Thrilled to share our latest project with VEGA Level and Pressure as they launch their new branch in Denmark! 🎥
We captured some of their amazing team in slow motion with custom backgrounds and motion graphics in VEGA’s colors—bringing their energy and values to life on screen.
We also created fresh, high-end portraits and a film showcasing their new Copenhagen department. Hope you enjoy it. Have a great weekend!
#VEGAInstruments #CreativeCollab #VisualStorytelling #LIONCreative
Har du nogensinde tænkt over, hvor meget nærvær betyder i en tid, hvor vi altid er online? 💭📱
Hos LION Creative fik vi for et par år siden muligheden for at lave en film for Progression – en organisation, der arbejder med socialt arbejde – med temaet Digitale Forældre. En film, der virkelig har betydet meget for os. ❤️🎬
Filmen handler om at være til stede og vise omsorg for dem, vi holder af – noget, vi alle kan relatere til, når skærmene fylder mere og mere i vores liv. ❤️
Projekter som dette er ikke bare opgaver for os; det er noget, vi er dybt passionerede omkring. 🌱✨
Vi ønsker at skabe flere film, der kan støtte og inspirere mennesker, som står i svære livssituationer – især børn og unge, der gennemgår udfordrende perioder og søger deres vej.
Kender du en organisation eller virksomhed, der hjælper mennesker i svære tider? Vi vil meget gerne høre fra dig. 🙏
Send os en besked her, eller skriv til [email protected], hvis du kender nogen, der kunne have gavn af et samarbejde som dette.
Filmen er skabt i samarbejde med Mazen Ismail og LION Creative. 🎬🦁
Tag gerne en ven eller del opslaget, hvis du kender nogen, der arbejder med relaterede projekter – vi sætter stor pris på det! 💫
#DigitaleForældre #Nærvær #MentalSundhed #BørnOgUnge #SocialtArbejde #InspirationTilHjælp #StøtteTilUnge #SocialImpact #Filmproduktion #PassionsProjekt #LionCreative #AtGøreEnForskel #DanskFilm #Omsorg #ProjektMedHjerte
Film produced for @ecco 🎥🥾👟
Directed by @photohald
📽️ @shotbystokkebro
Production service & design by @ocproduktion
#ecco #shoes #footwear #filmproduction #filmproduktion #content #contentproduction #kidswear #fashion #branding #denmark #lioncreative #kids #storytelling
🎬✨ Film for “MEGGITT”! ✨🎬
We at LION are thrilled to share one of our projects for MEGGITT!
When Meggitt Denmark approached us, they faced a huge challenge: no video content and a lack of storytelling on their website.
They needed a compelling narrative to showcase their life-saving piezo ceramics as they prepared to sell the company in Denmark for a significant amount. 🏥❤️
Their piezo ceramics are used in multiple critical applications, including pacemakers and CT scanners, playing a crucial role in saving lives.
Our film highlights these incredible applications, from heart health to prenatal care, and many other essential functions. 🌟👶
We’re proud to have helped MEGGITT tell their story and demonstrate the importance of their innovations.
Check out the full video on our website and see how MEGGITT is making a difference in the world!
#LionCreative #VideoProduction #Storytelling #PiezoCeramics #HealthcareInnovation #SavingLives #MakeIt #CTScanners #Pacemakers #Branding #FilmProduction #FilmProductionDK #Innovation #Healthcare #MedicalTechnology #CreativeAgency #Marketing #DigitalStorytelling #VisualContent #CreativeSolutions #ProductionHouse #LifeSavingTechnology #BusinessGrowth #HealthcareProducts #DigitalMarketing #VideoMarketing #CompanySuccess
🎬✨ Film for “MEGGITT”! ✨🎬
We at LION are thrilled to share one of our projects for MEGGITT!
When Meggitt Denmark approached us, they faced a huge challenge: no video content and a lack of storytelling on their website.
They needed a compelling narrative to showcase their life-saving piezo ceramics as they prepared to sell the company in Denmark for a significant amount. 🏥❤️
Their piezo ceramics are used in multiple critical applications, including pacemakers and CT scanners, playing a crucial role in saving lives.
Our film highlights these incredible applications, from heart health to prenatal care, and many other essential functions. 🌟👶
We’re proud to have helped MEGGITT tell their story and demonstrate the importance of their innovations.
Check out the full video on our website and see how MEGGITT is making a difference in the world!
#LionCreative #VideoProduction #Storytelling #PiezoCeramics #HealthcareInnovation #SavingLives #MakeIt #CTScanners #Pacemakers #Branding #FilmProduction #FilmProductionDK #Innovation #Healthcare #MedicalTechnology #CreativeAgency #Marketing #DigitalStorytelling #VisualContent #CreativeSolutions #ProductionHouse #LifeSavingTechnology #BusinessGrowth #HealthcareProducts #DigitalMarketing #VideoMarketing #CompanySuccess
LION Creative søger nye talenter!
Vi er et kreativt bureau i rivende vækst, og søger derfor flere dygtige filmfotografer, klippere og motion graphics/VFX-folk til at blive en del af vores team. 📽️ 🎞️
Vi producerer alt fra high-end reklamefilm, vertikale videoer, musikvideoer, corporate videoer, image film, animationsfilm o.l.
Vi arbejder med både store internationale koncerner og mindre startups - og alt derimellem :-)
Vi søger både folk til fast ansættelse og til freelance/projektbaserede opgaver.
Send din ansøgning med referencer og dagspriser til [email protected].
Vi vil holde samtaler i uge 26 og 27, enten fysisk eller online.
Vi har kontorer i København og Middelfart på Fyn.
Vedhæftet finder du vores seneste showreel, som giver en idé om, hvad vi laver.
Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig! ;-)
Martin Coops
Founder af LION Creative 🦁 📽️ 🎞️
[ se mere på ]
Film Case for Telmore - Danish Design Award
🌟 We are excited to share our latest project with TELMORE and Accrease! 🎉
Our team at LION Creative has produced a film that highlights Telmore’s significant growth achieved through Accrease's user experience optimization. 🚀✨
This project earned a nomination for the Danish Design Award 2024! 🏆🇩🇰
We managed concept development, on-site filming, motion graphics/VFX, voiceover, and color grading. 🎥🎨🎤
Check out the film to see the results! 👀🎬
See more at and reach out to us if you have a project you need help with.
We’re always excited to collaborate and create something amazing together! 😊✉️
#LionCreative #Accrease #Telmore #DanishDesignAward2024
Film for KPMG Trainee Program
📽️ We are thrilled to share our video production for our long-term client, KPMG Denmark!
In this video, we follow Luca, a new trainee at KPMG, as he begins his journey to kickstart his career. The video highlights the diverse backgrounds of individuals who apply to KPMG and brings out the human stories behind the corporation.
By showcasing Luca's personal story, we aim to attract new trainees and emphasize that KPMG values not just talent and ambition, but also the unique human aspects of their team.
At LION Creative, we excel at emphasizing the human side of people, making our productions relatable. We believe showing the human side helps people connect and reflect on what they see.
We've been working with KPMG for over five years. We’re proud of the positive feedback and results our videos continue to generate.
Check out KPMG and their trainee programs on their main website!
If you are looking for a production or help with your storytelling, please don't hesitate to reach out to us through ☕
Kampagnefilm for MAGASIN
Kampagne film produceret for MAGASIN 🎥 🎬
Se flere af filmene vi har lavet for MAGASIN her:
#Magasin #kampagne #reklame #kollektion #lingeri #lioncreative
Kampagne film for "Stilling"
Reklamespot, vi har produceret for det luksuriøse mærke Stilling, der fremstiller smukke, betagende gardiner.
Leder du efter et samarbejde til at tage dit næste projekt til et nyt niveau?
Så kontakt os på 🎥✨👀
"A Tribute to Fathers" Film produced for SOCIAL CLUB 🎥
Music by Julian Tall
Filmed and edited by 100063588612228:2048:LION Creative ´s Aleksander Stokkebro.
See more:
#branding #filmproduktion #highendfilm #highend #video #videoproduktion #marketing #markedsføring #videoproduktionkøbenhavn #videoproduktionfyn #filmproduktionkøbenhavn #filmproduktionfyn #content #SoMe #brandfilm #brandingfilm #LIONCreative