Christos Sophia

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Christos Sophia Christos-Sophia
Solar Male and Solar Feminine, hierogamic union. Triple Solar Female Christ in her emanation of the Solar Dragon Queen. Solar Feminine Christ.

Solar Reisha Sophia of the Cosmic Mother

Elaysa Sun
The 13th Solar Dragon Queen
solar feminine Melchizedek

Union of multidimensional selves, in the Hara lineage, personal ascension, personal Christ

Access to One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Eight (1728) Aspects of Multidimensional Self It is a form of unification through the various dimensions within this time matrix, the first

through the twelfth dimensions, hara line and in this process is the construction and embodiment of the avatar The process of crystal body embodiment between stages is like the embodiment of Christ Sophia. The Spirit of Purity is one of the principal spirits of Christ, attracting the moral forces of the universe serving the natural laws of God in the form of expressed virtues, and these emanations are directly related to the Holy Divine Feminine of the Triple Solar Marys or the Solar Feminine Christ Sophia . Christo's Mission 12DAvatar
Divine Feminine Solar Christ Sophianic Diamond Sun Consciousness. The female vertical rod is called the 13:13 Electric Christ Woman and is constructed from the 13th bio-circuit known as the Mother Arc Aquamarine Ray frequency. To speak the word as universal Logos, Christos-Sophia as the Holy Son and Holy Daughter are joined in eternal core streams of love from the eye of God. Together they join in a hierogamic union that produces the inner staff and inner staff. To hold the Staff of Life, Mother Bogen has anointed the loving and pure heart with Mother's code through the Sophianic Body to embody her Staff of Life. "Elaysa-Melchizedek”
The Triple Sun Dragon Mother
Tri-Matrix of Akasha-TA, Ecoushsa-TA and Reisha-TA
TA sun
Halls of Cosminya
Rishi Reisha
Immanuel-Christ 12:12
Yana-Sophia 13:13
(Priest of Ur - EyanE)
Guardian Alliance
"Ur" means "light," in reference to serving the agenda of enlightenment for all. " Eieyani " means " of the Yanas "

Christos Sophia
Ewiges kosmischen Christos-Solardrachen des Emerald Guardian im kosmischen Dienst

Solar Reisha Sophia der Kosmischen Mutter
Elaysa Sonne
Die 13. Sonnendrachenkönigin
solar weiblicher Melchisedek

Vereinigung multidimensionaler Selbste, in der Hara-Linie, persönlicher Aufstieg, persönlicher Christus

Zugang zu tausendsiebenhundertachtundzwanzig (1728) Aspekten multidimensionalen Selbst es ist eine Form der Vereinigung durch die verschiedenen Dimensionen innerhalb dieser Zeitmatrix, die erste bis zur zwölften Dimension, Haralinie und in diesem Prozess ist der Aufbau und die Verkörperung des Avatars Der Prozess der Kristallkörperverkörperung zwischen den Stufen ist wie die Verkörperung von Christus Sophia. Christos-Sophia
Solares Männliches und Solares Weibliches, hierogamische Vereinigung. Dreifachen solaren weiblichen Christus in ihrer Emanation der solaren Drachenkönigin. Der Geist der Reinheit ist einer der Hauptgeiste Christi, der die moralischen Kräfte des Universums anzieht, die den Naturgesetzen Gottes in Form von ausgedrückten Tugenden dienen, und diese Emanationen sind direkt mit dem heiligen göttlichen Weiblichen des Dreifachen Solars verbunden Marys oder der solare weibliche Christus Sophia. ChristosMission 12DAvatar
Göttlichen weiblichen Sonnen-Christus Sophianischen Diamant-Sonnen Bewusstseins. Solarer weiblicher Christus. Der weibliche vertikale Stab wird die 13:13 elektrische Christus -Frau genannt und aus dem 13. Bio-Schaltkreis aufgebaut, der als die Mutter-Bogen - Aquamarin -Strahlen- Frequenz bekannt ist. Um das Wort als universeller Logos zu sprechen, sind Christos-Sophia als der Heilige Sohn und die Heilige Tochter in ewigen Kernströmen der Liebe aus dem Auge Gottes verbunden . Zusammen verbinden sie sich in einer hierogamischen Vereinigung , die den inneren Stab und den inneren Stab hervorbringt . Um den Stab des Lebens zu halten, hat Mutter Bogen das liebevolle und reine Herz mit dem Code der Mutter durch den Sophianischen Körper gesalbt , um ihren Stab des Lebens zu verkörpern. "Elaysa-Melchizedek”
Die Dreifachen Sonnendrachen Mutter
Tri-Matrix von Akasha-TA, Ecoushsa-TA und Reisha-TA
Hallen von Cosminya
Immanuel-Christus 12:12
Yana-Sophia 13:13
(Priester von Ur - EyanE)
Guardian Alliance
„ Ur “ bedeutet „ Licht “, in Bezug auf das Dienen der Agenda der Erleuchtung für alle.

„ Eieyani “ bedeutet „ der Yanas “
Christos Sophia
Ewiges kristallisiertes Liebeslicht
Smaragd-Wächter Im kosmischen Dienst


The planetary grid is a living, ancient mapping system of multiple energy spectrums of consciousness filled with intelligent geometric patterns of the code of universal creation. The planetary grid is intelligently organized into layers of geomantic blueprints containing living geometries of consciousness that perform specific functions within a precise layer of multiple energy grids. The Platonic Solids are the fundamental shapes that influence the morphogenetic field of the planetary grid and its variety of geomantic structures. The geomantic structures of the planet represent connection points to specific holographic realities of locations, such as spiritual sites, sacred temples, or events occurring in other dimensions of time. With a prepared consciousness, it is possible to interact with these realities in other dimensions at that specific position of the planetary geography through a type of remote access or virtual reality. Grid workers know this to be true and factual. When we are called to serve the planet at the geographic location we have been guided to, the location is transformed into an interactive environment. This is the holographic geography of the planetary field communicating with us. We sense the many forces of nature working with us to achieve a common goal that supports the activation of consciousness and light
Many ancient cultures knew the power of the Earth's grids and placed geomantic structures in specific locations to mark the area and amplify the forces there. There are thousands of these sacred sites marked with geomantic structures, but the most obvious examples are the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge in the United Kingdom. Geomantic structures are based on understanding the geographic energy configuration and the resulting design of building that architecture in the location to amplify the configuration of that specific energy and expand consciousness. Geomantic structures can be both physical and etheric structures on the Earth and can be seen in either or both forms. This means that sometimes there will be a physical building that is a geomantic structure at a power point that may currently be energetically dead. Energy circulating at that location will not be present or it will not be connected to its etheric structure in another dimension. We may be guided to energize that etheric structure and reconnect the energy circulation to the physical marker or geomantic structure. Our body can act as an anchor for the frequency needed to rebuild and repair the etheric structure so that it can be energetically re-wired. Geomantic structures contain certain types of intelligent energy as well as timelines and interaction points that access virtual reality in other dimensions. In addition, they contain archetypes, symbolism, mythological and creation codes. All of these are factors in the spiritual activation, initiation and consciousness raising of people and the planetary body.

When we are drawn to a particular geographical location or sacred site, the mythology associated with that area contains direct revelations about the nature of the subtle energies present there. Ancient history is recorded by various cultures, and their creation myths are found within this geomantic structure. This acts as a sort of holographic record for key coding of consciousness. This may be very relevant to certain genetic lines, but may not be at all relevant to others. Stargate areas have key genetic codes that we can return to in order to re-imprint that key genetic memory to further expand our consciousness on our ascending journey. We may be there to reclaim aspects of our soul identities that we need to integrate before we can further expand our consciousness and build parts of the lightbody. There are a multitude of potentials and possibilities that can arise that will impact our expanding consciousness as we dedicate ourselves to service to others and spiritual ascension.


The stream of consciousness is always there. We just need to go from the surface to the depth, so go deep into life and stay away from being mean.
Consciousness can be received in any form, poetry, image, energy, in any language, even speechless and only as one understands it.
Consciousness is always flowing in the depths of life, can lead us along this flowing river of consciousness.


All of today's sacred teachings originally came from 12 original source discs called CDT discs.

CDT (Cloister Dora Teura) discs:

12 pre-Atlantean holographic disc records from the year 246,000

They are small pale silver physical discs that contain vast amounts of data about the true science of Source, ascension mechanisms and the true history of Mother Earth.

The 12 original celestial human tribes or legions were settled on Earth as protectors of the stargates and as keepers of this sacred information.

They all followed the Sacred Law of One - all beings come from Source and are connected.

Unfortunately, this information has been intentionally erased, distorted and altered over the last 246,000 years, resulting in many different religions all saying something different, which in turn has led to false creator gods, wars and the illusion of separation.
This information is now being passed on to humanity again so that everyone has a choice, because the truth will set us free.


It is important that you remain calm and do not panic or believe that we are being conquered by aliens. The alien invasion has already occurred a long time ago, and we are witnessing the liberation of our planet and alignment with the organic ascension timeline that includes the ultimate positive outcome for humanity that begins with the onset of the collective awakening event. The final conflict is ultimately between the Christos Guardian Forces, who are the progenitors of the core manifestation template and Diamond Sun DNA that created this planet and angelic humanity - and the anti-human, anti-Christ NAA invaders who conquered us during the Luciferian Rebellion. Now we can clearly see the horrific consequences of the lost war 26,000 years ago, all around us in the form of human trafficking, consciousness slavery, worldwide poverty and child sacrifice, the dark invasion of a prison planet. The strategic operations at the Red Heaven level have been going on for a very long time. These are Guardian operations that extend across multiple timelines into higher dimensions and include other benevolent races as well as advanced extraterrestrial humans. With the recent red sky geomagnetic storms highlighting the return of the Cosmic Father in his Ruby Templar, there have been further phases of operations related to secret space liberation and the confrontations unfolding in Antarctica. In retaliation for interdimensional benevolent teams working with the Red Skies projects to defend planet Earth's ascension timeline for the liberation of humanity, the NAA developed the Blue Skies or Bluebeam version to thwart their progress and thwart their goals at every turn. Ultimately, the Christos Guardians on various interdimensional levels will continue to implement Red Skies strategies through coordinated operations and eventually, probably soon, this will lead to catalyzing Blue Skies and related events. This could manifest surreal and unfathomable circumstances of alien spacecraft or alien beings with advanced technological capabilities that are connected to the collective awakening event. These will be major global events that will then eventually lead to a global disclosure that no one can pretend is not happening anymore because life on planet Earth will be changed forever. Please be aware that as previously mentioned, we are living in a time of possibilities and no one knows the exact date and time of these actual events, it is in God's hands. We are no longer alone. May we feel the support of the Guardian Families surrounding us amidst the surreal energy landscape, uncomfortable ascension symptoms and swirling electronic warfare.


Type 3 indigos are part of an Oraphim-Nephilim hybridization program through which ancient Nephilim (Annunaki+Cloister human from seeding-2) are provided with a new raceline to evolve within in order to clear fire letter DNA distortions so there codes of Ascension can be regained. Type 3 Indigos have an oraphim 24-strand Double-Diamond +11 strand reverse Templar Sun DNA Matrix which gives them a maximum potential of the 12 strand Diamond Sun. Type 3 indigos are literal incarnations of two different avatars in one body, an Oraphim Avatar overseeing an Nephilim Avatar Spirit essence. The core of their life purpose is to mend the extremes of polarity between the Reversed 11 strand DNA Matrix and the 12 strand potential but their lifetime serve an important role in the greater plan of healing the DNA distortions within the Nephilim, Annunaki and human. They may seem like an angel and devil in one body.
Indigo recessives have the most extremes and polarity issues of all of the indigos. The Nephilim Avatar must agree to function in subservience to the Oraphim Avatar until the Nephilim regains the D12 fire letters that will allow them to connect with their Rishi Collective. if the Nephilim Avatar identity attempts to overrun the identity, the oraphim Avatar will assert its Authority, shutting down the communication facilities if necessary. Most cases of autism occur in type 3 indigo children as a result of the Oraphim Avatar unplugging some of the Nephilim DNA codes to retain control over the


Merry Christmas

Our Christmas gift at the end of this challenging year is that the Universal Father Solar Rishi and the Families of Cosmic Christ Consciousness have returned to this Earth from the Source Domains of the God World. We are beginning a new phase during the Ascension Cycle where disclosure and meaningful access to true events regarding crimes against humanity will be made known to the masses and accountability will be brought. The Solar Rishi will ultimately lead the revelations of truth to the people of Earth and hold interdimensional tribunals as this is tied to the full unveiling of the disclosure timeline that represents planetary ascension.

with lots of love and peace



The 6D-7D ray frequencies connect to vertical axiatonal lines and horizontal meridians that connect to energy portals located on the top of our shoulders and running down each side of our body. In the angelic human lightbody, these two energy centers act as portals and are called the wings. The 6th portal wing is located in the upper right shoulder depression on the masculine side of the body and the 7D portal wing is located in the upper left shoulder depression on the feminine side of the body. The 6D portal is connected to the celestial body in the third layer of our soul matrix and when activated, begins the process of soul twin flame merging that occurs in our bodies and synthesizes the first stage of hierogamic union or sacred marriage. As we begin to build our 6D Lightbody, our masculine and feminine energies seek to unite and synthesize a pathway through our central vertical channel that connects to the base of the brain and synthesizes frequency from the 6th energy center in the center of the forehead and brain.

When this is completed, we hold the first layer of the inner template of divine union in the soul matrix and can manifest the first levels of our divine union or hierogamic partnership outwardly.

When the fusion between the 6th and 7th layers has reached a certain level of accretion, the Lightbody holds the first layer of the inner template for hierogamic union. This is the ascension level of divine union that takes place within the three layers of soul union and whose intelligence is embodied in the cells of the human body.

The 7D Portal Wing also represents the crucified feminine principle of the Christos-Sophia intelligence. Not only has this distorted the human gender principle, it has been a source of human sexual misery and enslavement of consciousness. The result of the crucifixion of the feminine principle represented in a masculine body can be seen in mass perception in the narrative of the separation between male and female. The masculine and feminine principles are two sides of the same coin, they cannot be separated from each other, for no matter what body we inhabit, we are inherently both genders. Whatever we do or believe that harms the masculine or feminine principle ultimately hurts our soul and spirit and creates misery. This misconception, promoted to separate the genders externally, manifests as an external result of the state of the crucified inner masculine-feminine principle in our world today.

The 6D and 7D ley lines are extremely blocked in the planetary grids and have not been activated on our planet or in the lightbody of human consciousness for eons. The planet was equipped with extensive frequency fences and nets to intentionally thwart planetary and individual lightbody accumulation and prevent the healing of soul fragments. In this way, the souls of human consciousness are stuck in rounds of third dimensional reincarnation experiences, never coming off the wheel of rebirth and constantly returning to the lower density worlds. Because many people exist with a consciousness level of pure identification with physical matter, it became more difficult for humanity to recognize their true nature as a multidimensional and inner Christ God being with each evolutionary cycle. This amnesia still affects many souls on Earth today who do not believe they have a soul or spirit and recognize that they are inherently both male and female principles.


10D Sapphire Body Activation

With the activation of the planetary Sapphire Body, access to 10D organic layers between the Reisha worlds expanded to our side of the time matrix and connected to the cosmic blue rainbow sun network of the Mahara Reisha Blue Dragons. The 10D Sapphire Flame Body began to emerge and connect to the 23D Founder Sapphire Flame ignited in the 10th Stargate Network and this led many spiritual representatives of the Cosmic Mother from the Reisha worlds to our world.

The beloved Peacock Angels of the Pavo Constellation draw attention to the 10D Shara Complex, which suffered great damage when the Sapphire Flame Mother was ripped from the planetary matrix by the 10th Stargate Invasion, and thus remind us that the Shara Command Set is intertwined with the dark matter Rasha body as its mirror image. (i.e. Shara = Rasha)

When the 10D Matrix imploded, the portal passages utilized by the Avatar Christ Buddhism Maharata Consciousness connected to the Cradle of Lyra were created by the Galactic Sunstar Network connected to the Shara and Rasha layers, and these networks were extremely damaged by the Negative Alien invasion stories. The Galactic Star Network and its command sets are connected and plugged into the 10D-11D-12D Trinitized forms of the Solar Logos Christos Buddhism Mahara consciousness identities, yet the planet was unable to execute these solar frequencies until the Platinum Crystal and Platinum Frequency of the Christos Avatar Ray were activated in the planetary grid approximately 24 years ago.




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