Paralelní Polis

Paralelní Polis Vytváříme svobodné a inspirativní prostředí a sdílíme myšlenky a nástroje pro nezávislou, decentraliz století.

Umělecká skupina Ztohoven založila Institut Kryptoanarchie

Pojem kryptoanarchie označuje rozrůstající se prostředí neregulovatelné oblasti internetu, které za použití anonymizačních nástrojů umožňuje neomezené sdílení dat, rozvoj svobodného trhu díky decentralizovaným měnám typu bitcoin a nešpehovatelnou komunikaci díky šifrovacím nástrojům. Od intervence do živého vysílání ČT po virtuální inscen

aci s mobilními telefony poslanců jsme jako skupina Ztohoven spojováni s hackingem. Inspirace technologickými inovacemi a jejich potenciální dopad na společnost nás dovedl k úzkému propojení s hackerskou scénou. Chápeme spojení umění, vědy a technologie jako účinný nástroj vzdoru proti autoritářským tendencím, které s vývojem moderních technologií plíživě vstoupily do našeho každodenního života. Zakládáme Institut kryptoanarchie - hackerspace, kterým se připojujeme k mezinárodní hackerské síti. Cílem Institutu kryptoanarchie je zpřístupňování nástrojů pro neomezené šíření informací na internetu a podpora paralelní decentralizované ekonomiky, kryptoměn a dalších předpokladů pro rozvoj svobodné společnosti 21. Hlavním motivem je pro nás přesvědčení, že cenzura není fenoménem pouze “vzdáleného diktátorského světa”. Státy a jejich bezpečnostní složky globálně kontrolují přístup k informacím - pod záminkou ochrany duševního vlastnictví aplikují plošnou cenzuru s cílem kontrolovat dostupné zdroje. Státy nutí na globální úrovni zpracovávat soukromou poštu a osobní data ačkoliv Evropský soudní dvůr rozhodl o protiústavnosti směrnice o “data retention” (uchovávání údajů). Státy a korporace disponují daty o ekonomickém chování a účelovou legislativou získaly plný přístup ke všem platebním transakcím a nakupovacím návykům. Nové technologie s sebou přináší i možnost volby - nacházíme se v době, kterou definoval manifest kryptoanarchie. S rychlým internetem, se spolehlivým anonymizátorem a decentralizovanou měnou si zachováš svobodu, kterou jako celek ztrácíme.


Ztohoven art group founded the Cryptoanarchy institute

The term cryptoanarchy indicates the growing environment of the unregulated Internet, where unlimited data sharing and the development of the free market became possible by using anonymous tools such as decentralised currencies like bitcoin, and antispyware encrypting tools. From the intervention of a live broadcast of Czech Television to the virtual interaction with politician's mobile phones, we as members of the Ztohoven group are associated with hacking. The inspiration of technological innovation and it`s potential impact on society led us to a tight interaction with the hacker's scene. As we understand the connection between the arts, science and technology as a tool to highlight the authoritarian tendencies which entered into our daily lives with the development of modern technologies, we decided to join the international hackers network and to establish a hacker space called Institute Cryptoanarchy. The aim of the Institute Cryptoanarchy is to make available tools for unlimited dissemination of information on the Internet and encouraging a parallel decentralised economy, crypto currencies and other conditions for the development of a free society in the 21st century. The main motive for us is the belief that censorship is not a phenomenon only in "the distant dictatorial world". States and their security agencies globally control access to information and use the protection of intellectual property as an excuse to apply total censorship to control the available resources. The State on a global level processes private mail and personal data, even though the European Court of Justice decided on the illegitimacy of 'data retention'

The State and corporations have data on economic behaviour, and through legislation they have received complete access to all payment transactions and consumer habits. New technology brings the possibility of choice - we are in a time that is defined by the manifesto of cryptoanarchy. With a fast internet connection, reliable anonymity and decentralised currency, you preserve freedom which we have been loosing as a society.

Hledáte práci v IT? Přijďte na networkingový event, ve kterém propojujeme majitele tech startupů a HRisty s kandidáty na...

Hledáte práci v IT? Přijďte na networkingový event, ve kterém propojujeme majitele tech startupů a HRisty s kandidáty na práci v IT oboru.

Již zítra od 18 hodin ⚡️

Hledáte práci v IT odvětví? Nebo jste majitel startupu či headhunter, který chce najmout nové lidi? Přijďte se seznámit na náš neformální networkingový večer v Paralelní Po


Bývalá rozsáhlá továrna v Praze-Holešovicích pulsuje kolektivní energií aktivistů za digitální práva, „cypherpunkerů“ posedlých soukromím a kryptuvěrných ideologů. Paralelní Polis funguje jako živý příklad toho, jak by svět mohl vypadat – vzorek decentralizované a vzd...

A pokud to k nám máte daleko, není nic jednoduššího než si samolepky nechat vyrobit! Zdroj zde:

A pokud to k nám máte daleko, není nic jednoduššího než si samolepky nechat vyrobit!

Zdroj zde: #!ZGH3AwR1LJV2BJLlAwEwZTHkA2MzrxAAD2thnTf2syMnLwIw

bílá PVC matná, tisk CMYK, lesklá laminace, plotr, jednotlivé kusy, 100x112mm



Samolepky k odběru v Paralelní Polis v Dělnická 43.

3ks na osobu, mimopražští 6ks. Platba dobrovolná.

Čim míň necháte v kasičce, tim míň jich dotiskneme.

Lepit nejlépe v místech s vysokou koncetrací Rašistů.

Hledáme brigádníky do Bitcoin Coffee ☀️ Pokud máš základní znalosti o kryptu či kávě, tak je to skvělé! Pokud ne, ale př...

Hledáme brigádníky do Bitcoin Coffee ☀️

Pokud máš základní znalosti o kryptu či kávě, tak je to skvělé! Pokud ne, ale přesto bys měl/a chuť se k nám připojit, vše potřebné tě naučíme.

Kombinace kryptoměn a kávy je prostě dokonalá! ☕️⚡️

📩 [email protected]

Roman is the co-founder and CEO of Wido, an infrastructure for improving the UX of DeFi. Before Wido, Roman worked as a ...

Roman is the co-founder and CEO of Wido, an infrastructure for improving the UX of DeFi. Before Wido, Roman worked as a PM at Argent.

This talk will dive deeper into what Account Abstraction is and how it will improve the UX of DeFi. We will also cover the current state of account abstraction across various networks and what's left to make it a reality.

This meetup was brought to you by, a hub for peer-to-peer (P2P) loans backed by digital assets. Use your coins (DAI, LINK, APE, etc.) or NFTs (CryptoPunks, BAYC, etc.) as collateral, or invest in loans and generate attractive returns. Just PWN it! BTW: There’s no risk of liquidation before the loan expires.

Premieres at 6:30 PM!

Roman is the co-founder and CEO of Wido, an infrastructure for improving the UX of DeFi. Before Wido, Roman worked as a PM at Argent.This talk will dive deep...

19 DAYS🍕Exciting news for all pizza enthusiasts🌶️We're thrilled to present our steaming hot "Bitcoin: A Pizza-to-Pizza E...

19 DAYS🍕

Exciting news for all pizza enthusiasts🌶️

We're thrilled to present our steaming hot "Bitcoin: A Pizza-to-Pizza Electronic Cash System" whitepaper!⚡️

Join us for 2 days of engaging discussions and networking on May 20-21.

Get your ticket at 🍍

WEB3 MEETUP | ANALYZE COINS LIKE A PROWednesday, May 3 | 6 PMWe’ll discuss data analysis techniques to uncover hidden in...


Wednesday, May 3 | 6 PM

We’ll discuss data analysis techniques to uncover hidden insights about coin prices, including data visualization, descriptive statistics, and modeling. As an example, we’ll focus on stablecoins and evaluate which ones are truly stable.

This event is organized in cooperation with Syntagma Labs.

▶️ Sign up at ◀️

Why should you attend Pizza Day Prague 2023? Here are 4 reasons:Insights and knowledge 🔬🧠You'll learn from experts and g...

Why should you attend Pizza Day Prague 2023?

Here are 4 reasons:

Insights and knowledge 🔬🧠

You'll learn from experts and gain a better understanding of how the industry is evolving through keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops.

Networking opportunities 🍻🫧

You'll have the chance to meet and connect with entrepreneurs, investors, developers, and other professionals who are working on exciting projects in the bitcoin industry.

Pizza 🍕

Pizza: At , you'll have the chance to savor some delicious pizza while learning about the history and evolution of . Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy both learning and eating at the conference!

Prague 🏰

Attend the conference and explore the beautiful and historic city of Prague, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. ⚡️

🍕 🖤 ⚡️

🍕 🖤 ⚡️

26 DAYS 🍕Ready for a slice of the action?⚡️🚀Join us for a decentralized future! Ditch intermediaries, embrace   transact...

26 DAYS 🍕

Ready for a slice of the action?⚡️🚀

Join us for a decentralized future! Ditch intermediaries, embrace transactions with the best in at our event!

Don't miss out on this deliciously disruptive weekend! 🍍

PRIVACY & SECURITY MEETUP W/ MAX HILLEBRAND & GRAFTON CLARKWednesday, 26/4 | 6 PMJoin us for a cutting-edge meetup focus...


Wednesday, 26/4 | 6 PM

Join us for a cutting-edge meetup focused on practical security and privacy solutions. Our expert speakers will cover critical topics such as data protection on the Internet, effective techniques for preventing data collection by big browsers like Google, and other innovative methods for safeguarding your privacy online. With engaging discussions, informative Q&A sessions, and exciting practical demonstrations, this event is a must-attend for anyone interested in the latest advancements in digital security. For the most immersive experience, we highly recommend bringing your own computer to participate in the demos.

Your host for the night will be Grafton Clark, a technical specialist at SatoshiLabs, and the special guest will be Max Hillebrand, CEO of zkSNACKs.

This meetup series is sponsored by Wasabi Wallet.

“Safely manage your Bitcoin with Wasabi Wallet, the privacy-first desktop wallet“.

Sign up at !

3D Printing workshop w/ make IT today27/4/2023 5 PM - 8 PMEver wanted to explore the endless possibilities of 3D printin...

3D Printing workshop w/ make IT today

27/4/2023 5 PM - 8 PM

Ever wanted to explore the endless possibilities of 3D printing? Join us for a unique workshop that takes you from the basics to modeling your very own 3D-printed creation! Discover the ins and outs of printing, get hands-on with a 3D modeling program, and create your own custom design. Don't miss out on this opportunity to bring your imagination to life!

After the workshop, we'll bring your creation to life and you can take it home with you or have it shipped directly to your door! Please keep in mind that the printed product should not exceed 7x7cm in size.

🎟️Tickets at

Happy 9th, Monero!Monero's key features are those around privacy and anonymity. Even though it is a public and decentral...

Happy 9th, Monero!

Monero's key features are those around privacy and anonymity. Even though it is a public and decentralized ledger, all transaction details are obfuscated. This contrasts with Bitcoin, where all transaction details, user addresses, and wallet balances are public and transparent. These features have given Monero a loyal following among cryptoanarchists, cypherpunks, and privacy advocates.

Let's celebrate with a bang in June during MoneroKon 🖤

Day 3 of EthereumZuri.chStay tuned 📺

Day 3 of

Stay tuned 📺

14. — 16. 4. Zürich Switzerland conference + hackathon

  SPEAKER 🍍Christian is a part of Blockstream Research and focuses on Simplicity, Miniscript, formal verification, and z...


Christian is a part of Blockstream Research and focuses on Simplicity, Miniscript, formal verification, and zero-knowledge proofs. He loves to dive into topics that are complicated and easily misunderstood, making sense of them all. One of his goals is to make the widespread adoption of reliable, formally verified code a reality. 🍕

Tune in for Day 2 of! 📺

Tune in for Day 2 of! 📺

14. — 16. 4. Zürich Switzerland conference + hackathon

Couldn't make it to Zurich this weekend?Watch the talks at the Consensus stage of  📺

Couldn't make it to Zurich this weekend?

Watch the talks at the Consensus stage of 📺

The conference celebrates financial independence and equal relationships without unsolicited third-party oversight. It i...

The conference celebrates financial independence and equal relationships without unsolicited third-party oversight. It is a celebration of the emancipation of individuals above the dictates of corporatist systems.

Pizza Day Prague 2023 is a 2-day international conference marking the 13th anniversary of the first real-world Bitcoin payment


Dělnická 43

Otevírací doba

Pondělí 08:00 - 20:00
Úterý 08:00 - 20:00
Středa 08:00 - 20:00
Čtvrtek 08:00 - 20:00
Pátek 08:00 - 20:00

Internetová stránka


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