Delph T

Delph T Groth the main impact of the page �


*N͟O͟T͟ A͟ C͟O͟I͟N͟C͟I͟D͟E͟N͟C͟E͟!*

1. *ADULT* has 5 letters,
so does *YOUTH* .

2. *PERMANENT* has 9 letters,
so does *TEMPORARY* .

3. *GOOD* has 4 letters,
so does *EVIL* .

4. *BLACK* has 5 letters,
so does *WHITE* .

5. *CHURCH* has 6 letters,
so does *MOSQUE* .

6. *BIBLE* has 5 letters,
so does *QUR'AN* .

7. *LIFE* has 4 letters,
so does *DEAD* .

8. *HATE* has 4 letters,
so does *LOVE* .

9. *ENEMIES* has 7 letters,
so does *FRIENDS* .

10. *LYING* has 5 letters,
so does *TRUTH* .

11. *HURT* has 4 letters,
so does *HEAL* .

12. *NEG*TIVE* has 8 letters,
so does *POSITIVE* .

13. *FAILURE* has 7 letters,
so does *SUCCESS* .

14. *BELOW* has 5 letters,
so does *ABOVE* .

15. *CRY* has 3 letters,
so does *JOY* .

16. *ANGER* has 5 letters,
so does *HAPPY* .

17. *RIGHT* has 5 letters,
so does *WRONG* .

18. *RICH* has 4 letters,
so does *POOR* .

19. *FAIL* has 4 letters,
so does *PASS* .

20. *KNOWLEDGE* has 9 letters,
so does *IGNORANCE* .
Are they all by Coincidence?

This means *LIFE* is like a double edged sword but the choice we make determines our future.

- When *GOD* wanted to create *FISH*, he spoke to the *SEA*

- When *GOD* wanted to create *TREES*, he spoke to the *EARTH*.

- But when *GOD* wanted to create *MAN*, he turned to *HIMSELF*.

- So *GOD* said:
*"Let us make man in our image and likeness"*.

- If you take a *fish* out of the *water*
it will *die*;
And when you remove a *tree* from the *ground*, it also *dies*.

- Similarly, when *man* disconnects from *GOD*, he *dies.*

🔆 *GOD* is our *natural environment*.
We were created to *live in HIS presence.*

- We have to be connected to *Him* because only with *Him* does LIFE exist.

- Let's stay *connected to GOD.*

🔆 Remember that *water* without *fish* is still *water,* but *fish* without water is *not

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Babe I will not touch you until we get married do such men do exist now our days ? 😁😁😁😭


Always appreciate those who defend your name in your absence 💝💘



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