If you’ve ever felt stuck… like you were meant for more… or if you’re sick of just looking at other people getting fit and healthy ...
You’re in the right place.
You’ll find out in a second, but first let’s introduce Hans.
Maybe you’ve seen him on social media platforms like Instagram, or Facebook. Or maybe you haven’t.
Hans is known as an educator, coach, and athlete, and his goal is to give you the tools you need to live a Health and Inner Strength driven life.
It doesn’t matter what your past is. If you have an athletic background. If you have any knowledge on Health. Or even if you have tried anything to improve and become a better you..
His mission is to personally impact you and make a difference in your life. Whether that be by helping you learn more about Keto-Diet , Mental Strength, HIIT-training , Running… or by teaching you 1-on-1 and giving you the tools to live a healthy and happy life.
Whatever your goal, Hans is committed to helping you as long as you are committed to helping yourself.
And if you don’t know, he came to Germany at the age of 10, with no Health knowledge, no connections, and limited knowledge of the German language.
Hans spent a lot of time watching videos and reading books about guys like Robert Greene, David Goggins, Brandon Carter, etc., to get the right mindset and self-confidence . And because of his love for soccer, Hans decided he wanted to become a professional soccer player.
But he saw that although he had fully commited himself to this sport and sacrificed most of his free time working on it, external factors weren’t supporting that dream.
Hans didn’t want to give up the passion he had and still has towards Fitness & Health.
So he started to look for other ways to keep the connection towards the Fitness Industry alive.
He relied on magazines, cookie-programs and false information.
And he failed a lot . It was a never ending cycle of trying and failing which didn’t glance any light on him.
But Hans knew he couldn’t give up.
So he kept going. And eventually Hans found his first success.
Hans got in touch with elite professionals, studied books, articles, case studies, and podcasts.
He managed to find a way to stay fit all year round and have a winners mindset.
Then he got rid of his mood roaller coasters and learned how to feel amazing 24/7 without exceptions.
Then he found out how to do both, perform AND look phenomenal. With permanent abs on his belly from New Years Eve to Christmas Eve.
Then, Hans had the knowledge to ensure he wouldn’t fall back.
And now he is on a mission.
A mission to help others be their best ALL YEAR ROUND.
Feel good about themselves.
Contribute to the community and help others.
So if you want to get all the details on how Hans could help you, click here !