ጋዜጠኛ፡"ንምንታይ ንኣፍቃሪትካ ነበር ኢሪና ሻይክ ገዲፍካያ?"
ክሪስትያኖ ሮናልዶ " ኩሉ ግዜ ብሓደ ነገር ንበኣስ ኔርና እቲ ጠንቂ ድማ ኣደይ ኢያ። ኣነ ኩሉ ግዜ ኣብ ዝኸድክዎ ኣደይ ምሳይ ክትህሉ ኢየ ዝደሊ። ሓደ ግዜ ኣብ ናይ birth day ኣብ ዝኸድክሉ ኣጋጣሚ ኣደይ ምሳይ ሒዘያ ከይደ ኢሪና ድማ ደስ ኣይበላን ንምንታይ ነዴኻ ኩሉ ግዜ ሒዝካያ ትመጽእ ካባይ ንላዕሊ ኔዴኻ ግዜ ትህባ ኣነ ኣብ ዝኾነ ኣጋጣሚ ነደይ ሒዘያ ኣይመጽእን ኢየ ኢላትኒ ኣነ ድማ ኣደይ ኩሉ ግዜ ካባይ ከም ዘይፈልያ ሓቢረያ እዚ ድማ ጠንቂ መባኣሲና ኮይኑ
"ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ንኣዴኻ እንተዘይተቐቢላ ምስ ጌጋ ሰብ ኢኻ ዘለኻ ማለት እዩ" ነዓይ ኣደይ ኣብ ዝብጻሕ ንክበጽሕ ዘሕለፈቶ ከርታት ብዝኾነ ዋጋ ኣይትመንን ኢዩ" ስለዚ ድማ ኢየ ካብ ኣፍቃሪተይ ተፈላልየ ኣደይ ዝመረጽኩ ይብል
ናይ ሮናልዶ ውሳነ ከመይ ረኺብኩማ
Journalist: "Why did you leave your ex-girlfriend Irina Shayk?"
Cristiano Ronaldo: "He once told me: 'Everywhere you go, do you take her with you? You have to choose between your mother and me'. He said it to me with conviction and anger. At that point I made the decision to leave her forever. I could never, under any circumstances, abandon my mother for any woman, on Earth or off Earth. And I don't regret doing it.
If a woman doesn't accept your mother, then you are with the wrong person. Do you know who was there when I was a child and had nothing? Do you know what my mother had to do to bring food home, wash clothes, clean bathrooms, gardens and houses to buy me notebooks and soccer shoes?
Today I want to fight for her until the last second of my life. She will always be with me, wherever I go."
Mom is always mom ❤️