Mystery21 - The Spirit of Music

Mystery21 - The Spirit of Music Free and independent internet and shortwave radio Twitter:

Wie ist sowas möglich in einem angeblichen Rechtsstaat? Der selbe Chef, wie der von der Firma shortwaveservice. com,  di...

Wie ist sowas möglich in einem angeblichen Rechtsstaat? Der selbe Chef, wie der von der Firma shortwaveservice. com, die jahrelang gegen das TKG (Telekommunikationsgesetz) verstößt bekommt diesen Auftrag der NLM?🤔🧐

How is something like this possible in a supposedly constitutional state? The same boss as the one from the company, which has been violating the TKG (Telecommunications Act) for years, gets this contract from the NLM?(Lower Saxony State Media Authority) 🤔🧐


The still licensed station is again jamming illegally in the 60m Band.


M21 broadcast this evening. 😉
thank you for listening!


The first M21 test broadcast on 4895 kHz went very well last night. We are continuing to work on optimizing the system and hope to be able to hear it again in the old quality soon! Your M21 team!😏

On Sunday, September 8th, 2023, the Nauen SW Transmitter Station will be open for viewing by interested shortwave fans. ...

On Sunday, September 8th, 2023, the Nauen SW Transmitter Station will be open for viewing by interested shortwave fans. The M21 team will of course also be there.👍


To all our listeners! We are hard at work setting up our new transmitter station, which can then be operated remotely in turn. We hope that the renovation work will not take too long and that we will soon be able to go on the air for you again. Best wishes from the entire M21 team!😉

⚠️Today around 09:20 UTC my radio friend Rainer E. from Radio Channel292 was jammed again on 6070 kHz. The report to the...

⚠️Today around 09:20 UTC my radio friend Rainer E. from Radio Channel292 was jammed again on 6070 kHz. The report to the Federal Network Agency is out. They and we detected the same jamming-data signal on site at the transmitter station in Kall-Krekel (Germany) from the 60m band. I ask everyone to report a problem if you observe further interference. This applies to all frequencies where you hear this 3 kHz wide noise signal or something similar.👉BNetzA phone: +49228141516 or E-Mail: [email protected]. Thank you!

We wish all listeners a Happy New Year 2024. It will be exciting!😃

We wish all listeners a Happy New Year 2024. It will be exciting!😃

The M21 team wishes all listeners a peaceful, contemplative and merry Christmas.🎅We'll hear each other again soon😉

The M21 team wishes all listeners a peaceful, contemplative and merry Christmas.🎅We'll hear each other again soon😉




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