Noman Khan Umrani

Noman Khan Umrani Información de contacto, mapa y direcciones, formulario de contacto, horario de apertura, servicios, puntuaciones, fotos, videos y anuncios de Noman Khan Umrani, Creador digital, Guadalajara.

اِیَّاکَ نَعۡبُدُ وَ اِیَّاکَ نَسۡتَعِیۡنُ
٫٫میرا نصب العین،،
�� Social & Medical Influencer�
�Doctor��Pisces��Social��Philanthropist��Badminton��Travelling��Doctor Tribune��Patron In Chief Foreign Medical Students Union Pakistan-FMSUP ��


‏مضبوط اور ثابت قدم رہو، زندگی ماں نہیں ہے ، جو ترس کھائے گی اور دروازے پہ کھڑی انتظار کرے گی ۔

الله پاک سب کے پیاروں کی مغفرت فرمائے آمین ثم آمین

الله پاک سب کے پیاروں کی مغفرت فرمائے آمین ثم آمین

آج کی بات

آج کی بات

امیر بلوچستان کے غریب عوام جس کے پاس قدرتی گیس . تیل . سونا اور دنیا کا سب سے بڑے کوئلے اور سونے کے زخیرے موجود ہیں جوکہ...

امیر بلوچستان کے غریب عوام جس کے پاس قدرتی گیس . تیل . سونا اور دنیا کا سب سے بڑے کوئلے اور سونے کے زخیرے موجود ہیں جوکہ قدرتی وسائل سے مالامال سرزمین ہے لیکن افسوس ہم اپنی ہی سرزمین پر نا شبینہ کا محتاج ہیں، یاد رہے دیے گئے تصویر جمال خان پوادی سکنہ کوہلو جوکہ انتہائی غریب ہے جس کا کہنا ہے کہ میرے پاس اتنا بھی پیسہ نہیں کہ میں اپنے معصوم بچے کے لئے کچھ کپڑے خرید سکوں 😢😢

♻️ Follow Noman Khan Umrani  ♻️Ten Unknown Facts About  Founding: Tesla was founded in 2003 by engineers Martin Eberhard...

♻️ Follow Noman Khan Umrani ♻️
Ten Unknown Facts About
Founding: Tesla was founded in 2003 by engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning,
not Elon Musk. Musk joined the company as a major investor and became its public face.
Model Naming Quirk: Tesla’s car lineup follows a playful pattern: Model S, 3, X, and Y.
Elon Musk has said it was meant to spell "S3XY," with the number 3 replacing an "E."
Battery Focus: Tesla's breakthrough isn’t just in electric cars but also in battery technology. Tesla has invested heavily in creating
powerful and long-lasting batteries, not only for cars but also for energy storage solutions like Powerwall.
Autopilot and Full Self-Driving: Tesla’s Autopilot is an advanced driver-assistance system, but it’s not fully autonomous. The
company is working on Full Self-Driving (FSD) software, which could eventually enable true autonomous driving.
Gigafactories: Tesla operates massive manufacturing plants known as Gigafactories, located in the U.S., China, and
Germany. These factories are integral to Tesla’s ability to scale production and reduce costs.
SpaceX Connection: Tesla and SpaceX, both run by Elon Musk, share more than just a CEO. The companies collaborate on technology, and
SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket even launched a Tesla Roadster into space as part of a 2018 test flight.
Sustainable Vision: Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.
In addition to electric cars, the company is a leader in solar power and energy storage solutions.
Over-the-Air Updates: Tesla was the first car manufacturer to allow over-the-air software updates, letting owners
download new features and improvements to their cars without visiting a dealership.
AI and Robots: Tesla’s AI Day event introduced Tesla Bot, a humanoid robot designed to handle dangerous or
repetitive tasks, showcasing Musk’s vision for AI and robotics beyond automobiles.
Environmental Impact: Tesla has reduced the overall carbon footprint of its vehicle manufacturing and is
working on creating fully re
The Ancient 4,500-Year-Old Tunic at the Egyptian Museum.

Follow 🤍❤️ Noman Khan Umrani  ❤️ 🤍The history of   🤍🥀✍️began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is...

Follow 🤍❤️ Noman Khan Umrani ❤️ 🤍

The history of 🤍🥀✍️
began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is camera obscura image projection, the second is the discovery that some substances are visibly altered by exposure to light[2]. There are no artifacts or descriptions that indicate any attempt to capture images with light sensitive materials prior to the 18th century.
View from the Window at Le Gras 1826 or 1827, believed to be the earliest surviving camera photograph.[1] Original (left) and colorized reoriented enhancement (right).
Around 1717, Johann Heinrich Schulze used a light-sensitive slurry to capture images of cut-out letters on a bottle. However, he did not pursue making these results permanent. Around 1800, Thomas Wedgwood made the first reliably documented, although unsuccessful attempt at capturing camera images in permanent form. His experiments did produce detailed photograms, but Wedgwood and his associate Humphry Davy found no way to fix these images.
In 1826, Nicéphore Niépce first managed to fix an image that was captured with a camera, but at least eight hours or even several days of exposure in the camera were required and the earliest results were very crude. Niépce's associate Louis Daguerre went on to develop the daguerreotype process, the first publicly announced and commercially viable photographic process. The daguerreotype required only minutes of exposure in the camera, and produced clear, finely detailed results. On August 2, 1839 Daguerre demonstrated the details of the process to the Chamber of Peers in Paris. On August 19 the technical details were made public in a meeting of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Fine Arts in the Palace of Institute. (For granting the rights of the inventions to the public, Daguerre and Niépce were awarded generous annuities for life.)[3][4][5] When the metal based daguerreotype process was demonstrated formally to the public, the competitor approach of paper-based calotype negative and salt print processes invented by William Henry Fox Talbot was already demonstrated in London (but with less publicity).[5] Subsequent innovations made photography easier and more versatile. New materials reduced the required camera exposure time from minutes to seconds, and eventually to a small fraction of a second; new photographic media were more economical, sensitive or convenient. Since the 1850s, the collodion process with its glass-based photographic plates combined the high quality known from the Daguerreotype with the multiple print options known from the calotype and was commonly used for decades. Roll films popularized casual use by amateurs. In the mid-20th century, developments made it possible for amateurs to take pictures in natural color as well as in black-and-white.
The commercial introduction of computer-based electronic digital cameras in the 1990s soon revolutionized photography. During the first decade of the 21st century, traditional film-based photochemical methods were increasingly marginalized as the practical advantages of the new technology became widely appreciated and the image quality of moderately priced digital cameras was continually improved. Especially since cameras became a standard feature on smartphones, taking pictures (and instantly publishing them online) has become a ubiquitous everyday practice around the world.


زیادہ تر یونیورسٹیاں PMDC .کی منظورشدہ لسٹ میں شامل نہیں۔کرغیزستان کی ایک نجی میڈیکل یونیورسٹی کے جون 2024 کے ایک سمسٹر کے گریجویٹس کی تعداد1500 سے زائد تھی اس یونیورسٹی سے کنووکیشن کے نام پر پچیس کروڑ تک بٹورنے کا الزام ہے۔
Team Foreign Medical Students Union Pakistan FMSUP-Offical


لوگ لاکھ کہیں یہ ممکن نہیں، میں نے اس کے *"کُن"* سے تقدیریں بدلتی دیکھی ہیں۔ ❤️✨

Quacks  المعروف جراح حکیم  کے ہاتھوں اپنی و اپنے پیاروں کی زندگی و صحت داؤ پر لگانے سے بچائیں

Quacks المعروف جراح حکیم کے ہاتھوں اپنی و اپنے پیاروں کی زندگی و صحت داؤ پر لگانے سے بچائیں

اس پوسٹ کا مقصد عوامی آگاہی پیدا کرنا ہے اس کو شیئر کر کے کار خیر میں حصہ ضرور ڈالیں۔
Doctor Tribune Posting 🥼 🏥 🩺

دنیا چاند پر پہنچ گئی اور ہمارے مریض المشہور جراح نامی Quacks کے ہاتھوں ذبح ہو رہے ہیں۔

زیر نظر ایکس رے میں ٹخنے کا Bimalleolar فریکچر دکھایا گیا ہے جسکو آرتھوپیڈکس کی اصطلاح میں فکس کرنا لازم ہوتا ہے۔
یہ ایکس رے ایک 24 سال کے نوجوان کا ہے جسکو فریکچر کے بعد کسی بے وقوف جراح کے پاس لے جایا گیا جس نے لکڑی کے ٹکڑے رکھ کر ٹانگ کو باندھ دیا۔

شدید درد کی وجہ سے مریض کو جناح ہسپتال لاہور لایا گیا۔پٹی کھولی تو ٹانگ میں کمپارٹمنٹ بن چکا تھا اور خون کی نالیا ں بند ہونے کی وجہ سے پاؤں کی انگلیاں کالی ہونے لگی تھی۔

اب مریض کے لواحقین کی تمام تر توجہ ڈاکٹرز سے ایک ہی مطالبہ کرنے میں تھی کہ کسی طرح مریض کی ٹانگ بچا لیں۔لیکن شاید بہت دیر ہو چکی تھا۔ڈاکٹرز اپنے تعیں پوری کوشش میں ہیں کہ کسی طریقے مریض کی ٹانگ بچائی جا سکے۔

اب اگر اس مریض کی ٹانگ ضائع ہوتی ہے تو کون ذمہ دار ہو گا۔کون اس جاہل Quack کے خلاف کاروائی کرے گا۔

میرے خیال میں یہ اس مریض یا اسکے خاندان کا نہیں بلکہ پوری قوم کا نقصان ہو گا اور قوم کا مجرم وہ ادارہ ہے جسکو ایسے نوسر بازوں کو ٹھکانے لگانے کی ذمہ داری دی گئی ہے۔

ماں اور بیٹے نے ایک ساتھ ایک ہی یونیورسٹی کانوکیشن سے ڈگریاں حاصل کی۔ رفعیہ ناز آٹھ بہنوں میں سب سے بڑی ہے، رفعیہ جب فرس...

ماں اور بیٹے نے ایک ساتھ ایک ہی یونیورسٹی کانوکیشن سے ڈگریاں حاصل کی۔
رفعیہ ناز آٹھ بہنوں میں سب سے بڑی ہے، رفعیہ جب فرسٹ ائیر میں تھی تو ان کی شادی اپنے کزن سے ہوگئی۔ شادی کے بعد انہوں نے ایف ایس سی کیا، پھر بی ایس سی میں داخلہ لیا اور بی ایس سی کے رزلٹ سے کچھ ہی دن پہلے ان کی بڑی بیٹی کی پیدائش ہوئی۔ پھر انہوں نے بیچلر اور ماسٹر آف ایجوکیشن گومل یونیورسٹی سے کیا۔

اس کے بعد رفعیہ نے پبلک سروس کمیشن امتحان پاس کر سئنیر سائنس ٹیچر بنی۔ 1998 میں انہوں نے ایم اے پولیٹیکل سائنس کیا، جس دن ایم اے کا وائیوا تھا، اسی دن رفعیہ کے بیٹے عبدالرحیم کی پیدائش بھی ہوئی۔ وائیوا کیلئے ممتحن کو رافعیہ کے پاس آنا پڑا۔ (یہ رفعیہ کے وہی بیٹے ہیں جن کے ساتھ انہوں نے ڈگری وصعل کی)

انہوں نے 2012 میں انٹرنیشنل ریلیشنز میں ماسٹر کیا، ساتھ ہی وومن اینڈ جینڈر سٹڈیز میں بھی ماسٹر کیا۔ رفعیہ جب ایم فل کر رہی تھی تو ساتھ ہی ان کی دو بیٹیاں بی ایس کی طالبہ تھی۔

پھر 2019 میں ان کے بیٹے عبد الرحیم نے ہزارہ یونیورسٹی مانسہرہ کے لاء ڈیپارٹمنٹ میں داخلہ لیا تو اس دوران رفعیہ نے بھی ہزارہ یونیورسٹی سے پی ایچ ڈی شروع کی۔

جولائی 2024 کو رفعیہ نے پی ایچ ڈی کا ڈیفنس دیا تو دوسری جانب اسی ماہ انکے بیٹے عبد الرحیم کا بھی ایل ایل بی کا رزلٹ آیا۔ اور اب ستمبر 2024 میں “ماں اور بیٹے نے ایک ساتھ ایک ہی یونیورسٹی سے ڈگریاں حاصل کی”
ڈاکٹر رفعیہ کا کہنا ہے کہ اس سفر میں میں ان کے والد اور شوہر نے ان کا بہت ساتھ دیا ۔
جہاں خاتون کا ہمت مثالی رہی ، وہاں ان کے گھر کے مردوں کا کردار اور حصہ بھی ایک مثال ہے ۔ جب کوئی مرد اپنی بیٹی ، بیوی یا بہن کو اگے بڑھنے میں سپورٹ کرتا ہے تو وہ بہت کچھ ناممکن بھی ممکن بنا دیتی ہے ۔ ❤️

BBC Urdu

‏وفا کے راستہ کا ہر مُسافر گواہی دیگا کہ تُم کھڑے تھےTen Unknown Facts About  1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische M...

‏وفا کے راستہ کا ہر مُسافر گواہی دیگا کہ تُم کھڑے تھے
Ten Unknown Facts About

1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.

2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.

3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.

4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.

5. Global

1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.

2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and
3. Innovation in Techno renown innovations in automoechnology. It introduced the w electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developi driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid p

4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and For racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of thei models

یہ تصویر پاکستان کی 76 سالہ دور غلامی کی بہترین عکاسی کر رہی ہے 🤔🤔🤔

یہ تصویر پاکستان کی 76 سالہ دور غلامی کی بہترین عکاسی کر رہی ہے 🤔🤔🤔


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Follow 🤍❤️ Noman Khan Umrani ❤️ 🤍The history of   🤍🥀✍️began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is ...

Follow 🤍❤️ Noman Khan Umrani ❤️ 🤍

The history of 🤍🥀✍️
began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is camera obscura image projection, the second is the discovery that some substances are visibly altered by exposure to light[2]. There are no artifacts or descriptions that indicate any attempt to capture images with light sensitive materials prior to the 18th century.
View from the Window at Le Gras 1826 or 1827, believed to be the earliest surviving camera photograph.[1] Original (left) and colorized reoriented enhancement (right).
Around 1717, Johann Heinrich Schulze used a light-sensitive slurry to capture images of cut-out letters on a bottle. However, he did not pursue making these results permanent. Around 1800, Thomas Wedgwood made the first reliably documented, although unsuccessful attempt at capturing camera images in permanent form. His experiments did produce detailed photograms, but Wedgwood and his associate Humphry Davy found no way to fix these images.
In 1826, Nicéphore Niépce first managed to fix an image that was captured with a camera, but at least eight hours or even several days of exposure in the camera were required and the earliest results were very crude. Niépce's associate Louis Daguerre went on to develop the daguerreotype process, the first publicly announced and commercially viable photographic process. The daguerreotype required only minutes of exposure in the camera, and produced clear, finely detailed results. On August 2, 1839 Daguerre demonstrated the details of the process to the Chamber of Peers in Paris. On August 19 the technical details were made public in a meeting of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Fine Arts in the Palace of Institute. (For granting the rights of the inventions to the public, Daguerre and Niépce were awarded generous annuities for life.)[3][4][5] When the metal based daguerreotype process was demonstrated formally to the public, the competitor approach of paper-based calotype negative and salt print processes invented by William Henry Fox Talbot was already demonstrated in London (but with less publicity).[5] Subsequent innovations made photography easier and more versatile. New materials reduced the required camera exposure time from minutes to seconds, and eventually to a small fraction of a second; new photographic media were more economical, sensitive or convenient. Since the 1850s, the collodion process with its glass-based photographic plates combined the high quality known from the Daguerreotype with the multiple print options known from the calotype and was commonly used for decades. Roll films popularized casual use by amateurs. In the mid-20th century, developments made it possible for amateurs to take pictures in natural color as well as in black-and-white.
The commercial introduction of computer-based electronic digital cameras in the 1990s soon revolutionized photography. During the first decade of the 21st century, traditional film-based photochemical methods were increasingly marginalized as the practical advantages of the new technology became widely appreciated and the image quality of moderately priced digital cameras was continually improved. Especially since cameras became a standard feature on smartphones, taking pictures (and instantly publishing them online) has become a ubiquitous everyday practice around the world.

Follow   🤍   Noman Khan Umrani  ❤️  🤍The history of   🤍🥀✍️began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first...

Follow 🤍 Noman Khan Umrani ❤️ 🤍

The history of 🤍🥀✍️
began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is camera obscura image projection, the second is the discovery that some substances are visibly altered by exposure to light[2]. There are no artifacts or descriptions that indicate any attempt to capture images with light sensitive materials prior to the 18th century.
View from the Window at Le Gras 1826 or 1827, believed to be the earliest surviving camera photograph.[1] Original (left) and colorized reoriented enhancement (right).
Around 1717, Johann Heinrich Schulze used a light-sensitive slurry to capture images of cut-out letters on a bottle. However, he did not pursue making these results permanent. Around 1800, Thomas Wedgwood made the first reliably documented, although unsuccessful attempt at capturing camera images in permanent form. His experiments did produce detailed photograms, but Wedgwood and his associate Humphry Davy found no way to fix these images.
In 1826, Nicéphore Niépce first managed to fix an image that was captured with a camera, but at least eight hours or even several days of exposure in the camera were required and the earliest results were very crude. Niépce's associate Louis Daguerre went on to develop the daguerreotype process, the first publicly announced and commercially viable photographic process. The daguerreotype required only minutes of exposure in the camera, and produced clear, finely detailed results. On August 2, 1839 Daguerre demonstrated the details of the process to the Chamber of Peers in Paris. On August 19 the technical details were made public in a meeting of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Fine Arts in the Palace of Institute. (For granting the rights of the inventions to the public, Daguerre and Niépce were awarded generous annuities for life.)[3][4][5] When the metal based daguerreotype process was demonstrated formally to the public, the competitor approach of paper-based calotype negative and salt print processes invented by William Henry Fox Talbot was already demonstrated in London (but with less publicity).[5] Subsequent innovations made photography easier and more versatile. New materials reduced the required camera exposure time from minutes to seconds, and eventually to a small fraction of a second; new photographic media were more economical, sensitive or convenient. Since the 1850s, the collodion process with its glass-based photographic plates combined the high quality known from the Daguerreotype with the multiple print options known from the calotype and was commonly used for decades. Roll films popularized casual use by amateurs. In the mid-20th century, developments made it possible for amateurs to take pictures in natural color as well as in black-and-white.
The commercial introduction of computer-based electronic digital cameras in the 1990s soon revolutionized photography. During the first decade of the 21st century, traditional film-based photochemical methods were increasingly marginalized as the practical advantages of the new technology became widely appreciated and the image quality of moderately priced digital cameras was continually improved. Especially since cameras became a standard feature on smartphones, taking pictures (and instantly publishing them online) has become a ubiquitous everyday practice around the world.





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