Zoom in to Boru Bash, Kyrgyzstan
"Sometimes I impress even myself." - Han Solo
Wow, am I ever enjoying my new life as a film producer! Having a huge pile of 20 year old footage in the edit pile is like a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I am kicking myself for being such a sh*tty videographer back then, and cursing the tiny frame sizes of 20 year old camera technology. But on the upside, I am doing much better justice to the story I want to tell than I would have 20 years ago. Funny, no matter how old I get I can look back at my younger self and say "Christ, what an asshole!"... so I guess that means I am improving?
Anyways, it seems that my "Kalmyks in Kyrgyzstan" raw footage has caught my attention, and will be the next thing going into the can...
So, how have I impressed myself? Well, I have figured out how to use Google maps data, in successive layers of zoom, to make almost seamless video as if you are falling from space into a specific locale. Remember the intro and outro to "Burn After Reading"? Yeah, just give me the budget for some weather / cloud effects, and some moving cars and stuff at the closest zoom level, and I can do exactly that, all on my home PC.
Take a look! This will form the initial intro segment to my upcoming video about the Kalmyks who decided to stay behind when the main horde migrated to Kalmykia, coming soon soon.
Satellite imagery via maps.google.com.