Naath Media and Communication

Naath Media and Communication Find yourself before you lost yourself It is a media company which is working on three subjects:

Naath Media and Communication is a Digital Media outlet that aims at promoting the Nuer Language and Culture to the world. Addressing political issues in places that Nuer people live
2. Conveying Positivity through spiritual words for one's development
3. Entertainment: Culture, Music, Writing

It is a sisterly company with Naath Elevated run by Babur Duang who is a professional journalist and motivational speaker.


Check out Yien Wil Mayuak Nyoch interview on NMC Naath Media and Communication

Discussion with Buom kayier on the role of Gospel Music in promoting unity among people and spiritual growth.Stay Tuned!

Discussion with Buom kayier on the role of Gospel Music in promoting unity among people and spiritual growth.

Stay Tuned!

Live a life you will remember!This channel is dedicated to inspiring and changing lives.Sharing videos has nothing to do with me. My only hope and prayer is ...

09/12/2023 RIEK

Live a life you will remember!This channel is dedicated to inspiring and changing lives.Sharing videos has nothing to do with me. My only hope and prayer is ...

Duangson is the talented alter ego that Babur has had. Since 2015, Babur and Duangson have decided to follow the path of education and learning which is Babu...

Live a life you will remember!This channel is dedicated to inspiring and changing lives.Sharing videos has nothing to do with me. My only hope and prayer is ...

The two proud products of Gambella set foots in Washington DC 🇺🇸 It is just the beginning.   G*tkuoth*tuoch Panom

The two proud products of Gambella set foots in Washington DC 🇺🇸

It is just the beginning.
*tuoch Panom


Shout out to Babur Duang


Happy Sunday



Lets Preserve, and Promote Our Culture!

Available on YouTube

Available on YouTube

Live a life you will remember!This channel is dedicated to inspiring and changing lives.Sharing videos has nothing to do with me. My only hope and prayer is ...

E01Babur DuangLets Promote Our Culture, Language, and Lifestyle

Babur Duang
Lets Promote Our Culture, Language, and Lifestyle

ጊት ጋትኮት ቾል በይበልጥ የሚታወቀው "ጊት ጋት" የጋምቤላ ክልል ተወላጅ እግር ኳስ ተጫዋች ነው። ለሲዳማ ቡና 24 ቁጥር ለብሶ በተከላካይነት ይጫውታል።ጊት የኋላ ሜዳ ተከላካይ በሆነበት ወ...

ጊት ጋትኮት ቾል በይበልጥ የሚታወቀው "ጊት ጋት" የጋምቤላ ክልል ተወላጅ እግር ኳስ ተጫዋች ነው። ለሲዳማ ቡና 24 ቁጥር ለብሶ በተከላካይነት ይጫውታል።

ጊት የኋላ ሜዳ ተከላካይ በሆነበት ወቅት ምንም ኳስ አያሳልፍም። ክለቡ ምንም አይነት መሰናክሎች ቢያጋጥመው እንኳን ከፍተኛ ደረጃ ላይ እንዲደርስ በሚያሳየው የማይናወጥ ቁርጠኝነት ምክንያት “ህይወት አዳኝ” የሚል ስያሜ ተሰጥቶታል።

በአዲስ አበባ ከነማ ለሶስት አመታት እና ለሲዳማ ቡና እግር ኳስ ክለብ ለ4 አመታት ተጫውቷል ይህም በእግር ኳስ የ7 አመት ልምድ ያለው ነው።
ጊት ጋትኮት በ2011 ከሲዳማ ቡና እግር ኳስ ክለብ ጋር ለ2 አመታት ተጫውቶ ዉሉን እንደግና በ2013 ለ2 አመታት አስረዝሞ ተጫውቷል።

የተፈራረመ የኮንትራት ውል ባለንበት 10ኛ ወር ቀን 30፣ 2015 ኮንትራቱ ያበቃል። ጊት ለኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ቡድንም በተለያዩ አጋጣሚዎች እንዲጫወት ተመርጧል።

ከሲዳማ ቡና ጋር ያለው ውል ሊያብቃ 8 ቀናት ብቻ ቀረው። በዚሀም መሰረት ጊት በቀጣይ የሚያደርገውን የእግር ኳስ እንቅስቃሴ በተመለከተ ሁሉም አይኖች ይመለከቱታል።

ከማንነታቸው መግለጽ ያልፈልጉ ምንጮች ያገኘነው መረጃ እንደሚያመለክተው ጊት ወደ ባህር ማዶ እንዲጫወት ከሁለት ባላነሱ ክለቦች ጥያቄ ቀርቦለታል።

ጥያቄው ግን ጊት ከባህር ማዶ ክለቦች ጋር የሚሰጠው እድል ይቀበላል፣ ከሲዳማ ቡና ክለብ ጋር ያለውን ውል ያድሳል ወይስ ሌላ የኢትዮጵያ ክለብ ሊቀላቀል ነው?

ይህ አነጋጋሪ ጉዳይ ሆኖ ሳለ የተለያዩ ክለቦች እሱን ለማስፈረም እየተሯሯጡ ነው ነገር ግን ጊት ስለቀጣዩ ጉዞው ምንም አልተነፈሰም።
Git G*tkuoth Chuol better known as "Git G*t" is a Gambella-born footballer. He played as a defender with number 24 for Sidamma Bunna FC.

Git is a backfield giant making sure no ball passes while on his watch. He has been labeled a “lifesaver” because of his unwavering commitment to ensuring his club reaches the top regardless of obstacles.

He had played for Addis Ababa Kenema for three years and Sidamma Bunna Football Club for 4 years which makes him have a commutative of 7 years experience in football.

Git G*tkuoth signed a contract deal with Sidamma Bunna Football Club in 2018/2019where he played for 4 years and on July 7, 2023, his contract will end. Git has also been selected to play for Ethiopian National Team on a number of occasions.

As his deal expires in 8 days with Sidamma Bunna FC, eyes are on him about his next move.

According to information we have obtained from multiple anonymous sources, Git has been requested by brokers to play overseas.

The question is will Git accept the deal with overseas clubs, will he renew his deal with Sidamma Bunna FC, or is he going to join another club within Ethiopia?

This remains controversial as various clubs are running to fit him in but Git hasn’t breathed anything about his next journey.

Sidama Bunna f.c/ሲዳማ ቡና እግር ኳስ ክለብ
BetKing Ethiopia
Git G*tkuoth Chuol

ጊት ጋትኮት ቾል በይበልጥ የሚታወቀው "ጊት ጋት" የጋምቤላ ክልል ተወላጅ እግር ኳስ ተጫዋች ነው። ለሲዳማ ቡና 24 ቁጥር ለብሶ በተከላካይነት ይጫውታል።ጊት የኋላ ሜዳ ተከላካይ በሆነበት ወ...

ጊት ጋትኮት ቾል በይበልጥ የሚታወቀው "ጊት ጋት" የጋምቤላ ክልል ተወላጅ እግር ኳስ ተጫዋች ነው። ለሲዳማ ቡና 24 ቁጥር ለብሶ በተከላካይነት ይጫውታል።

ጊት የኋላ ሜዳ ተከላካይ በሆነበት ወቅት ምንም ኳስ አያሳልፍም። ክለቡ ምንም አይነት መሰናክሎች ቢያጋጥመው እንኳን ከፍተኛ ደረጃ ላይ እንዲደርስ በሚያሳየው የማይናወጥ ቁርጠኝነት ምክንያት “ህይወት አዳኝ” የሚል ስያሜ ተሰጥቶታል።

በአዲስ አበባ ከነማ ለሶስት አመታት እና ለሲዳማ ቡና እግር ኳስ ክለብ ለ4 አመታት ተጫውቷል ይህም በእግር ኳስ የ7 አመት ልምድ ያለው ነው።
ጊት ጋትኮት በ2011 ከሲዳማ ቡና እግር ኳስ ክለብ ጋር ለ2 አመታት ተጫውቶ ዉሉን እንደግና በ2013 ለ2 አመታት አስረዝሞ ተጫውቷል።

የተፈራረመ የኮንትራት ውል ባለንበት 10ኛ ወር ቀን 30፣ 2015 ኮንትራቱ ያበቃል። ጊት ለኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ቡድንም በተለያዩ አጋጣሚዎች እንዲጫወት ተመርጧል።

ከሲዳማ ቡና ጋር ያለው ውል ሊያብቃ 8 ቀናት ብቻ ቀረው። በዚሀም መሰረት ጊት በቀጣይ የሚያደርገውን የእግር ኳስ እንቅስቃሴ በተመለከተ ሁሉም አይኖች ይመለከቱታል።

ከማንነታቸው መግለጽ ያልፈልጉ ምንጮች ያገኘነው መረጃ እንደሚያመለክተው ጊት ወደ ባህር ማዶ እንዲጫወት ከሁለት ባላነሱ ክለቦች ጥያቄ ቀርቦለታል።

ጥያቄው ግን ጊት ከባህር ማዶ ክለቦች ጋር የሚሰጠው እድል ይቀበላል፣ ከሲዳማ ቡና ክለብ ጋር ያለውን ውል ያድሳል ወይስ ሌላ የኢትዮጵያ ክለብ ሊቀላቀል ነው?

ይህ አነጋጋሪ ጉዳይ ሆኖ ሳለ የተለያዩ ክለቦች እሱን ለማስፈረም እየተሯሯጡ ነው ነገር ግን ጊት ስለቀጣዩ ጉዞው ምንም አልተነፈሰም።
Git G*tkuoth Chuol better known as "Git G*t" is a Gambella-born footballer. He played as a defender with number 24 for Sidamma Bunna FC.

Git is a backfield giant making sure no ball passes while on his watch. He has been labeled a “lifesaver” because of his unwavering commitment to ensuring his club reaches the top regardless of obstacles.

He had played for Addis Ababa Kenema for three years and Sidamma Bunna Football Club for 4 years which makes him have a commutative of 7 years experience in football.

Git G*tkuoth signed a contract deal with Sidamma Bunna Football Club in 2018/2019where he played for 4 years and on July 7, 2023, his contract will end. Git has also been selected to play for Ethiopian National Team on a number of occasions.

As his deal expires in 8 days with Sidamma Bunna FC, eyes are on him about his next move.

According to information we have obtained from multiple anonymous sources, Git has been requested by brokers to play overseas.

The question is will Git accept the deal with overseas clubs, will he renew his deal with Sidamma Bunna FC, or is he going to join another club within Ethiopia?

This remains controversial as various clubs are running to fit him in but Git hasn’t breathed anything about his next journey.

Git G*tkuoth Chuol
Sidama Bunna f.c/ሲዳማ ቡና እግር ኳስ ክለብ
BetKing Ethiopia


Addis Ababa


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