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Abee Tenagne
Abol Tube
Abriham Sisay
Abyotawi Democracy newspaper
Adda Media News
Adise Kale
Admas Media አድማስ ሚዲያ
Advance Health Informatics in Gondar group
Alarm Media
All About Bahir Dar
Amen Television
Amhara News/ የአማራ ዜና
Amhara Channel
Amhara Empire News
Amhara Liberation Movement
Amhara Media Corporation/ አማራ ሚዲያ ኮርፖሬሽን
Amhara Media Service
Amhara News Agency
Amhara Region Journalists Association የአማራ ክልል ጋዜጠኞች ማህበር
Amhara Tube
Amhara news agency
Amhara press - አማራ ልሳን
Ashar Media - አሻር ሚዲያ
Atid hamid muhamed news
Azop-Freelance Marketplace
Bablu entertainment
Badma Media
Bahir dar Football Club Fans
Bahir dar digital marketing
Begaimeder page
Beza love
Burger zone
Crazy wiz mahi
Crown TV show
DAGU Communication PLC
DJ Eyo
Daily Talk
Debtera Media
Demesaw Mossu
Dera-Times ደራ-ታይምስ
Discover Amhara AMECO
Dâwît Âg
E-Tech Media
Endye media network
Enebi kebele pp office
Ergib Media
Ethio Auto Tech- ኢትዮ የመኪና ጥገና እና ቴክኖሎጂ
Ethio Dish Tv . በኢትዮጲያ የሳተላይት ዲሽ መረጃ
Ethio Feshta - ኢትዩ ፌሽታ
Ethio Star Media
Ethio kum neger
Ethio news daily
Ethio ኢትዮ
Ethio- Patriotic- Page
Ethiohub Event
Ethiop Media
Ethiopian Information Center
Ethiopians media
Fact merja
Fano ለኣማራ
Feta Enbell
Finote tewodros 313 new amharic movie
GION Amhara-ግዮን አማራ
Gebeyehu Dereus - ገበየሁ ድረስ
Gech Media/ጌች ሚዲያ12
General knowledge ጠቅላላ እዉቀት
Genjie link with ethio 360
Ghion Maleda ግዮን ማለዳ
Gojjam damot media
Gojjam press
Guddu kumar
Habtamu Alie
Hruy Media ህሩይ ሚዲያ
Jalo Media 2 ጃሎ ሚዲያ 2
Jalo Media ጃሎ ሚዲያ
JoCo 2012 OJ
Jone vedo
Kahin Media - ካህን ሚዲያ
King menelik
Lake Aleph marketing
Lehager Property market agent
M Lalan
MAED MEDIA /ማዕድ ሚዲያ/
MAMA Ethiopia
Matekel press
Mehdi Multimedia Production
Minichil Azene Mekuriaw
Miskaye Hizunan/ ምስካዬ ሕዙናን የበጎ አድራጎትና መንፈሳዊ ጉዞ
Mohammed Getahun Abate
Mosaic Advertising & Printing
Nata tube
Negese Bahir Dar Ethiopia
Og Pictures
Passion of MUSIC
Poor for poor
Rise 40 Ethiopia
Sara Alem
Saroj videos creators
Shola Media
Tadese munye
Tana - ጣና
Tana Daily
Tana Events and Communication
Tana Media
Teshome Abebe ተሾመ አበበ
The Ghion Journal
The Son of Consolation Gospel Ministry የመጽናናት ልጅ የወንጌል አገልግሎት
The WINs media network
TheVoice Of Amhara
Tibeb Media ጥበብ ሚድያ
United States of Amhara
Visit Gojjam
W/Hojii fi Leenjii Bu/Ma/Sanbatee የሰንበቴ ከ/አ/ ስራና ስልጠና ጽ/ቤት
Walya film
Wolesh Tube ወለሽ ቲዮብ
Wollo Entertainment-ወሎ ኢንተርቴይመንት
Xll tenaw
Yene chewata የኔ ጨዋታ
Yeshimebet degu
Zagu Media
Zema Ethiopia
attitude video shayari
bhojpuri velog video
prem k vido
shyam comedy team
نسمة كلمة
ሀገሬ Press
ማህደረ አማራ-mahder amhara
ማዕደ ሕይወት Maide Hiwot
ሳተናው ሚዲያ Satenaw Media
ስውሩ ጓድ
ሸጋ ሚዲያ Shega media
ባህር ዳር በፎቶ/Bahir Dar Photos
ቤተሰብ plus
ንስር ባህርዳር ደላላ -Nisr Bahir dar broker
አሚኮ ስፖርት AMECO Sport
አሚኮ እውነታ ማጣሪያ AMECO Fact Check
አማርኛ ቋንቋ - Amharic Language - Ethiopia
አጋር ሚዲያ-Agar media
ኢትዮ Campus
ኢትዮ ቻናል ማሳደጊያ ግሩፕ Eth Channel Booster
ኢትዮ ገጠር ቲዩብ Ethio geter tube
ወንጭፍ ሚዲያ - wonchif media
ዘመራ multimedia and promotion
ዙታሊ ሚዲያ- Zutalie Media
የ ይስማእከ ወርቁ አድናቂዎች Yismaeke Worku's fan
የጣና አፈትላኪ መረጃዎች - The Nile WikiLeaks
ዮሐንስ ዋሌ ጓዴ - Yohannes Walie Guadie
ዮፍታሔ መጻሕፍት መደብር Yoftahie Bookstore
ዶክተር ማህሌት
ጀማ ኤቨንትና መልቲሜዲያ Jema Event & Multimedia plc.
ገበታ ሚዲያ Gebeta media
ጋፋት ሚዲያ/gafat media
ፋኖ የአባቱ ልጁ
‘’የእውቀት ማዕድ’’ በFM Bahir Dar 96.9 የጠቅላላ እውቀት ጥያቄና መልስ ውድድር
𝕋𝕖𝕜𝕖𝕫𝕖 𝕋𝕦𝕓𝕖
𝖒𝖊𝖌𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖚 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌