It’s Estonian Radio birhtday (ER)
The two public service broadcasting organisations – Eesti Raadio and Eesti Televisioon (ETV launch july 19, 1955) – were merged as of 01 June 2007, whereby a new legal person in the public law - Eesti Rahvusringhääling (Estonian Public Broadcasting). ERR as the public service radio organization receives state subsidy the amount of which is annually determined by t
he Act on State Budget. ERR is a member of the European Broadcasting Union. ERR-s have 720 employees
Vikerraadio, the main programme of Eesti Raadio, was born on 3 April 1967. At the time Vikerraadio offered an alternative to the then First Programme of Eesti Raadio. Raadio 2, started on 1 May 1993, is a radio station for the young and energetic
Klassikaraadio started to operate on 1 April 1995 and is the only radio programme in Estonia that specialises in classical music. Raadio 4 is the fourth programme of Eesti Raadio and it takes the first place among all radio programmes broadcasting in the Russian language in Estonia. Raadio Tallinn is a joint programme worked out by the editiorial staff of Vikerraadio and designed for foreign listeners in Tallinn. Today it’s playng from 9am to 7pm adult contemporary and jazz oriented music and live news. Playout is fully automated.