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Zat Masr English Zat Masr is a media and research foundation concerned with the issues of the Arab region, the Middle Zat Masr is an independent media and research foundation.

Our vision is to raise issues with ultimate objectivity and impartiality, out of our belief in the reader’s right to knowledge, and to present a free and objective media and research model. The Foundation considers that the rapid developments in the Arab region and the Middle East, as well as changes in the societal structures require us to keep pace with these developments through presenting a di

fferent vision of the current issues, engaging with these issues and deconstructing them. Zat Masr makes special and unique contributions to discuss new societal issues and phenomena and study Islamic movements, issues of violence and extremism, religious diversity, and varied cultural and artistic dimensions, without neglecting the importance of exploring heritage and history. Zat Masr pays much attention to digital media techniques as well as visual media through the production of short films and documentaries.




ولدت سعاد شعبان بخيت لأسرة فقيرة، بمدينة جهينة، في سوهاج، لم تكن تدرك في طفولتها أن خِدمتها في بيوت الأسياد، ليست عملاً اختياريًّا، لكنه حكم أبدي، سيرسم خطوط مصيرها في مجتمع تحكمه عادات قبلية، تقسّم البشر إلى ناس"في العلالي" وناس "فقارى".
اقرأ التحقيق التالي عن ميراث الجهل في صعيد مصر


تنشط في مصر شركات تستقطب عمالًا من أجل غرض وحيد، هو تشغيلهم من الباطن لدى مستخدمين آخرين، بما في ذلك شركات مملوكة للحكومة وأخرى متعددة الجنسيات، مقابل تحصيل ما بين 10 و22 في المئة من أجور العمال، وتُعرف باسم "شركات توريد العمالة"، ورغم أن قانون العمل المصري يحظر تشغيل عمال عن طريق متعهد أو مقاول توريد؛ يلتف المقاولون على القوانين بلعب دور "السمسار"، ويجبرون العمال على توقيع عقود تؤدي إلى حرمانهم من حقوقهم.
تحقيق جديد لـ Ehab Zidan عن سخرة المصريين بعقود توريد العمالة بالتعاون مع ARIJ

لقراءة التحقيق كاملا:

It seems that Somalia will witness a very critical stage on both the political and security levels in the coming months,...

It seems that Somalia will witness a very critical stage on both the political and security levels in the coming months, especially with the approach of the general elections scheduled at December 2020 and February 2021. This coincide with the date of the withdrawal of African forces scheduled at February 2021

An Expected American Withdrawal: The Future of Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen Movement in the Horn of Africa - Zawaya - Zatmasr

Reconstruction of the Port of Beirut, No One Grants Millions of Dollars for Free!

Reconstruction of the Port of Beirut, No One Grants Millions of Dollars for Free!

we review in this article what may be considered as “patterns of French researches” that specifically dealt with the act...

we review in this article what may be considered as “patterns of French researches” that specifically dealt with the activist Islamic phenomenon. We do not talk about dealing with the Islamic religious affair, because this field in france is open to Sufi actors, Salafists, and other types of religiousness, including the publications of the religious institutions afiliated with Arab and Middle Eastern countries in general, or the so-called “the Islam of Consulates”. Therefore, our discussion is concerned with the research interaction with the movement of activist Islam first and foremost.

French Trends in Reading “Political Islam” - Opinions - Zatmasr

  and   are TIME's 2020 Person of the Year

and are TIME's 2020 Person of the Year

The Reconstruction plan will span 18 months. It includes the provision of immediate humanitarian aids and the efforts of...

The Reconstruction plan will span 18 months. It includes the provision of immediate humanitarian aids and the efforts of recovery and reconstruction on the medium term in order to place Lebanon on the path of sustainable development. The pan is also based on comprehensive principles of transparency, accountability and inclusiveness, with an estimated cost of two billion and 500 million US dollars.

Reconstruction of the Port of Beirut: No One Grants Millions of Dollars for Free! - Zawaya - Zatmasr


The Godfather of Mahraganat Songs

This article discusses the nature, origin and sources of African oral literature. It also examines the vocabulary used w...

This article discusses the nature, origin and sources of African oral literature. It also examines the vocabulary used which reflects the African geography, and uses natural phenomena to depict rhetorical images and its relation to performance in oral literature. The documentation of oral popular heritage will be examined. It also reviews the role of traditional ceremonies in major cities to revive the African oral heritage.

The African Oral Literature and the Question of Identity: A Dancing Public Memory... And Rings of Fire Lighting Up Forests! - Zawaya - Zatmasr


Farida Ramadan has struggled for 35 years to be able to have a transgender: from a man to a woman The issue started with shyness even from childhood, when she joined the school, she was always sitting in the last row of girls. There was no communication with her family at all. Watch this video to learn more about Farida story.

Over time, the Sahel region has become one of the strongholds of international terrorism. Along the vast region sprawlin...

Over time, the Sahel region has become one of the strongholds of international terrorism. Along the vast region sprawling from the Horn of Africa through the Sahel to West Africa, many terrorist groups are active, most notably Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Boko Haram, Mujahideen Youth Movement (al-Shabaab), Al-Mourabitoun, Ansar al-Sharia, and Nusrat Islam and Muslims group (JNIM).

Deconstructing the Terrorist Mindset in Sahel Region - Opinions - Zatmasr

During his election campaign for presidency, Biden highlighted his future strategy towards the Palestinian Cause and the...

During his election campaign for presidency, Biden highlighted his future strategy towards the Palestinian Cause and the Palestinian-Israel conflict. Some aspects of this strategy were unveiled during the statements released by Biden himself along with the members of his election campaign and other Democratic Party figures. in this article you will know Joe Biden administration's view on the Palestinian crisis.

A Bad Bet.. Joe Biden and the Future of the Palestinian Cause - Zawaya - Zatmasr

In light of the escalating danger of militias and their constant threat to American interests, the key question now is: ...

In light of the escalating danger of militias and their constant threat to American interests, the key question now is: how will the US and the Iraq deal with “the Iranian militias” if Biden decides to complete the withdrawal plans?

IS Careful Dismantling Possible?.. Iran’s “Cells” are Expanding - Zawaya - Zatmasr

Perhaps they never thought that the boats that carried them to other homelands where they got the title “refugees” would...

Perhaps they never thought that the boats that carried them to other homelands where they got the title “refugees” would not send them back again to their countries. They might think that leaving their homes was the worst thing they would experince. By the year 2020 and the outbreak of the COVID-19, the refugee women experienced more pains. They lost their work and thus became, along with their children, homeless. They neither have an identity papers to get even bread, nor work to get their living.

Death is Our Slightest Loss: On Alienation and the Pandemic in the Sight of the Refugee Women - Zawaya - Zatmasr

In this article, we will reveal the future of US policy towards issues of terrorism and extremism in the Middle East. Mo...

In this article, we will reveal the future of US policy towards issues of terrorism and extremism in the Middle East. Moreover, the expected transformation of Washington’s strategy towards the region and countering terrorism and the role of the elected President Joe Biden in reshaping this new strategy will be investigated

Biden and Terrorism: A Unique Opportunity to Overcome Mistakes of the Past - Zawaya - Zatmasr


A study aims to investigate a phenomenon related to activist (Haraky) Salafi version of Islam.
You can find the full study here: 👇

Understanding a "Term" and the Crisis of Discourse, By prof. Usama Nabil Read the full article here : 👇

Understanding a "Term" and the Crisis of Discourse, By prof. Usama Nabil
Read the full article here : 👇

Understanding a “Term” and the Crisis of Discourse - Opinions - Zatmasr

Dr. Sylvan participated in several conferences for inter-religious dialogue and conflict resolution, and he is a persona...

Dr. Sylvan participated in several conferences for inter-religious dialogue and conflict resolution, and he is a personal friend of many prominent Islamic personalities, topped by Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, The Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar.

“ZatMasr” interviewed Dr. Roman which is considered his first debut with an Arab media outlet, here is the text of the interview:

He might not be known among the Arabs, but his name is now reiterated in more than 65 countries on 6 continents, because of his researches in the field of Islam and comparative religions. Dr. Sylvan Roman, a German researcher of French origins, and the author of the controversial dissertations on th...

ISIS attacks have escalated since the begining of its activity in northeastern Mozambique in late 2017 and the official ...

ISIS attacks have escalated since the begining of its activity in northeastern Mozambique in late 2017 and the official announcement of the Group 2018. Estimations indicate that terrorist attacks during the first four months of 2020 in the Cabo Delgado province increased by 300% compared to the same period in 2019.

ISIS New Tactic in Mozambique: “Winning Hearts”... A Gateway to an African Caliphate - Zawaya - Zatmasr

Mohamed Salah has tested positive for Covid-19, the Egyptian FA has announced.

Mohamed Salah has tested positive for Covid-19, the Egyptian FA has announced.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported yet another devastating shipwreck in the Central Mediterrane...

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported yet another devastating shipwreck in the Central Mediterranean, which has claimed the lives of at least 74 migrants off the coast of Khums, . It is the eighth such incident since the beginning of October.

The boat was reported to be carrying more than 120 people, among them women and children. A total of 47 survivors were brought to shore by the coast guard and local fishermen. More than 30 bodies have been retrieved, but the search continues.

  is experiencing more than one crisis, all of which are not recent. These include neoliberalism, the rise of the extrem...

is experiencing more than one crisis, all of which are not recent. These include neoliberalism, the rise of the extreme right-wing politics, Islamist separatism, and the failure of the left “identity politics”. These crises fall under the framework of a major political crisis in society.

Harmful Collaboration with the Muslims of France: Why Did the Left Wing Leave the Arena for the Right Wing? - Zawaya - Zatmasr

US newspapers front pages: "IT'S JOE TIME"

US newspapers front pages: "IT'S JOE TIME"

  will be the 46th president of the United States, after a victory in Pennsylvania puts the Scranton-born Democrat over ...

will be the 46th president of the United States, after a victory in Pennsylvania puts the Scranton-born Democrat over 270


"With a margin that small," Georgia's secretary of state says of the narrowing margin between Pres. and , "there will be a recount."

"The final tally in Georgia, at this point, has huge implications for the rest of the county," Sec. Brad Raffensberger says.


Police in said they are investigating an alleged plot to attack the Convention Center, where votes from the election are being counted

  is on the cusp of winning the   after passing   in the battleground state of  .

is on the cusp of winning the after passing in the battleground state of .

Polling stations open in New York, New Jersey and Virginia early Tuesday, marking the start of   Day as President Donald...

Polling stations open in New York, New Jersey and Virginia early Tuesday, marking the start of Day as President Donald seeks to beat forecasts and defeat challenger Joe .


Footage of a shooter in the attack on a Jewish centre and synagogue in .
There are reports of multiple attackers, one of whom may have blown himself up with an explosive belt.

Austrian media reports police say several people have died in the shooting in   and the interior minister says the shoot...

Austrian media reports police say several people have died in the shooting in and the interior minister says the shooting is believed to be a

Austrian media: one dead and a number of wounded, as a result of an attack on a synagogue in central Vienna. Police have...

Austrian media: one dead and a number of wounded, as a result of an attack on a synagogue in central Vienna. Police have confirmed that several people have been injured.

Robert Fisk, veteran Middle East correspondent of The Independent, dies aged 74

Robert Fisk, veteran Middle East correspondent of The Independent, dies aged 74

ISIS tries to promote the idea of being “underdogs”, by adopting a narrative that there is a global and media war agains...

ISIS tries to promote the idea of being “underdogs”, by adopting a narrative that there is a global and media war against it, which the Organization tries to present it as a malicious war aiming to divert young people from joining it, as it represents a real threat to the ruling regimes in the region, as the speech states.

32 Minutes of Threatening.. Stories and Opportunities of ISIS - Zawaya - Zatmasr

French police say an Orthodox priest has been wounded in a shooting at a church in Lyon, and a massive manhunt for the t...

French police say an Orthodox priest has been wounded in a shooting at a church in Lyon, and a massive manhunt for the terrorist is now underway.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended free speech on Friday, but added that it was "not without limits" and sh...

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended free speech on Friday, but added that it was "not without limits" and should not "arbitrarily and needlessly hurt" certain communities, In response to a question about the right to show a caricature of the , as France's magazine did.

“Her solidarity with Muslims during the two Mosques incident and wearing a black veil while offering condolence to the f...

“Her solidarity with Muslims during the two Mosques incident and wearing a black veil while offering condolence to the families of the victims made non-Muslims officials and individuals feel ashamed of taking hostile stances towards us. We have already noticed the solidarity of large groups of people with Muslims at this time. Churches opened doors to Muslims to pray there. She insisted that the criminal be tried according to the laws of her country without extraditing him to his country, Australia”, Eid told “ ”.

Arabs in New Zealand.. “One” Jacinda Ardern is not enough! - Zawaya - Zatmasr

Legendary James Bond actor Sir   has died at the age of 90.

Legendary James Bond actor Sir has died at the age of 90.

The Egyptian short film "I’M AFRAID TO FORGET YOUR FACE" won Palme d'or of   as the first time for Egypt in history.

The Egyptian short film "I’M AFRAID TO FORGET YOUR FACE" won Palme d'or of as the first time for Egypt in history.



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Zat Masr is an independent media and research foundation, interested in publishing in-depth press stories, reports and researches.