Gaze Docs

Gaze Docs We're Gaze Docs! An all-women production team from the UK, USA, EU & ROK.

Perks of working from the office. 사무실에서 일하는 장점 ❤️

Perks of working from the office. 사무실에서 일하는 장점 ❤️

HEY! Issue  #1 is out today - let us know if we've missed you out.###x

HEY! Issue #1 is out today - let us know if we've missed you out.

Hey! If you didn't know already, we finished our crowdfunding on  last friday!We are SO GRATEFUL to everyone who donated...

Hey! If you didn't know already, we finished our crowdfunding on last friday!

We are SO GRATEFUL to everyone who donated and has taken an interest in the making of our documentary.

Thank you X 1000000000000!❤️

We're all super tired from the last few months, and need to take a week break from being online.

But we will see you soon!

Our next steps are to get our teammates to Korea in the next few weeks and recommence filming. We've been doing *lots* of visa applications for a couple months too, so hopefully everything will pay off very soon!

We will keep you updated as we progress.

See you very very soon


Hey! We are holding a Q&A tomorrow.

Send in your questions about our film & production to our inbox, we wil be answering them from midday on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 on FB & Instagram stories.



This is Anissa, our stranded director!

We have just FOUR DAYS left to get to 80% of our crowdfunding goal.
We need your help to make sure we can overcome the obstacles presented by COVID19 and visas, and lack of funds in order to keep making our documentary on digital s*x crime & imaged based abuse.

Please will you help us?


What are deepfakes?

In this video Henry Adjer of Deeptrace Labs (now called 'Sensity') explains what a deepfake is.

Deeptrace Labs ('Sensity') are a visual threat intelligence platform that provides actionable insights to detect and monitor deepfakes and other visual threats.


Victim blaming is a serious issue that is too ingrained in so many cultures and needs to stop!
How does victim blaming work?
In this clip from **n explains victim blaming.



Here are our producers Liv & Ieva in a short 'behind the scenes' video on how they started the film!

We are at 50% and we have just 6 days left until we finish our crowdfunding campaign!


We need to reach at least 80% of the goal to collect the money and carry on with our project.


Even small 5$ donations can go a long way!

*xualabuse *xcrime

Starting with the 'Soranet Accusation Project' in 2015, Hyena has been an activist and representative of DSO (digital s*...

Starting with the 'Soranet Accusation Project' in 2015, Hyena has been an activist and representative of DSO (digital s*x crimes out) an organisation for the eradication of digital s*xual violence and liberation of women in South Korea.

In DSO, the small team dedicated their time to monitoring the internet for violating content, and deleting videos/images for victim-survivors.
This year Ha Yena began writing a blog that tells her story of working with DSO, and in this quote looks to a future where she imagines moving forward from difficulty and struggle towards a bright future.

She is currently working as a programmer and believes solidly in finding 'a computer of one's own' & recognising our own individual power to shape the online space through one's own contrivance.


Image based abuse is a form of digital s*x crime whereby a person's personal and intimate imagery is weaponised against ...

Image based abuse is a form of digital s*x crime whereby a person's personal and intimate imagery is weaponised against them (these images will sometimes be used to perpetrate additional forms of digital s*x crime, like blackmail & online s*xtortion).

Image based abuse is characterised by the way it reoccurs, reappears, repeats and re-traumatises victims.

Once an image or video is uploaded online, there is no guarantee that it can ever be deleted - particularly if the perpetrator holds the original, and shares that original copy.

Many victim-survivors see their images uploaded week after week, month after month, year after year - even when they've employed deletion services.

This becomes the 'new normal'. Victim-survivors can become totally occupy their lives with the circulation of their imagery, or lose momentum and hope that the problem will ever be resolved.

*xual_exploitation *xCrime *xual_exploitation *xCrime


Hi! It's been ONE WEEK since we started our crowdfunding campaign. We're now at 29% - thank you! Please keep liking, sharing & donating.
👇👇Here's Anissa with a update on what we're up to ### ❤️



What is *xualAbuse?

You've likely already heard terms like 'revenge p**n', 'deepfakes' and 'upskirting'. These are all forms of image based abuse and are a kind of digitally perpetrated s*xual violence.

In this video Clare McGlynn, Professor of Law at Durham University in the UK talks about what constitutes image based abuse (aka digital s*x crime) - but also explains that it's very difficult to get exact numbers in terms of scale.

Clare specialises in the legal regulation of p**nography, image-based s*xual abuse, violence against women, and gender equality in the legal profession.

You can find our more about Clare and her work at


Protest creates change! A photo of protestors against the Nth Room outside The National Assembly in Seoul    #렌즈깨기 ...

Protest creates change!

A photo of protestors against the Nth Room outside The National Assembly in Seoul

*xCrime **n *xualabuse *xualassault #디지털성범죄


Molka is a documentary about digital s*x crime in South Korea exposing the unchecked r**e culture and technology that is creating a silent and deadly epidemic. These issues have deadly consequences all over the world and are growing at alarming rates. Check our our pitch video below and support us in raising awareness here:

Yesterday was day 2 of our crowdfunding campaign, and we have made 16% of our goal! Thank you so much to everyone who ha...

Yesterday was day 2 of our crowdfunding campaign, and we have made 16% of our goal!

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far!
Let's push today! We have a better chance at meeting our goal if we make 30% of our goal in the first 3 days of our campaign.

If you like what we're doing but you can't donate, you can support us by creating an account on Seed & Spark and following us on there! The more followers we get on Seed & Spark, the more perks, products, services, and festival waivers we can recieve.



As part of our project, we're building up our online space as a space to educate on the subject of digital s*x crime internationally.

One of the problems that victim-survivors face when they've been the subject of a violating act, like consensual filming or consensual sharing of their imagery online is 'victim blaming'.

This is a cut from our chat with Sophie Mortimer from the Revenge P**n Helpline in the UK. Here she talks about the experiences of survivors dealing with this phenomenon.
RPH is a service for people 18+ who have been the victim of image based abuse.

If you need the help of the Revenge P**n Helpline you can contact them on 0345 6000 459 or visit their website - https://revengep** ---- lines are open 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday.


We are filmmakers from all over the world making a documentary about Digital S*x Crime ALERTThe day has arrived! We're launching our international crowdfunding ...

The day has arrived! We're launching our international crowdfunding campaign on Seed & Spark right now! It's super important that we make 30% of our goal in the first 3 days and we need all the help we can get. Please show your support by sharing our project far and wide - and make sure to use our hashtag . We need to make our goal to make this film happen. Please help us!!! *xualviolence **n *xcrime

MOLKA is a timely and urgent documentary about digital s*x crime in South Korea that seeks to expose how the intersection of unchecked r**e culture and ever-evolving social media technology is creating a silent and deadly epidemic, with far reaching consequences for digital citizens everywhere.

"Globally, human trafficking generates average annual profits of $150 billion, of which two-thirds come from forced s*xu...

"Globally, human trafficking generates average annual profits of $150 billion, of which two-thirds come from forced s*xual exploitation. With the rapid growth of digital platforms threatening to make child s*x trafficking even more lucrative, the world must step up its efforts to prevent this appalling crime."

Globally, human trafficking generates average annual profits of $150 billion, of which two-thirds come from forced s*xual exploitation. With the rapid growth of digital platforms threatening to make child s*x trafficking even more lucrative, the world must step up its efforts to prevent this appalli...

비하인드 더 씬 😀   #렌즈깨기     *xCrime  **n  *xualabuse  *xualassault        #디지털성범죄

비하인드 더 씬 😀

*xCrime **n *xualabuse *xualassault #디지털성범죄

"여성에 대한, 사람에 대한 성 착취는 여기서 멈춰야합니다. 그동안 가시화되지 않고 묵인 된 여성 대상 범죄를 끝내기위한 노력 하나 하나에 응원과 격려를 보냅니다. 우리의 몸은 우리 것이지 성적인 이미지를 소비하는 ...

"여성에 대한, 사람에 대한 성 착취는 여기서 멈춰야합니다. 그동안 가시화되지 않고 묵인 된 여성 대상 범죄를 끝내기위한 노력 하나 하나에 응원과 격려를 보냅니다. 우리의 몸은 우리 것이지 성적인 이미지를 소비하는 당신 것이 아닙니다. 우리는 소비의 대상이 될 수 없습니다."

기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜

"우선, 아무리 페미니스트라도 팀을 꾸리고 직접적으로 활동에 나서기까지 얼마나 큰 용기가 필요한지 느끼고있어 응원하게되었습니다. 디지털 성범죄라는 예민한 문제를 가지고 피해자들을 배려하며 사람들에게 효과적으로 메시지...

"우선, 아무리 페미니스트라도 팀을 꾸리고 직접적으로 활동에 나서기까지 얼마나 큰 용기가 필요한지 느끼고있어 응원하게되었습니다. 디지털 성범죄라는 예민한 문제를 가지고 피해자들을 배려하며 사람들에게 효과적으로 메시지를 전달하기가 쉬운 일이 아니며 그뿐만 아니라 사건을 직접 마주하면서 느껴지는 분뇨, 침울함, 고통 동 격하게 말려를 감정들을 견뎌 가며 다큐멘터리를 제작한다는 것이 얼마나 큰 결심으로 이루어지는 지 감히 저로는 예상하지 못합니다. 또이 다큐멘터리가 우연히 살아남은, 앞으로 혹은 지금도 타켓이되고있는 많은 여성들의 손에서, 혐에서, 마음에서 만들어지고 있음에 꼭 힘을 보태고 싶다고 생각하였습니다. 남의 이야기가 아닌 여성 불, 즉 '우리의 이야기'를 만드는 사람들에게 '우리'에 포함되는 저도 힘이되고 싶었습니다. Gaze docs의 이번 프로젝트를 비롯하며 많은 빼 미니 스트를이 후리 스스로의 목소리를 여욱 다양한 분야에서 당랑 히 내비를 수있는 사회가 왔으면겠습니다. 앞으로도 Gaza docs가 흔 틀리지 입고, 철망하지 않고, 많은 폐 미니 스트들과 함께 여성의 이야기를 플려 과오 었 요면 불겠습니다."

기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜

우리가 이 놀랍도록 재능 있는 사진작가를 만나게 되어서 너무 기뻐! 우리는 그들의 예술을 사랑한다.  😍      #렌즈깨기     *xCrime  **n  *xualabuse  *xualassault   ...

우리가 이 놀랍도록 재능 있는 사진작가를 만나게 되어서 너무 기뻐! 우리는 그들의 예술을 사랑한다. 😍

*xCrime **n *xualabuse *xualassault #디지털성범죄 @ South Korea

외치고 또 외치고, 알리고 또 알리며 더 이상 여성들이 죽지 않길 바라는 마음으로 Gaze Docs 후원을했습니다. 또이 후원을 통해 디지털 성범죄 범벅 인 한국 속에서 살아가는 생존자를 연대하고 활동가를 응원하고 ...

외치고 또 외치고, 알리고 또 알리며 더 이상 여성들이 죽지 않길 바라는 마음으로 Gaze Docs 후원을했습니다. 또이 후원을 통해 디지털 성범죄 범벅 인 한국 속에서 살아가는 생존자를 연대하고 활동가를 응원하고 저 또한 디지털 성범죄 규탄 운동에 동참하고 싶었습니다. 정말 고지가 코앞 이네요. 다큐멘터리를 통해 범죄가 유머가 아닌 범죄로 인식되고 많은 생존자들이 힘을 얻으면 좋겠습니다.

기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜

"디지털 성범죄의 심각성에 비해 그에 대해 알려지지 않은 현 상황에서 Gaze Docs의 활동이 꼭 필요하다고 생각해 후원했습니다. 늘 응원합니다.기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜   #렌즈깨기

"디지털 성범죄의 심각성에 비해 그에 대해 알려지지 않은 현 상황에서 Gaze Docs의 활동이 꼭 필요하다고 생각해 후원했습니다. 늘 응원합니다.

기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜

"이 영화가 디지털 성범죄를 넘어 사회에 만연한 여성 혐오와 강간 문화에 대해 생각해 볼 수있는 기회가되기를 바랍니다."기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜   #렌즈깨기

"이 영화가 디지털 성범죄를 넘어 사회에 만연한 여성 혐오와 강간 문화에 대해 생각해 볼 수있는 기회가되기를 바랍니다."

기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜

기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜   #렌즈깨기

기부자분들께 감사드린다! 💜


감사합니다! THANK YOU!

이 프로젝트에 참여하고 Tumblbug에서 우리를 지원해 주셔서 감사합니다!

Thank you for taking part in this project and supporting us on Tumblbug! We love you!

*xCrime #디지털성범죄



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