Enter Africa Addis

Enter Africa Addis The Addis Ababa Chapter of EnterAfrica.Org

Busara is Here!

Busara is Here!

The Busara Championships is a competitive league that runs the whole year with the aim of fostering a healthy, knowledge and skill-centered, community bondin...


CHEWATACON 2021, Week 2 Program

Whoever is interested to participate in these programs send a comment below, send us a DM or even better join our telegram group at https://t.me/chewatacon

Goethe-Institut Addis Abeba, Sport Participation and Recration, Addis Ababa Youth & Sport Bureau ., Enter Africa - Gateway to African Creators, Ethiopian Games Association, Enter Africa Addis, Efuye Gela, Chewatacon: Ethiopian Gaming Festival, Chewatacon: Ethiopian Gaming Festival, Shegerhive Business & Tech Hub


The Ethiopian Gaming Festival, CHEWATACON, is the first-ever festival of its kind that aims to celebrate the Ethiopian gaming culture and explores dimensions of games and play in the local context and beyond. This festival that will run an entire month of October (with the vision of being held annually) invites all gamers, playful media designers, ‘play’ innovators, developers, hubs, publishers, game show producers, business/social partners, government representatives, consumers, communities and business owners and other playful creatives to come together and co-create a virtual mega playhouse for 5 weeks.

What is the festival about?
- Deconstructing the components of play, games, engagement, joy and proactive living
- Bringing together stakeholders from Ethiopian, African and beyond working on the gaming ecosystem and industry
- Exploring the potentials of games in other industries (This year's them is "Games meet Agriculture")
- Recognizing achievements on the fields of games

In a nutshell: Chewatacon will be about Celebrating playfulness and about promoting the Ethiopian gaming ecosystem in order to establish a stronger, synergized and self sustainable industry.


GLOBAL GAMES- Exhibition opening featuring Games and Politics!

Global Games brings the ,,Games and Politics’’ exhibition of the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with the Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe to highlight the value of video games as a socially relevant tool in a globalised world.

The exhibition “Games and Politics” presents the latest developments in the field of computer games - the most popular children of the digital revolution - including the so-called impact games, serious games and news games. The effects of globalisation as well as other real-world references are reflected in computer games: among other things, they deal with the Syria conflict, the use of drones in war zones and the the global economic interrelationships of the globalised financial market.

For more information👇

Venue- Modern Art Museum – Gebre Kirtos Desta Center
Thursday, 30 September 2021 at 6pm.

ገድለ ቡሳራከአያቶቻችን የተቀበልናት በመከባበር መሰረት ላይ የተገነባች የስነ ጥበብ መለኪያ፣ የኩራት ምልክት፣ የበጎዎች መናሃሪያ፣ የብርቱዎች መስፈሪያ፣ የሊቃውንት ማፍሪያ፣ የመድሃኒት የምት...

ገድለ ቡሳራ
ከአያቶቻችን የተቀበልናት በመከባበር መሰረት ላይ የተገነባች የስነ ጥበብ መለኪያ፣ የኩራት ምልክት፣ የበጎዎች መናሃሪያ፣ የብርቱዎች መስፈሪያ፣ የሊቃውንት ማፍሪያ፣ የመድሃኒት የምትሃት መንደር፣ በፈውሰ ውሀ የተከበበች ለደስታ ምንጭ የሆነች፣ መዘመንን ከሁሉም ቀድማ ምታበስር ድንቅ ምድር። ቡሳራ፤
ግን ይቺ ምድር፣ ምድረ ዘቡሳራ፣ ትላንቷን እያየች እየተረከች ሺ ዓመት አንቀላፋች፣ የአያቶቻቸው ገድል እያሰሙ ጎረምሶቿም አብረዋት ሺህ ዓመት ተኙ። ስንፍናም ሰፈነ፣ ማጣትም ሞላት፣ ፍርሃት ተንሰራፋ፣ ቂም በቀል አካፋ፣ ጥላቻም ተዘራ፣ ድንቁርናም ስር ዓወጣ፣ የግፍ አረም ወረራት፣ የጦርነትም ሩምሩምታ ተሰማ፣ የደም ጎርፍ መሬቷን አራሰው። ክፉ ዘመናትም ዋጧት።
ጊዜ ፈተናን በጥሩው ለክቶ ይችራልና መሽቶ አይቀርምና ጎህ ቀደደ፣ ተኝቶ አይቀርምና የእናት አይን ሽፋሽፍቶች ተርገበግቡ። የተስፋ ደወል ከመሃል ቤት ተሰማ፣ ብላቴናዎቿ በእንቅልፍ ልባቸው ተጣሩ፣ “እማማ እማማ” ተጣሩ፣ እናትም ሰማች፣ እናት ሁሌም ትሰማለች፣ አይኖቿን ገለጠች፣ ከረጅም እንቅፍል እንደሚነቃ ጎልማሳ ተንጠራራች፣ እጆቹዋንም ዘረጋች፣ አዋቂዎቹዋን ቀሰቀሰች። አዋቂዎቿ፣ ጨዋታ አዋቂዎቿ ተጠራሩ፣ ሸንጎም ተቀመጡ።።።
ዕዉን ይህ ጊዜ ያልፍ ይሆን? ወዴት፣ እንዴት ምን ሆነን ይሆን? ማንስ ይሆን ነገን ሚያሳየን? ምድረ ቡሳራ ጀግኖቹዋን በተስፋ ትጠባበቃለች። ቡሳራ የስሟ መሠረት ጥበብ ማለት ነውና እንደስሟ ጥበበኞቿን ትጣራለች፣ ካለችበት ጨለማ የልጆቹዋን ድምጽ ተጠባበቀች፣ የልጆችዋንም እጅ ሻተች።
እናም ጎረምሶቿን ጠራች ገሰጽች፣ ይቅር አባባለች፣ መፍትሄም ቀመመች። ቡሳራ ዘመነ ጠቢባንን ዋጀቸ፤ ጎረምሶቹዋንም በወደዱት በብቃታቸው በስምንት ነገዳት ተዋቀሩ።
ጠበብቱም አዋቂዎቿም ይህንን ወሰኑ። የቡሳራን ምድር የሚመራው ነገድ፤ በዘመኑ በእውቀት በክህሎትና በጥበቡ ልቆ የተገኘው ነው አሉ። ብለውም አልቀሩ በየአመቱ መጀመሪያ የሚዘጋጅ አመታዊ ፍልሚያ አዘጋጁ። አሸናፊው ለአንድ ዘመን ምድሪቷን እንዲያስተዳድር ክብር እና ሀላፊነት ይቸረዋል።
ይህ የዘመኑ መጀመሪያ ነው
እነሆ ዘመነ ጠቢባን እነሆ ፍልሚያ ዘቡሳራ

Goethe-Institut Addis Abeba, Ethiopian Games Association, Enter Africa - Gateway to African Creators, Addis Ababa Sport Commission. Enter Africa Addis Efuye Gela Chewatacon: Ethiopian Gaming Festival

ቡሳራ ይህ ትክክለኛው የአሻም ቲቪ ዩትዩብ ቻናል ነው Subscribe ያድርጉ ፤ ለወዳጆ ያጋሩ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AshamMediaTr...Youtube. - h...


🔥 ፍልሚያ ቡሳራ 🔥

3 ጨዋታዎች፣ 3 ምህዳሮች፣ እልፍ ጎራዎች፣ አእላፍ ጀግኖች
አንድ ፍልሚያ

በአይነቱ ለየት ያለ፣ አፍሪካዊ ይዘት ያላቸውና በተለምዶ አዝናኝ የሆኑ ጨዋታዎችን ያካተተ፣ በየትኛውም የህብረተሰብ ክፍል ላይ ለሚገኙ የጨዋታ ወዳጆች የሚሆን ፍልሚያ ቡሳራ የተባለ ውድድር የጀርመን ባህል ማዕከል፣ ከጨዋታ አዋቂ እና ከእፉዬ ገላ ጋር በመተባበር ይዘንላችሁ ቀርበናል። ስለዚህ በዚህ ውድድር ላይ እንደ ተፋላሚም ሆነ እንደ አዘጋጅ ሆናችሁ መሳተፍ ለምትፈልጉ እነሆ እድሉ፤

✨ጆተኒ ✨ - የምንወደውና ሁሌም አብሮን ያለው ጨዋታ፥
✨ዲጂታል ገበጣ✨ - ፡ አባቶቻችን ለኛ የሰሩትና እኛ በዘመናዊ መልኩ ያዘጋጀነው ጨዋታ፥
✨ቡሳራ ✨ - በአይነቱ ለየት ያል ከ15 አፍሪካ አገራት የተውጣጡ አፍሪቃዊያን ወጣቶች የ አዲስ እና አዝናኝ የስትራቴጂ ጨዋታ

እንዳያመልጥዎ አሁን ከታች በተያያዘው መስፈንጠሪያ ይመዝገቡ ፤
እንዳያሳስቦት ጨዋታዎቹን ለማስተዋወቅ በቂ ስልጠና አዘጋጅተናል።
የፊታችን ቅዳሜ በጀርመን ባህል ማዕከል እንገናኝ (ቀድመው መመዝገብ እንዳይረሱ)፤ በፍፁም አይቀርም!

መስፈንጠሪያ፡ https://etgames.org/busara/
ቴሌግራም ፡
ስልክ ፡ +251983-71-72-20


🔥Busara Championship🔥
Ever wondered 3 Games played in one stage?
Are you a gamer?
Are you a person who wants to learn how to play, become a pro and get featured in a Game event?
Busara championship features 3 best of their kind’s games in one stage, bringing young and talented players together in one play court.

✨Joteni✨- A playful Mini-soccer game,
✨Digital Gebeta✨ - Famous for the age, A manacala game,
✨Busara✨ - African inspired game

Don’t worry if you don’t know the games, Training will be given to you.

For more info and to register, Please use this link https://etgames.org/busara/ also contact


On behalf of all players, gamers, 'lives of parties', 'bundle of joys', 'fun lovers', 'cool kids on the block', trailblazers, trendsetters and dreamcatchers who laugh at goliath sized, impossible seeming challenges life throws; we wish all Ethiopians, Christians and the whole of humanity a happy Easter.

He Has Risen
እኔ ተኛሁ፤ አንቀላፋሁም፡፡ እግዚአብሔር አስነሥቶኛልና ተነሣሁ፤” (መዝ. ፫፥፭)

Have you registered yet???

Have you registered yet???

Something Cooking

Something Cooking


With a view to recruiting and promoting new Animation talents, Netflix and GOBELINS are currently offering six scholarships for students from the African continent for the September 2021 intake:


Learn how to earn money with esports. Afrika Esports series features unique educational program, targeting esports enthusiasts of any level. Join the program for free and kick-off your esports career.


According to Statista, has recently generated 26 million U.S. dollars in the gaming revenue. Isn’t that the new trend for businesses? Taking into account that global mobile game revenue already reached $68.5B, that opens new opportunities for development and growth of the countries. Register! This could be your chance to become a pro gamer!

Selon Statista, l'Éthiopie a récemment généré 26 millions de dollars en revenus de jeu. N’est-ce pas la nouvelle tendance pour les entreprises ? Compte tenu du fait que les revenus mondiaux des jeux mobiles ont déjà atteint 68,5 milliards de dollars, cela ouvre de nouvelles opportunités de développement et de croissance des pays.


Afrika Esports Series wishes you a happy New Year!
We wish you new victories, achievements and results!
Thank you for being with us!
See you very soon in 2021 at a large-scale esports event!

Afrika Esports Series vous souhaite une bonne année!
De nouvelles victoires, réalisations et succès!
Merci d'être avec nous ! A très bientôt en 2021 à l’occasion d’un événement esports à grande échelle!


Who knows what are the most popular competitive games in Africa?
Share your thoughts with us!
Qui sait quels sont les jeux compétitifs les plus populaires en Afrique?
Partagez vos pensées avec nous!


A reminder from Bagonza Michael.


Addis Ababa


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