Berlin has a vivid and complex fashion scene that many people talk and write about, but as Berlin is big and diverse it is not so easy to get a grip on it. This triggered our idea to start a magazine that captures Berlin’s fashion scene by focusing on pure images. Our second postulate was to give the contributors total freedom to realize their ideas so that they wouldn’t feel restrained by any edi
torial guidelines whatsoever. In this way you should be able to get a good and very direct insight into what is happening fashionwise in this beautiful city of ours. We approached various photographers, stylists, hair&make-up artists and model agencies with our idea and the immediate response was overwhelming. Within little time we had ten extensive editorials, of which every single one represented a different facet of the city in a strong and self-consistent way. With design studio Maven we found the perfect partner to develop an overall concept for layout and production. Every spread in Œ Magazine will be printed on different paper qualities to support the look and feel of each shoot. Beautiful details like an open stitched binding add to the haptic experience which we regard as very important when working with printed matter. Well, this is the story of Œ Magazine. A project that started off with a small and passionate idea that soon became big enough to occupy a group of friends for weeks on end, offering so many opportunities and sparking even more ideas. All the very best,
Arne, Lisa, Lucie, Phuong, Rainer
And a big thanks to our contributors!!!
Œ Magazine ist ein neues Magazin mit Fokus auf die deutsche und insbesondere die Berliner Modeszene. Das Magazin ist von Berlin mit all seinem kreativen Potenzial inspiriert und hat das Ziel, Berlin als Modehauptstadt von zunehmend internationalem Rang weiter zu etablieren. Im Unterschied zu vielen anderen Publikationen gibt Œ als unabhängiges Magazin seinen Kontributoren viel Raum, um ihre Visionen zu realisieren. Hierbei geht es nicht nur darum, die spannendsten Designer vorzustellen, sondern für alle Akteure der Modeszene gleichermaßen ein Forum zu sein. Die gestalterische Umsetzung setzt auf ein aufwändiges optisches und haptisches Erlebnis, um die Vorteile des Printformats voll auszunutzen.