On May 1st, 2005, TON & SPOT officially opened its doors - which means:
We're in business now for 15 unbelievable years!
Since then we produced music and sound effects for dozens of games for mobile, pc and other proprietary platforms, recorded hundreds of hours of audio for all kinds of stuff, educated about a dozen interns, scored some films, improved your well-considered buying decisions through countless commercials and image movies, went out of our way and thought outside the box by doing funky things like designing speaker enclosures, releasing reverb presets of our studio facilities, measuring camera blimps, field recording in thunder, lightning, storm, rain, snow, and scorching heat, mounting microphones inside machines and outside of vehicles...
In short: We'd certainly have more than one good reason to celebrate with YOU, our clients, friends, and partners in sound, without whom we've never made it this far! So thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued patronage (some of you continuously from the very beginning!!!) and all the fun you bring to our daily work!
Alas, the current pandemic grounded our high flying plans for a bash at the studio for the foreseeable future. Yet, we'll get through this one and merely postpone our get-together.
In the meantime, we'll look forward to raising a socially distanced glass with you on May 1st!
To the next 15!!!
For more than 10 years this has become our main playing ground. All genres, all plattforms and tons of service to speed up your development!