
Smokebomb Prague DJ

~ Prague
~ Techno
~ Good vibes

Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. 🙏🏼 called me an “instagram model” here and apparently I CAN laugh in a...

Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. 🙏🏼
called me an “instagram model” here and apparently I CAN laugh in a photo and not look like a weird robot, it just has to be natural. 😁

We played a little dress up during the weekend 😁Fun times at the Rippers wedding 🫶🏼Glad that we can be in your lives 🙏🏼 ...

We played a little dress up during the weekend 😁
Fun times at the Rippers wedding 🫶🏼
Glad that we can be in your lives 🙏🏼

🤜🏼Persistence🤛🏼Music industry is ruthless, the journey is long and there are no guarantees. I thought about stopping and...


Music industry is ruthless, the journey is long and there are no guarantees. I thought about stopping and not pursuing this dream anymore many times with the main reasons being:

1. Sleep - However consistent I can be during the week, weekend comes and it all goes to 💩. This one really does not have a solution, other than day parties. 🤷🏼

2. Impatience - Not getting what I want, when I want it is one of the harder obstacles I am encountering lately. Keeping myself in check and grounded is a challenginch excercise, but will be worth it in the long run.

3. Self-doubt - Do I have what it takes to make it? Do I work hard enough, train enough or make enough sacrifices? I don’t know, but stressing myself with these thoughts doesn’t help anything.

🙋🏼Have you ever thought about quitting or giving up? What made you not to? Let me know!

I thought long and hard about this and I will continue, not because of achievements, but because I love music. I am grateful for what music brought to my life, good and bad. And because I love watching people riding the energy waves with me when I play. 🙏🏼

Always do what you need and what you want, but do it for the right reasons, everything else will fall into place. 🫶🏼

Music has always brought people together and we had an amazing opportunity to see that in Stromovka. 🌳Old friends and ne...

Music has always brought people together and we had an amazing opportunity to see that in Stromovka. 🌳

Old friends and new, having fun, talking and dancing the day away until the sunset. 🌅

Cherish the moments with those who are dear to you and try to bring positive energy wherever you go, it will come back.🫶🏼

More music coming soon, but where do YOU want to hear us next?

Survivors 🤌🏼🫶🏼 in Croatia was an absolute blast 🥹🇭🇷

Survivors 🤌🏼🫶🏼
in Croatia was an absolute blast 🥹🇭🇷



Komunita 🫶🏼

Komunita 🫶🏼

Ať je hudba tvůj lék a každý z nás ať má muziku svou 🎶😂
Ale vidět se za světla má taky něco do sebe, kam zajdeme příště?

🔥😎 Let’s gooo!

🔥😎 Let’s gooo!

30/03/24 10PM, Havanna Club, Altdorf

D-Line DJ Moros WeNyx DJ Allergy Smokebomb

Další díl GM Talks online! 🙌🏼

Další díl GM Talks online! 🙌🏼

Míli fanoušci a posluchači, vítáme Vás u dalšího díli GM Talks s Holly The Big - matadorem melodic techna původem z Pelhřimova, ale již dekádu působícím na p...

Hezkou neděli! ⚡️🫶🏼

Hezkou neděli! ⚡️🫶🏼

On this January Sunday, we had a special guest in our living room: the amazing DJ Holly The Big. He brought his cool music skills and played some awesome mel...

🫶🏼 bavil mě to 😁

🫶🏼 bavil mě to 😁

Naši milí fanoušci a kamarádi, přejeme Vám vše nejlepší do nového roku, hlavně zdraví, štěstí a spokojenost! 🥳 A na rozjezd 2024 jsme pro Vás připravili mal...

🙏🏼🫶🏼 příjemné odpoledne 🙌🏼

🙏🏼🫶🏼 příjemné odpoledne 🙌🏼

Naši milí fanoušci a kamarádi, přejeme Vám vše nejlepší do nového roku, hlavně zdraví, štěstí a spokojenost! 🥳 A na rozjezd 2024 jsme pro Vás připravili malý dárek. 👀
Na Silvestra jsme měli u nás v obýváku vzácnou návštěvu ze zahraničí! S jsme probrali jak se dostala od florbalu v ČR k DJingu ve Švýcarsku, trnitou cestu její crew k vystupováni na Street Parade v Curychu a spoustu dalších zajímavých věcí. 🔥
Bohužel z časových důvodů nebylo možné nahrát i stream/set, ale pokusíme se Vendy ukrást na pár chvil až znova přijede, protože její novoroční set v byl dechberoucí a určitě se s Vámi chceme podělit! 🫶🏼
Rozhovor bude brzy zveřejněn na našem youtube kanále, budeme Vás informovat.
Mějte se krásně!





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