Občanské sdružení Femisphera Jak vznikla Femisphera? Na počátku všeho stál jeden konkrétní novinářský projekt. Proč právě Femisphera? Kdo tvoří Femispheru?
Olbrachtova 1061/56
Obecné informace
How did Femisphera come into being? At the entire beginning, there was one particular journalistic project. When we were preparing it, we started to notice other related issues, which we felt as interesting and important to investigate deeper. One person can realize one project, but to accomplish more plans, it is necessary to connect more people, energy and capabilities. Why is Femisphera called Femisphera? Femi does not mean feminists (though we have nothing against this movement, unless it goes to its extremes). Feminine, meaning a woman, is our main topic we are concentrating on. There were mainly women travellers and journalists at the beginning of Femisphera, who are certainly very interested in female topics. Not only women are involved in Femisphera. We have also male members in the association, who are not neglectful towards the femine world. Goals of Femisphera: We want to document the life and its people´s problems mainly in the Third World focused predominantly on female topics, through publishing articles, photographs and short films. Our task is to be directly in those places, where media can help due to its dominance and effect. We want to inform the public via articles, interviews, photographic exhibitions, lectures or film. Femisphera also hopes to motivate people to help in those regions. Who is involved with Femisphera? People who are not careless towards the female difficulties in the Third World. Some of them are journalists or only enthusiasts, who are willing to dedicate their time and energy also to someone else than only themselves. Do you want to help us? You can help us in many different ways: provide us financial donation you can actively involve in some of the projects. We welcome mainly: media publicity tips for interesting topics providing important contacts, which we could use during preparations of projects lending us technologies providing material help, such as professional equipment assistance with administration and etc... Certainly we appreciate any financial donation. You can contribute either only once, or contribute grants regularly. It is possible to subtract the donations from the assessment base. Account number: 5031106636/5500 (Raiffeisen bank) IBAN CZ7855000000005031106636 Thank you for your help in advance.
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