utd. by content

utd. by content utd. by content provides media management and digital distribution services to the news, media and entertainment industries. With over 10 years experience, utd.

We stand to unite our customers with their audiences, by harnessing and unleashing the new power of content. The company customizes solutions for customers that combine technology and services to prepare, optimize, transform or deliver their content to an ever-increasing number of content endpoints; digital cinema, home entertainment, online, and digital platforms. by content is a trusted partner

for major content owners and digital platform operators such as Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, DisneyABC, Associated Press, TotalMovie and Vodafone. The company employs over 100 people in seven major locations around the world; Singapore, Cairo, Prague, Stockholm, London, New York, and Los Angeles. by content was formerly an integrated business division of KIT digital Inc., utd. by content became a wholly independent business at the end of June 2012 through spin-off transition. The company is currently delivering services and solutions in six key areas:
Digital Cinema
Home Entertainment
News Clips
Digital Platforms
Managed Production Workflows
Professional Services



Internetová stránka

http://www.linkedin.com/company/2780499?trk=tyah, https://twitter.com/utdbycontent


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