Alex Roman - Video Editor

Alex Roman - Video Editor Video Editor👨‍💻
Global Freelancer🌍
I help you Scale Your Bizz with Video Creation🚀 Back then I was doing my B.A. studies.

Passionate Video Editor - I help you Scale your Business with stunning videos (remote working). I invite you to book a 15-minute call and see how we can collaborate:

My story till here:

My interest and work in educational content creation started in 2020. Once I discovered Adobe Premiere Pro, my passion took off. Since then, I created hundr

eds of videos, especially for marketing purposes for my clients in: Parenting, Psychology, Online Courses/ eLearning, Online coaching programs, with a vision to extend the industries. My goal with video editing is to bring ideas into reality and support you scale your business. I use for this Premiere Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop etc. On a personal note, I'm a big fan of plant-based diet and of sports, especially football and table tennis. I consider Business Networking a great way to meet wonderful entrepreneurs, so we can help each other and positively impact the world. I believe in a business world driven by: ethics, honesty and cooperation. My motto is: Dare to set high goals and put in the effort to achieve them.

We can also connect on my other social platforms:


My last speech of 2024 is here.🗣️

It is about the importance of having a mentor.🤝

Wasn't my best speech I've had at but there is no progress without practice.✅



Recently I had a speech about some self-defense tips that might prevent people from being attacked by an aggresor or by a dog.🐕

These are the tips that I shared with the public:

1. Lack of situational awareness
2. Walking in unsafe areas at night
3. Having the wrong attitude.

For more info, please watch the speech.🗣️

PS. I am not an expert on this topic as my current fighting experience is very limited, but things will change as the time passes by. There are still some things that I learned that can be useful for others if they would know them.

Uite ca s-a facut anul deja.😜Acum 1 an paseam pentru prima data in cea mai buna academie de jiu-jitsu brazilian din Cluj...

Uite ca s-a facut anul deja.😜

Acum 1 an paseam pentru prima data in cea mai buna academie de jiu-jitsu brazilian din Cluj.🤼‍♂️

Desi primele 6 luni n-am inteles nimic si faceam orice altceva decat ce trebuia, ce m-a facut sa vin in continuare a fost senzatia incredibila de vulnerabilitate si neputinta care mi-au lasat un gust amar.

Am realizat rapid cat de prost stateau lucrurile si ca traiam intr-un basm frumos.

Mi-am spus ca ceva trebuie sa se schimbe si ca lucrurile nu pot ramane asa in continuare.

La o prima vedere aveam impresia ca pot scapa cu o relativa usurinta daca as fi intins pe spate cu cineva deasupra mea.

E fix acel moment cand nu ti se pare mare scofala un exercitiu, insa cand e vorba sa incerci, iti dai seama ca tot ce "stiai" de fapt e un mare ZERO.

In lipsa unui antrenament sustinut pe o perioada indelungata, suntem incredibil de vulnerabili, indiferent cat de inalti, puternici sau rapizi suntem.

De ce jiu-jitsu? Ar fi prea multe de spus si Rener Gracie ar face-o infinit mai bine. Ideea de baza si pe ce ma bazez eu, e ca daca ai fi atacat pe strada, sunt sanse considerabile sa ajungi jos, iar acolo se poate dezlantui un mic iad.😬

Asa ca, don't be lame, go train.😂


‼️The audio is pretty messed up since I did not use a mic and the phone that was recording me was not close enough.🔉

***The 9/11 files are still classified.*** I made a little mistake during my speech - saying they are not classified.😬 Of course they are.

Besides that I had a great time sharing the way reading improved my life. My ultimate goal is to understand how the world works and reading is one of the easiest and most efficient steps we can take towards that.🌍

By reading I understood there's some ugly stuff going on in this world & I became aware of some agendas they're trying to push on us. Don't believe me, make your own research.🤷‍♂️

As I said in my speech the smartest people / the most successful people in the world read. Warren Buffett reads 500 pages a day and he will turn 94 the next month.👴

There's no way there's zero corelation between his financial situation and the fact that he's a massive reader.📚

Reading is a great way to gain knowledge since a lot of great minds were and / or are authors.✍️

That being said I would like to encourage you to read more & to leave me a comment below.💬

Did you reasonate with what I was talking about during my speech? What should I improve in my future speeches?🗣️

Triangle lessons.🔺️🔺️🔺️Slowly but surely we getting better.🤷‍♂️••••••••••

Triangle lessons.🔺️🔺️🔺️

Slowly but surely we getting better.🤷‍♂️


Adesea in public speaking este intalnita vulnerabilitatea, iar marti, multi dintre speakerii s-au facut vulnerabili in unele momente.

Vulnerabilitatea are rolul de a crea o legatura intre speaker si public si functioneaza de minune pentru ca publicul rezoneaza sau a trecut prin experiente similare.🙋‍♂

Un alt aspect e ca vulnerabilitatea creaza o stare de curiozitate. Cel putin in cazul meu, cand ascult pe cineva care se face vulnerabil, ciulesc urechile si sunt nerabdator sa aflu cm s-a terminat povestea.👀


This Tuesday I also talked about having a positive way of thinking.😊

I believe it's one of the most important things to be able to focus on what's important when s**t goes wrong.🤷‍♂️

There are so many benefits of having a positive way of thinking. It's a little easier to be empathetic and kind even when you're judged cause hate and anger towards somebody only reflect unhealed people.😟

I encourage you to watch this video as you'll get some valuable info for sure.👀


Ieri am ales sa impartasesc o experienta din trecut in care am fost victima bullyingului.

De-a lungul timpului am trecut prin nenumarate astfel de experiente, ceea ce in final m-a facut sa constientizez nevoia de a urma un sport de contact pentru a deprinde abilitati de self-defense.🥋

Nu e acesta singurul motiv, sunt o multime de beneficii in spate.✅

Intotdeauna am fost atras de artele martiale. Am fost si sunt fascinat de ce suntem capabili sa facem cu corpul nostru daca alegem sa ne antrenam intens.🥵🥋

Cat despre discurs, a lasat mult loc de dorit, insa pe viitor lucrurile vor arata mult mai bine, no doubt. E doar chestiune de timp.⌛

Multumesc tuturor colegilor de la Toastmasters care sunt mereu gata sa ajute, sa ofere feedback si incurajari.🙏

Am aderat la organizatia secreta BPT.👽 If I disapper, I did not kill myself.🤣•••

Am aderat la organizatia secreta BPT.👽 If I disapper, I did not kill myself.🤣


In cadrul Toastmasters avem 2 categorii de discursuri: pregatite si improvizate. Cele pregatite dureaza mai mult si evident necesita o pregatire anterioara temeinica.👀💻

Discursurile improvizate in schimb sunt mai scurte, iar vorbitorii trebuie sa filozofeze in functie de subiectul care le cade odata ce ajung pe scena.🤷‍♂️

In prima instanta mi s-au parut mult mai confortabile discursurile pregatite deoarece se bazeaza pe ceva concret.

Odata ce te pregatesti pentru a sustine un discurs, capeti si o doza considerabila de incredere ca lucrurile vor merge bine.

Asadar, pentru mine au fost si inca sunt mai provocatoare discursurile improvizate.🧐

Tu cm te-ai descurca la un discurs improvizat? Nu e chiar asa scary pe cat pare.

Cand ma gandesc la cosmarurile pe care le aveam in trecut legat de vorbitul in public, oh boy...😅Nu sunt membru Toastmas...

Cand ma gandesc la cosmarurile pe care le aveam in trecut legat de vorbitul in public, oh boy...😅

Nu sunt membru Toastmasters decat de un pic de timp insa deja mi-am imbunatatit considerabil abilitatea de a vorbi in public.🗣

Mereu imi place sa spun ca vorbitul in public e printre cele mai importante abilitati pe care le putem deprinde in viata.

In cazul meu, consider ca as avea prea multe de pierdut daca as alege sa nu fac asta.
Vreau sa fac fata cu brio in orice situatie imi va pune viata inainte asa ca nu-mi ramane decat sa trag de mine.😅

Daca vrei sa te dezvolti ca vorbitor, in Romania exista 19 cluburi Toastmasters si sunt sanse mari sa fie unul chiar in orasul tau. Nu trebuie decat sa dai un search rapid.📲


Ieri am sustinut primul meu discurs de aproape 7 minute in cadrul Toastmasters.🗣👀

A fost destul de provocator si desi feedbackul publicului a fost peste masura de pozitiv, sunt lucruri pe care cu putin mai multa atentie si munca le puteam face mult mai bine.

Discursul l-am lasat brut, fara cut-uri, tocmai pentru ca ar fi parut mult mai bun daca as fi scos micile greseli, nesincronizari, ticuri verbale etc.🤷‍♂️

Nu e deloc usor sa vorbesti in public iar treaba asta vine cu responsabilitati. Totusi vorbitul in public e unul dintre cele mai frumoase si folositoare skill-uri pe care le putem deprinde vreodata. I'm biased, stiu.🥰

As vrea sa le multumesc tuturor colegilor si ma bucur mult ca formam un mediu prin care crestem impreuna si oferim valoare atat noua cat si celorlalti.

PS. Doar acum cativa ani eram o epava totala si la acel moment nu-mi imaginam ca o sa vina o zi cand o sa vorbesc unui public cu o lejeritate din ce in ce mai mare. Dar prin munca cu mine insumi, prin mentorii, cartile si indrumarile de care am avut parte, am ajuns aici. Acum ramane doar sa mai ajustez lucruri along the way.

Let's get it.🚀🚀🚀



Horario de Apertura

Lunes 08:00 - 20:00
Martes 08:00 - 20:00
Miércoles 08:00 - 20:00
Jueves 08:00 - 20:00
Viernes 08:00 - 17:00
Domingo 08:00 - 20:00


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