Newton Media

Newton  Media Central European market leader in media monitoring and analysis. OUR PHILOSOPHY

We permanently follow the news, advertising, and social networks.

We will help you to orientate yourself in the media data and will provide valuable information and quality data in the form of analyses for strategic planning or creation of marketing campaigns. We provide not only data, we help to transform information into right decisions. Our services include the entire logical chain:
Monitoring - Analysis - Recommendations - Implementation. We support the com

petitiveness of companies; we enable clients of public sector to improve their services or to fulfill the mission of those who work in the non-profit sector. EXPERIENCE

We can rely on our know-how we have built over two decades which we continuously keep developing. OUTREACH ABROAD

Our wide range of services builds on our presence in Slovakia, Poland and many countries of South Eastern Europe - as well as on our membership in international professional associations FIBEP and AMEC.

🥅🏒 Vedlo MS v hokeji ke zvýšení zájmu o Ostravu a Prahu v zahraničních médiích? 📰🤔Podívali jsme se do aplikace NewtonOne...

🥅🏒 Vedlo MS v hokeji ke zvýšení zájmu o Ostravu a Prahu v zahraničních médiích? 📰🤔
Podívali jsme se do aplikace NewtonOne nové generace a známe odpověď! ⬇️

👉 meziroční vzestup pro Ostravu z tisícovky výstupů na 13 000!
👉 medializace Ostravy se tak zvýšila až 14x
👉 90 % zahraničních výstupů o Ostravě se týkalo hokeje
👉 Praha oproti tomu vzrostla jen o 13 %
👉 v květnu 2023 Praze pomáhaly zmínky o finále konferenční fotbalové ligy

Přesná čísla v infografice nebo na blogu 🎯🔍

🌍📊 Sledujeme, jak jsou politické strany a jejich lídři medializováni před volbami do Evropského parlamentu! 📉🎙️Naše nejn...

🌍📊 Sledujeme, jak jsou politické strany a jejich lídři medializováni před volbami do Evropského parlamentu! 📉🎙️

Naše nejnovější analýza ukazuje, že ANO má největší mediální dopad s 25 %, následovaní Starosty (18 %) a Pirátskou stranou (17 %). Mezi lídry kandidátek vede Klára Dostálová a Danuše Nerudová, obě s 14 %.

Podívejte se na naše infografiky a zjistěte více o mediálním pokrytí před volbami! 📈🗳️

Náš šéf inovací Michal Hroneš příští týden vystoupí na konferenci Communication Summit od Blue Events a odprezentuje, ja...

Náš šéf inovací Michal Hroneš příští týden vystoupí na konferenci Communication Summit od Blue Events a odprezentuje, jak AI mění mediální trh.

📅 Kdy: 5. června 2024, blok C 14:30-16:30
📍 Kde: O2 universum, Praha

🔍 Jak monitoring médií transformuje vaše podnikání? 🌐👩‍💼 V moderním světě, kde se veškeré informace šíří rychlostí světl...

🔍 Jak monitoring médií transformuje vaše podnikání? 🌐

👩‍💼 V moderním světě, kde se veškeré informace šíří rychlostí světla, je pro každého marketéra a PR specialistu klíčové sledovat, co se o jejich značce říká. V našem nejnovějším blogu se podíváme na to, jak efektivní monitoring médií může ovlivnit vaše podnikání a jaký má vliv na vaši firemní strategii a veřejný obraz.

📊 Zjistěte více o:
- Významu monitoringu médií pro public relations a marketing
- Klíčových nástrojích a technologiích, jako je aplikace NewtonOne
- Přínosech monitoringu od lepšího pochopení trhu po řízení krizových situací

👉 Přečtěte si náš blog a zjistěte, jak můžete pomocí monitoringu médií zvýšit povědomí o vaší značce a optimalizovat vaše marketingové strategie!

V dnešním digitálně propojeném světě je monitoring médií nezbytným nástrojem pro každého, kdo chce účinně spravovat svou značku a vztahy s veřejností. Nezáleží na tom, zda jste malá start-up firma nebo velká nadnárodní korporace; sledování toho, co se o vás říká v mé...

V nejnovějším rozhovoru pro CEO magazín naše CEO Jana Baráková odhaluje, jak se technologie a mediální monitoring stávaj...

V nejnovějším rozhovoru pro CEO magazín naše CEO Jana Baráková odhaluje, jak se technologie a mediální monitoring stávají klíčem k úspěchu ve světě podnikání. 📈

✅ Proč monitoring médií nemůže žádná firma ignorovat.
✅ Jaké technologie mění pravidla hry.
✅ Které platformy jsou pro firmy nejdůležitější.

Jak k monitoringu médií přistupujete ve vaší firmě? Je to pro vás strategické téma, nebo naopak ho považujete za "malý detail, který si řeší v PR-ku"?


Pamatujete si, když prezident Pavel skákal s padákem? Vypadá to, že opravdu zaujal! 🪂

Je jasné, že se prezident Petr Pavel nebojí létat vysoko nejen politicky, mediálně, ale i doslova!💪💼 Měl ale větší mediální pokrytí seskok padákem, nebo zmínka o administrativních odvodech? To zjistíte v naší infografice.


Too much information including misleading or false information can grow into Infodemic. We know how to cope with this. Our project Infomore has been awarded the absolute winner for 2022 by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. 🥳

The same is the gold AMEC Measurement and Evaluation Amec Award 2021 in the Central and Eastern Europe category. We did this project together with the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University and experts from the Medical Faculty of the Masaryk University in Brno. 🙂

Important event on the current topic moderated by Magdalena Horánska!

Important event on the current topic moderated by Magdalena Horánska!

The importance of media monitoring and analyses in times of war discussed at this special FIBEP webinar today at 2pm CEST.

The event will feature two FIBEP members, Karolina Fursewicz, Head of International Business Development, PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów Sp. z o.o. (Poland) and Oksana Kononova, CEO & Founder, Looqme (Ukraine).

Karolina will focus on new services and a new client approach when the war is at your doorstep. Oksana will describe the new approaches to media monitoring and analytics during the war.

The event will be moderated by Magdalena Horanska, FIBEP Secretary General and CEO of Newton SEE.

One of the thought-provoking topics presented at the FIBEP Spring Summit was the Metaverse. The buzzword we often hear.M...

One of the thought-provoking topics presented at the FIBEP Spring Summit was the Metaverse. The buzzword we often hear.

More in the article written by Magdalena Horanska at

The two-day FIBEP summit begins today in Athens! The Spring Summit is a new format launched by FIBEP in March this year ...

The two-day FIBEP summit begins today in Athens! The Spring Summit is a new format launched by FIBEP in March this year that brings together three events: copyright, tech and sales.

The Copyright session will be led and moderated by Christophe Dickès, Global Media & Copyright Direct, Onclusive. The Tech session will be led and moderated by Magdalena Horanska, CEO of NEWTON Media SEE, who serves also as FIBEP Secretary General. And finally, the Sales session where also Lucie Geislerová, our Chief Business Development Officer, will be led and moderated by Steffen Egelund, CEO of Media Track Pte Ltd.

The Headline Sponsor of the event is DataScouting, ICT service provider and software developer based in Thessaloniki.

More info about FIBEP Spring Summit at

Maybe you noticed the case of the American snowboarder Julie Marino, who was forced by the International Olympic Committ...

Maybe you noticed the case of the American snowboarder Julie Marino, who was forced by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to cover the name of her sponsor on the snowboard. The IOC argued that Prada does not primarily produce sport equipment and is not an official sponsor of the Olympic Games. Julia Marino stept out from the Big Air race, but Prada sold all snowboards thanks to that case. 🏂

We looked at how much media attention the Prada girl got. The power of the news agencies was confirmed again - while Czech Press Agency ignored the case and therefore only two reports appeared on Czech websites (CzechCrunch and, the largest Scandinavian news agency TT Nyhetsbyrån, based in Sweden, issued a press release, which was immediately published by almost forty Swedish titles the same day. At the same time, there is nothing in the content of the report to suggest that the case should be attractive to the Swedes. Retrieving agency news is simply a convenient way to create media content. 😎

All three highest constitutional officials of the Czech Republic gave their Christmas or New Year’s speech to the nation...

All three highest constitutional officials of the Czech Republic gave their Christmas or New Year’s speech to the nation. The Prime Minister achieved the highest viewership with 1.48 million spectators only on TV channel ČT1. 📺

His speech also recorded the greatest attention on social networks. According to our analysis, within 24 hours of the speech being broadcast, twice as many contributions reacted to Fiala as a week earlier to the Christmas message of President Miloš Zeman.

The comments on Miloš Zeman's Christmas message were critical, surprisingly even among his supporters. They most often blamed him for supporting compulsory 💉 against Covid-19.

The topic of the third dose of   vaccine resonates strongly in the media. While articles with positive sentiment towards...

The topic of the third dose of vaccine resonates strongly in the media. While articles with positive sentiment towards dominate in the traditional media, the social networks are dominated by negative contributions, even among users who have already received the first and second doses. According to our analysis, a third of those who have previously received vaccinations are now considering not to take the 3rd booster dose.

More at

The analysis was conducted within the project, which is carried out in cooperation with the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University and the Lékařská fakulta MU. The project, supported by the Technologická agentura ČR, was recently awarded in the international competition of media analysts' AMEC Awards. It succeeded in the category focused on effective planning, research, and evaluation of communication. 🥳

We brought home another AMEC Award! 🏆The website, which is a joint project of the Faculty of Social Sciences...

We brought home another AMEC Award! 🏆

The website, which is a joint project of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Lékařská fakulta MU and NEWTON Media, scored in the category focused on effective planning, research, and evaluation in communication.

We value every award from our professional organization because it provides us with feedback on the quality of our analyses. We continue to be the only company on the domestic media market that has ever received the AMEC Award, and our success in this prestigious competition is unique in the entire area of Central and South-eastern Europe! 🥳

More info at:

A week ago, representatives from nearly 200 countries have reached a deal on further steps to reduce greenhouse-gas emis...

A week ago, representatives from nearly 200 countries have reached a deal on further steps to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions during climate summit.

We looked at the foreign media's attention to what was said and agreed in Glasgow.

Did you know that in the European online media, the vast majority of articles about famous Czech author Karel Čapek are ...

Did you know that in the European online media, the vast majority of articles about famous Czech author Karel Čapek are associated with the word Robot?

And what do you guess, in what type of industry are the terms robot or robotics most often used in the Czech Republic? We've mined this data out with the help of entities, the new Newton feature that we'll present to you soon 😎

As we have already boasted, analyzes mapping the media coverage of vaccination brought us shortlisting for AMEC Award 20...

As we have already boasted, analyzes mapping the media coverage of vaccination brought us shortlisting for AMEC Award 2021. 🥳

Together with Fakulta sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy and Lékařská fakulta MU, we scored with the project, which sheds light on misleading information about the COVID-19 pandemic.

This time we looked into the case of the Czech Olympic team’s physician who refused to get vaccinated. Later, his actions were identified as the cause of covid outbreak among Czech athletes which made a dent in their Olympic medal hopes. 🤦

Our new analysis focused on social media performance of the leaders of eleven political parties with the potential to en...

Our new analysis focused on social media performance of the leaders of eleven political parties with the potential to enter the Czech Parliament.

📍 Tomio Okamura - SPD chairman, has the most Facebook followers.
📍 The profile of Prime Minister and ANO Chairman Andrej Babiš is the most followed on Twitter, but this platform is dominated by the representatives of the SPOLU coalition.
📍 Ivan Bartoš, chairman of the Czech Pirate Party, is the most successful on Instagram.

📢 Since March 2020, when the first Covid-19 cases appeared in the Czech Republic, four different ministers have led the ...

📢 Since March 2020, when the first Covid-19 cases appeared in the Czech Republic, four different ministers have led the Ministry of Health 📈.

Roman Prymula enjoyed the greatest media coverage, although he held the post for the shortest period. Adam Vojtěch was rated the best by social media users, mainly for his hard work and communication with the public. Petr Arenberger, on the other hand, received the most criticism, as people blamed him for property irregularities and the minister’s welcoming attitude to the Sputnik V vaccine.

That’s according to our analysis which monitored the media coverage of individual ministers and the opinions of social media users.❗️

We are excited to announce that we have a new client! 🥳For the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), we create ...

We are excited to announce that we have a new client! 🥳
For the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), we create a comprehensive analysis of the media presentation of violence against women in selected EU Member States.
It is already our seventh EU institution, for which we are currently processing monitoring or media analyzes. 💯

The Czech company Newton Media won international tender of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and will prepare an extensive analysis of the media presentation of violence against women in selected EU member states. It is already the seventh EU institution, Newton Media is currentl ...

Do you consider Avast Software  as a purely Czech company? 🤨We analyzed how it is perceived by foreign media and where i...

Do you consider Avast Software as a purely Czech company? 🤨
We analyzed how it is perceived by foreign media and where it is written about the planned acquisition the most.
Thanks to our analysts, we can easily find out how Czech brands are perceived in different countries.
We can find out for your company as well. 🤩

📍 In recent months, Czech-Polish relations have been significantly disrupted by the dispute over the Polish brown coal m...

📍 In recent months, Czech-Polish relations have been significantly disrupted by the dispute over the Polish brown coal mine Turów.
Its mining, extended until 2044, has a negative impact on the environment in the Czech border but also in neighboring Saxony. The Czech authorities therefore turned to the European Court in February, which in May ordered Warsaw to terminate work on the mine. However, the Polish government does not intend to stop mining. 🍀 💦 🍀

📍 Representatives of the mining company Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) get the most space in the Polish media. These are more heard and seen than local politicians, citizens of affected communities or ecologists. This example beautifully shows why free and independent media are important for democracy. ✌️

In recent months, Czech-Polish relations have been significantly disrupted by the dispute over the brown coal mine Turów in Poland. Although Polish media initially paid little attention to the case, they have given the dispute four times more space than the Czech media since the Czech lawsuit wa .....

🚩 There is a new extensive analysis of moods in Czech society during the coronavirus pandemic that we published together...

🚩 There is a new extensive analysis of moods in Czech society during the coronavirus pandemic that we published together with STEM/MARK and AdHackers agency.

🚩 The study follows three main topics that resonated within Czech society: freedom, education, and healthcare.

Together with STEM / MARK and Newton Media, the AdHackers agency completed an extensive analysis of moods in Czech society during the coronavirus pandemic. The study combines the analysis of traditional and social media with quantitative research. The media analysis covers the period from Februa ...

Join   hosted by our Magdalena Horanska and enjoy moderated discussion and networking among FIBEP members❗

Join hosted by our Magdalena Horanska and enjoy moderated discussion and networking among FIBEP members❗

We are excited that Michal Hrones, Head of Innovation and Customer Care in Newton  Media is joining todays panel of expe...

We are excited that Michal Hrones, Head of Innovation and Customer Care in Newton Media is joining todays panel of experts from DataScouting and Commetric to discuss the application of AI in media measurement and evaluation.

What sort of artificial intelligence can be effectively applied in the field of media monitoring and analysis? Check our...

What sort of artificial intelligence can be effectively applied in the field of media monitoring and analysis? Check our summary of written by Magdalena Horanska

What sort of artificial intelligence can be effectively applied in the field of media monitoring and analysis? This year's FIBEP Tech Day 2021 conference focused on this topic. The event is organized annually for its members by the international association FIBEP, which brings together comp ...

The filming of Red Bull 's commercials provoked a number of debates in social media. Czechs worried about Charles Bridge...

The filming of Red Bull 's commercials provoked a number of debates in social media. Czechs worried about Charles Bridge, Slovaks worried about race car chassis!

In the second half of April, Formula 1 was being driven in important locations in the Czech and Slovak Republics. The filming of Redbull's commercials provoked a number of debates in social media. Especially in the Czech Republic, where six times more users participated in discussions than ...



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About Newton Media

NEWTON Media is a leading media intelligence company with strong operations on the European market. Providing professional analysis of both traditional and digital media, we help our customers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Great Britain and eight South European countries to optimize their business communication.

Armed with an extensive database of monitored sources, thorough data mining processes and comprehensive analyses of traditional and digital media, we are able to provide large corporates, institutions, smaller business, as well as authorities and not-for profit organizations with effective tools to improve their communication strategies.

The quality of our outputs is based on more than 20 year-long professional experience, largest media archive in Central Europe and international team of experienced analysts, who evaluate print, TV, radio, online and social media data, in order to fully understand the given context and design the best strategic solution according to client’s needs.

Our flexible product portfolio is dominated by a triad of basic services that form a logical chain: media monitoring, media archive and media analysis. We focus on Czech as well as foreign traditional, new and social media. We analyse audience and public reactions and prepare complex studies of clients’ media image. NEWTON Media is a full member of AMEC and FIBEP, the two largest international media intelligence organizations, and has been presented with three Gold awards for best analysis in the prestigious AMEC Awards competition in 2016, 2017 and 2018.