Taking your own way is not always easy on yourself. It usually means to be smiled upon for not following the main stream or longing for success, as others define it. The core point most often is to follow ones heart and ideas to fulfill one's "need" to express oneself. It's not necessarily some hard choices or descisions to be made, but it may take some courage and choices in live others do not understand. Well, at least it takes some guts to put out your own creations to the world for good or bad, as one never knows about what response to expect. The Schallwelle award's Your Own Way prize is interested in rather unusual ways for finding into electronic music. This is part two of nominee tracks, this time by Mikel Sounder, Spieluhr Records, Secret Moonbase, Vortex Elements, Wellengärtner, Rahara Chillout, MiDi BiTCH, Record Of Tides, Romerium.
Owning your path on
Taking your own way is not always easy on yourself. It usually means to be smiled upon for not following the main stream or longing for success, as others define it. The core point most often is to follow ones heart and ideas to fulfill one's "need" to express oneself. It's not necessarily some hard