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Godly Living Stuff Inspirational Posts to stir up men and women into a sound relationship with the living God.


This is the requirement to be more than a conqueror, as exposed by Bro. Gbile Akanni.

HOW BELIEVERS ARE DEMONISED O BELIEVER, BEWARE OF SOULISH PE*******ON 1In some of my writings I have copiously quoted Jo...



In some of my writings I have copiously quoted John 14:30 in which our Lord Jesus made of the most powerful statements in the Bible,

I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. (NKJV)

Our Lord Himself was scanned again and again by the prince of this world (the devil) but nothing was found in Him. The devil ran a full scan on Jesus’ soul to see if there was any splinter of iniquity or vanity or even a sliver of unrighteousness that he could weaponise against Jesus in order to plunder His possibilities.

Why was the devil this daring? It was because he knew that a little space in Jesus’ life would yield much for his kingdom. Thankfully there was nothing in Jesus, absolutely nothing, the devil could use! Our Almighty Lord Himself, who happens to be the best of us, was checked out by the devil. This means none of us is exempted from this test.

The devil is constantly on the prowl, looking for things in the believer he can use to make an in-road into their life and possibilities – something I call soulish pe*******on. The devil would surely pe*****te any soul wherein there is something he can use.

Paul admonished the Ephesian believers not to give space to the devil (Ephesians 4:27).

This is because the devil is quite efficient at maximizing whatever he is given in a believer’s life. The devil entered Peter (Matthew 16:23) and Judas Iscariot (Luke 22:3) when they let him. Note that the devil’s entry is predicated on either active or passive allowance in the believer’s inner space.

If the devil finds something, a space, in an aspect of a believer’s life, he will surely ruthlessly pillage it. Whenever the devil successfully makes an in-road into a believer’s inner space (soul), it is called demonisation. It is true that the believer cannot be possessed because their spirit is regenerated (the Holy Ghost is effectively taking residence in their spirit). But it is also true that whenever a believer carelessly gives room to the devil by way of iniquity, unrighteousness, compromise etc. devils would swoop in and do damage.

This explains why some believers, though seated with Christ in principle, grapple with demonic influences in practice.

To be continued…

With love from your brother,

Arome Osayi



NO man should dream of going to HEAVEN by any FAITH that cannot produce HOLINESS
John Wesley

Seeking to Know and Experience the Lord  First Corinthians 12 tells us that all the members should seek the gifts and mi...

Seeking to Know and Experience the Lord

First Corinthians 12 tells us that all the members should seek the gifts and ministries. God's intention is to have special members fulfill special ministries, using them as channels for the Lord's life to flow into the Body and to increase the measure of the Body through them. When the life we receive from the Lord flows into the Body, the measure of the stature of the Body increases. God increases the measure of the stature of the Body through the members. Madame Guyon, Mrs. Penn-Lewis, Brother T. Austin-Sparks, and others are members who have a special knowledge of Christ. Through these ones God has dispensed many riches of life into the Body.

Every member should learn and know something specific before the Lord so that each one can have a specific ministry. Without a ministry, it is useless to talk about gifts. Many people stress gifts, as though gifts constitute our ministry. But our ministry is Christ; our gifts are only the means by which we minister. Two persons may use the same kind of spoon to feed a child, but whether or not the child is well-nourished will be determined by the substance in the spoon, not by the kind of spoon. We do not impart our gifts to the church; we impart Christ. Our gifts are merely the means by which we impart Him. What we minister to the Body is Christ, and what the Body receives is Christ, because Christ is all and in all in the Body.

Specific ministry comes when we receive special experiences, particular dealings, and particular discipline from the Holy Spirit. Such experiences, dealings, and discipline result in specific knowledge of Christ. With this knowledge we serve the church through the exercise of the gifts. We need to receive power from the Holy Spirit and serve the Christ we know to the church through the operation of this power. The whole matter of our ministry is a matter of life. We do not despise gifts, but it is ministry that directs the gifts, not gifts that direct the ministry. If we have a gift without first having a ministry, we will be led away by the gift and not be able to render help to the Body. What the Body lacks today is ministry, not gift. We must first discover the specific ministry that the Lord has appointed to us. Only then should we seek for the gifts to equip us to fulfill that ministry.

Extracted from CWWN, (Set 2) Vol. 44, Conferences, Messages, and Fellowship (4) Chapter 106: The Ministry in the Body, a message given by Brothers Watchman Nee between 1934 and 1942, published by Living Stream Ministry.


This message by Apostle Arome Osayi will set your heart on fire 🔥 and will lead you to seek God in prayer. Revive us oh Lord!

Wishing Happy birthday to a puritan, a teaching Priest, a peculiar man Apostle Arome Osayi. No Gang up from the Babyloni...

Wishing Happy birthday to a puritan, a teaching Priest, a peculiar man Apostle Arome Osayi. No Gang up from the Babylonian "church" against you shall succeed, in the name of Jesus. The Lord will keep you until you finish your assignment on this earth. You will never lose relevance, in the name of Jesus! Amen.

LACKING OF ROOTOne reason for our barrenness is the lack of roots. What is a root? In a tree, the part that can be seen ...


One reason for our barrenness is the lack of roots. What is a root? In a tree, the part that can be seen is the trunk, while the part beneath the ground, which cannot be seen, is the root. The branches have life and are visible, the roots are invisible. The roots are buried in the earth. Therefore, the roots refer to the hidden life. Those who do not have any root before the Lord will be dried up in their life. Those who do not have a hidden life, who do everything before men and have nothing special before the Lord, cannot stand the test of the cross. Brothers and sisters, let me ask you honestly, is your living only what is seen by men? Do you have any secret life before the Lord, inside your own room? If your prayers can only be heard in prayers meetings, if you only read your Bible to others, and if your works are all before men, you do not have any roots.
Do you know what the roots are? The roots are the parts that cannot be seen, that are hidden, and that are in secret. The visible parts are not the roots. Therefore, before the Lord, you must ask yourself how much of your living is actually before Him? Other than the part of your living, testimony, Bible reading, and prayer that have been done before men, how much has been done in secret? If you do not have a secret or hidden life before God and if you do not have any secret prayer, reading, or obedience, I can say very frankly that you do not have any roots. when the cross comes, it is no wonder that you cannot bear it. The only reason this is that you lack a crucial, hidden life. If you see that a brother has fallen or failed, or has come into trouble, without asking anyone, you can surely say that prior to this trouble he lost his hidden life. He lost hi hidden life during the previous weeks, months, or even years. Your spiritual life depends very much on your hidden life before God. If you cannot sustain a hidden life, you will be weak before the Lord. Therefore, you should realize the impoTherefore, you should realize the importance of the hidden life.
The shutting of the door in Matthew is a kind of root life. What did the Lord say in verse 6:6? He said that when we pray, we should enter into a private room, shut the door, and pray to the Father who is in the secret, and the Father who sees in the secret will repay us. The Lord is very particular, He said that the Father will see us in the secret. Prayer is something that can be seen. We have always thought prayer is something that can be heard; however, the Lord did not say that prayers are heard, but that prayers are seen. Many times, when we have no words before the Lord, our attitude alone is precious enough, because God is seeing and not just hearing us.
Extracted from “The Hidden Life”, CWWN, (Set 1) Vol. 11:The Present Testimony (4), Chapter 14, a preparation message given by brother Watchman Nee during the third Overcomer Conference on 22nd January 1934, published by Living Stream Ministry.


God does not invest so much in us only to abandon us like Pyongyang's Hotel of Doom.

The limitless riches of His grace; His tender mercies; His steadfast love & His Holy Spirit-- forming the eternal line of credit by which we have the advantage over all the challenges of the age.

We draw from the power of the age to come by faith, obedience and patience to prosecute our settled victory in Christ, daily and faithfully.

Yes, we are more than conquerors!

I am forever humbled by the privilege of stewardship. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Truth is one and one only: JESUS IS LORD forever and I choose to serve Him so, to the day I breathe my last!

Please join me, Apostle Arome Osayi



The wind turbine works on the simple but powerful principle of energy conversion. It converts wind energy into electric power.

The word SPIRIT in both Hebrew (RUACH) and Greek (PNEUMA) translates to wind. Why? This is because, spirits, like the wind, though invisible and intangible, are repositories of enormous energy.

The believer’s regenerated spirit is like the wind turbine sturdily plugged into the inexhaustible power chambers of God which are domiciled in the person of the Holy Spirit. The best way to tap into these vast spirit power reserves is to pray and pray long —preferably in tongues! This is because, in order to convert wind energy to electric power, the turbine must engage the wind nonstop.

Stephen is introduced in Acts 6:5 as a man full of FAITH & the HOLY SPIRIT.

Stephen is reintroduced in Acts 6:8 as a man full of FAITH & POWER.

What happened between the Stephen of Acts 6:5 & the Stephen of Acts 6:8?


Conversion? Oh yes, conversion—energy conversion!

The Stephen of Acts 6:5 was selected to wait on tables. The Stephen of Acts 6:8 did great wonders & signs among the people!

The Stephen of Acts 6:8 had tenaciously converted ‘wind energy’ to ‘electric power’ and used the same power to effectively witness for Christ.

He had consistently engaged the Holy Spirit with the turbine of his spirit to draw endless supply of the power of God of which the Holy Ghost is both custodian and dispenser. Stephen therefore had converted the latent power in the Holy Spirit into the potent power by which great wonders & signs were done among the people.

Every believer has the Holy Spirit but not every believer has power that propels great signs & wonders.

The same wind which blows softly to cool the neighbourhood can be harnessed and used to power the same neighbourhood.

O fellow Christian pilgrim, I beseech you to get your turbine up and spinning by consistent and heartfelt prayer.



George Mueller: Making God your ultimate source of satisfaction

Where is your satisfaction derived from? Is it from money, cars, material things? Is it from your spouse or other fellow men? Is it from your degrees and other intellectual achievements…?

Giants of faith are men that have refused to be satisfied with the things of this World. No amount of money could satisfy them. They made God their only source of satisfaction. That’s why they were not moved by the happenings around them.

Mediate on the following words from George Mueller who is mostly known for the miracles of provision God did through his prayers to take care of orphans.

“According to my judgment the most important point to be attended to is this: above all things see to it that your souls are happy in the Lord. Other things may press upon you, the Lord's work may even have urgent claims upon your attention, but I deliberately repeat, it is of supreme and paramount importance that you should seek above all things to have your souls truly happy in God Himself! Day by day seek to make this the most important business of your life. This has been my firm and settled condition for the last five and thirty years. For the first four years after my conversion I knew not its vast importance, but now after much experience I specially commend this point to the notice of my younger brethren and sisters in Christ: the secret of all true effectual service is joy in God, having experimental acquaintance and fellowship with God Himself.” George Mueller



1. Is he a humble man – easily approachable and easily to speak to? Jesus told us to learn humility from Him (Matthew 11:29). A godly man is one who has learned humility from Jesus.
2. Is he free from the love of money and one who never asks anyone for money (as far as you know)? A godly man will follow Jesus’ example, who never asked anyone for money even for His ministry. Jesus said that one who loves God cannot love money and that one who holds on to God will despise money (Luke 16:13).
3. Is he pure in his life – and especially in his dealings with women (as far as you know)? A godly man will not just avoid the temptation to s*xual lust but will flee from it (1 Tim 2:19-22).
4. If he is married and has children, has he brought up his children in godly ways? A godly, married man will be one whose children are believers who have been brought up in disciplined way (1 Tim 3:4-5; Titus 1:6).
5. Have his closest co-workers become godly men through their association with Him? Godly men will produce other Godly men. Timothy became a godly man through being with His Spiritual Father, Paul (Philippians 2:19-22).
6. Has he built (or been active with others in building) a local new-covenant church? Jesus came to earth to build His church (Mat. 16:18). He gave Himself up to death to build the Church (Ephesians 2:25). Godly men will not only bring people to Christ but will then build them up as a local church.
7. Does he connect you to Christ and not to Himself? A godly man will connect you to Christ, so that you in turn, can become a godly example for others (Eph. 4:15; 2 Cor. 4:5).

We cannot follow must Christian leaders, because they fail in one or more of the above areas.

If, however, you find a godly leader who has the above qualities, it will be good for you to follow him, because he will help you to come closer to the Lord and thus be saved from sin and false teachings.

Every group in Christendom holds up their Bibles and says, "We are right. God is with us." Who among them is right? I go...

Every group in Christendom holds up their Bibles and says, "We are right. God is with us." Who among them is right? I got a clear answer from the Lord: "God is with those who always speak the truth (even if it goes against them) and who always remain in a wise love towards others (that is, those who never do or wish any harm to others)."


Love and Wisdom

Zac Poonen | 9 July 2023

Here is one of my proverbs: “A wise man will learn from the mistakes of others. An ordinary man will learn from his own mistakes. But a fool will not learn even from his own mistakes.”

As a father, I wanted to learn from the mistakes that I observed in other fathers. And I asked myself what sort of an example I set for my sons, for them to follow. I hope it has been this: To seek God's kingdom first and to endure in wise love toward all people, until the end of our lives.

Wisdom means keeping a good distance from troublesome people - and wisdom must govern your love. Your petrol (gas) tank (your heart) must be full of love, but wisdom must be in the driver's seat. Otherwise, human love can do many foolish things. Your love must “abound in discernment (wisdom)” (Phil.1:9). You must never hate anyone or be rude to anyone. Greet those who don't greet you. Speak respectfully to all men at all times (as it says in 1 Peter 2:17). Be good to those who do evil to you.

When the Pharisees called Jesus “Beelzebub”, He forgave them (Matt.12:24,32). When they dragged Him to court and accused Him falsely there, He never threatened them, but committed His cause to His Father (1 Pet.2:23). We must follow in Jesus' steps.

So if some Pharisee accuses you (or even takes you to court one day), remember what Jesus said: “You will be hated by all... they will drag you to court... but be wise as serpents and harmless as doves...you will be given words to speak then (so you don't have to be silent there!) ... Don't fear people, for everything covered up will be revealed... but he who endures (in love to everyone) until the end will be saved...The time will even come when those who kill you will think that they are serving God” (Matt.10:16-30; Matt.24:9-13; John 16:2).

So, always:
(1) Seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first, and
(2) Always be rooted and grounded in a wise love toward others.

Every group in Christendom holds up their Bibles and says, "We are right. God is with us." Who among them is right? I got a clear answer from the Lord: "God is with those who always speak the truth (even if it goes against them) and who always remain in a wise love towards others (that is, those who never do or wish any harm to others)."

May you spend your lives seeking the kingdom of God first always. That means to do well in your studies or work and to show that Christians do well in all fields, in uprightness of life and with unselfish love to others.

I have some advice for you as to what to do when anyone criticizes you concerning any matter. Say nothing in your own defense. Let the Lord Himself defend you according to Isaiah 54:17: “'No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment will be condemned. Their vindication is from Me,' declares the Lord”. It is pointless trying to clarify matters with most people. God is Almighty and His truth is like a fire that needs no defense from puny people like us.

©Zac Poonen – [email protected]



1. Beware! When prayer becomes a difficult thing for you.

2. Beware! When fasting is becoming a history in your spiritual timetable.

3. Beware! When you no longer enjoy reading the word of God.

4. Beware! When attending church programme is becoming a burden rather than a blessing for you.

5. Beware! When living a life of holiness is appearing like extremism.

6. Beware! When sinful living becomes a lifestyle in the name of grace.

7. Beware! When you crave for earthly things rather than the things of God.

8. Beware! When waking up in the night to pray is becoming a thing of the past.

9. Beware! brethren, when your heart no longer desires to see the Lord Jesus one day.

10. Beware! when you eat more than pray

11. Beware! when you no longer share the word with others.

12. Beware! When u start diluting the preaching Word of God to keep people around you.

13. Beware! of all these, brethren, Satan isn't resting. We too must be vigilant.

14. Beware! When you spend more time on Facebook, What's App, Twitter, and Internet. These things become idols and take the place of God.

Lets prepare, Jesus is coming soon to take those who are eagerly waiting for him.


"The one concern of the devil is to keep christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray." Samuel Chadwick

How to live in Safety, Devotional by Derek Prince Proverbs 1:33But whoever listens to Me will live in safety and be at e...

How to live in Safety, Devotional by Derek Prince

Proverbs 1:33
But whoever listens to Me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.

Do you know who’s speaking? Who could say those words? The one speaking there is wisdom, the wisdom of God. What a promise, what an offer. “If you’ll listen to me you will live in safety and be at ease without fear of harm.”

One thing that people all over the world today are striving for is security, but there is an offer of total security. You’ll live in safety; you’ll be at ease, without fear of harm. Not merely will you be physically safe, but you’ll be free from worry and anxiety and care.

What’s the secret? The secret is listening to the right voice. That’s the voice of divine wisdom speaking through the pages of Scripture, offering that promise of total security and ongoing, uninterrupted emotional stability and peace.

How can you find that? You can’t find it in the world’s system, in the world’s provisions. The world can offer temporary stability, temporary security, but nothing that’s permanent. The only pathway to permanent stability, security, peace of mind is to listen to the voice of divine wisdom speaking through the pages of Scripture and then to do what wisdom enjoys.

Living a Worthwhile Life by Zac Poonen If soldiers can sacrifice so much for the sake of their country in order to keep ...

Living a Worthwhile Life by Zac Poonen

If soldiers can sacrifice so much for the sake of their country in order to keep their country independent and free, how much more we should be willing to sacrifice everything (even our lives), so that the Lord is honoured through our lives in every way, and Satan put to shame.

"Those who honour God always get the best in life in every area."
I hope you are finding grace from God supernaturally in your tasks. You can ask God to give you ideas for your study and work. God will help you. Ask in faith - and see what miracles He can do for you. It is as we prove Him in such circumstances that our faith gets strengthened. Honour God at all times. Those who honour Him always get the best in life in every area. I have proved that since the time I was born again, and to such an extent that I wish I could go around this world telling the following to people everywhere:

- Honour God in every area.
- Put God first in your affections at all times.
- Keep your conscience clean at all times.

Only then will you be able to live a worthwhile life.

The biggest fools in this world are those who don't give importance to these matters, who think that they can live a worthwhile life with their talents and their earthly accomplishments. None of these can satisfy anyone ultimately.

John 15 is a wonderful chapter. Abiding is a picture of perfect rest (as the branch in the vine) without anxiety or tension - which is the result of faith that God cares for every detail of our life. There will be toil and hard work, but no anxiety or tension. The constant flow of sap from the tree to the branch illustrates the need for the constant infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Seek the Lord for two things:
(1) That He will show you from His Word how powerful His justification is that He actually sees you as if you had never sinned up until today.

(2) To be totally free from the opinions of all men.
We don't realize how much we are enslaved to what people think of us. If you work on these two things, you can be a very effective vessel in the Lord's hands. Satan often tries to make us think we are humble when we grovel in the memory of our past failures. But the only time we should think of our past failures is when we are tempted to be hard on someone else (2 Pet.1:9) - not otherwise.

If you are clear on these two points, your life will take off like a rocket without anything to hold you down. Don't try to reason these matters out rationally or intellectually. Just believe God's Word and trust it.

Self-condemnation and discouragement are always from Satan. You must never live in the past. Stop thinking about your past failures - and your past successes as well. And when you fall, jump up immediately and continue running the race straightaway. Don't ever give up.



Sexual immorality is on the increase all over the world. Adultery is fast becoming the norm and men of God are also joining the club. Married men and women are not left out, many are having secret lovers and emotional affairs are becoming the order of the day.

The rate at which immorality is increasing is alarming! It is spreading fast into every nook and cranny and children are also being initiated into the club. It's no news that 8-10 years old kids now have s*x with each other. Staying s*xually pure these days is becoming a Herculean task.

One of the reasons people fall flat into illicit s*x is OVER CONFIDENCE. The wrong belief that you can be free around the opposite s*x and nothing would happen is a big lie from the pit of hell, meant to deceive people. - A lot will happen!

One of the ways you can stay s*xually pure whether married or single these end time is to set strict boundaries. If you are too careless around the opposite s*x, you will fall flat on your face! That is the truth. The earlier you believe this and work on it, the better. You can't be careless around the opposite s*x and hope to stay s*xually pure, SET BOUNDARIES!

There are some people who can't be your friends, it's okay to raise the standard. Any body can call you names, that's their headache, you have your destiny to protect.

As a rule, I don't make friends with liars, gossips and jealous people. They make life so complicated. If you believe in illicit s*x, we can't be friends, period!

👉 Monitor your chats. Don't allow anybody send you flirty messages, no matter how innocent it sounds, warn them and if they refuse to stop, block them!

👉 Limit the hugs and touches, especially with the opposite s*x. If your hugging anointing is only for me, I want none of it.

👉 Don't allow anybody call you pet names (except your close family members and close same s*x friends maybe), a friend recently made me realise that, it doesn't make any sense. Pet names turn the opposite s*x on, if you don't know that, know it right now.

👉 Be sensitive to attractions. Don't be naive around the opposte s*x, know when a man/ woman is s*xually attracted to you and move back from that person. If they focus too much on your physique and body, they are s*xually attracted to you, move back.

👉 Know when you are s*xually attracted to someone and move back. It's perfectly normal to have chemistry for someone. Marrying the greatest man on earth or the most beautiful, virtous woman in the universe will not automatically stop yo from being attracted to someone else. Know when the thought of another man/ woman get you excited and move back.

👉 Don't jump at new relationships. Give it time. Study the person, know what they stand for, see if your core values are compatible, if not, move back!

👉 Leadership attracts all kinds of people.* If you are a leader or you are gifted, talented or intelligent, the opposite s*x will show more interest in you, be careful whom you allow to get close to you.

👉 Accept gifts with care. Men don't joke with their time and money. If he spends so much time and money on you especially when you do not ask, he may one day ask for s*x. Stop begging women/men for money. Work with your two hands and raise your standard. Wo/Men will respect and honour you for it.

👉 Work on your marriage. Fix the problem as soon as possible or else you get attracted to someone who gives you what you lack in your marriage, adultery is the result.

👉 Be prayerful, be watchful. Jesus says "watch and pray that ye may not fall into temptation..." Matthew 26:41.

👉 Don't stay with the opposite s*x in a dark or lonely room.

👉 Don't counsel the opposite s*x on a bed in a lonely room.

👉 Avoid provocative dresses and pictures. Let your spouse or parents advise you on what is okay for you.

👉 Mind the pictures you post on the social media, if it is getting unnecessary opposite s*x attention, delete it.

👉 Don't visit the opposite s*x alone, especially at night. It doesn't make sense.

These and more are the things you need to do to stay s*xually pure in this year.

People may laugh at you, it doesn't matter. They may call you a neurotic, psychotic, fanatic, over sensitive or paranoid, don't let it bother you.

Your destiny is too precious to waste on the altar of sin. Avoid friends who make fun of holiness and make friends with people who appreciate purity and holiness.

Finally, avoid the second look, as far as possible. I agree perfectly with Job on his resolution never to look lustfully at any lady. "I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?" Job 31:1 (KJV), you can avoid the second look.
Set your boundaries and never allow anyone to compromise your holiness.

Be a conqueror.

Enjoy a victorious Christian life.

Copied from


_By Gbile Akanni
While in our youth days, after our graduation from the university, we were posted for service. A vibrant Christian Brother and l reported at our service centre. Not long after our arrival, some people organised a welcome party for NYSC (Corpers), where we were both invited. Immediately, l said ‘’NO’’, we’re God’s children, we don’t attend worldly parties. They replied, ‘’you are S.U, you are old-school, you are swegbe’’. At this junction my friend couldn’t take a stand for the Lord. He made a choice. He said to me, Bro Gbile please let’s not do so, let’s attend, it’s just a party nothing more. But l insisted on my decision.
So, he honoured their invitation. According to him, seated at the dancing hall, he was offered a bottle of alcohol. He rejected it and demanded for a bottle of Malt. While he was drinking, a lady walked up to him and said, ‘’how can you a man be drinking malt? Even me, a girl could finish a bottle of Gulder’’ he became ashamed. For the first time in his life, he requested for a glass of alcohol. To shorten the long tragic story, just a glass of beer took him away from Christ. Every effort l made to restore him to the faith was to no avail.
Many years later, l saw him, hardly could l recognise him. He was so haggard and battered. His life was a mirage. His marriage ruined, and destiny shattered. Then he looked at my face and said, ‘’Bro Gbile l envy you. What you are now is what l could have been, but look at where l am today. I wish l could reverse the choice l made’’ Then he stood weeping profusely. Though l prayed and restored him to Christ, but the lost ground and the wasted years he never recovered. Not too long he died.
I believe this is why the Holy Spirit has strongly laid it on my heart to reach the youths at this end of the age. Though your destiny is precious and very bright, but it is contested. The ground the devil wins in your life today is where he will pitch his tent tomorrow. Now l see Jesus the mighty warrior, with all his power and might ready to save you, but it seems the enemy is saying, you are old enough to choose for yourself. The choice to win or lose is yours. In order to be victorious in the battle for the young, you must accept Jesus into your heart NOW THAT YOU ARE YOUNG.

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