The International Association of Dental Students was founded in 1951 in Denmark, in order to serve the educational needs of dental students throughout the world. Representing the interests of the more 200,000 dental students in around 50 countries worldwide and having it’s headquarters at the FDI World Dental Federation headquarters in Geneve (Switzerland), the Association strives for educational
and scientific excellence throughout the international projects and initiatives it manages. The dental students’ educational needs sometimes go beyond the dental curriculum and clinical practice within the Faculty, the students feeling the necessity to taste extracurricular activities such as being engaged into abroad internships, prophylaxis/ voluntary activities, media or other ones, this way becoming leaders of their dental student community. The International Association of Dental Students has constructed it’s foundations and goals in order to serve and fulfil those kind of educational development necessities, and throughout the past decades it has successfully managed to build international projects for the aforementioned purposes. Reaching the clinical dental aspects of another country or University can now be easier done through the IADS International Exchange Program, the dental students being able to participate in up to 4 weeks dental clinical internships. The International Dental Research Program gives the opportunity to dental students of working in dental research projects abroad, thus educating and creating the tomorrow’s dental researchers. Prophylaxis and Voluntary projects are organized in each member country separately or in a remote destination around the globe in order to serve the ones in need of dental healthcare. The voice of the worldwide dental student community and dental research advancement can be heard through the IADS Magazine and the “Dental Students’ Research” Journal. IADS Training Program, IADS Lecture Contest are designed to train dental students and offer them the opportunity to compete throughout the results of their research work. The final goal and one of the most important is to get all the dental student leaders worldwide together during the IADS Annual and Midyear Meetings, in order for friendship and unity to create long-lasting bonds which will leave it’s landmark on the development of our student community and on the future of the Dentistry profession itself.