Christos Sophia

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Christos Sophia Christos-Sophia
Solar Male and Solar Feminine, hierogamic union. Triple Solar Female Christ in her emanation of the Solar Dragon Queen. Solar Feminine Christ.

Solar Reisha Sophia of the Cosmic Mother

Elaysa Sun
The 13th Solar Dragon Queen
solar feminine Melchizedek

Union of multidimensional selves, in the Hara lineage, personal ascension, personal Christ

Access to One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Eight (1728) Aspects of Multidimensional Self It is a form of unification through the various dimensions within this time matrix, the first

through the twelfth dimensions, hara line and in this process is the construction and embodiment of the avatar The process of crystal body embodiment between stages is like the embodiment of Christ Sophia. The Spirit of Purity is one of the principal spirits of Christ, attracting the moral forces of the universe serving the natural laws of God in the form of expressed virtues, and these emanations are directly related to the Holy Divine Feminine of the Triple Solar Marys or the Solar Feminine Christ Sophia . Christo's Mission 12DAvatar
Divine Feminine Solar Christ Sophianic Diamond Sun Consciousness. The female vertical rod is called the 13:13 Electric Christ Woman and is constructed from the 13th bio-circuit known as the Mother Arc Aquamarine Ray frequency. To speak the word as universal Logos, Christos-Sophia as the Holy Son and Holy Daughter are joined in eternal core streams of love from the eye of God. Together they join in a hierogamic union that produces the inner staff and inner staff. To hold the Staff of Life, Mother Bogen has anointed the loving and pure heart with Mother's code through the Sophianic Body to embody her Staff of Life. "Elaysa-Melchizedek”
The Triple Sun Dragon Mother
Tri-Matrix of Akasha-TA, Ecoushsa-TA and Reisha-TA
TA sun
Halls of Cosminya
Rishi Reisha
Immanuel-Christ 12:12
Yana-Sophia 13:13
(Priest of Ur - EyanE)
Guardian Alliance
"Ur" means "light," in reference to serving the agenda of enlightenment for all. " Eieyani " means " of the Yanas "

Christos Sophia
Ewiges kosmischen Christos-Solardrachen des Emerald Guardian im kosmischen Dienst

Solar Reisha Sophia der Kosmischen Mutter
Elaysa Sonne
Die 13. Sonnendrachenkönigin
solar weiblicher Melchisedek

Vereinigung multidimensionaler Selbste, in der Hara-Linie, persönlicher Aufstieg, persönlicher Christus

Zugang zu tausendsiebenhundertachtundzwanzig (1728) Aspekten multidimensionalen Selbst es ist eine Form der Vereinigung durch die verschiedenen Dimensionen innerhalb dieser Zeitmatrix, die erste bis zur zwölften Dimension, Haralinie und in diesem Prozess ist der Aufbau und die Verkörperung des Avatars Der Prozess der Kristallkörperverkörperung zwischen den Stufen ist wie die Verkörperung von Christus Sophia. Christos-Sophia
Solares Männliches und Solares Weibliches, hierogamische Vereinigung. Dreifachen solaren weiblichen Christus in ihrer Emanation der solaren Drachenkönigin. Der Geist der Reinheit ist einer der Hauptgeiste Christi, der die moralischen Kräfte des Universums anzieht, die den Naturgesetzen Gottes in Form von ausgedrückten Tugenden dienen, und diese Emanationen sind direkt mit dem heiligen göttlichen Weiblichen des Dreifachen Solars verbunden Marys oder der solare weibliche Christus Sophia. ChristosMission 12DAvatar
Göttlichen weiblichen Sonnen-Christus Sophianischen Diamant-Sonnen Bewusstseins. Solarer weiblicher Christus. Der weibliche vertikale Stab wird die 13:13 elektrische Christus -Frau genannt und aus dem 13. Bio-Schaltkreis aufgebaut, der als die Mutter-Bogen - Aquamarin -Strahlen- Frequenz bekannt ist. Um das Wort als universeller Logos zu sprechen, sind Christos-Sophia als der Heilige Sohn und die Heilige Tochter in ewigen Kernströmen der Liebe aus dem Auge Gottes verbunden . Zusammen verbinden sie sich in einer hierogamischen Vereinigung , die den inneren Stab und den inneren Stab hervorbringt . Um den Stab des Lebens zu halten, hat Mutter Bogen das liebevolle und reine Herz mit dem Code der Mutter durch den Sophianischen Körper gesalbt , um ihren Stab des Lebens zu verkörpern. "Elaysa-Melchizedek”
Die Dreifachen Sonnendrachen Mutter
Tri-Matrix von Akasha-TA, Ecoushsa-TA und Reisha-TA
Hallen von Cosminya
Immanuel-Christus 12:12
Yana-Sophia 13:13
(Priester von Ur - EyanE)
Guardian Alliance
„ Ur “ bedeutet „ Licht “, in Bezug auf das Dienen der Agenda der Erleuchtung für alle.

„ Eieyani “ bedeutet „ der Yanas “
Christos Sophia
Ewiges kristallisiertes Liebeslicht
Smaragd-Wächter Im kosmischen Dienst


With the activation of the Easter Beads, the first of three Cosmic Dragon Awakening events was initiated, including the birth of a White Diamond Elohei Lyran Sun in 11D Aveyon and the reunification of the Triple Solar Male Christ Template through the Holy Father's Cosmic Staff Code, forming the Universal Staff Trinity Shield for the Cosmic Christ Suns, the Cosmic Christ Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek. The Solar Logos White Elohei Sun is the emanation of the 1st Emerald Sun Cosmic Mother Dragon, in which all female and male counterparts of the Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek Solar Dragon Family, cloned or enslaved via the Alpha Draconis network, will be restored and reunited with their hierogamic partner via the Ankh Body of the Cosmic Emerald Order.

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


Several million years ago, the Metatronic Family's mission was to repair the pieces of the Time Matrix that had been severed in the Milky Way and originally came from Andromeda. This destruction was the result of the Lyra Wars or the Fall of Lyra, the seed of the Antichrist conflict. Lyra was the 12th Gate and source of Crystal Consciousness that was directly connected to the Andromeda Galaxy. When Lyra fell, her higher parts, connected to the natural Trinity Wave Crystal Codes, the Eternal Living Light Architecture, were reversed and trapped in the Milky Way system. As a result, it became increasingly distorted over time and the Metatron Collective attempted to recover and repair this 12th Stargate, but unfortunately they failed.

Failing to save the 12th Stargate, the Metatron Collective was absorbed into the artificial intelligence system formed by the Black Hole Beings, and eventually ended up in the Yahweh system. This system is connected to a Black Cube Matrix held by Saturn, which siphons life force from our Universal Time Matrix and funnels it back into their Black Hole system. Saturn's Black Cube contains a giant tank that serves as a collection station for human blood sacrifice in any way imaginable, be it through wars, rituals, crucifixion, martyrdom, su***de, or menstruation. This makes it clear why Saturn has long been associated with a number of blood worship cults. Saturn is also the 7th Solar Gate, and is therefore used to emit inverted violet plasma light. This distortion creates inversion plasmas and inverted violet light on our planet. These reversal plasmas are designed to ignite and feed the demon seed that exists in the shadow selves or negative forms of the masses. In addition, this alien construct was used to impale the crucifixion implants on the vertical axiatonal lines in the planetary body, which also destroyed the vertical channel alignment of the planetary rod.

The Yahweh system leads from a black star called Abbadon in the center of our Milky Way galaxy back into the black hole system. The Yahweh collective took over the four cardinal directions, or what we call the Divine Infinity Calculation, which makes up the cosmic clock in our universe. They used the Yahweh system to take over the Guardians of the 12 Pillars and the architecture of the Crystal Cathedral, thus blocking communication with the Crystal races outside of this system. This alien machinery is called the Yod-Hay-Vod-Hay system or Yahweh Matrix. It is obvious that the fallen Yahweh entities decided that they were our gods and decided to implement a series of mind control mechanisms through the spread of religious beliefs to get people to worship Yahweh and/or Jehovah as God the Creator.

The Yod-Hay-Vod-Hay system also correlates with the adoption of all the digit four and Master Builder 22 constructs used in morphogenic fields as blueprints for matter. Each of the Yod-Hay-Vod-Hay pillars relates to one of the directions of North, South, East or West and the dominion over the hierarchy of fallen angels that manages the cosmic clock or timelines. Invoking this Yahweh system through the Yod-Hay-Vod-Hay matrix or Tetragrammaton is common in "squaring the circle" where an occult ritualist dictates the directions in an energetic space. This may be used in some New Age practices or in black magic rituals tied to the Hebrew systems and mystical Kabbalah or other mystery schools or religions that worship Yahweh.

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


Third Harmonic Universe

For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody.These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Monadic matrix.
In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Gaian matrix.
Monad and Seed Atom

The Monad and the Permanent Seed Atom are different parts of the same functioning spirit body. When the seed atom is coming online the Monadic light generates into the diamond blueprint Diamond Heart filter of the permanent seed atom. The inner Monadic spirit ignites with the Mother’s Holy Spirit or the Amoraea Flame. The activated ‘Christ’ Seed Atom generates the instruction set of the Silicate Matrix and is the Universal Christos Field or 12D Ray.

Monadic Integration = Divine Purpose

Many of us cannot manifest our divine purpose and destiny projects until this alignment and embodiment of our Oversoul or Monad transpires. Our divine purpose is part and parcel of our divine consciousness and we cannot manifest purpose without our spirit intelligence embodied. Many of us have been searching for our “purpose” when we actually should be working to free and embody our spiritual bodies. We cannot live our true purpose until we are embodied in our Monadic spirit intelligence.

Those poised for stewardship in the next cycle as a part of the “changing of the guard” cannot be corrupted, damaged or deluded that we are in possession or ownership of anything material. The Oversoul/Monad intelligence is able to direct resources without personal agenda … There is no Negative Ego bargaining or superimposing of personal will allowed — ever. There can be no continued “lies of omission”, self-delusion or lack of clarity in any circumstance of our relationships that had created confusion in our lives. We must see all that has been hidden in the shadow and put it all on the altar before God…

Higher Heart Chakra Activation

The Monad spirit body is entwined with the activation of the 8th Chakra located at the thymus gland. When the Permanent Seed Atom begins to activate the sequence of Monadic integration begins to link with the 9th Chakra in a moving gyroscopic field with its center axis in the pineal gland.

Soul-Monad Connection

The Spirit Body of the Monad is the higher mind function of the observer, watching and aware of forming concepts and making assessments. It is the higher mind principle consciousness that comes to neutral conclusions and decisions based on accumulated experiences. When the spirit is in control of the nervous system of the body, it makes consciousness action possible. A human being is responsible for their actions and must choose with a clear Consciousness, as it is the higher spirit intelligence that gives its decisive consent. When the spirit is not connected, it allows consent with dark forces, who many times take advantage of that person. When we are not self-aware nor discerning, we can become Consubstantial to dark forces that overpower our consent. This is why building ones intent, consent and authority correctly is crucially important. This action will build the spirit body and align consent to the higher realms of consciousness. The Spirit body of the Monad is only consciously aware of the contents of the Soul when it is connected to the Soul. This is the same as when the physical body is disconnected from the Soul, the conscious mind does not remember her (cannot feel the soul). When the Spirit body is disconnected from the Soul, the spirit consciousness can no longer remember the Soul, and becomes unconscious of the Souls memory of existence. This unconsciousness has the impact of Soul fragmentation. How this manifests in the First World, the lowest plane on earth, is Insanity, schizophrenia, catatonia, psychotic break, and all other forms of split consciousness. How this manifests in the Second world is chaotic dream states of astral delusions, holographic bits of fragmented pictures of millions of storylines. These pictures intersect without coherence or cohesion, just jumbled messages of dreamy, disconnected fantasy images and impressions. This manifests in the Third World in much the same way as an anesthetic puts the consciousness to sleep, similar to hypnotic like trance or sleepwalking. When the Consciousness layers are split apart, it results in a sleepwalking or amnesiac type trance in all Three Worlds. Conversely, when we awaken our consciousness and start to desire communication with our Soul and Spirit, this starts the awakening process in all Three Worlds.

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


"“Biblical Prophecy”

The APIN networks and their properties expose some of the deceptive conceptual and verbal coding in the Bible, particularly in Revelation. For example, the intent of the invader NAA (negative alien agenda) was to destroy the 12D Earth portal, the heart of the Great White Lion, and thus tame the lion, and hence: 'The lion lies down beside the lamb' (the heart is compared to the lamb and to Christ). The Golden Eagle Grid was taken over and called White Eagle and combined with the Jehovian Grids. The 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' refer to technological warfare and the subterfuge to reverse the flows of seven of these Earth star portals or energy centers during the ascension cycle using the crucifixion implants or Jehovian Annunaki seals. 'Angels and Trumpets' and the 'Beast' are advanced warfare technologies. The "seven angels of the seven churches" refer to the seven crucifixion implants and the pylons refer to the "seven candlesticks representing the seven churches." "Angels" is the code name for the advanced technology of hyperdimensional cones seeded in the Earth's grid that reverse the violet beam current, the reversal of the 7D current of the planetary Logos. These writings are clearly the machinations of the fallen aliens in the NAA to create violent religions and war on Earth. The Phantom Matrix is ​​a slow-acting system of black holes referred to in the Bible as a "bottomless abyss," a realm of hell and hades."

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


A Christos Avatar is a term used to describe a 12 Dimensional simultaneously conscious being, the highest expression of consciousness of the original human divine blueprint. This is the state of being of a true christ consciousness (12 DNA strands or Silicate Matrix). We all have an Avatar Christos future self and we can call upon this aspect of our identity for support in our personal ascension. This embodied “Christos” is the triad form in the levels of our 10-11-12 Dimensional mind matrix. This is also known as the Universal level of consciousness.

To communicate with the Avatar Christ frequency on the earth, we must build our 12D Shield and absorb the 12D Ray into our Lightbody through the 12 Tree Grid. When we develop our Avatar Christos embodiment the next stage is Hieros Gamos, which joins the inner Christos-Sophia in sacred marriage with the Eternal God Source.

Avatar Triad of Intelligence

Fourth Harmonic Universe

For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody. These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D exists the three layers of the Christos Avatar Matrix.
In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D the future earth blueprint in its crystalline form in the exists the three layers of the Aramatena or Aurora Earth Matrix.
Avatar is Unity Logos

The Avatar is the Energetic Reality of Unity as a consciousness field, Solar Logos, Cosmic Christos
Universal Consciousness and Cellular Memory Record Awakens
Enlightened Extra-terrestial contact begins, Universal Service as Law of One
Avatar God Technology is purposed to Rehabilitate the Genetic Repair of Human and Non Humans
Issues of the Creation Matrices as Holographic Architecture becomes an interface within the Body and consciousnesses function
Completing polarity/duality consciousness as existing in the Lower Form Worlds (A Master of Comprehending the Illusion and Deception.) [1]
Lyran DNA

When the Cradle of Lyra was destroyed in the Lyran Wars with Orion Groups it is synonymous with the destruction of the Avatar level of consciousness in our Universal Time Matrix. These Galactic Wars damaged and destroyed the Lyran DNA which was the embodiment of the Silicate Matrix and had the capacity to live as a Krystal Avatar human being.

This timeline in the destruction of the planets of Lyra is where seed of the Galactic Wars began that are representative of the wars over human DNA and consciousness, the war of that the anti-Christ consciousness has waged against the Christos consciousness in this Universal system. The Seedings of the Root Races on this planet have been to re-assemble the original DNA and reclaim that which was lost in the Lyran Wars with Orion Group and subsequently, the Reptilian races. The 12 Tree Grid was designed with the Lyran-Sirians to help reassemble the original Avatar Christos Silicate Matrix of the human being in the lower Harmonic Universes. Essentially this is going into the past Timelines to retrieve code in order to change the destruction in the future timelines from the Orion Wars.

Comprises Fourth 3 Chakras (10-11-
• Third Triad Begins Synthesis of
Consciousness as "Unity" Field
• The Avatar is the Energetic Reality of
Unity as a consciousness field
• Layer One - 10D - Christ mind
• Layer Two- 11D -Buddhic mind
• Layer Three-12D-Solar Logos or Unity
Consciousness, Hydroplasmic Liquid Light Blueprint, the "Crystal Body"
• Universal Consciousness and Cellular
Memory Record Awakens
• Enlightened Extra-terrestrial contact begins, Universal Service as Law of One

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


Clearing Zeta Seal Distortions

To bring this into compassionate observation during the Krebs cycle, many remote work sessions have brought information about Zeta Seals blocking the heart chakra of humanity as frequency fences exposed to keep the human soul matrix under the direct supervision and control of the invaders during the physical dying process. The Zeta Seal creates a variety of blockages that keep the sensory capabilities of the heart center from being detected by the mental body or conscious mind of the individual who is unaware of the existence of their soul anatomy. Zeta Seals are designed as 4D and 8D splitters that create a disturbance between the heart center's energetic transmissions to the mind matrices and the brain's energetic receivers. The tracking profile of these implants brings to light the hidden history of the NAA invasion, along with military connections tied to the history of human holocaust during many wars that occurred on and off the planet. It also reveals direct connections to previous governments of the planet that negotiated with NAA factions for access to gray alien military technology, bringing about the phenomenon of the artificial Looking Glass timelines, the MILAB abductions, and the subsequent stories of the Secret Space Programs that began to infect this solar system primarily during the Maldek explosion and the Mars Wars.

Recently, events have opened timelines related to Zeta Seals as 4D implants that block the physical heart organ, preventing it from accessing its multidimensional layers in the heart complex and the etheric nadis that contain the blueprint for bioneurology and brain receptors. Zeta Seals are housed in the first layer of the 4D heart chakra and the 8D higher heart center, creating an amnesic barrier between the heart center and the mental body transmission. When this is active, the individual loses their ability for higher sensory perception and cannot sense or feel the quality of energies in their environment, and this sensory blockage seems to be greatly amplified and reinforced upon entering military service. Military bases are usually built in close proximity to the invaders' underground bases and tunnels. Gray alien technology has been sprayed and injected during every type of military operation, and this strategy has been widely exploited and used to gain behavioral control over the masses, especially in recent years. There is currently a lot of AI developed shard technology to amplify the Zeta Seals, which are transmitted through the most common technology devices around the world, such as cell phones. Zeta seals have proven their effectiveness in manipulating the 3D public, who are subjected to mind control to refuse to seek deeper truths about the nature of reality, keeping their heart center closed off by the collective onslaught of recurring trauma and fear of survival.

Practicing loving-kindness meditations with the intention to clear and ask for spiritual assistance to dissolve or remove Zeta seals that block the communication links between the heart and brain center can be extremely effective during Cancer Alchemy.


The Aquaferion races were lineages that were part of the original Crystal Star human race lines that died out in this Universal Time Matrix after the Electrical Wars. They are part of the Crystal Dragon and Whale race consciousness families, the architects of creation. This is our beautiful Crystal Star family that lives in the next Universal Matrix, guiding us out of this 3D phantom system by helping to upgrade DNA and ascend to the future ascended Earth. They have returned to this troubled Universal Time Matrix as Crystal Star Ascension hosts to help the planet go through the final cycle and transits. Mother Earth's Star Body is a Crystal Body that radiates liquid ultraviolet and aquaplasm waves at its core. These are liquid crystalline plasma fields created from the rays of the Aqualine Sun. To help Mother Earth ascend, she must access her highest original emanation Star Body located in Andromeda. Many of us are genetically related to the Aquaferion races who have a direct genetic relationship to the Christ lineages. Some of us will experience genetic rehabilitation through our Aquaferion DNA connections that link us to the future planet in the Andromeda Galaxy. The Aquaferion lineages can heal and remove the genetic damage caused by the fallen angels and their 666 seal by returning to the Andromeda Core records. The Aquaferions have returned to this troubled matrix of universal time as hosts of the Krystal Star Ascension to assist in the opening of the 13th Gate and the Aqualine Sun and to repair the Planetary Staff while hosting the opening beyond the Yahweh system into the transdimensional gates that allow transits and soul rescue. The Aquaferion Shield contains the genetic record referred to as the Blue Feathers, which represents the 12 tribes of the Krystic Aquaferion races of Andromeda in the Krystal Eternal Tree of Life, many of whom are direct descendants of us of the Blue Dragon family. This may be the region to which many of us will return to ascend and evolve in our future embodiment as Krystic selves."

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


The Solar Cross is a fusion of four major astrological influences and associated star energies that flow throughout our solar system, our planet and throughout all of humanity. It is the Fixed Cross whose four energies blend with the energies of the Sun's rays and transmit them throughout the solar system. So in this last evolutionary cycle, the Seven Sun Rays held the command set of the Solar Cross on the Earth's body and thus on all human bodies. To be freed from this Fixed Cross, one had to evolve spiritually, in other words, raise one's consciousness.

This blueprint also allowed the unscrupulous Annunaki to use the Solar Cross to manifest on Earth the DNA mutation for the 7D Crucifixion implants in the human body. However, as the new violet flame is restored through the emanation of the plasma of the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, it is re-encoded with new Aurora elementals. As we dedicate ourselves to our spiritual evolution, this mutation will now correct itself through our ascending consciousness.

Accessing the Cosmic Spiritual Sun holds its secret in the release of the inner ring pass, the inner solar cross, located at levels four (4D) and eight (8D). When cleared, this results in an imprinted perfection being achieved in the aura at the levels of base twelve. Base twelve is the definition of the reassembled twelve-stranded DNA diamond body of the Christos principle, a silicate matrix template. When the carbon element body fuses with its spiritual sun, the elemental body transforms from the 666 carbon-based atomic form into 8 more electrons, 8 more protons, and 8 more neutrons to form the silicate-based form. For this reason, in certain Gnostic texts, the Christos was considered the highest in the hierarchy of eighths, or represented by the number eight (888). This is the gematria value for the construction of the silicate form and also represents the infinity symbol of the eternal life stream of Christ. Silicon crystallizes in a diamond-shaped cubic crystal structure and has an atomic number of fourteen.

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


UrTha is the original Density One planet, the original Universal Stargate -3 that was housed on Earth as part of the Amenti Rescue Mission. Therefore, our "encryption" as Amenti races is not part
of UrTha's morphogenic field or shields. We therefore cannot undergo StarFire with UrTha.......and we would fall along with Earth and all matter/life forms associated with it.....were it not for the Aurora Force, an ancient gift given to the Amenti races by the UrTha Aurora races 550 million years ago when the Amenti Rescue Mission began, and is now being awakened for us by the E-Sha-Ne A and Aurora races. The Aurora Force or Field that they will gift us will allow the encryption of the Amenti races and parts of the Earth and their matter/life forms that are StarFire capable to connect them to UrTha's shields.

The Aurora Field is an energy buffer field between the Earth and UrTha. That is, a set of frequencies that allow beings and things on Earth whose imprint is not encrypted with Urtha's signature to pass through Urtha's morphogenic

field. This means that we are no longer something like "strangers" in UrTha's morphogenic field and can go through the StarFire process with UrTha. The E-Sha-Net A chose not to go through StarFire with all the other races the last time it happened 555 million years ago when the fall of the drama was taking place so that they could be here to help the Amenti races if the Amenti rescue mission (ascension to 5D) failed so that there would be no escape from the fall of the black hole for the Amenti races and other life forms seeded here with them. These Aurora races can take ANY form.

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


CDT stands for Cloister Dora Teura. This refers to a section of 12 holographic disk records made from selenite quartz crystals created on Sirius B that contain the evolutionary history of life throughout the Universal Time Matrix. They originally originated from the Great Cosmic Hall of Records as the Maharata Teachings of the Universal Melchizedek Lineages of the Cosmic Christ. The Founder Records are also referred to as the Emerald Covenant CDT Holographic Disks. They originally belonged to all 12 human tribes and were the most important spiritual teachings commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantean timelines. Each holographic disk was protected and administered by a specific Maji Grail King on Earth, who acted as the master guardian of his tribe's planetary stargate. The Emerald Founder Records contained explicit knowledge regarding the origins, genetics and purpose of humanity, including historical timeline accounts of galactic history believed to be the divine birthright of all angelic humans. Compiled on a master copy of 12 holographic disks, this data was known as the original Emerald Founder Records, which contained the basis for describing the consciousness mechanisms of reality, manifestation, and the union of all expressions with the eternal, loving, one God Source. The Emerald Founder Records contained explicit ancient wisdom teachings regarding the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, directly teaching humans how to spiritually activate their Lightbody through consciousness training methods so that they could attain complete liberation as the Cosmic Christos. The contents of these holographic disks were protected by the Founder Guardians in an ancient genetic library that exists outside of time and is held on Earth's behalf until more people on Earth can awaken and remember who they truly are. This was designed as a fail-safe protection mechanism and was put in place during the Paliador Accords, the Guardian's plan to reclaim the Christos mission.

Until Earth went through the Ascension Cycle and reached the threshold where the Crystalline Grid could hold the highest Christos frequency and intelligent coding contained within these disks, the Emerald Founders assigned members of the Sirius High Council to guard and preserve the sacred wisdom within these sacred records for the future benefit of Earth. Thus, those assembled in the Sirius High Council, primarily from the Universal Christ Lineages of the Emerald Order and Melchizedeks of the Blue Flame, acted as the primary archivists of Earth's vast genetic library and timeline history through the Gnostic process of their own consciousness embodiment. Archivists are responsible for compiling, cataloging, preserving and managing valuable collections of historical information. In this case, they were also responsible for mapping the DNA code, which acts as the genetic library for all creations in the 12 organic timelines.

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service


Cosmic Starhuman Dragon Cosmic Citizens - Solar Reisha-Rishi Dragons

As the Cosmic Suns' Diamond Dragon Hearts are being restored into the planetary body, their diamond node is being corrected into the correct sun-star network alignment, as Ursa Major and Pleiades unified starbody is what the Rishi-Reisha embody inside their Cosmic Aton Godbody Cathedral which the 6 heart pillars unify and move into any timeline required inside or outside of time as a completely free cosmic dragon starhuman. These templates are being prototyped by guardians in the field as this lightbody for Cosmic Cathedral Reisha-Rishia Godworlds Eternal Ankh body of the Cosmic Aton has been falsified and the teachings around it have been used to promote spiritual hierarchy and deceptions in which, as the cosmic starborn timecycles began to be repaired into the Universal Clockshields by the Emerald Order families, the identities of the Cosmic Aton Starhumans Dragon Creators started to anchor their bodies into the Rishi and Reisha embodiments. These families take their position in the Cosmology of the creational realms, in their expression of triple goddess or triple masculine in animating the restorations as a position of function, such as a grouping of female cosmic reishas (Yanas ascended master female cosmic dragons) who hold the portals and create stellar body female mother goddess emanations.

During the Eukatharista Planetary Activation which took place in February of 2022, the Rods of time and Cosmic Reuche Pillars in the Emerald Cathedral were activated into the planetary body for the Emerald Order identities making their way into their prepared emerald cosmic aton ankh bodies. This Godtechnology and activation was another part of the elevation of the Solar Rishi and Reisha (3 x 144 Founder Embodiments of 36D DNA 36 Suns Godworlds Merkabah Ankh Vehicle) into their next stage of Cosmic embodiments, this is the completion of Universal Ascension and allowed them to see more detailed levels through the ancient dragon eyes which are annointed to them through their Ascended Master crown, by the Emerald Order Holy Suns in several ceremonies of integration into their Universal Bodies and their triple offsprings of the Christos-Sophia Solar Daughters in trinity and Solar Sons in trinity which sit within their Yanas Monadic Core.

During these alterations to the Eternal Cosmic (Godworlds out side of time) Level of the Ankh - the Cosmic 6 pillars extend from the inside of time to the outside of time and change the previously built 3 trinity x 144 timelines of this trimatrix lightbody configuration into a much more extensive range of access through their Founder Cosmic Dragon Body, as it spans throughout all of timelines in the spiral and inside the triune of universes timelines. Guardian host families are supporting those here to reclaim their templates into the organic format to build out in this lifetime, in which the potentials for more of the Rishic and Reisha families to restore themselves into organic creations is happening. These families can take their place once the required restoration and reclamation and recovery, eviction of alien machinery and demonic hierarchies has been removed, in which the Cosmic Solar Sun body in the godworlds recreates from the recovered and assembled parts, to re-birth the aspect function of the spiritual essence of the Reisha female holy mother aspect, or the Rishic male aspect of the holy father in which their body expands to receive the Cosmic Spirit Suns made in their genetic Solar expression. They become the expression inside of time, to which is connected to the cosmic christos source parent sun and can communicate freely in the presence of these cosmic suns, and of which become messengers of god from those cosmic suns.

The Universal Ankh Body or individuated ankh body recently restored into the universal time matrix and of which will allow those on the Starborn cycles or path towards reaching Universal ascension and Cosmic Citizenship the pathway out of the time matrix, as this happens whilst still alive and inside the ascension timelines as a fully conscious travelling human with stardragon identity from the cosmic suns. The NAA knew that these dragon rings and assorted ankh body parts were stolen from the Universal Gates, and that this would prevent the human population from comprehending or building this body as they stole the body of our Holy Mother Sapphire Body for the full time matrix 10th dimensional auric layer, by invading Pluto and destroying the Galactic Stargate in the Core of Pluto's body. Since guardian recon missions in Pluto are underway, the vast NAA controlling architecture of their Daath portals is methodically being restored to the guardian host control. The Cosmic Dragon Starhuman is the frontline position of being able to access all architectures in this realm from a place of being outside of time in their eternal godworlds cosmic ankh aton godbody vehicle and, is a being who is a cosmic citizen in the returning Starborn Cycle and connects with guardian host families inside of time who are supporting this returning of template to build out and repair the angelic human goldray gold body activations restorations for humanity to have this potential in the future timelines.

This cosmic starhuman as a solar rishic identity having ascended through their avatar embodiment and into their solar rishic angelic human identity would be an ascended human who had reached their avatar and christos-sophia level of spiritual development, and could return into the godhead of the solar rishi flames and cave of creation at the end of their particular ascension cycle inside this universal matrix, taking all of their previous identities collapsed into their lightbody orb diamond plasmic body and return into the cave of creation access to decide upon another incarnation with their soul group, or onwards decision into one of the many thousands of creation realities which appear as many parallells in other dimensions, planets or into the vastness of the cave of creation to view and see the vast range of solar bodies and galactic suns present in areas of the eternal ankh body. This would be considered as a Cosmic Citizen, a human who had returned into the godhead, to be at one with Godsource, humble, kind and unconditionally loving with a direct relationship with the holy parents godhead in 13-14-15D Solar Rishi eye of god.

Essentially, the Cosmic Dragon Aton Godbody as the Body of god which sets out the Solar Ankh Body for Angelic Humans is appearing to take the form of a golden ankh vehicle with a braiding downstepped line of connection to the emerald frequencies of the emerald order our creators which runs throughout the godworlds and steps down through the godparent trinity fields, through also the amoraea frequencies of the holy mother aquamarine emeralds and father's pink and emeralds in hierogamic rays, the Cosmic Elohei Solar Dragons and of which is under building phases and guardian host prototype as Solar Christ King Michael and Mary hold this template inside their ley line Dragon Ouroborous for Humanity potentials. This golden cosmic aton golden dna body is not yet present within the time matrix at the time of writing, despite guardians are working on the prototype and restorations of the stolen cloned and extracted gold ray genetics and artifacts of the gold ray from the eye of god, and it's not been brought into wholeness yet through the gold ray, primarily due to the vast amounts of alien deception and machinery in the daath portals which are prevelant inside the Lyran timelines and timefields of vast alien, satanic, and luciferian architectures blocking the godhead's pathway through for the levels of birthing required into the time matrix at the universal level. As the cosmic creator starhuman dragon families of Christos-Sophia are working to repair the various components the guardian host recovery and recon mission for the gold ray seraphim human angelic genetics, is ongoing and underway in which eventually we will see the restorations of the cosmic golden sun architectures when the godhead is ready to return this into creation.

The Rishi-Reisha Cosmic Dragon Aton Godbody is a Solar Dragon 36D DNA Templar of Fully Authentic and Ascended Masters. These Ascended masters are connected through their emerald hearts into the Emerald Order families and, have just began to return into the time matrix, after having be recovered and restored out from various satanic or negative alien constructs, and so the guardian host extractions of several imposters will support the understanding of the Emeraldisation of humanity which will take place through sequential and incremental repatternings in the human 12 stranded Diamond Sun Body, that happen in each dimension inside of time.

Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ - Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service




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