
Edition·S Edition·S – music¬sound¬art publishes art music for the classical and experimental music scene.

We represent our composers through the publication of scores, parts, electronic media, graphic formats and interdisciplinary expression. TARGET GROUPS
Our main customers and partners are professionals on the global classical and experimental music scene. We work with musicians, conductors, ensembles, orchestras, festivals, record companies, producers, media & technology innovators and art music pr

esenters across all continents. CATALOGUE
Our catalogue comprises more than 2,400 works composed between the mid 19th Century and the present time by Danish composers or composers that are permanent residents in Denmark. Our catalogue includes 20th Century classics such as Carl Nielsen and Rued Langgaard, but also young, experimenting composers fresh from the Royal Danish Academy of Music. MUSICAL PROFILE
We believe in focused artistic selection, strong personal expression, visionary musical thinking and in the power of art music to make a lasting difference for those who experience it. TALENT DEVELOPMENT
Empowering young, talented artists to live a professional life on the art music scene is one of our main objectives and therefore we enter working-relationships with composers from and early age to ensure the talent of future generations. EMBRACING IT ALL
We embrace in principle a composer’s entire artistic output, also when this reaches beyond the boundaries of what is traditionally seen as music. While a lot of composers work in traditional settings with solo, chamber, orchestral and dramatic musical forms, a growing number also drift onto other artistic scenes or come from starting points other than the traditional route provided by an academic education. They work with sound installations, electronic listening music, interactive performance, modern dance, experimental game soundtracks and more. And as the art scene thus changes, as the artists move along, so do we.

"Suddenly, the inviting, meditative music dropped a few hertz in pitch, while the electronically captured sound condense...

"Suddenly, the inviting, meditative music dropped a few hertz in pitch, while the electronically captured sound condensed into a bright organ mist that increasingly overshadowed Nie's melodic motifs. Once again, it felt as though not just the tonality but one’s entire reality trembled; it was impossible not to be drawn into Dreyer's unstable mist, yet equally impossible to know whether it harbored benevolence or malice."

- The crtitic from Weekendavisen was captured by the performance of Mads Emil Dreyer's 'Vidder 4' at Organ Sound Art Festival 2024.

As we wrap the last Christmas presents and approach the end of 2024, please join us for a tour de force through some of ...

As we wrap the last Christmas presents and approach the end of 2024, please join us for a tour de force through some of the achievements, collaborations, new initiatives and remarkable moments of 2024.

As we approach the end of 2024, we want to take a moment to celebrate the achievements, collaborations, and remarkable moments of 2024.

Politiken highlights Simon Steen-Andersen's 'Don Giovanni's Inferno' performed at Det Kongelige Teater, as one of the mo...

Politiken highlights Simon Steen-Andersen's 'Don Giovanni's Inferno' performed at Det Kongelige Teater, as one of the most notable experiences in 2024, showing that we are not done renewing the opera genre. 😈

Hvad var bedst, live og på albumfronten? Hvad fik vi? Hvad mistede vi? Her er fem nedslag i året, som det gik inden for klassisk musik og opera.

"The music was characterized by drone music, with beautiful dissonances and a tonal development that occasionally emerge...

"The music was characterized by drone music, with beautiful dissonances and a tonal development that occasionally emerged. Enchanting and captivating."

Seismograf brings a review of Mads Emil Dreyer's music performed at this weekend's Organ Sound Art Festival 2024 in KoncertKirken.

Photo: David Stjernholm

Don't miss the performance of Mads Emil Dreyer's music at Organ Sound Art Festival 2024 in KoncertKirken Friday 13 Decem...

Don't miss the performance of Mads Emil Dreyer's music at Organ Sound Art Festival 2024 in KoncertKirken Friday 13 December ✨

Fredag den 13. er Organ Sound Art Festival 2024 beærede over at kunne præsentere et fantastisk musikalsk program af den danske komponist og performer Mads Emil Dreyer.

'Vidder 1' og 'Vidder 4' er en del af en serie etudestykker, der udforsker fusionen mellem akustiske soloinstrumenter og elektronisk lydbehandling. Disse værker undersøger grænserne for sonisk interaktion og transformation.

Begge stykker findes på albummet 'Disappearer', der udkom tidligere i år på Dacapo Records.

‘Interlude’ er et bestillingsværk til festivalen, som fungerer som en bro, der sømløst forbinder de to ældre Vidder-stykker.

- 'Vidder 1' (2014) for basfløjte og elektronik (Michaela Hansen)
- 'Interlude' (2024) for basfløjte, keyboards, orgel og elektronik (Michaela Hansen og Fei Nie)
- 'Vidder 4' (2016) for harmonium, orgel og elektronik (Fei Nie)

Værkerne er trykt hos Mads Emil Dreyers forlag Edition·S.

Bára Gísladóttir and flutist Björg Brjánsdóttir are nominated for the Kraumur Music Awards for the album GROWL POWER ❤️‍...

Bára Gísladóttir and flutist Björg Brjánsdóttir are nominated for the Kraumur Music Awards for the album GROWL POWER ❤️‍🔥

The Kraumur Music Awards aim to promote album releases by Icelandic artists. The awards are not tied to a specific musical genre and there are no subcategories.

Composition: Bára Gísladóttir
Flutes: Björg Brjánsdóttir
Electronics: Bára Gísladóttir
Recording, mixing and mastering: Bergur Þórisson.

Commissioned by Björg Brjánsdóttir. Released by Smekkleysa. Scores published by Edition·S. Cover artwork by Berglind Rögnvaldsdóttir.

Kraumsverðlaunin verða afhent í sautjánda sinn síðar í þessum mánuði fyrir þær íslensku hljómplötur er þykja skara fram úr hvað varðar gæði, metnað og frumleika.

On Tuesday 10 December, students at OrkesterEfterskolen will perform the concert "The Music of Tomorrow" based on pieces...

On Tuesday 10 December, students at OrkesterEfterskolen will perform the concert "The Music of Tomorrow" based on pieces in our Educate·S series composed by Eva Noer Kondrup, Ejnar Kanding, Svend Hvidtfelt Nielsen, Jexper Holmen, Fuzzy, Ib Nørholm, Nicolai Worsaae Rasmussen, Morten J. Olsen and Line Tjørnhøj.

Ejnar Kanding, Svend Hvidtfeldt Nielsen, and Eva Noer Kondrup are participating in the project with masterclasses with the students. The process is facilitated by Østen Mikal Ore, composer and initiator of the Educate·S series.

How does new Danish music by today's leading composers sound when interpreted by the students of OrkesterEfterskolen, who reimagine both the music and the concert format? Based on works from the Educate·S series, a unique concert experience is created as pieces for piano, strings, recorder, and per...

🩷 Lige nu er der ekstra mange gode grunde til at melde sig ind i Musikklubben. 🩷Som medlem af Musikklubben kan man få ra...

🩷 Lige nu er der ekstra mange gode grunde til at melde sig ind i Musikklubben. 🩷

Som medlem af Musikklubben kan man få rabat til udvalgte julekoncerter med Vokalensemblet Ars Nova Copenhagen, Universitetskoret Lille MUKO, Athelas Sinfonietta, Haderslev Drengekor og Musica Ficta.

Og skal der ligge musikalske julegaver under træet, har vi masser af gode idéer til gaver, der både kan lyttes, spilles og læses. Musikklubbens medlemmer sparer altid 30% på alle varer hos Dacapo Records og Edition·S og 20% hos Naxos Denmark.

Læs mere og meld dig ind i Musikklubben herunder.

Kære Klubmedlem, Julen nærmer sig med alt hvad dertil hører af traditionsrige julekoncerter, ønskelister og juleræs. Som medlem af Musikklubben kan man naturligvis få rabat til flere af julens koncerter, blandt andet hos flere nye samarbejdspartnere, Universitetskoret Lille MUKO, Vokalensemble...

I morgen, lørdag den 7. december, opfører Athelas Sinfonietta Hans Abrahamsens værk Schnee til to koncerter i KoncertKir...

I morgen, lørdag den 7. december, opfører Athelas Sinfonietta Hans Abrahamsens værk Schnee til to koncerter i KoncertKirken. I mellem de to koncerter inviterer Edition·S og Edition Wilhelm Hansen på gløgg og en snak om hvad det betyder for udviklingen af dansk musik, at der findes store ensembler, der kontinuerligt arbejder med den nye musik.

🎶 This Christmas, give the gift of music! 🎶Are you looking for a gift for the singer, the folk musician, the music schoo...

🎶 This Christmas, give the gift of music! 🎶

Are you looking for a gift for the singer, the folk musician, the music school pupil, the art lover, the curious reader? We have made a selection of great musical gift ideas.

This Christmas, give the gift of music. We have compiled a selection of great musical gift ideas. Else Marie Pade: Sange fra en væg / Songs from a Wall Songs from a Wall contain nine songs composed by Else Marie Pade during World War II while she was imprisoned by the Gestapo. Composing became her...

🩷 Musikklubben og Musica Fictas jul 🩷Musica Ficta og Bo Holten  har gjort det til en tradition i december, at deres jule...

🩷 Musikklubben og Musica Fictas jul 🩷

Musica Ficta og Bo Holten har gjort det til en tradition i december, at deres julekoncerter både består af julemusik fra renæssancen og en perlerække af velkendte danske julesange. I år præsenterer ensemblet blandt andet et par af Orlandus Lassus fantastiske julemotetter, som flankeres af de danske julesange, der bringer os smukt og fredfyldt ind i december.

Som medlem af Musikklubben kan du købe billet for kun 100 kr. (normalpris 150 kr.) til koncerten, som finder sted den 11. december kl. 19.30 i Sankt Johannes Kirke, København. Læs mere og meld dig ind på www.musikklubben.dk

Meld dig ind i Musikklubben og bliv en del af et fællesskab for musikoplevelser, ny viden og inspiration

✨ I dag, den 2. december, ville Else Marie Pade være fyldt 100 år. ✨Dagen fejres med en hyldestkoncert af en række musik...

✨ I dag, den 2. december, ville Else Marie Pade være fyldt 100 år. ✨

Dagen fejres med en hyldestkoncert af en række musikere på tværs af elektroniske og klassiske genrer, som giver en unik mulighed for at lære en af danmarkshistoriens banebrydende komponister at kende. Man kan høre sjældent opførte akustiske og elektroniske værker såvel som nye fortolkninger af hendes musik.

Det hele sker i DR Koncerthuset Studie 2 kl. 20. 🎂

Dybfølt Strøm Dacapo Records Jacob Kirkegaard Kira Martini

På 100 års dagen for Else Marie Pades fødsel fejrer en række musikere, på grænsen mellem det elektroniske og klassiske, denne store danske musikpioner med en hyldestkoncert i Studie 2.

❄️ Musikklubben og ATHELAS' alternative julekoncert ❄️ Siden 2018 har Athelas Sinfonietta hvert år spillet Hans Abrahams...

❄️ Musikklubben og ATHELAS' alternative julekoncert ❄️

Siden 2018 har Athelas Sinfonietta hvert år spillet Hans Abrahamsens smukke, kontemplative værk for fulde huse. Også i år, lørdag den 7. december, lader de julesneen dale smukt ned over publikum i Koncertkirken, mens de præsenterer publikum for Abrahamsens pragtfulde fortolkninger af sne - et magisk musikalsk øjeblik, der efterlader publikum fortryllede.

Som medlem af Musikklubben kan du købe billet for kun 120 kr. (normalpris 180 kr.) til koncerten den 7. december kl. 13 i KoncertKirken, København.
Læs mere og meld dig ind her: https://www.musikklubben.dk/

Efter koncerten inviterer Edition·S og Edition Wilhelm Hansen på gløgg og en samtale om, hvad store ensembler, der kontinuerligt arbejder med den nye musik, betyder for udviklingen af dansk musik.

Meld dig ind i Musikklubben og bliv en del af et fællesskab for musikoplevelser, ny viden og inspiration

New music and waffles seems like the perfect combination 🧇Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard & Remember Sound (comprising composers ...

New music and waffles seems like the perfect combination 🧇

Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard & Remember Sound (comprising composers and musicians Niklas Brandenhoff and Dylan Richards) invite you to join them for an all-day rondo & voxpop pop-up shop: The Bakery.

Saturday 30 November from 11 am, MINU_festival_for_expanded_music at 5e.

⭐ New album by Ejnar Kanding out today. ⭐Transcience of Time is the culmination of more than 20 years of collaboration b...

⭐ New album by Ejnar Kanding out today. ⭐

Transcience of Time is the culmination of more than 20 years of collaboration between composer Ejnar Kanding, double bassist Irina-Kalina Goudeva, and guitarist George Vassilev - Duo ConCordis.

Released by Cosmopol Music Group.

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On Wednesday 27 November, a new work by Mette Nielsen, Retninger (Directions), is premiered by Fyn Filharmonik. Fyn Filh...

On Wednesday 27 November, a new work by Mette Nielsen, Retninger (Directions), is premiered by Fyn Filharmonik.

Fyn Filharmonik is a unique musical community that brings together people of different musical backgrounds across generations in one large symphony orchestra. Anyone from the age of 8 and up can join, whether they are beginners or experienced amateur musicians.

The work for Fyn Filharmonik was commissioned alongside Mette Nielsen's work for Odense Symfoniorkester, Bevægelser (Movements), which premiered in 2023, and is based on the same core idea.

Read more: https://edition-s.dk/news/mette-nielsen-world-premiere-retninger

Photo: Soffi Chanchira Larsen

Filharmonik Fyn is a unique musical community that brings together people of different musical backgrounds across generations in one large symphony orchestra. Anyone from the age of 8 and up can join, whether they are beginners on their instrument or experienced amateur musicians. The work for Fil...

⭐ We are thrilled that Danish Radio DR P2 has selected the album release of Else Marie Pade's 'Songs from a Wall' as one...

⭐ We are thrilled that Danish Radio DR P2 has selected the album release of Else Marie Pade's 'Songs from a Wall' as one of the five best classical music albums in 2024. ⭐

They argue that Dybfølt and Kira Martini's interpretation of Else Marie Pade's songs ‘gives emotional depth and imagination’ to the simple songs.

The album is released by Dacapo Records and the sheet music for the nine songs is released by Edition·S in a collected songbook with chord arrangements and lyrics in Danish and English.

Big congratulations to all the award winners!

Album: https://www.dacapo-records.dk/da/udgivelser/pade-sange-fra-en-vaeg
Sheet music: https://edition-s.dk/music/else-marie-pade/sange-fra-en-vaeg

Tonight 22 November, CRAS ensemble and Dacapo Records are releasing an EP with world premiere recordings of two of Axel ...

Tonight 22 November, CRAS ensemble and Dacapo Records are releasing an EP with world premiere recordings of two of Axel Borup-Jørgensen's guitar works, which will be celebrated with a listening session at Musikhuset København. But the road has been far from simple!

Borup-Jørgensen's scores are remarkable in their beautiful graphic form, but at the same time formidably detailed, and sometimes extremely hard to read. CRAS was therefore dependent on the oral handing down from the guitarists who premiered the works. Now CRAS has re-transcribed the sheet music and the new edition is released by Edition·S.



København K



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