Protoplanet Studio

Protoplanet Studio

Protoplanet is a Berlin based studio specialized in animation, illustration & character design.

And this is a wrap for festival travels this year.On Saturday we had the joy to present "Forever Seven" in Lublin/Poland...

And this is a wrap for festival travels this year.

On Saturday we had the joy to present "Forever Seven" in Lublin/Poland at : a festival which over the years has accepted all of our works with wide open arms. So it was about time to go visit the home of the Golden Anteater - and to experience a charming and welcoming place. Dziękujemy bardzo za zaproszenie!

This year we've been lucky to have had "Forever Seven" in several dozens of festivals and luckily been able to attend a few of them personally (such as , , , , and ). We are grateful for every single invitation our film gets - and as they are numerous we have to apologize for all those which we forgot to mention! This fall has - amongst others - brought screenings at Brussels/Belgium; .fest Čačak/Serbia; Barcelona & Madrid/Spain;
Alcalá de Henares/Spain; Athen/Greece; Vienna/Austria; Reggio/Italy; Manchester/UK; Cologne/Germany; and London/UK. This month will see a Turkish premiere at the Human Rights Film Days in Ankara, organized by the EU - and it's going to close the year.

We look forward to every new opportunity which opens up in 2025.

And of course we don't wanna miss to announce that there is going to be one new film at least done by us: "Vor meiner Tür auf einer Matte" ('Upon a mat in front of my door') after Nadia Budde's book.

A happy advent season to everyone!

Godzilla by accident.

Godzilla by accident.

Sometimes being an animator and piano player at the same time comes in handy 🙂 And actually drawn animation shares some ...

Sometimes being an animator and piano player at the same time comes in handy 🙂 And actually drawn animation shares some noteworthy analogies with playing the piano: Talk about the duration of individual notes (aka drawings) and putting some emphasis on single ones; talk about increasing and decreasing tempo (aka slow in and slow out) and the whole concept of time charts as being a kind of sheet music for the animator to play after (note: no mistakes to be made). All of that is rather striking. Both arts are about performance… and about infusing a bigger idea into tiniest parts by linking them rhythmically. And, not to forget: You have to practise, practise, practise your single notes and single drawings… until phrases like „I cannot play“ or „I cannot draw“ finally begin to fade and make room for some expression crawling into it. Most magical moment to happen.

Lilli Goller from Lörrach, student at  Freiburg, has been at the studio for one week now. She’s going to pursue her inte...

Lilli Goller from Lörrach, student at Freiburg, has been at the studio for one week now. She’s going to pursue her internship with us until March 2025 - and what could be more wonderful than seeing a proper analogue sketchbook put to good use. Happy drawing! 😊 ✏️✏️✏️😊

Many heartfelt thanks go out to .ro for having us for a Romanian premiere of”Forever Seven” and receiving us so warmly! ...

Many heartfelt thanks go out to .ro for having us for a Romanian premiere of”Forever Seven” and receiving us so warmly! - These have been fabulous festival days in great company, with wonderful films to watch and in a city truly unlike any other. Seriously: Where is the Blade Runner sequel for Bucharest?! animation

We welcomed this new little guy in the studio today! - He's from  Chemnitz and we're very happy to have him with us 😊Fur...

We welcomed this new little guy in the studio today! - He's from Chemnitz and we're very happy to have him with us 😊

Furthermore "Forever Seven" just received the award for best editing at - many thanks go out to the festival and its jury in Shkodra (Gjirokastra)/Albania!

On Saturday our film premiered in Sweden at ; the following two weekends we'll be present at .ro in Bukarest/Romania as well as at in Halle/Germany. More to follow soon!

Wir freuen uns ungemein, dass einer der von uns für die  realisierten Erklärfilme nach Illustrationen von SaBine Büchner...

Wir freuen uns ungemein, dass einer der von uns für die realisierten Erklärfilme nach Illustrationen von SaBine Büchner (s.u.) eine Festivalpräsentation erleben darf: "Wenn Sturmfolgen bleiben" wird in der Commissioned Films Competition des in Kiew zu sehen sein. Wir könnten uns für den Film, der sich mit bleibender Traumatisierung von Kindern nach belastenden Lebensereignissen befasst, keinen besseren Ort vorstellen - wiewohl er auf der Welt gerade leider nicht der einzige ist, an den er passt, und wir uns gewünscht hätten, die Vorführung hätte unter anderen Vorzeichen stattfinden können als den vorherrschenden. Wir sind Linoleum in großer Sympathie verbunden und haben in glücklicheren Zeiten einen unserer Filme dort selbst präsentiert. Wenn es heute einen Wunsch zu äussern gilt, dann den: Möge es wieder so werden.
"Wenn Sturmfolgen bleiben" wird am Freitag, 6. 9. um 17 Uhr und am Sonntag, 8. 9. um 15 Uhr im UNIT.Verse | B.12 (UNIT City) in Kiew zu sehen sein........................................................................................
We are more than happy that one of the explainer videos we made for , based on illustrations by SaBine Büchner (see below), is going to have a festival presentation: "When Storm Damage Remains" will be shown at in Kyiv as part of the Commissioned Films Competition. We couldn't imagine a better place for this film dealing with lasting traumatization of children after stressful life events - although, unfortunately, it is not the only one in the world where it is suitable. We would have wished that the screening could have taken place under different circumstances than the prevailing. We have a great sympathy for Linoleum where, in happier times, we presented one of our films in person. If there's one wish to be made today it's this one: May those times return.
"When Storm Damage Remains" will be shown on Friday, September 6th at 5 p.m. and on Sunday, September 8th at 3 p.m. at UNIT.Verse | B.12 (UNIT City) in Kyiv.

„Will ich in der Sonne sitzen fängt sie schrecklich an zu schwitzen.“Yep. We can feel you, Ratte.(Like… in every respect...

„Will ich in der Sonne sitzen
fängt sie schrecklich an zu schwitzen.“

Yep. We can feel you, Ratte.
(Like… in every respect.)

Welcome to the team  ! Emeline Gonzaga, motion design student at Hyper Island Karlskrona, has joined us for an internshi...

Welcome to the team ! Emeline Gonzaga, motion design student at Hyper Island Karlskrona, has joined us for an internship in 2D animation until the end of the year. Something new is brewing here and we‘re absolutely looking forward to the next few months 😊 .kna

Storyboarding. Yes!!! 😊💥👹

Storyboarding. Yes!!! 😊💥👹

Animatoren-To-Dos zu „Für immer Sieben“; gefunden beim Aufräumen im Studio.

Animatoren-To-Dos zu „Für immer Sieben“; gefunden beim Aufräumen im Studio.

Die deutsche Online-Plattform Testkammer hat „Für immer Sieben“ rezensiert und uns zudem zur Entstehung des Films befrag...

Die deutsche Online-Plattform Testkammer hat „Für immer Sieben“ rezensiert und uns zudem zur Entstehung des Films befragt - Link dazu in Story und Bio, und im Feed der Seite momentan weit oben. Vielen Dank an Doreen Kaltenecker für die schöne Besprechung, über die wir uns freuen, und für das Interview!




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