Orphilus Recordings

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Orphilus Recordings OR komponiert und produziert Neue Musik und Medien für Medienkonzerne und den Handel.

Orphilus Recordings ist ein musikherstellendes Label der internationalen Musik- & Erotikindustrie im Konzern der Edel AG Hamburg, der europäischen Union und internationalen Partnerunternehmen. Zudem bietet OR Services mit buchbarer mobiler Discothek inklusive Musik- und Lichtanlage mit OR-Deejays. Es gibt eine Radiolounge von Live Streams und Mitschnitten einzelner Mixsets und bietet Partytermine

in und um Rhein-Main oder im In- und Ausland aber prasentiert vorrangig Rhein-Main und Musikstilen wie House, Minimal, Trance, Techno, Disco Classics oder Jahresberichte von der Frankfurter Musikmesse oder gar eine monatliche Top 20 der zur Zeit trendigsten Clubmusik.



💙 Wish you a Happy Weekend 🩷

🎼Charts.N1M.Chicago.US.Week6.2025.Artist.PhilMatthew 💫
This Is My Song (Extended) #77 (DJ, Germany)
Mountains (Extended) #76 (DJ, Germany)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #2 (DJ, Germany)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #17 (Global DJ)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #97 (All Genres Germany)
EM (Elektronische Musik) #156 (Dance, Germany)
Spirituality #1 (Trance, Germany)
Spirituality #1 (Global Trance)
Spirituality #7 (All Genres Germany)
Spirituality #512 (All Genres Global)
Love Simulation (Extended) #163 (Dance, Germany)
The Loveparade #162 (Dance, Germany)
Bonus Beats #1 (Progressive House, Germany)
Bonus Beats #1 (Global Progressive House)
Bonus Beats #24 (All Genres Germany)
Tsunami - #76 (Trance, Germany)
Tsunami - #614 (Global Trance)
Skyraiser - #112 (World, Germany)
Lady Wing - #150 (Dance, Germany)
Ghosts - #151 (Dance, Germany)
Ghosts (Rave The World Remix) #8 (Club, Germany)
Ghosts (Rave The World Remix) #255 (Global Club)
Pianotised - #1 (Dance, Germany)
Pianotised - #15 (Global Dance)
Pianotised - #20 (All Genres Germany)
Pianotised - #997 (All Genres Global)
Magic EP - #3 (Disco House, Germany)
Magic EP - #20 (Global Disco House)
Cyberbear - #2 (Trance, Germany)
Cyberbear - #3 (Global Trance)
Cyberbear - #13 (All Genres Germany)
Cyberbear - #712 (All Genres Global)
La Mancha - #209 (Electronica, Germany)
Plutimication - #94 (House, Germany)
The Unicorn - #95 (House, Germany)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #1 (House, Germany)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #13 (Global House)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #57 (All Genres Germany)
Schattentanz 2015 - #72 (DJ, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #1 (DJ, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #5 (Global DJ)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #16 (All Genres, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #860 (All Genres Global)
Le Voyageur - Gateway to Paradise #71 (DJ, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #4 - (Dance, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #60 (Global Dance)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #103 (All Genres Germany)
Tracks are available at Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer,
Junodownload UK, 7Digital, Napster Music, TDC (Track On
Demand 24-7), Pandora, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube Music..
www . Numberonemusic . com / philmatthew
www . Facebook . com / philmatthew
www . Instagram . com / orphilusrecordings
www . Instagram . com / djphilmatthew
www . Tiktok . com / .matthew
www . Technotrance . de (Orphilus Nightlounge,
Orphilus Easterlounge & Classic 90s Dj Mixes)


This Is My Song (Extended) #76 (DJ, Germany)
Mountains (Extended) #75 (DJ, Germany)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #77 (DJ, Germany)
EM (Elektronische Musik) #140 (Dance, Germany)
Spirituality #2 (Trance, Germany)
Spirituality #4 (Global Trance)
Spirituality #24 (All Genres Germany)
Spirituality #955 (All Genres Global)
Love Simulation (Extended) #148 (Dance, Germany)
The Loveparade #146 (Dance, Germany)
Bonus Beats #1 (Progressive House, Germany)
Bonus Beats #1 (Global Progressive House)
Bonus Beats #9 (All Genres Germany)
Bonus Beats #470 (All Genres Global)
Tsunami - #62 (Trance, Germany)
Tsunami - #597 (Global Trance)
Skyraiser - #111 (World, Germany)
Lady Wing - #134 (Dance, Germany)
Ghosts - #135 (Dance, Germany)
Ghosts (Rave The World Remix) #8 (Club, Germany)
Ghosts (Rave The World Remix) #254 (Global Club)
Pianotised - #1 (Dance, Germany)
Pianotised - #11 (Global Dance)
Pianotised - #10 (All Genres Germany)
Pianotised - #522 (All Genres Global)
Magic EP - #3 (Disco House, Germany)
Magic EP - #16 (Global Disco House)
Cyberbear - #1 (Trance, Germany)
Cyberbear - #21 (All Genres Germany)
Cyberbear - #882 (All Genres Global)
La Mancha - #200 (Electronica, Germany)
Plutimication - #91 (House, Germany)
The Unicorn - #92 (House, Germany)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #1 (House, Germany)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #12 (Global House)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #51 (All Genres Germany)
Schattentanz 2015 - #71 (DJ, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #1 (DJ, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #1 (Global DJ)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #15 (All Genres, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #599 (All Genres Global)
Le Voyageur - Gateway to Paradise #70 (DJ, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #147 - (Dance, Germany)
Tracks are available at Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer,
Junodownload UK, 7Digital, Napster Music, TDC (Track On
Demand 24-7), Pandora, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube Music..
www . Numberonemusic . com / philmatthew
www . Facebook . com / philmatthew
www . Instagram . com / orphilusrecordings
www . Instagram . com / djphilmatthew
www . Tiktok . com / .matthew
www . Technotrance . de (Orphilus Nightlounge,
Orphilus Easterlounge & Classic 90s Dj Mixes)

TV Legende Max Schautzer (Schauspieler, Moderator) mit 84 Jahren verstorben, welcher auch in der damaligen Flughafendisc...

TV Legende Max Schautzer (Schauspieler, Moderator) mit 84 Jahren verstorben, welcher auch in der damaligen Flughafendisco DORIAN GRAY moderierte. 🙏🥹🖤



Video der "Out of the Ordinary - Tribute to Torsten Fenslau" Party in der Dorian Lounge vom Skyclub Airport Center Frankfurt, Rhein-Main Germany mit Dj Bernh...

Tribute to Torsten Fenslau at Dorian Lounge (Skyclub Airport Center) Frankfurt / Rhein-Main

Tribute to Torsten Fenslau at Dorian Lounge (Skyclub Airport Center) Frankfurt / Rhein-Main


🧡 Seven Tracks in the Dance Chart Germany 🩷 at N1M Chicago this week! 💚 Wish you a happy weekend 💛

This Is My Song (Extended) #7 (DJ, Germany)
This Is My Song (Extended) #448 (Global DJ)
Mountains (Extended) #6 (DJ, Germany)
Mountains (Extended) #447 (Global DJ)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #8 (DJ, Germany)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #449 (Global DJ)
EM (Elektronische Musik) #36 (Dance, Germany)
Spirituality #2 (Trance, Germany)
Spirituality #4 (Global Trance)
Spirituality #25 (All Genres Germany)
Spirituality #974 (All Genres Global)
Love Simulation (Extended) #40 (Dance, Germany)
The Loveparade #39 (Dance, Germany)
Bonus Beats #1 (Progressive House, Germany)
Bonus Beats #1 (Global Progressive House)
Bonus Beats #7 (All Genres Germany)
Bonus Beats #323 (All Genres Global)
Tsunami - #17 (Trance, Germany)
Tsunami - #140 (Global Trance)
Skyraiser - #70 (World, Germany)
Lady Wing - #32 (Dance, Germany)
Lady Wing - #958 (Global Dance)
Ghosts - #33 (Dance, Germany)
Ghosts - #959 (Global Dance)
Ghosts (Rave The World Remix) #3 (Club, Germany)
Ghosts (Rave The World Remix) #126 (Global Club)
Pianotised - #1 (Dance, Germany)
Pianotised - #58 (Global Dance)
Pianotised - #88 (All Genres Germany)
Magic EP - #2 (Disco House, Germany)
Magic EP - #11 (Global Disco House)
Magic EP - #658 (Global Disco House)
Cyberbear - #1 (Trance, Germany)
Cyberbear - #3 (Global Trance)
Cyberbear - #15 (All Genres Germany)
Cyberbear - #632 (All Genres Global)
La Mancha - #39 (Electronica, Germany)
La Mancha - #969 (Global Electronica)
La Mancha - #673 (All Genres, Germany
Plutimication - #27 (House, Germany)
Plutimication - #560 (Global House)
The Unicorn - #28 (House, Germany)
The Unicorn - #561 (Global House)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #1 (House, Germany)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #13 (Global House)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #48 (All Genres Germany)
Schattentanz 2015 - #5 (DJ, Germany)
Schattentanz 2015 - #431 (Global DJ)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #1 (DJ, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #1 (Global DJ)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #8 (All Genres, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #358 (All Genres Global)
Le Voyageur - Gateway to Paradise #4 (DJ, Germany)
Le Voyageur - Gateway to Paradise #430 (Global DJ)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #2 - (Dance, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #84 - (Dance, Global)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #136 - (All Genres Germany)
www . Numberonemusic . com / philmatthew
www . Facebook . com / philmatthew
www . Instagram . com / orphilusrecordings
www . Instagram . com / djphilmatthew
www . Tiktok . com / .matthew
www . Technotrance . de (Orphilus Nightlounge,
Orphilus Easterlounge & Classic 90s Dj Mixes)

Über tausend Hörer täglich..?!

Über tausend Hörer täglich..?!


Happy Weekend!

This Is My Song (Extended) #7 (DJ, Germany)
This Is My Song (Extended) #121 (Global DJ)
This Is My Song (Extended) #585 (All Genres Germany)
Mountains (Extended) #6 (DJ, Germany)
Mountains (Extended) #120 (Global DJ)
Mountains (Extended) #584 (All Genres Germany)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #8 (DJ, Germany)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #122 (Global DJ)
Balance (Funky Ufo Mix) #586 (All Genres Germany)
EM (Elektronische Musik) #41 (Dance, Germany)
Spirituality #1 (Trance, Germany)
Spirituality #5 (Global Trance)
Spirituality #19 (All Genres Germany)
NEUEINSTIEG: Love Simulation (Extended) #45 (Dance, Germany)
NEUEINSTIEG: The Loveparade #44 (Dance, Germany)
Bonus Beats #1 (Progressive House, Germany)
Bonus Beats #1 (Global Progressive House)
Bonus Beats #70 (All Genres Germany)
Tsunami - #11 (Trance, Germany)
Tsunami - #54 (Global Trance)
Tsunami - #557 (All Genres Germany)
Skyraiser - #10 (World, Germany)
Skyraiser - #415 (Global Word)
Skyraiser - #558 (All Genres Germany)
Lady Wing - #11 (Dance, Germany)
Lady Wing - #334 (Global Dance)
Lady Wing - #554 (All Genres Germany)
Ghosts - #38 (Dance, Germany)
Ghosts (Rave The World Remix) #3 (Club, Germany)
Ghosts (Rave The World Remix) #120 (Global Club)
Pianotised - #10 (Dance, Germany)
Pianotised - #267 (Global Dance)
Pianotised - #439 (All Genres Germany)
Magic EP - #2 (Disco House, Germany)
Magic EP - #14 (Global Disco House)
Cyberbear - #7 (Trance, Germany)
Cyberbear - #21 (Global Trance)
Cyberbear - #297 (All Genres Germany)
La Mancha - #63 (Electronica, Germany)
Plutimication - #33 (House, Germany)
Plutimication - #859 (Global House)
The Unicorn - #3 (House, Germany)
The Unicorn - #860 (Global House)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #2 (House, Germany)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #12 (Global House)
1-2-3-4 (Vocal Extended) - #35 (All Genres Germany)
Schattentanz 2015 - #5 (DJ, Germany)
Schattentanz 2015 - #118 (Global DJ)
Schattentanz 2015 - #574 (All Genres Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #1 (DJ, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe - Popo Pop (Pornsport Edit) #6 (Global DJ)
Le Voyageur - Gateway to Paradise #4 (DJ, Germany)
Le Voyageur - Gateway to Paradise #117 (Global DJ)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #5 - (Dance, Germany)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #200 - (Dance, Global)
Plaque Deluxe feat Phil Matthew - I Phunk The Sheriff (Radio Instr. Version) #354 - (All Genres Germany)
Tracks are available at Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer,
Junodownload UK, 7Digital, Napster Music, TDC (Track On
Demand 24-7), Pandora, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube Music..
www . Numberonemusic . com / philmatthew
www . Facebook . com / philmatthew
www . Instagram . com / orphilusrecordings
www . Instagram . com / djphilmatthew
www . Tiktok . com / .matthew
www . Technotrance . de (Orphilus Nightlounge,
Orphilus Easterlounge & Classic 90s Dj Mixes)



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