فخورين جدا اننا من ضمن فريق عمل مسلسل الهرشة السابعة. فريق العمل سواء امام او خلف الكاميرا قام بمجهود كبير عشان تستمتعوا ان شاء الله بالمسلسل.
حابين نشكر المخرج كريم الشناوي وشركة الانتاج E-producers اللي حطوا ثقتهم فينا.
يا رب المسلسل يعجبكم وتستمتعوا بيه زي ما احنا استمتعنا ومستنين رايكم
EProducers Productions
Abdallah Aboalfotouh
Amina Khalil
Mohammed Shaheen
Aly Kassem - علي قاسم
Asmaa Galal
Never give up auditioning for roles & keep trying, and you shall catch a break, like Denzel Washington did.
#AsminahQuotes #Asminah #Actor #DenzelWashington #ActingTip #actingadvice
كملت حسابك على أسمینة ولا لسه؟ لو انت/انتي ممثل أو ممثلة وعايز تقدم فالكاستنج للمسلسل الجديد، سجل على أسمینة ولو في دور مناسب ليك هانتواصل معاك.
ولو سجلت قبل كده، حدث حسابك وأتأكد انه كامل.
سجلوا دلوقتي على موقعنا
Have you completed your profile on Asminah yet?
If you want to apply for our new casting call, register on Asminah & we’ll get in touch with you if there's a role that suits you.
If you are already registered, check that your profile is complete & updated.
Register now on our website
#مواھب_أسمینة #تمثیل #ممثل #ممثلة
#AsminahTalent #Asminah #Actor #Actress #Filmmaking #CastingCall
أسمینة حابة تشارككم مقولة من العبقري الراحل نور الشریف عن
التمثیل ومخارج الكلمات عند الممثل.
#AsminahQuotes #Asminah #Actor #ActingTip
#نور_الشریف #عن_التمثیل
Actors out there, gather here for a Mark Ruffalo acting tip. Here he discusses how he chooses roles & what inspires him to take part in a movie.
#AsminahQuotes #Asminah #Actor #ActingTip #ActingAdvice #MarkRuffalo #Marvel #MarvelActor
Older movies have longer cuts between scenes than modern movies. Older movies are more like watching a play with the camera following the motion that is generally slow, while modern movies will cut between scenes far more often. This is due to the modern montage techniques that keeps on developing as well as the rhythm of the viewers’ lives has that has become upbeat & in need of faster movie rhythms & transitions. #Asminah #CinemaAcrossTime #Montage #SceneCuts #moviemontage
نصیحة المخرج یسري نصر الله لكل المخرجین، اعتبر كل فیلم ھو مشروعك الأول، وخلي عندك نفس حماس المغامرة الأولى.
#AsminahQuotes #Asminah #FilmDirector #ArabDirector #DirectorAdvice #YousryNasrallah #Director
Ethan Hawk, actor, writer & director, tells us how following the things we love & being playful always help in getting creative new ideas.
#AsminahQuotes #Asminah #Screenwriting #Screenwriter #Screenplay #Filmmaker #Director
كملت حسابك على أسمینة ولا لسھ؟ لو انت/انتي ممثل أو ممثلة وبتدور على فرصة تمثیل، سجل على أسمینة واحنا ھانساعدك تلاقي الدور المناسب لیك. سجلوا دلوقتي ببلاش على موقعنا )من اللینك فالبایو( www.asminah.com
Have you completed your profile on Asminah yet?
If you’re an aspiring actor or actress and are looking for acting opportunity, register on Asminah & we’ll help you land your next role.
Register now for free on our website (from the link in bio) www.asminah.com
#مواھب_أسمینة #تمثیل #ممثل #ممثلة
#AsminahTalent #Asminah #Actor #Actress #Filmmaking #CastingCall
الموسیقى التصویریة من العوامل اللي بتدي روح للعمل السینمائي.
أكتبلنا فالكومنت تخمینك وھانقولك صح ولا غلط.
#خمن_الفیلم #موسیقى_تصویریة #أفلام_عربیة
A movie score is one of the factors that add soul to any movie.
Write your guess in the comments & we’ll tell you whether you’re right or wrong.
#Asminah #AsminahGames #MovieSoundtrack #ArabicMovies #MovieGames #Movies #FunGames
Wrapping #AsminahInterviews at @hollywoodarabfilmfestival with producer Mike Gabrawy's talk where he told us about his thoughts on the festival & how it would affect the industry both in the US & the Arab world. He also gave his advice to filmmakers who're struggling to produce their first films.
That's a at Hollywood Arab Film Festival.
Stay tuned for more coverage of Asminah at festivals.
#Asminah #AsminahxFestivals #Producer #Filmmaker #FilmmakingTips #HAFF #HollywoodArabFilmFestival
Check out Asminah's interview with producer Mike Gabrawy at Hollywood Arab Film Festival - HAFF where we told us about his international experience & the challenges he faced in his collaborations.
He also spoke to us about his production choices for scripts & his casting preferences.
Stay tuned for part 2 of the interview ..
#AsminahInterviews #Asminah #Producer #Production #Scriptwriting #Scripts #Casting #AuditionTips