I help brands to reach their audience through targeting specific cultures with custom-made promotions. Combining intercultural and journalistic techniques with moving images, I identify cultures and business situations, and target them with costume-made video campaigns. 6+ years of experience in production offices, advertising agencies & creative teams. My work won 3 awards and was featured at Bri
tish Film Institute (BFI), 'Medimed' festival & 'Culture Unplugged'. In addition to film, TV & video production, I'm a certified intercultural specialist and hold an (MA) in TV-Journalism.
➡︎ Won PromaxBDA "Best Public Service Campaign", Eyes & Ears "Best Social Campaign" 2016
➡︎ Designed & implemented 280+ on-air campaigns for Comedy Central, MTV, SPIKE, VIVA
➡︎ Directed a cast of 120 extras on set of costume-drama "The Emperor's New Clothes"
➡︎ Connected 31k people through page collecting photos under to form "wall of love"
➡︎ Cut recording budget by 70% by improving asset management & "recycling" of voice-overs
➡︎ Communicate on three languages with six vendors & five regular clients on a daily bases
Intercultural Business Communication & Coaching, Promotions Producer: On-Air Promos, Creative Campaigns, TV & Video Production, Content Creation, Conception & Ideation, Directing & Producing, Script-Writing, Brand Design, Social Media Marketing, Voice-Overs, Cross-Channel Promo, Digital Creative, Television Producing
(BA) Film Production ('09) →Trainee ('09) → Production Assistant ('10) → 2nd A.D. ('10) → Freelance Filmmaker ('10) → (MA) TV-Journalism ('13) → Communications Editor ('14) → On-Air Producer Creative & Design ('14) → Creative Producer ('15) → Promotion Producer ('16)
☎︎ CALL ME: (0031) (0) 6 12 42 70 21
✉ MAIL ME: [email protected]
✇ PORTFOLIO: https://vimeo.com/stephanmursch
⚯ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanmursch/
⚯ INDEED: https://www.indeed.com/r/Stephan-Mursch/5664b3663b0a3114?sp=0