Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History

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Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History Студентски часопис посвећен правној историји! Student journal dedicated to legal history!

Look what's being advertised at Iustoria 2023! ;)

Look what's being advertised at Iustoria 2023! ;)

Pozivamo vas da se prijavite za učešće na međunarodnoj studentskoj konferenciji iz pravne istorije “Iustoria 2023 - Prav...

Pozivamo vas da se prijavite za učešće na međunarodnoj studentskoj konferenciji iz pravne istorije “Iustoria 2023 - Pravo i kazna”. Saznajte više na https://ius.bg.ac.rs/2022/10/17/iustoria-2023/

Правни факултет Универзитета у Београду отвара позив за учешће у Четвртој студентској конференцији из правне историје – Iustoria 2023, која ће се одржати од 23. до 25. март....

In the Herald 2/2021, we have an interview with Professor Victor Castellani of the University of Denver. If you'd rather...

In the Herald 2/2021, we have an interview with Professor Victor Castellani of the University of Denver. If you'd rather watch and hear Prof. Castellani talk than just read the text - here is the link to the recording!
У Веснику 2/2021, имамо интервју са проф. Виктором Кастеланијем са Универзитета у Денверу. Ако бисте радије да гледате и слушате проф. Кастеланија како прича него само да читате текст - ево линка за снимак!

Interview with Prof. Dr Victor Castellani (University of Denver).Interview conducted by Isidora Fürst, on December 7, 2021, at the University of Belgrade Fac...

http://epub.ius.bg.ac.rs/index.php/Vesnik/issue/view/11Here is our second issue for last year - uploaded with some delay...


Here is our second issue for last year - uploaded with some delay, but we hope that you'll find it an interesting read nevertheless! In the meantime, preparations for the issue 1/2022 are well underway, so expect it soon as well!
Ево нашег другог прошлогодишњег броја - окаченог с нешто закашњења, али надамо се да ће вам упркос томе бити занимљив за читање! У међувремену, припреме броја 1/2022 су увелико у току, те очекујте и њега ускоро!

Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History је међународни академски студентски часопис, посвећен проучавању правне историје свих земаља и свих раздобља. Часопис излази...

Here is an interesting call for papers aimed at undergraduate students - for a special student session of a conference t...

Here is an interesting call for papers aimed at undergraduate students - for a special student session of a conference that will be held in October at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, in hybrid form.

More info here: http://wp2008.ius.bg.ac.rs/un-fit-to-rule/call-for-papers/

If you haven't read our issue 1/2021 yet, it's available online here:http://epub.ius.bg.ac.rs/index.php/Vesnik/issue/vie...

If you haven't read our issue 1/2021 yet, it's available online here:
The print version is a bit late, but it's coming soon as well! :)
Ако још нисте читали наш број 1/2021, доступан је онлајн овде:
Штампана верзија малкице касни, али и она ће ускоро! :)

Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History је међународни академски студентски часопис, посвећен проучавању правне историје свих земаља и свих раздобља. Часопис излази...

У трећем броју "Весника правне историје" (бр. 1/2021) можете прочитати интервју са проф. др Миленом Полојац, професорком...

У трећем броју "Весника правне историје" (бр. 1/2021) можете прочитати интервју са проф. др Миленом Полојац, професорком Римског права и шефицом Катедре за правну историју на Правном факултету Универзитета у Београду. А ко више воли да гледа или слуша живу реч него да чита - ево снимка! :)

Welcome Herald’s new editorial board members 📚

Welcome Herald’s new editorial board members 📚

We've always had a good cooperation with the Iustoria conference - so our authors might be interested in their call for ...

We've always had a good cooperation with the Iustoria conference - so our authors might be interested in their call for papers for 2022!

А стигли су коначно и физички примерци другог броја! :)-----The print copies of the second issue are finally here as wel...

А стигли су коначно и физички примерци другог броја! :)
The print copies of the second issue are finally here as well! :)


Можда сте видели да у другом броју Весника имамо интервју са проф. Драгољубом Поповићем, професором правне историје и некадашњим судијом ЕСЉП. Ако више волите да гледате и слушате него да читате - ето правог угођаја за вас!

Интервју је подељен на мање целине ради згоднијег гледања. :)


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Мало је потрајало, али и наш број 2/2020 је коначно доступан на сајту часописа!-----It took awhile, but our issue 2/2020...

Мало је потрајало, али и наш број 2/2020 је коначно доступан на сајту часописа!
It took awhile, but our issue 2/2020 is finally available on the journal's website!

Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History је међународни академски студентски часопис, посвећен проучавању правне историје свих земаља и свих раздобља. Часопис излази...

This workshop about peer review might be interesting for beginning researchers! :)https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com...

This workshop about peer review might be interesting for beginning researchers! :)


In this webinar, we will be discussing all things related to reviewing, including how you can start to get involved with peer review. We will cover the essentials of peer review including, why you should get involved (and get started!), how to approach a review, and what an editor is looking for, as...

Has the Herald already found its place in the legal history section of your bookshelf? :) Share your photos with us!----...

Has the Herald already found its place in the legal history section of your bookshelf? :) Share your photos with us!
Да ли је Весник већ нашао своје место у правноисторијском делу ваше полице са књигама? :) Поделите фотографије са нама!

, , ,

We've had to wait for a while, but the printed copies of the Herald's first issue are finally here! :)-------Мало смо че...

We've had to wait for a while, but the printed copies of the Herald's first issue are finally here! :)
Мало смо чекали, али штампани примерци првог броја Весника су коначно стигли! :)


Вероватно сте видели да имамо интервју са проф. Симом Аврамовићем у првом броју Весника. Ако бисте радије да га гледате него да га читате - ево видео верзије! :)
Here is the video version of the interview with Prof. Sima Avramović published in the first issue of the Herald! Only in Serbian so far - but we intend to add English subtitles in due course, so stay tuned!


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We are extremely pleased to let you know that you can now access the entire text of the Herald's first issue on our webs...

We are extremely pleased to let you know that you can now access the entire text of the Herald's first issue on our website! We are still waiting to receive the UDC and DOI numbers, after which every paper will get its individual page on the site - but you can already read the PDF of the entire issue!
Изузетно нам је задовољство да вас обавестимо да сад можете приступити целокупном тексту првог броја Весника на нашем сајту! Још увек чекамо да добијемо УДК и DOI бројеве, после чега ће сваки чланак добити засебну страницу на сајту - али већ можете да читате ПДФ целог броја!


Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History је међународни академски студентски часопис, посвећен проучавању правне историје свих земаља и свих раздобља. Часопис излази...

Регистрација часописа је готова - добили смо ISSN!Још је у току процедура за УДК и DOI бројеве, и то очекујемо ускоро. :...

Регистрација часописа је готова - добили смо ISSN!
Још је у току процедура за УДК и DOI бројеве, и то очекујемо ускоро. :)
The journal registration is complete - we have our ISSN!
The procedure for UDC and DOI numbers is still ongoing, but we're expecting them soon as well. :)

The second Iustoria conference has been scheduled for 2021. If the subject interests you, please apply - and, of course,...

The second Iustoria conference has been scheduled for 2021. If the subject interests you, please apply - and, of course, publish your articles in the Herald afterwards! :)
Друга Iustoria конференција је заказана за 2021. Ако вас тема занима, свакако се пријавите - а, наравно, после објавите радове у Веснику! :)

Iustoria 2021

The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law is now receiving paper proposals for the Second student conference on legal history – the Iustoria 2021, to be held on the 25th and 26th of March, 2021, its topic being “Law and Religion”.
The reason for the topic is the fact that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Vidovdan (St. Vitus’ Day) Constitution of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1921), which, among many other changes, was the first in this region to introduce multi-confessionalism instead of one state religion. The question of the relationship between the state and the church and the position of different religious denominations in the modern state is certainly still relevant today; however, the connection between law and religion has lasted since time immemorial. The emergence of the first norms of primitive law is predominantly related to religious commandments and taboos. Most legal systems of the Antiquity have noticeable connections with religion - from irrational means of proof such as ordeals and oaths, through contractualformalism in the old ius civile, to special regulations on the position of the clergy. Monotheistic religions bring with them a different view of society and law, and many new topics, such as the relationship between secular and religious regulations, the influence of religious norms on everyday social relations (especially marital and family relations) or the punishment of crimes against religion. In all societies, one can speak to a greater or lesser extent about the issue of the legal position of members of other religions, but it is monotheism, together with numerous religious conflicts and schisms, that intensifies this issue. The colonial expansion of the Western powers also raises the question of the attitude of (Christian) colonizers towards the religions of the conquered population. And the modern age also brings states that separate themselves from religion – whether it is a matter of distancing in the form of secularism, or a conflict characteristic of communist states. We’re looking forward to applications on all of these and many other issues related to the main topic!
All students of graduate and post-graduate studies pertaining to law or other humanities are eligible to apply for the conference. The applications should contain basic personal information (name and surname, faculty, department, level and year of study), along with an extended abstract containing anywhere between 500 and 1000 words. Applications are accepted in either Serbian or English.
The applications should be e-mailed to [email protected] before the 15th of January, 2021. The students will be informed by the 25th of January whether or not their application has been accepted. A provisional programme for the conference will be announced by the 1st of February. Drafts of the chosen papers need to be sent by the 15th of March. For any additional information you may enquire at the same e-mail address, or consult the official page of the conference – https://www.facebook.com/iustoria
Just like on last year’s conference, apart from the presentations given by their colleagues, the students at the conference will have an opportunity to attend several lectures given by renowned experts – more details on this will be available in the final version of the programme.
Given the fact that the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is still uncertain, we will make a decision by the 25th of February whether the conference will be held live or online. If it is held live, we'll do our best to secure accomodations either in student dorms or with student host families for those participants who don’t reside in Belgrade. These arrangements will depend on the number of available spots.
The final versions of the papers presented at the conference, with final changes and corrections submitted within a reasonable time after the conference, will be submitted for publication in the journal „Vesnik pravne istorije / Herald of Legal History“.

We sincerely recommend visiting the Iustoria student conference online this Wednesday to Friday - and not solely because...

We sincerely recommend visiting the Iustoria student conference online this Wednesday to Friday - and not solely because many of the papers will be published in the Herald! :)
Искрено препоручујемо онлајн посећивање Iustoria студентске конференције ове недеље, од среде до петка - и то не само зато што ће многи радови са ње бити објављени у Веснику! :)

We are very glad to be able to officially confirm the reason for the extra delay in publishing the first issue - the Uni...

We are very glad to be able to officially confirm the reason for the extra delay in publishing the first issue - the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law has secured funding for the Herald to come out in print as well! The number of printed copies will be limited, but, of course, the digital edition is there to stay as well.
Врло нам је драго да можемо и званично да вам потврдимо разлог за додатно кашњење у објављивању првог броја - Правни факултет Универзитета у Београду нам је обезбедио средства да Весник може да излази и у штампаном облику! Тираж физичких примерака ће бити ограничен, али, наравно, дигитално издање такође остаје.

--click "See more" for English--Упркос многим компликацијама изазваним пандемијом, припрема нашег првог броја је при кра...

--click "See more" for English--

Упркос многим компликацијама изазваним пандемијом, припрема нашег првог броја је при крају, и надамо се да ћемо моћи да вам га представимо ускоро!

У међувремену, наравно, још увек примамо радове за други број. С обзиром на кашњење првог, као и на то да пандемија и даље многима отежава рад, решили смо да га продужимо до краја новембра - док ћемо од 2021, надамо се, поштовати првобитно замишљену динамику,


Despite many complications caused by the pandemic, the preparation of our first issue is nearing completion, and we hope that we'll be able to present it to you soon!

In the meantime, of course, we are still accepting submissions for the second issue. Given that the first issue is running late, as well as the fact that the pandemic is still making many people's work more difficult, we have decided to extended it until the end of November - while we shall, hopefully, be able to follow our originally planned dynamic in 2021.

We've already received or been promised a number of interesting papers - but they all deal with the Middle Ages or the M...

We've already received or been promised a number of interesting papers - but they all deal with the Middle Ages or the Modern Age! Let's go back to the beginnings of law, let us have papers dealing with all periods in our first issue! Send us some paper dealing with the Antiquity - Greek, Roman, Egyptian law, we welcome them all!

Већ смо добили (или су нам обећани) више занимљивих радова, али сви се тичу средњег века и модерног доба! Хајде да се вратимо до почетака права, хајде да у првом броју имамо радове који се баве свим периодима! Пошаљите нам неки рад који се тиче антике - грчко, римско, египатско право, сва су добродошла!

In case you haven't noticed, we also have Instagram and Twitter now! Follow us there! :)https://twitter.com/HeraldLegalh...

In case you haven't noticed, we also have Instagram and Twitter now! Follow us there! :)


Ако нисте приметили, сад имамо и Инстаграм и Твитер! Пратите нас тамо! :)

The latest Tweets from Весник правне историје / Herald of Legal History (). Student journal for legal history / Студентски часопис за правну историју. Belgrade / Београд

Донекле смо изменили услове за преводе! Ево новости укратко, а видите више у информацијама за ауторе на сајту!The requir...

Донекле смо изменили услове за преводе! Ево новости укратко, а видите више у информацијама за ауторе на сајту!

The requirements for translations have been slightly changed! Here is the news briefly, and see more in the information for authors on our site!

А ево и дизајна наше задње корице!And here is our back cover design as well!

А ево и дизајна наше задње корице!

And here is our back cover design as well!



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