對著鏡頭跳舞的中國維吾爾族小孩 #China #uigher
#China begins Sun Exploration
看,太空人出沒!Look, astronauts!
北京天安門廣場舉行升國旗儀式.On October 1, A national flag raising ceremony was held at #Tiananmen Square in Beijing to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of #China.
香港“樂壇魔王”,林子祥登場大灣區中秋晚會,唱《敢愛敢做》#Hongkong #lam 飙高音吓死我了,74歲阿公依然超级靓仔,状态一绝!
用一根針了驚豔全世界,她真正做到了一輩子只做一件事!Breathtaking the world with a needle, she really did only one thing in her life!
VR繪畫?是的!你沒有聽錯。中國北京的一位插畫師用VR創造了一個又一個的小世界。VR painting? Yes! You heard it right. An illustrator in Beijing, China uses VR to create different kinds of small worlds.
耗時六年,用萬斤藕梗製作出來的龍泉印泥,能夠保持上百年不褪色的奧祕是什麼?What is the mystery of the Longquan printing clay, which took six years and was made from ten thousand pounds of lotus root stalks, and which has been able to keep its color for hundreds of years without fading? Let's explore the process of making Longquan ink clay.