University Post

University Post Independent University of Copenhagen news

Is your choice of study written in the stars? If you study at the University of Copenhagen, you might want to see what o...

Is your choice of study written in the stars? If you study at the University of Copenhagen, you might want to see what our in-house astrologists say about your choice of programme..

No need to waste more time wondering about whether your study programme is a good choice. Well at least astrologically speaking, that is. Here is the guide.

If you put a little work into it, you can get access to a lot of good discounts as a student in Copenhagen. It requires ...

If you put a little work into it, you can get access to a lot of good discounts as a student in Copenhagen. It requires a bit of preparation, but it pays off.

It can be hard to afford a frappé or a new pair of jeans on a student income in Copenhagen — never mind a root canal treatment at the dentist or a tasty menu. But it is not impossible. Here is a guide to good student discounts.

'Study abroad' is not what it used to be. From 2024 Danish students may be able to go on exchange digitally, without lea...

'Study abroad' is not what it used to be. From 2024 Danish students may be able to go on exchange digitally, without leaving the country:

Can you study at a foreign university without a valid passport? Yes, according to the Danish government, which has just tabled a bill on virtual exchange programmes for Danish students. The University of Copenhagen supports the measure.

For new students — Five ‘terrifying’ truths that apply to Danish universities:

For new students — Five ‘terrifying’ truths that apply to Danish universities:

Starting at a Danish university can be a big change in your life. So we want to prepare you with five things that might surprise you.

Who EXACTLY has been responsible for the years of discontent on the dentistry degree programme at the University of Cope...

Who EXACTLY has been responsible for the years of discontent on the dentistry degree programme at the University of Copenhagen? Hard to say, according to the current managers:

Discrimination on the dentistry study programme goes beyond individual cases. And they will have a particular focus on improving the study environment, says the management at the Department of Odontology. It is difficult, however, to pinpoint who exactly has been responsible for the many years of di...

It describes virtually everything we know: The Earth we are standing on, the water in the sea, and the stars shining on ...

It describes virtually everything we know:

The Earth we are standing on, the water in the sea, and the stars shining on us from the heavens at night.

The Schrödinger equation is one of the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics. And University of Copenhagen mathematics professor Søren Fournais has got DKK 15 million from the European Research Council to solve it.

It's in his head constantly. When he sleeps, when he goes for a walk, or when he leads a conversation. Maths professor Søren Fournais has got DKK 15 million to solve Schrödinger's equation riddle.

Air pollution finds its way down into our lungs, no matter what we do. But when you get up off the saddle and exert your...

Air pollution finds its way down into our lungs, no matter what we do. But when you get up off the saddle and exert yourself, because you are in a hurry to get to your lecture, you breathe faster. The air pollution from the moped, diesel car and asphalt is now absorbed more easily and goes faster into the airways.

Fine-grained particles are penetrating your airways when you take a deep breath on the bike path. You can’t see them, but any medical student will have seen how coal dust is accumulated in the lung tissue of people who live in the city. This leads to diseases and pressure on the healthcare system....

Denmark is ranked a middling 32nd out of 179 countries in terms of academic freedom, according to a just released index....

Denmark is ranked a middling 32nd out of 179 countries in terms of academic freedom, according to a just released index. But its academic freedom has been declining in recent years, and the country should, in fact, should have an even lower ranking, according to two researchers:

Denmark is ranked high in an international study of academic freedom. But two researchers are sceptical about the criteria that the study is based on. And they recommend that academic freedom is enshrined in the Danish constitution.

Omniscient and always available. Sound like a good mentor? Mark Friis Hau has incorporated ChatGPT actively in his teach...

Omniscient and always available. Sound like a good mentor? Mark Friis Hau has incorporated ChatGPT actively in his teaching at the University of Copenhagen:

On a course on the Sociology programme at the University of Copenhagen, students have been using ChatGPT to understand and interact with theory in new ways. It has lifted the students' academic level, according to the instructor.

A 'politically motivated' attack, says Conservative Students' Marlene Budolph after vandals smashed posters, poured coff...

A 'politically motivated' attack, says Conservative Students'
Marlene Budolph after vandals smashed posters, poured coffee over everything, and chucked furniture at their University of Copenhagen campus premises:

The chairman of Conservative Students discovered Friday morning 12 May that their offices had been vandalized. A politically motivated attack, according to the student organisation. Management has come out in support of them.

The University of Copenhagen   'KU Book Club' is fishing for new members! The members of the book club are so far mostly...

The University of Copenhagen 'KU Book Club' is fishing for new members! The members of the book club are so far mostly bachelor’s, master’s, with both Danish and international students. But staff at UCPH are also welcome. Our report:

The KU Book Club meets up every other Sunday in the old library on Fiolstræde street in central Copenhagen to exchange views on the 100 pages of literature they have read since their last meeting. Staff, international, and Danish students are welcome.

The University of Copenhagen   language policy is alienating and threatening for international employees and job candida...

The University of Copenhagen language policy is alienating and threatening for international employees and job candidates. And it is damaging for the international reputation of the university, argues Yevgeny Seldin:

For most subjects at the university, the language of research is English. If the university is true to its research-based education ambitions, it makes no sense to have a university-wide language policy that expects internationals to teach in Danish.

We got three University of Copenhagen rectors, past and present, together! Linda Nielsen, Ralf Hemmingsen and Henrik C. ...

We got three University of Copenhagen rectors, past and present, together! Linda Nielsen, Ralf Hemmingsen and Henrik C. Wegener on the tumultuous last 20 years of Danish university history:

How has a 20-year storm of Danish university reform affected the University of Copenhagen? The rectors of the period, Linda Nielsen, Ralf Hemmingsen and Henrik C. Wegener, give us the inside story.

New researchers in Copenhagen are required to learn Danish so that they can teach in the language after three to six yea...

New researchers in Copenhagen are required to learn Danish so that they can teach in the language after three to six years of employment. But this is not a good policy, argues Sif Høg, a master’s student at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies:

Dropping the Danish-language teaching requirement for international researchers should be an open-and-shut case. As this is not happening, you may realize that this is all about gesture politics.

They want to do archaeology underwater, and their expertise will be needed for Denmark's offshore construction projects,...

They want to do archaeology underwater, and their expertise will be needed for Denmark's offshore construction projects, they say. Four students have got together to salvage something:

An old fellowship has arisen. After a break of more than 20 years, four students have salvaged KUMAG, the University of Copenhagen's Marine Archaeological Group, so they can get together around their niche interest.

International researchers have to teach in Danish after three to six years at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). But t...

International researchers have to teach in Danish after three to six years at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). But the Danish students then give them poor evaluations when they then speak Danish as a second language. On teaching in Danish in 'one of the world’s most intolerant language communities':

International researchers have to teach in Danish after three to six years at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). But the Danish students give them poor evaluations because they speak Danish as a second language. Alberte Ritchie Green has investigated what it feels like to go from being an academic...

Henrik C. Wegener never dreamt of top management positions when he started his career. But »we are all suckers for flatt...

Henrik C. Wegener never dreamt of top management positions when he started his career. But »we are all suckers for flattery,« he says. The University Post sought to find out who it is that is weighed down by the gold chain of being University of Copenhagen rector:

The University Post followed the 259th person to be made Rector of the University of Copenhagen. We wanted to find out who it is that is weighed down by the gold chain and ceremonial robes of rector. What is his vision?

Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen Statens Naturhistoriske Museum tripled its numbers, and had 452,000 visi...

Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen Statens Naturhistoriske Museum tripled its numbers, and had 452,000 visitors in 2022. We interviewed its director:

I 2022 havde Statens Naturhistoriske Museum 452.000 besøgende. Det er en tredobling på fem år. Ifølge museumsdirektør Peter C. Kjærgaard er årsagen til fremgangen, at der er sket en solid transformation, der indebærer at bruge museet som laboratorium og forstå hvordan virkeligheden ændrer ...

University of Copenhagen calls it 'self-plagiarism': When you get your master's thesis published in a scientific journal...

University of Copenhagen calls it 'self-plagiarism': When you get your master's thesis published in a scientific journal.

If a student from the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences publishes his or her bachelor or master's thesis with their supervisor in a scientific journal, it is considered self-plagiarism. Instead of putting out obstacles, UCPH should support and encourage students to con...

Everyone wants to be able to say: 'I was at the Judith Butler lecture' 😀:

Everyone wants to be able to say: 'I was at the Judith Butler lecture' 😀:

All 470 seats for Judith Butler's guest lecture at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) were booked in just four days. A »completely unheard of« interest in what will be a theoretical, philosophical and political lecture, has come as a surprise to the organisers.

Why do so few international students want to stay in Denmark after they have completed their degree programmes?

Why do so few international students want to stay in Denmark after they have completed their degree programmes?

Why do so few international students want to stay in Denmark after they have completed their degree programmes? This is the question, says Tanja Villumsen, the chairman of the union Pharmadenmark.

Religion and science are sometimes described as contradictory. But these women do not consider their Islamic education a...

Religion and science are sometimes described as contradictory. But these women do not consider their Islamic education and quest for knowledge to be at odds with their academic standards as teachers, educators or academics:

Muslim women want to know more about their religion. This is why they seek out Islamic teaching at the mosques, according to a new PhD dissertation from the University of Copenhagen.

This is the third, (the THIRD!) review of Tietgenkollegiet  on the University Post. What do residents have to say about ...

This is the third, (the THIRD!) review of Tietgenkollegiet on the University Post. What do residents have to say about Copenhagen's most iconic student dorm in 2023?

Tietgenkollegiet was made to be the best possible setting for the best possible dorm. It is, almost, say residents. But only almost.

University of Copenhagen to halt the intake of Chinese PhD students after revelations. Many of them have to sign contrac...

University of Copenhagen to halt the intake of Chinese PhD students after revelations. Many of them have to sign contracts stipulating that they will serve their own domestic regime:

The University of Copenhagen has halted the admission of Chinese PhD students after media revelations of Chinese regime loyalty contracts. Xin Qian — a PhD student with a loyalty contract — is upset about the decision.

Why are older age groups attracted to extremism and conspiracy theories? It has a lot to do with digital fan culture, ac...

Why are older age groups attracted to extremism and conspiracy theories? It has a lot to do with digital fan culture, according to Line Nybro Petersen who is heading a major European research project on extremism on social media among 45-65-year-olds:

Digital fan culture researcher Line Nybro Petersen is to head a major European research project on extremism on social media among 45-65-year-olds.

It’s not about me, it is about you.  Maria Toft on why she has opted to quit the University of Copenhagen, and why she i...

It’s not about me, it is about you. Maria Toft on why she has opted to quit the University of Copenhagen, and why she is slamming the door on the way out:

She has persistently fought against the theft of research and for more research freedom. First with the 'Please don’t steal my work' campaign and later with the 'Set research free' campaign, both of which received widespread support from Danish researchers. Now Maria Toft has resigned and will lea...

Brazilian researcher Anna Xavier says the much-touted discovery of a new cerebral membrane was, actually, her discovery....

Brazilian researcher Anna Xavier says the much-touted discovery of a new cerebral membrane was, actually, her discovery. Maria Toft, who started the campaign says she is shocked, but not surprised, by Xavier's experience:

When scientist Anna Xavier went on maternity leave, her research ended up being credited to other scientists. The case is not unique. And a key organiser of the movement now calls for political action in Denmark.

'Systematic discrimination' on the master's degree programme in dentistry at the University of Copenhagen, claim a group...

'Systematic discrimination' on the master's degree programme in dentistry at the University of Copenhagen, claim a group of nearly 20 minority students:

Less help, more reprimands. A feeling of having to overperform every day just to prove that you are suitable for the study programme. Several male, brown-skinned, students explain here what they see as 'systematic discrimination' on the master's degree programme in dentistry.


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