميع المجالات.
ووصل وزير الخارجية البريطاني، يوم أمس الجمعة، إلى أديس أبابا، قادما من نيروبي ضمن جولة أفريقية بدأها مساء الأربعاء بالخرطوم، التقى خلالها عددا من كبار المسؤولين في السودان ونيروبي.
والتقت الرئيسة الإثيوبية السيدة سهلورق زودي يوم أمس (الجمعة) بوزير الخارجية البريطاني دومنيك راب، ضمن زيارة رسمية لإثيوبيا ، حيث بحث الجانبان سبل تعزيز العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين خاصة في مجالي التعليم والمناخ.

بالإضافة إلى صفحتنا على "فيسبوك" للحصول على أحدث المعلومات يمكنكم متابعتنا من خلال زيارة موقعنا "fanabc.com" وكذلك على أحدث التغريدات في صفحتنا على تويتر https://twitter.com/fanatelevision.
والإشتراك أيضا في قناة اليوتيوب " عربي "fbc https://www.youtube.com/c/fanabroadcastingcorporate/ لمشاهدة مقاطع الفيديو الحصرية.
نشكركم على متابعتكم الدائمة لمؤسسة فانا للإعلامية.

Ethiopia to use Eritrea’s Assab Port with local currencyኢትዮጵያ የአሰብን ወደብ በዶላር ሳይሆን በብር ልትጠቀም ነው ።23 Jan 2021 – (EP) Ethio...

Ethiopia to use Eritrea’s Assab Port with local currency

ኢትዮጵያ የአሰብን ወደብ በዶላር ሳይሆን በብር ልትጠቀም ነው ።

23 Jan 2021 – (EP) Ethiopia to use Eritrea’s Assab Port (pictured) with local currency in accordance with foreign exchange value, a source tells Eritrean Press.

The ‘win-win’ agreement under final discussion between the two sisterly countries includes the Birr's value paid to Eritrea will be pegged to the U.S. dollar.

In return, Eritrea will use the Birr to import electricity, services, and other commodities.

Meanwhile, Eritrea will start construction of electrical transmission lines in 2022 to connect to Ethiopia’s grid. The construction of the transmission lines will be funded by the World Bank using grants.

Motiin Girrissa akkati mataa gadi caabse ari'ame """""":::"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""":::::"""""""""""""""...

Motiin Girrissa akkati mataa gadi caabse ari'ame
Tiraampi Waayit Hawuus gadlakkisanii bahaniiru.

Ameerikaa waggoota afran darbaniif Pireezedaantummaan hogganaa kan turan Donald Tirampi Waayit Hawuus gadlakkisuun heelikoptara waraanan gara Filooriidatti imalaniiru.

Ameerikaa waggoota afran dhufaniif Pireezedantummaan akka hogganan kan filataman Joo Baayidaniifi ittantuunsaanii Kaamila Haaris immoo guyyaa har’aa ifatti kakuu akka raawwatan ni eegama.

Ergaa Pirezidaantiin BMN Oromiyaa Kab. Ob. Shimallis Abdiisaa ayyaana Cuuphaa Sababeeffachuun Dabarsan ~~~Duraan-dursee ...

Ergaa Pirezidaantiin BMN Oromiyaa Kab. Ob. Shimallis Abdiisaa ayyaana Cuuphaa Sababeeffachuun Dabarsan
Duraan-dursee hordoftoota amantaa Kiristaanaa hundaan baga kabaja ayyaana Cuuphaa bara 2013 nagaan geessan, baga waliin geenye jechuun fedha.

Sirni Cuuphaa hordoftoota amantaa Kiristaanaa biratti agarsiiftuu geeddarannaa yaad-qalbii ta'ee ilaalamu kun duudhaalee sabbata jaalalaa namoota walitti hidhan hedduu qaba.
Namni Uumaa biraa dhiifama cubbuufi araara argachuuf hiriyaafi nama hundaaf dhiifama gochuu qaba. Akka barsiisa amantaatti dhiifama cubbuu argachuuf yaad-qalbii geeddarachuun cinaatti, uffata lama Kan qabu tokko isa hin qabneef kennuu, Kan beela'e beela baasuu, Kan dheebote obaasuu, Kan cabe wal'aanuufi kan rakkate gargaaruun mirkana'a.

Iyyasuus Kiristoos galaana Yoordaanositti cuuphamuun dura Yohaannis lafa onaa keessatti geeddarannaa yaad-qalbiitiif namoonni hundinuu akka cuuphaman lallabe. Haata'u malee hundi isa hin hubanne. Mootii Heroodisiin dabalatee mormiin Yohaannisirratti akka ka'uufi hidhaaf akka ga'u godhaniiru. Ta'us, Iyyasuus yeroonsaa gahee Yoordaanositti cuuphamnaan bishaan bara Nooyi Nama balleesse deebi'ee mallattoo fayyinaa dhala namaa tahe. Abaarsi eebbatti, du'i jireenyatti, cuphuun dhiifamaan gara araaraatti geeddarame.

Barsiisa amantaa kanarraa waan gurguddaa lamatu baratama. Inni tokkoffaan namni yaada garaa isaa geeddarachuu fedhu araara buusuufi dhiifama gochuu akka qabu agarsiisa. Inaaffaafi weennoorraa walaboomuun hollaafi obbolaa isaatiif yaaduu akka qabu barsiisa. Haxxummaa dhiisuun gaarummaa baay'isuun furmaata ta'uu hima. Kun ammoo jaalala kan babal'isu, obbolummaa kan guddisuufi waliif na'uufi yaaduu Kan jajjabeessu waan ta'eef ijaarsa biyyaafi ummataa keessattis meeshaa murteessaa ta'ee tajaajiluuf humna guddaa qaba.

Ergaa lammaffaan barsiisa amantaa kanarraa fudhannu ammoo yaad-qalbii geeddarachuun of jijjiiruu bira darbee hojii qabatamaa dirmannaa warra rakkataniif taasifnuun kan mirkanaa'u ta'uu isaati. Namni tokko hanga fedhe yaada garaa isaa yoo geeddarate, obboloota rakkina adda addaa keessa jiraniif ho'a yoo hin agarsiifne akkasumaan kan dadhabu ta'uu ibsa.

Barsiisni amantaa kun duudhaa obbolummaa, kan jaalalaafi tajaajiltummaa keenyarratti dhiibbaa gaarii geessisuuf humna guddaa qaba. Hidhata waliin jireenyaa keessatti wal amantaafi jaalala dagaagsuuf, sirna tajaajilaa keessatti ammoo Amanamummaa guddisuuf kan nu gargaaruu dha.

Kanaafuu, carraa kanatti fayyadamee wayita ayyaana guddaa kana waliin kabajnu, duudhaalee gurguddoo kaneenitti fayyadamnee ilaalchotaafi gochoota obbolummaa qancarsan hunda maseensuuf akka hojjennun dhaama. Dabalataanis, duudhaa waaliif dirmannaa keenya caalmaatti cimsachuun imala badhaadhinaa eegalle milkeessuuf tattaaffii ol'aanaa gochuu qabna.

Ayyaanni Cuuphaa sirna hordoftoota amantaa Kiristaanaa qofa biratti yaadatamu ta'uu bira darbeera. Tuuristoota keessaafi alaa hawwachuudhaan duudhaa waloomaa hedduu gumaachaa jira. Madda galiifi carraa hojii lammiileef kan uumu ta'uus qabatamaan argaa jirra. Kanaafuu, sirnicha kunuunsuufi eeguudhaan caalmaatti irraa fayyadamuuf hojii hunda keenyaa kan barbaadu ta'uu carraa kanaan dhaamuun fedha.

Xumurarrattis, ayyaana Cuuphaa bara kanaa wayita kabajannu waliif yaaduufi wal-tumsuun cinaatti, Gammachuu yeroo gabaabaatiif jecha fayyaafi jireenyi maatii keenyaa akka hin goolamneef tatamsa'ina COVID-19 ittisuuf of eeggannoo barbaachisu hunda gochuu akka qabnu yaadachiisuun barbaada.

Kanaafis, akkuma dhangaa mana keenyaa waliin qooddannee soorachuu amaleeffanne, meeshaalee tatamsa'ina COVID-19 ittisuuf gargaaran waliif gumaachuun nagaafi gammachuu akka waliin qooddannu irra deebiinan dhaama!

Ayyaana nagaa, Kan obbolummaafi milkaa'inaa isiniif haata'u!

Pir. Shimallis Abdiisaa
Amajjii 2013







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