PROUD Bamunka Pickin

PROUD Bamunka Pickin Informations de contact, plan et itinéraire, formulaire de contact, heures d'ouverture, services, évaluations, photos, vidéos et annonces de PROUD Bamunka Pickin, Digital creator, Yaoundé.

Time for Ndeuh teihnmeh

Time for Ndeuh teihnmeh


Why is "Bobe Yerima" called Afo Akom ? How was Afo-A-kom stolen and returned to Kom ?

TUBUO TOHMUNTAIN MARTIN, AKA Bobe yerima (Afo-akom) is a Cameroonian legendary folklore artist with a music career of over 45 years.

He added "Afo-A-kom" to his name( Bobe Yerima ) in order to promote his Culture(Kom) and released his first song after the return of AFO-A-KOM statue in 1973 titled "AFO-A-KOM" to honour it's return.

What is AFO-A-KOM ? How was it stolen and returned ?

Afo-A-Kom is a revered statue of a standing man with royal symbols, represents royal authority and succession for the Kom people. Carved from iroko wood in the 1920s, it was stolen in 1966 from Laikom(Kom Palace) and sold in the US.

Afo-A-Kom possesses mystical powers and that shortly after it arrived in the US it began disturbing its new owners by destroying everything around it in the US Museum, it was repurchased for $30,000 by art collector Warren M. Robbins🇺🇸 returned to Cameroon in December 1973.

Cameroonian President then, Ahmadou Ahidjo suggested displaying it in Yaounde National Museum and the Fon of the Kom, Nsom Ngwe said "If only you can provide enough space for Afo-A-kom and Kom people to stay in Yaoundé".

He insisted on its return to Laikom. The statue now resides in the Laikom palace, displayed annually for the Kom people. The Afo-A-Kom holds significant cultural and historical importance for the Kom community.

After years of hardwork and consistency pushing Kom, north west and Cameroon culture and winning awards, Yerima was honoured in his homeland(Kom) with the title "Akam-a-Culture"

This year 2024, Bobe Yerima has released a new video for the legendary song sharing his story with both old(1973) and new footage which captures the beauty & diversity of Kom people.

The song is out now on all streaming platforms and you can watch it on Y0uTube using the link in the first comment.

Bamenda our home 🏡🏡🏡🌹🌹🌹

Bamenda our home 🏡🏡🏡🌹🌹🌹


Nyiââ bùehkââtêêhh.
Bïïhabüôchôô mëkœh

Nüüh mëkœh. Bââkëæh wohn mbôô sivéæ nè bâæhn mbôô ngwüüh

Nüüh mëkœh. Bââkëæh wohn mbôô sivéæ nè bâæhn mbôô ngwüüh

Mëkœh bïï büünüëh

Mëkœh bïï büünüëh


Home is Home. No place like Home





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