Green Vision Newspaper

Green Vision Newspaper The Green Vision Newspaper is one of Cameroon’s pioneer environmental media organs. It seeks to re

About The Green Vision Newspaper
The Green Vision Newspaper is one of Cameroon’s pioneer environmental media organs which seeks to reinforce public understanding of environment-related issues. Created in 2012, it is an initiative of one of the leading Cameroon conservation NGO, the Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF). The Green Vision Newspaper comes to fill the current gap in Ca

meroon’s media landscape as far as environmental reporting is concerned. The initiative to set up an environmental newspaper was born from the realization that the existing media organs in the country have given little or no attention to the environment. This has rendered the concept of environmental journalism alien in Cameroon. In a country with over 300 media houses, one could hardly boast of a channel dedicated to reporting environmental issues prior to the coming of The Green Vision Newspaper. Through investigative journalism, The Green Vision Newspaper intends to provide timely information to the entire public, ERuDeF partners, friends and help fight environmental degradation and promote the conservation of her rich biodiversity. The Green Vision Newspaper is the first phase of a much larger program dubbed “The Cameroon Green Media initiative” This larger project will also lead to the creation of a TV and Radio station to inform policy and help promote the sustainable management of Cameroon’s biodiversity beyond the national boundaries. Goals

To advocate for sustainable management of the environment in Cameroon. To promote the work of environmental journalists in Cameroon through training, mentor-ship and networking. To step up the nationwide readability of green news in impoverished and marginalized areas through digital and mobile communication. To contribute towards human development, and long term economic growth that will lead to green economy. To stimulate a better coverage of a range of critically important environmental issues. To increase the visibility and profile of international partners support to conservation and sustainable development in Cameroon. To increase and promote the Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Corporate sector in Cameroon.


Buea Town


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