Sehr schade. Mit dem Törnqvist schließt im Oktober die wahrscheinlich mutigste und eine der besten Coffee-Bars Deutschlands. Wir wünschen Linus und seinem Team alles Gute!
it’s time to head into another chapter.
i am heartbroken and fragile. it is impossible to share my feelings with you in this short text. the past few months of pandemic and lockdown have taken a lot from my team and myself. the shop will close for good on october 18th, 2020.
tōrnqvist was never a business idea, but the way in which i wanted to spend my daily life with all of you, exchanging whatever is traveling through our heads.
my pure dedication to the incredible world of coffee has carried me along for so many years. i am still amazed how little we all know about this daily-consumed natural product and its incredible opportunities. no matter your location in the world, your age, religion or cultural background, nearly all of us enjoy coffee, transforming a simple beverage into something that draws us to a large table to say hi.
with this in mind, i installed a fully open and transparent bar with a design that awakens curiosity and awareness—raw, clean, and without any bu****it. surrounded by large tables and shared seating, the shop brings people together in an honest and transparent way.
it is incredible what has happened in the past few years—who I’ve met and moments we’ve shared together, dancing, laughing, smiling, discussing, arguing, celebrating—simply beautiful.
i am proud that this shop has inspired so many others across the globe in the world of specialty coffee, and I wish every single one of you the very best as well as a lot of strength and happiness along whatever way you choose.
this not the end of tōrnqvist. i will carry my values and ideas forward as an homage to my finnish grandmother, Marianne Tōrnqvist, and her views on humanity and nature. i will be going into nature for a bit, and will continue to look for a new home for tōrnqvist, which might find itself in a different city or even country.
i want give a big applause to everyone who supported me along my journey so far. thank you so much—now let’s celebrate the remaining days of this location. let’s exchange curiosity, share smiles, sip coffee, have warm buns and enjoy life all together.
kiitos ystävä — Linus