Photographing birds in flight – one of the toughest challenges as a wildlife photographer 🦅�The precision, patience, and timing it takes to capture these aerial acrobats is no small feat. Taken in Canada with the Sony FE 600mm F4 GM + 2x converter and a bit of persistence, these shots remind me why I love the wild! 💚 Wilderness International Sony Deutschland
Als Filmemacher bin ich auf der ganzen Welt unterwegs, doch immer wieder zieht es mich zurück in meine Heimatstadt Erfurt.
Umso mehr ist es jedes Jahr ein unbeschreibliches Gefühl, das Intro für Cluesos Heimspiel, die Weihnachtsshow in der ausverkauften Erfurter Messehalle, visuell gestalten zu dürfen. Meine Bilder auf dem großen Screen zu sehen und sie in so einem würdevollen Rahmen präsentieren zu dürfen, berührt mich jedes Mal aufs Neue! 🥹
Vielleicht habt ihr es schon in meiner Story gesehen: 30.000 Menschen, die diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem machen.
Ein riesiges Dankeschön an Clueso für das Vertrauen und die Möglichkeit, meine Arbeit auf so eine besondere Weise zeigen zu dürfen. Deine Musik, diese Bühne und die Verbindung zu unserer Heimatstadt Erfurt machen das Ganze einzigartig! 🙏
Damit begrüße ich das Jahr 2025 und bedanke mich für ein Jahr, das wie im Flug verging und mich wieder rund um die Welt katapultierte – mit unglaublichen Erlebnissen, Fotos und Begegnungen. Wie würde Clueso sagen: „Ich sag Hallo aus der Achterbahn.“
Nature’s fireworks in Guatemala 🌋🎆
Nature’s fireworks in Guatemala 🌋🎆
Spending two days on an active volcano, the Fuego, was definitely the highlight of 2024. The new year promises to be just as wild and adventurous – if not even more! 🌋
Wishing you all a Happy New Year and looking forward to many new encounters and adventures in 2025. Maybe we’ll cross paths somewhere in the world? 🌍
Next up, I’m heading to Sri Lanka and India, with a quick diving detour to the Maldives. The journey starts in two weeks, but until then, I’m savoring the calm before the storm and spending time with my loved ones at home.
Thank you to everyone who supported me along the way. It’s not always as easy as it might look on social media. Success requires stepping out of your comfort zone and continuously pushing yourself to grow. With the support of my family, partners, clients, and all of you, I’m able to live this amazing life – challenging at times, but one I truly love! ❤️🙏
#grateful #motivation #success #filmmaking #fuego #guatemala
The Dolomites ⛰️💚
The Tre Cime di Lavaredo, or Three Peaks, stand tall as the ultimate crown jewels of the Dolomites. It’s a dream for adventurers, hikers, climbers and of course photographers, surrounded by jaw-dropping alpine beauty.
Editing this movie was a kind of self-therapy to process all the images I saw during my fully packed 2-week trip through India.
It is one of my most personal films from a trip that kept me busy for a long time. I’ll tell you about my first culture shock after traveling to over 60 countries and what I learned from it all. It was my first time being an actor in one of my short films and my first time doing the voice-over on my own.
The whole trip was a huge step out of my comfort zone. I expected that exploring India, especially Varanasi, would be tough, but I didn’t think it would be so overwhelming. It took me more than a month to recover my mental spirit from this journey. Varanasi left a dark shadow and made me very thoughtful for a long time.
I filmed everything with the brand-new Sony Burano Cinema camera in X-OCN LT (compressed RAW) in 8.6K, with 24 in 16-bit.
Check out the link in my bio to watch the whole film on YouTube and learn more about my production in India with the Sony Burano! 🎥
What was your most difficult travel experience so far?
🌿 Über 2.000 Quadratmeter Regenwald geschützt – Dank meiner großartigen Community!
Mein Engagement bei Wilderness International trägt Früchte: Gemeinsam haben wir es geschafft, bereits 129 Tonnen CO2 dauerhaft in der Biomasse des Waldes zu binden! 💚
Gestern habe ich mein Versprechen gehalten: Für jeden Kommentar unter meinem Video „10 Tage auf einer einsamen Insel“ habe ich 1€ zugesagt. Mit stolzen 881 Kommentaren und einer großzügigen Aufrundung habe ich 1.000€ gespendet. 🎉
Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle, die mitgemacht haben! Eure Unterstützung hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen und einmal mehr gezeigt, dass ich eine außergewöhnliche Community hinter mir habe. Gemeinsam können wir noch viel mehr erreichen. 🌍
Hier könnt ihr mehr über die Initiative erfahren und selbst spenden:
I never imagined I’d be able to get a shot of the elusive coastal sea wolf of British Columbia! 🐺🎥 On our latest trip with Wilderness International to Porcher Island, Tomatolix and I captured breathtaking footage of this rare and majestic creature. These moments are so precious, and I still get goosebumps thinking about them. Seeing this incredible animal in its natural habitat was a dream come true. Watch our latest videos on YouTube to experience the full story behind this unforgettable moment. Let’s cherish and protect these wonders together! 🌲🌊💚 #wildanimals #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wolf #wolves #canada #britishcolumbia
Thanks L.A. for having me 🫶🎬🔥
Creators aufgepasst! Es gibt mal wieder ein cooles Update in Adobe Express. Und zwar könnt ihr dort jetzt all eure Social Media Posts zusammenfassen und plattformübergreifend veröffentlichen. Egal ob Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X oder sogar LinkedIn. Gerade für mich als Content Creator, der viel in verschiedenen Zeitzonen und immer unterwegs ist, ein absolutes Must have. Checkt das mal aus!#AdobePartner #CommunityxAdobe #AdobeExpress
I never thought I would see the Northern Lights over my hometown of Erfurt in Germany. And I was proved right, I was already in bed when the biggest solar storm of the last 20 years hit Europe! 🤦♂️
Thanks Adobe for the new generative fill tools I used to make this possible. This is roughly what it must have looked like. But a prompt can never beat the experience. The Northern Lights you see are AI-generated, based on a reference image. I used Adobe Photoshop and fed it an incredible shot of this night taken by my talented fellow photographer Florian Brill Fotografie from Jena. Props to him for capturing such beauty.
AI is a fantastic tool when used right, but it can never replace the real-life experiences and efforts of photographers who chase these elusive, magical moments. They drive hundreds of kilometers, stay up all night, and put in an incredible amount of effort just to capture the perfect shot. And trust me, I know what I’m talking about! ☺️
Thanks also to Sebastian Linda for providing real video content from this magical night - you all captured something very special and added another unforgettable moment to your own lives! 🙌
How did you spend the night? outside, in front of the TV, in bed? Let me know in the comments.
#AdobePartner #CommunityxAdobe #AdobePhotoshop #Erfurt
This is for all the moms out there 💙