Weltexpress - english section

Weltexpress - english section Nachrichten und Informationen des internationalen, mehrsprachigen Nachrichten- und Infoportals WELTE

Biden’s great speech...

Biden’s great speech...

Berlin, Germany (Welttexpress). Amidst political turmoil and international tensions, President Joe Biden was recently in the spotlight, signing off from the 2024 election campaign with a remarkable speech in the middle of the week. This article takes a closer look at Biden’s statements on American...

Beauty and the "Beast Berlin"...

Beauty and the "Beast Berlin"...

Beauty and the "Beast Berlin" - About „Noble Beast" and "Beast Wellington" in a great steakhouse above the streets of Berlin

"Fire to Asia"?

"Fire to Asia"?

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). In three weeks’ time at the NATO summit in Washington, the alleged threat to Western interests from China will be one of the three main items on the agenda. NATO is now also stretching its claws towards Asia. It wants to use regional alliances to help the USA contain...

Dine like a consul! More about the restaurant Le Consulat in Berlin in WELTEXPRESS.

Dine like a consul! More about the restaurant Le Consulat in Berlin in WELTEXPRESS.

Dine like a consul - the restaurant Le Consulat in Berlin - Haute cuisine, grand cuisine and nouvelle cuisine

Bloc building against China? Read The WELTEXPRESS!

Bloc building against China? Read The WELTEXPRESS!

Attempt of bloc building against China at the G7 summit - The G7 baselessly accused China of the worst offenses across a broad spectrum

Good question, good answer in the WELTEXPRESS, where else?

Good question, good answer in the WELTEXPRESS, where else?

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Taiwan’s “independence” means war. The leadership of the People’s Republic of China has repeatedly made this clear to both the US puppets in Taiwan and their puppeteers in Washington for decades. At the moment, however, they seem determined to play with fire. T...

A round table in Vienna

A round table in Vienna

"Restriction of freedom of speech in Europe as a factor in the crisis of European democratic institutions" - A round table in Vienna

escalation towards nuclear war

escalation towards nuclear war

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, Ukrainian drones attacked the Armawir radar station in the south-western Russian region of Krasnodar. Armavir is not just any radar system, but an important part of the Russian early warning system for detecting attacks with int...

More about China and Hungary in the newspaper WELTEXPRESS

More about China and Hungary in the newspaper WELTEXPRESS

China and Hungary - a partnership in any wind and weather - Hungary and China can withstand all storms from Brussels

More about Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin in the WELTEXPRESS.

More about Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin in the WELTEXPRESS.

"O'zapft is!" - Maibock tapping rocks Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin

More about the war against our planet Earth in WELTEXPRESS.

More about the war against our planet Earth in WELTEXPRESS.

%Documentation: War against our planet Earth

USA and EU increasingly fear Ukraine’s defeat

USA and EU increasingly fear Ukraine’s defeat

USA and EU increasingly fear Ukraine's defeat - The United States and the European Union are already looking for a successor.

Good money after bad? More in the Weltexpress - english section

Good money after bad? More in the Weltexpress - english section

Don't throw good money after bad money in Ukraine

More about seleepwalking in the Weltexpress - english section.

More about seleepwalking in the Weltexpress - english section.

Sleepwalking into nuclear war!

More about the Berlinale in the Weltexpress - english section

More about the Berlinale in the Weltexpress - english section

Belinale 2024: The Panorama Audience Awards Go to "Memorias de un cuerpo que arde" by Antonella Sudasassi Furniss and "No Other Land"

Let in bubble in Berlin!!!

Let in bubble in Berlin!!!

Let it bubble in Berlin Linkstraße - magical drinks on a grass strip or The Alchemist has the right chemistry

More about Navalny in The WELTEXPRESS.

More about Navalny in The WELTEXPRESS.

Alexei Navalny never renounced his dubious "career" as a right-wing extremist and violence-preaching racist

More about The Beef Grill Club by Hasir in KaDeWe in The WELTEXPRESS.

More about The Beef Grill Club by Hasir in KaDeWe in The WELTEXPRESS.

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). The name says it all: Beef Grill Club by Hasir. König Kunde can visit the Beef Grill Club at special locations in Berlin. One is located in the so-called Sixth Floor, the famous food and drink floor in the Kaufhaus des Westens, or KaDeWe for short. Customers have been...

More about the war of the Jews and Zionists against Arabs in the Gaza State in Weltexpress - english section.

More about the war of the Jews and Zionists against Arabs in the Gaza State in Weltexpress - english section.

The "West of values" knowingly condemns hundreds of thousands in Gaza to starvation

More about a dinner at the Hasir Ocakbaşı restaurant in Berlin on Weltexpress - english section.

More about a dinner at the Hasir Ocakbaşı restaurant in Berlin on Weltexpress - english section.

Dining like a sultan - a treat at the Hasir Ocakbaşı restaurant in Berlin

More about the US empire's war with German tanks against Russia in Weltexpress - english section.

More about the US empire's war with German tanks against Russia in Weltexpress - english section.

What could be more "right-wing" than German tanks shooting at Russians again?

More about the genocide of Jews and Zionists in Gaza in Weltexpress - english section.

More about the genocide of Jews and Zionists in Gaza in Weltexpress - english section.

Is Deutschlandfunk aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza?

More about the possible war of the US empire and its vassal states against Iran in Weltexpress - english section.

More about the possible war of the US empire and its vassal states against Iran in Weltexpress - english section.

Will the Israelis now get their US war against Iran?

More about war crimes committed by Jews and Zionists against Arabs in Weltexpress - english section.

More about war crimes committed by Jews and Zionists against Arabs in Weltexpress - english section.

What other atrocities? Israeli death squad murders patients in hospital beds

Always good reports in Weltexpress - english section.

Always good reports in Weltexpress - english section.

How Western elites are trying to rewrite history

More about strategic mistakes of the US empire and its vassal states in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

More about strategic mistakes of the US empire and its vassal states in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

From Ukraine to Israel: the strategic failure of the West is unstoppable

More about disgusting crimes of Jews and Zionists in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

More about disgusting crimes of Jews and Zionists in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

Top US diplomat: "Accusing Israel of genocide is not anti-Semitism!"

More about NATO, the EU and Russia in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

More about NATO, the EU and Russia in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

NATO and the EU will have to live with more Russia in the future (Part 2/2)

More about the NATO, the EU and Russia in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

More about the NATO, the EU and Russia in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

NATO and the EU will have to live with more Russia in the future (Part 1/2)

More about the USA's wars in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

More about the USA's wars in the newspaper Weltexpress - english section.

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Make the acquaintance of the influential Kagan warmongering family in Washington. One of its members is the “Institute for the Study of War”. Its questionable “analyses” on Ukraine are also considered “the last word in truth” by German politicians and their...


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