SALON Magazin

SALON Magazin SALON: das Magazin für Gastlichkeit, Tischkultur und Lebensart. Ein Heft wie ein gelungener Abend. I

Ein Haus mit Persönlichkeit  So groß wie ihr gestalterisches Talent ist auch die Einfühlungsgabe der New Yorker Interior...

Ein Haus mit Persönlichkeit

So groß wie ihr gestalterisches Talent ist auch die Einfühlungsgabe der New Yorker Interiordesignerin Barbara Reimelt : „Ich möchte mit meinen Auftraggebern gemeinsamen einen Weg gehen - aber weiter, als sie ihn allein gegangen wären.“

Für unsere Sommerausgabe SALON #39 war Autorin zu Besuch in einem von ihr gestalteten Feriendomizil in Forte dei Marmi, der „italienischen Version der Hamptons“, findet Reimelt ☀️🇮🇹

Fotografie und Styling:

Come into the world of  A new podcast episode of OUR HOUSE just dropped - 🎧🎧🎧  visited artist  and Industrial designer C...

Come into the world of
A new podcast episode of OUR HOUSE just dropped - 🎧🎧🎧 visited artist and Industrial designer Christoph de la Fontaine at HAGGN CASTLE.
The couple run the delightful furniture company DANTE - Goods and Bads together and moved from Milan to lower Bavaria ten years ago. They were looking for a lot of space to create their magic and found a castle in the middle of the bavarian forest. A white box with three towers, red and white shutters, a chapel (not in use) all surrounded by a moat and enchanted garden.
Contemporary design meets very old walls.

Tune in wherever you listen to your podcasts - conversation is in german with a dash of italian & french

Thanks to Jaguar 🐆 Deutschland for your ongoing support

& thanks to Tanja Kernweiss & Helenio Beretta for the pictures // 📸

Einer der schönsten Orte in Berlin und der richtige Rahmen für diesen Geburtstag: dtb rechtsanwälte luden zu ihrem 20-jä...

Einer der schönsten Orte in Berlin und der richtige Rahmen für diesen Geburtstag: dtb rechtsanwälte luden zu ihrem 20-jährigen Bestehen ins Bode-Museum. Unsere Textchefin erlebte einen Abend voller Höhepunkte wie die Performance der australischen Künstlerin Shona Stark. Eingeladen waren unter anderem Sammler Désiré Feuerle, Künstler Jonathan Meese, Kristina Leipold von der LAS Art Foundation, Künstler Markus Lüpertz, Christian Kaspar Schwarm von Independent Collectors, Galerist Thomas Schulte und viele mehr. Was für ein wunderbarer Abend!

📷 Daniel Hinz

Die Temperaturen, die Stimmung, der Ort: Italienischer konnte man sich das Münchener Dinner von   und dem SALON Magazin ...

Die Temperaturen, die Stimmung, der Ort: Italienischer konnte man sich das Münchener Dinner von und dem SALON Magazin nicht wünschen. Chefredakteurin Anne Petersen lud gemeinsam mit Elisabeth de Sommer (Acqua di Parma) in den Innenhof des Hotel Opera München zu einem sizilianischen Abend, inspiriert von Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusas Roman "Der Leopard". Premiere hatte an diesem Abend auch die erste Art de la Table von Acqua di Parma, das wunderschöne gelb gestreifte Porzellan brachte noch mehr Sommerlaune an die Tafel.



Oh Bella, Ciao! Bella, ciao! Bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!A new episode of Our House just dropped with  who designed our belo...

Oh Bella, Ciao! Bella, ciao! Bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
A new episode of Our House just dropped with who designed our beloved Salon Podcast Logo 🏡
It was about time that interviewed sarah about her own country house in Tuscany. The rustico up on the hill was discovered 20yrs ago by her mother, jewelry designer Renate Schrems, who created a beautiful garden up there. For many years, the house could be only be reached on foot. The creative mother-daughter duo recharge their batteries here in their il paradiso. Bella italia is a great source of inspiration for both of them ❤️🇮🇹

Tune in 🎧 wherever you listen to your podcasts (in German with a dash of Italian) and thanks to 🐆 Deutschland for making this episode possible.

You‘ll find Sarah‘s fav addresses in our Podcast shownotes & when in Sardegna don‘t miss her amazing 🍇 installation at Diorama - Geberation Earth - 05.07 - 10.11.2024


„The characters take their cues from some of my favourite sources of inspiration – classical Greece, the theatre and the...

„The characters take their cues from some of my favourite sources of inspiration – classical Greece, the theatre and the circus. I wanted to create a parade of gods, goddesses, performers and artists, dreaming, playing music, dancing and posing.“

Sie sehen aus wie Wandmalerei, aber tatsächlich kann man sich mit der neuen Tapetenkollektion PARADE, die der britische Designer Luke Edward Hall in diesem Jahr für die venezianische Manufaktur entworfen hat, seine flamboyante Kunst in sein Zuhause holen. Die Aquarellbilder zeigen antike Motive, Götter und Tänzer, Blumensträuße in Pokalen in jedem Format, ganz so, als hätte der Brite sie selbst an die Wand gepinselt.

Zu Gast bei…dem Winzerpaar Tscheppe auf dem österreichischen  . Hier regiert die Liebe. Die Liebe zur Natur, zum Handwer...

Zu Gast bei…

dem Winzerpaar Tscheppe auf dem österreichischen . Hier regiert die Liebe. Die Liebe zur Natur, zum Handwerk, zum Wein - und: Die Liebe zwischen Stephanie und Eduard Tscheppe. Autorin hat die beiden besucht und mit ihnen über ihr Leben im Burgenland und die Herstellung einer der besten Weine der Welt gesprochen, die heute unter anderem im
in New York, im in Girona und im in Bangok ausgeschenkt werden. Den ganzen Artikel gibt es in unserer aktuellen Sommerausgabe #39 zu lesen.


Butterfiguren inspired by  Eine der ersten, die mit “Butter-Moulding” Furore machte, ist die Köchin Laila Gohar. Wer sic...

Butterfiguren inspired by

Eine der ersten, die mit “Butter-Moulding” Furore machte, ist die Köchin Laila Gohar. Wer sich selbst in dieser Kunst versuchen möchte, kann zimmerwarme Butter mithilfe eines Spritzbeutels in Silikonformen füllen, die sonst für Seifen oder Kerzen verwendet werden, und über Nacht tiefgefrieren.

Was man sonst noch über Butter wissen sollte und wie man sie - ihrer langen Geschichte zu Ehren - auch mal servieren könnte, zeigen wir in unserer aktuellen Ausgabe SALON No. 39✨

📸 auf den Fliesen “Alt Potsdam” von

Die SALON Sonmerausgabe  # 39 ist ab heute im Handel! ☀️Ein Heft voller Licht und Leichtigkeit: Wir laden Sie ein, mit u...

Die SALON Sonmerausgabe # 39 ist ab heute im Handel! ☀️

Ein Heft voller Licht und Leichtigkeit: Wir laden Sie ein, mit uns auf Reisen zu gehen, natürlich nach Italien, und dann von Helsinki über Wien bis nach Armenien, mit uns hemmungslos zu lachen und einfach mal Quatsch zu produzieren. Lassen Sie sich Ferienlektüre von Schriftstellern empfehlen für Stunden ohne Internet oder amüsieren Sie sich mit einer Gebrauchsanweisung für Mansplainer, um sich allzu langen Monologen geschickt zu entziehen.

Mit dieser Strandszene aus Papier eröffnet die Künstlerin  die SALON Sommerausgabe, die ab morgen im Handel ist.Dieses M...

Mit dieser Strandszene aus Papier eröffnet die Künstlerin die SALON Sommerausgabe, die ab morgen im Handel ist.

Dieses Motiv ist zusammen mit anderen Arbeiten, opulenten Blumen und filigranen Venedigszenen noch bis 20. Juni in der Ausstellung „ Sommererwachen“ in der in München zu sehen.

Wir freuen uns darauf, heute Abend die Eröffnung und unsere Sommerausgabe in München zu feiern.

BIENVENIDO SALON ART-RECEPTION 🍷☀️⛺️Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, mit unseren langjährigen Freunden, der Familie Dietrich,...

Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, mit unseren langjährigen Freunden, der Familie Dietrich, das Opening des neuen Showrooms von .dietrich in Palma zu feiern. Es war ein fröhlicher, entspannter Abend mit vielen Bekannten von der Insel und tollen internationalen Gästen.

Danke an Katharina Herold (.art) und Vera Edwards (.edwards_) für die Ausstellung und den Talk, sowie an unsere Co-Gastgeber von .

Das SALON-Zelt, unsere “Celestial Pagoda”, entstanden in Kooperation mit .art und , für die Sommerausgabe (die am 7. Juni erscheint), hatte seinen ersten Auftritt.


Mi casa es tu casa 💛Für die neue Folge von Our House, dem SALON Podcast haben  &  die CASA BON VOYAGE auf Mallorca besuc...

Mi casa es tu casa 💛
Für die neue Folge von Our House, dem SALON Podcast haben & die CASA BON VOYAGE auf Mallorca besucht
Janina Krinkes Interior-Boutique ist weit über Hamburg hinaus bekannt, sie ist die Expertin für Holiday Flair. Nach nur kurzer Suche hat sie ihr Haus auf Mallorca gefunden: Ein altes Stadthaus - mit Pool - in Felanitx. Im Podcast erzählt Janina, wie sie bei der Real Estate Suche auf Mallorca schnell fündig wurde, wie sie renoviert und eingerichtet hat (Streifen! Stoff! Gelb! Spanisches Vintage! Riviera Chic!) Listen and learn 💛🎧💛
Im Sommer lädt Janina zum ersten Bon Voyage Pop up in ihre Casa ein - stay tuned - Termine folgen.

Vielen Dank an unsere Freunde bei
Jaguar 🐆 Deutschland, die diesen Podcast möglich gemacht haben. Überall zu hören, wo es Podcast gibt.

Hotel-Neueröffnung an der Costa Brava 🌴Mit Blick auf die Berge, eingebettet in die Cala Giverola, haben .hotels.internat...

Hotel-Neueröffnung an der Costa Brava 🌴

Mit Blick auf die Berge, eingebettet in die Cala Giverola, haben und , Mitgründer der Marke eine kleine Oase geschaffen:
mit Spa, Schwimmbad, Tennisplatz und schönstem Meerblick. Lieben wir!

The force was with our SALON x VITRA Dinner at Villa Weltevreden: Sunshine & the garden in full bloom. Thanks to our fan...

The force was with our SALON x VITRA Dinner at Villa Weltevreden: Sunshine & the garden in full bloom. Thanks to our fantastic guests who came to the Woods Art Institute to celebrate the new Mikado Chair by for
And above all: to try it out!
No complaints, only compliments, especially for the comfort and sustainable approach.
Another match made in (Salon) heaven: the dishes from , served on Fine Bone China

Good vibes only, let‘s do it allover again 🎀
Big shout out to all our partners

🍾 🥂
💐 .flowers
Location: - special thanks to Julia & Rik Reinking

With the new episode of OUR HOUSE, the SALON Podcast, we congratulate the  on its 20th anniversary 🎧🎈🎧 spoke to the fabu...

With the new episode of OUR HOUSE, the SALON Podcast, we congratulate the on its 20th anniversary 🎧🎈🎧
spoke to the fabulous ladies who run this special exhibition house in North Rhine-Westphalia: KARLA ZERRESSEN and her mother SABINE LANGEN-CRASEMANN.
The museum was build 2004 by japanese architect Tadao Andō on behalf of the late art collector Marianne Langen at the Hombroich rocket station. Swipe to see her portrait by Andy Warhol next to a sculpture of her husband Victor.
Karla and Sabine talk about how the passion for art collecting has been passed down from generation to generation and why there are no white walls in the family. Except for now, as many of their personal artworks are on display

‼️ The Langen Foundation is presenting
Three Generations - One Fascination to mark its 20th anniversary. The family exhibition features around 130 artworks, as well works of the collection of the founding couple.
It‘s s family affair until 11/08/2024

Thanks to 🐆 Germany for making this episode possible - you can listen to it wherever you enjoy your podcasts 🏡

Seasonal Reopening 🦩 Untergebracht in einem neo-gotischen Palazzo im venezianischen Stil, mit Blick auf den Golf von Nea...

Seasonal Reopening 🦩 Untergebracht in einem neo-gotischen Palazzo im venezianischen Stil, mit Blick auf den Golf von Neapel, feiert das diesen Frühjahr ein Jahr Wiedereröffnung.

What we love: Die Farbpalette des ist von den verschiedenen Rosatönen der Insel Capri sowie von den vulkanischen Rottönen des Vesuvs inspiriert.


12 Möbelstücke und 3 Kunstwerke, inszeniert in 4 Szenen. “Angle de vue” oder auf Deutsch “Blickwinkel” heißt die Kollekt...

12 Möbelstücke und 3 Kunstwerke, inszeniert in 4 Szenen. “Angle de vue” oder auf Deutsch “Blickwinkel” heißt die Kollektion des französischen Designlabels , welche in Zusammenarbeit mit Interior-Designer für die .design.week konzipiert wurde. Neben den zwölf Möbelstücken, wählte Auer drei Kunstwerke von aus, dessen Malerei für eine Mischung aus gelebter Erfahrung und Fastasie steht.

Mit der Kollektion feierte auf der Mailänder Designwoche Premiere und zählte gleichzeitig zu unserern Highlights! ✨


Welcome to a new episode of 🏡OUR HOUSE  #31 🎧 visited 🎧  in her CASA KUNTERBUNT in Schildow near Berlin. The entrepreneu...

Welcome to a new episode of 🏡OUR HOUSE #31 🎧 visited 🎧 in her CASA KUNTERBUNT in Schildow near Berlin. The entrepreneur lives together with her daughter, right next to a forest in a 1930s estate house. She found it together with her ex-husband, but renovated and financed it on her own. Vian explains why the bold purchase was a very good investment, the best way to deal with real estate anxiety and how the interior designer advised her on the expressive choice of colours.

You can find the podcast wherever you listen to your is presented by 🐆 Jaguar Deutschland - Thank you!

& a special THANKS to for the beautiful pictures of Vian‘s Casa 📸

Inspiration straight from Milan!  is an Italian brand editing works from a variety of designers, presenting a collection...

Inspiration straight from Milan! is an Italian brand editing works from a variety of designers, presenting a collection of high quality objects, furniture and lightening. Each product is produced in Italy with local raw materials, which like to be shown in all their purity. We really enjoy the marble tableware by as well as the collection „Triangoli“ by , imagined like crowns 👑, hand-sculpted from blocks of Italian Arabescato marble.


Bongiorno! We are already completely immersed in the Milan spirit! 🇮🇹We are happy about all our friends who celebrated w...

Bongiorno! We are already completely immersed in the Milan spirit! 🇮🇹We are happy about all our friends who celebrated with us yesterday at .milan
We look forward to more days, sunshine and lots of design discoveries!

Can you see how it shimmers in the background of this photo?✨ It’s the „Candy Wrapper Rug“ from the rug brand , founded ...

Can you see how it shimmers in the background of this photo?✨ It’s the „Candy Wrapper Rug“ from the rug brand , founded by Hamburg native Jutta Werner. With her designs she proves how tasteful upcycling can look like in interior design!

The Candy Wrapper Rug is a woven carpet with a chain made of colorful candy wrapper (20%) and new wool (80%). They get the leftovers directly from the packaging industry. So it is always a surprise which color is woven into the carpet 🍬


Daniel Buren, Sosta colorata per Villa San Michele, lavoro in situ, 2024. MITICO is Belmond’s annual artistic series wit...

Daniel Buren, Sosta colorata per Villa San Michele, lavoro in situ, 2024.

MITICO is Belmond’s annual artistic series with Galleria Continua. This year, for the first time, it focuses on a single artist: Daniel Buren, representative of analytical painting and conceptual art.

For SALON, author Franziska Herrmann travelled to Villa San Michele, a 15th century former monastery located in the Fiesole Hills overlooking Florence.

Here, inspired by a Renaissance Masterpiece, whose façade is attributed to the school of Michelangelo, Buren found the perfect location for his work: “Sosta colorata per Villa San Michele, lavoro in situ”. The glass roof of the hotel bar, formerly a small cloister, becomes Buren’s canvas. It allows the architecture of the hotel to be experienced in a new light, as coloured reflections cover the room with the movements of the sun ☀️
The artwork will be on display for guests and visitors alike from 3 April 2024 to 30 September 2024.

The global series entitled: „Haltes Colorées”, meaning ‘colourful halt’ launched at Mount Nelson, a Belmond Hotel in Cape Town and will be followed by further commissions at Belmond’s properties in Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, Tuscany and Mallorca.

Is this possibly the most beautiful sofa in Hamburg? It‘s a vintage Camaleonda by Mario Bellini for C&B, 1971 and it‘s t...

Is this possibly the most
beautiful sofa in Hamburg?
It‘s a vintage Camaleonda by Mario Bellini for C&B, 1971 and it‘s the centerpiece in Janine & Mark Seelen’s apartment in the Frieda Bunker in Ottensen.

Tune into a new episode of
🏡 OUR HOUSE Podcast #30 and listen to the Seelen‘s inspiring journey from a sixties bungalow to an award winning brutalist bunker. They sold their 275qm house with garden, radically downsized and completely refurbished the much smaller apartment. The idea behind it: sexy hotel room meets cozy cocoon. visited them recently and says: mission accomplished.

📸 & Interior Concept

Bunker Development: Frieda GmbH, Nicole & Sebastian Schröder
Bunker Architect

You can find the Podcast, presented by 🐆 Jaguar Deutschland wherever you listen to your podcasts!


A new bookshop opened in Paris- not only for French literature, but also for publications in German!  The former actress...

A new bookshop opened in Paris- not only for French literature, but also for publications in German!

The former actress Sophie Semin-Handke , wife of Nobel Prize winner Peter Handke, has opened “Le neuvième pays”
It offers a finely selected range that is rarely found anywhere else 📚✨which is why we are very proud that Sophie also sells SALON! For our current issue author Estelle Marandon talked with her about the love for storytelling and the German language.

Photographed by Stephanie Füssenich

For our current issue No. 38 we teamed up with  to portray six woman who inspire with their cuisine in Berlin and Paris ...

For our current issue No. 38 we teamed up with to portray six woman who inspire with their cuisine in Berlin and Paris 🌟

In Paris we met Rose Chalalai Singh .
Raised in Bangkok, the 43-year-old started out with a Thai grocery shop and take away dishes. This was followed by “Rose Kitchen” in the “March des Enfant Rouges” market hall in Marais, which quickly became a hot spot for the Parisian fashion and art scene. Because of her desire to travel more and work more freely, Rose decided to give up her restaurant and reinvented herself once again: with a private dining room in a charming backyard. Her dishes are Thai-influenced but always inspired by her travels 🌏

Hair/Make-Up: .de and .hgl
Production and Text:

Together with her horse Tiny, two donkeys, four alpacas, three cats, a dog, several chickens and her 15-year-old son nam...

Together with her horse Tiny, two donkeys, four alpacas, three cats, a dog, several chickens and her 15-year-old son named Fox, the English fashion designer and Co-Founder of the company Alice Temperley, lives in Somerset, in a heritage-listed building from 1811 called “Cricket Court”.

When visited the property for the first time, she didn’t hesitate for a second: “I’ve always loved the extreme!”

Bo***ir elegance meets Art Deco decadence, children’s book idyll meets the Wild West. For our new issue No. 38 author talked to Alice about her designs which are as eccentric as her interiors. For the British family-run company she recently designed wallpapers and interior fabrics and therefore went through her own archive: prints with leopards, monkeys and flowers, inspired by a scarf worn by her great-grandfather’s girlfriend in the 1920s. Enough fabric for many more collections, even carpets and outdoor textiles are planned! 🐒🐆🌸


Proudly presenting a new episode of OUR HOUSE 🏡  #29 For this episode, with visited the exceptional actor UDO KIER in th...

Proudly presenting a new episode
of OUR HOUSE 🏡 #29
For this episode, with visited the exceptional actor UDO KIER in the former Francis F. Library
in Palm Springs, California.
spoke to him about making a move 30yrs ago from Germany to America, his early love of Midcentury furniture and how he found his dream house while walking the dog.

Fun facts: The Bertoia chair with the ties designed Udo himself 👁️
The last pic shows Udo‘s portrait in the speakeasy bar The Evening Citizen (when in Palm Springs, be sure to visit!, they serve excellent cocktails)
& special thanks for the very cool lead portrait of the one and only Udo Kier.

You can listen to this episode wherever you listen to your podcasts

🎧🌴 🎧Happy Weekend!
presented by Jaguar Deutschland 🐆

High rooms flooded with light, just a few walls and lots of glass. That characterises the minimalist 1960s bungalow of L...

High rooms flooded with light, just a few walls and lots of glass. That characterises the minimalist 1960s bungalow of Leo and Ulrike Lübke in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, a small town between Münster and Bielefeld. Here the family company is based, which has been manufacturing furniture with passion and craftsmanship since 1954.

COR is Latin and means heart ♥️ Author soon realised that the name says it all when she got to know the people behind the brand for our new issue SALON No. 38


College-style meets Italian craftsmanship: Fritz Unützer  runs the shoe manufactory  in third generation, commutes betwe...

College-style meets Italian craftsmanship: Fritz Unützer runs the shoe manufactory in third generation, commutes between Munich, Venice and Uruguay and has just designed the first Capsule Collection for men.

In our new issue No. 38 he reveals his favourite places, including where he, during his time at a boarding school in England, often came together with his father to enjoy high tea in the foyer as well as in Bozen which reminds the entrepreneur and designer of Wes Anderson film sets 🎥

More of his favourite places can be found in our current issue #38

Photography by

After an extensive renovation, the Mandarin Oriental Savoy, Zurich is now open. This iconic property was founded in 1838...

After an extensive renovation, the Mandarin Oriental Savoy, Zurich is now open. This iconic property was founded in 1838 and is the oldest grand hotel in the city. It is the latest addition to Mandarin Oriental’s collection of hotels. This exclusive landmark on Zurich’s „Paradeplatz“ has been redesigned by interior designer Tristan Auer.

Enjoy exceptional Italian fine dining at ORSINI. Under the direction of consultant chef Antonio Guida, „Orsini“ offers authentic flavours in an intimate and sophisticated setting.


Am Baumwall 11


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