Elak Council Radio

Elak Council Radio Informations de contact, plan et itinéraire, formulaire de contact, heures d'ouverture, services, évaluations, photos, vidéos et annonces de Elak Council Radio, Station de radio, Manchok Oku, Bamenda.

Elak Council Radio is an apolitical non profit communication development organization created by Elak Oku Council to connect Oku municipality and its environment through authentic information sharing

The 40th Annual General Assembly meeting of the Manchok cooperative credit union has held this Sunday April 23rd 2023 wi...

The 40th Annual General Assembly meeting of the Manchok cooperative credit union has held this Sunday April 23rd 2023 with a call on members to know that credit union business is for them and by them...hence they must respect their engagements if they want the institution to succeed..Borrowing and repaying regularly was the message that cut across all the speeches and reports that were presented with emphasis laid on the fact that members who have refused to repay their loans must change or other means shall be used to recover them so that the institution doesn't get trapped in this mess.
Amongst other issues discussed were crisis management policies,the presentation of the draft budget which were adopted by the general Assembly.
Yaah Bongnjioh Quinta Bih was elected president of the MACCUUL board of Director.She shall be assisted by Ndikwa Peter Bayoh as vice.The various committees, youth,women and Supervisory BOD had new blood injected into them.
While installing the new team into their functions,the D.O of Oku enjoined them to dig into the challenges the institution is facing and give a sustainable solution to.To Mr Penanje Evaristus,credit unions are perfect companions of community and self reliant development initiatives but this place of the union in community transformation can't be achieved if members fail to respect the unions policy.He assured the new team of the Administration's support in the effective discharge of their duties.
In the history of manchok credit union,Yaah Bongnjioh Quinta is the first woman to be elected president of the Board of Directors.In her first address to members in this capacity,she pointed out that the success of the management team and the entire institution lies on the total collaboration of all members who have a rule to play.She announced that her doors remain open to all suggestions that members have for the innovation that has to come for manchok credit union to stand on her feet.

Yaah Bongnjio Quinta Bih ,First Woman in the history of Manchok cooperative credit union  to be elected President  of th...

Yaah Bongnjio Quinta Bih ,First Woman in the history of Manchok cooperative credit union to be elected President of the Board of Directors

This was the outcome of the 40th General Assembly meeting that held at the Elak community hall this Sunday April 23rd 2023
Details soon

OKU FON COMMITS TO UPHOLD THE TRADITION OF OKUFon Ngum Iv made the declaration this Thursday April 20th 2023 at the Oku ...

Fon Ngum Iv made the declaration this Thursday April 20th 2023 at the Oku palace plaza during his public address to the Oku people shortly after participating in the grass cutting ritual at Ebfonebkwak hill.To Fon Ngum IV,any form of adulteration of Oku culture and tradition is wiping the identity of a people....what he stands to protect..He announced that he was born in Oku,with one fon and kwifon(ngumbaa).He grew up until when he was enthroned Fon(king) and Oku had one king and one kwifon.This is what he stands to protect and promote as the traditional ruler of Oku.The Fon of Oku revisited the great successes Oku has recorded as a community through community initiatives and called on all sons and daughters at home and abroad to rally behind the Oku cultural and Development Association(OCDA) and continue to transform the fondom...The "ndong festival "an annual cultural event and fundraiser organized by OCDA which has been abandoned for some years now will take place by end of this year...the Fon of Oku announced. He used the occasion to thank the hardworking and law abiding people of Oku for their constant support and positive responses given to the call of the Supreme traditional authority of the land "the kwifon"to maintain the Oku/kumbo,Oku/Babungo and Oku/Belo roads.Given that the annual grass cutting event marks the start of the traditional calender of activities for the fondom involving many rituals performed..the fon called on oku people to fully respect all traditional public holidays that will be coming up soon

The grass cutting festival known in Oku as "eytem ebwiy kembaa" is an annual event that takes place immediately after the first weeding is conducted. The day of the festival is made public by the fons communication sevice"kembaa ebfon"

Key highlights of the days event include
-The cutting of the grass at the hill by population
-The visit of Fon and notables to the grass cutting scene where he encourages the people and shares kolanuts
-Fons message at the palace ,followed by refreshment. A special traditional meal(fufu corn,wild vegetables (kefum)is offered as well as drinks
Significance of grass cutting festival
-Grass is used to roof houses in the palace.
-Fon communes with his people and can determine the size of the Fondom in terms of population growth

A son of Oku...KENKOH ETIENNE KELSE represents Cameroon during the 60th Birth day Anniversary of a great African  econom...

A son of Oku...KENKOH ETIENNE KELSE represents Cameroon during the 60th Birth day Anniversary of a great African economist and philantropist TONY ELUMELU.It was on the 22nd of March 1963 that he was born in Nigeria.
As young practicing entrepreneur and philanthropist who has benefitted from the largesse of this great man through his organization KEAS, Kenkoh ETIENNE Kelse says Mr Tony has made Africans to believe in themselves.Africans can empower other Africans,Africans can create jobs,change lives not only in Africa but in the world.

Through youth empowerment, Tony Elumelu has created thousands of jobs in the 54 African countries, his impact is felt everywhere in Africa.

Kenkoh ETIENNE Kelse believes that at 60,Tony Elumelu is aging and will wish to see many young people in Africa he has groomed, to develop more youth empowerment initiatives and continue to unite as a strong development force to help not only African youths but those of other continents in the world. Kenkoh Etienne Kelse is amongst the over 50 participants drawn from over 50 African countries.The ceremony is taking place in Lagos Nigeria


The Tony Elumelu Foundation

ELAK  COUNCIL RADIO(ECR fm 91.0mhz) PUTs TO  USE  HER NEWLY ACQUIRED RADIO  EQUIPMENTDonated by the United Nations Devel...


Donated by the United Nations Development program (UNDP), the 3million worth technical equipment were handed to the radio authorities on the 10th of November 2022.This assistance of modern digital equipment will help the radio station in the conception,design and production of up to date radio content especially in the areas of peace building,hate speech and violence, social cohesion etc in addition to the main radio responsibility of informing, educating and entertaining the listening communities.
While receiving the package,the board chair of the Elak council Radio management committee praised the fruitful collaboration of the UNDP and Elak council Radio and enjoined radio workers to make judicious use of the new equipment at their disposal to achieve the desired goal of the radio which is, to use communication tools to build and transform the Elak -Oku municipality.

The Nditumbong's family in Fekeng Oku and Kekoh's family in Keyon  now have new family heads.Tamfu Joshua nditumbong and...

The Nditumbong's family in Fekeng Oku and Kekoh's family in Keyon now have new family heads.Tamfu Joshua nditumbong and Messi Nsaichia Marcel alias "people must talk" respectfully were recently crowned by emissaries of the Fon of Oku and both are undergoing a period traditional training to be fully master the task that lies ahead of them.During this period,the newly crown family head "nkfem" is confined in the family compound until when a special ceremony to present him to the public is organized by the Fon through his messengers.
During this period of confinement,family members,friends and well wishers pay visits to the newly crowned family head to encourage and advice him on the necessary leadership tools he will need to use in the management of the family resources placed at his disposal

The 5th edition of MAYOR Ngum Jerome Njioh's competition in Elak municipality has been launched with a call on the Oku y...

The 5th edition of MAYOR Ngum Jerome Njioh's competition in Elak municipality has been launched with a call on the Oku youths to avail themselves of this great opportunity and showcase the hidden talents they have in this domain to the world.The first Deputy MAYOR Yaah Bongjioh Quinta was speaking at the CBC play ground during the launching ceremony this Sunday January 22nd 2023.Pointing to the main objective of the over 4year sporting event,she said,the competition aims at promoting continous peace,social cohesion and unity amongst Oku people especially the youths who badly need these virtues for effective takeoff of leadership Tommorow.Through the various educative talks on responsible behavior which is another component of the competition, she added alot has been achieved such as youth engagement in community participation in development with funds realized from the competition.
The competition in future will also be targeting the sale of talents to the outside world so that talents dictated could be harness and used for the development of the country and the world in the domain of sports...she added.
Officials in charge of coordinating activities of the competition say all is set for the event and that registration is on the way for interesting teams and individuals in the various categories...
Fixtures and more details concerning the competition will be given soon on this platform.

OkuThis year's edition of MAYOR Ngum Jerome Njioh's competition shall be launched on Sunday January 22d 2023 at the CBC ...

This year's edition of MAYOR Ngum Jerome Njioh's competition shall be launched on Sunday January 22d 2023 at the CBC play ground.
Organizers,the technical and coordinating teams say many new things will be included in this year's competition .
Details subsequently

HRM the paramount Fon  of Oku has reiterated his call for all Oku sons and daughters to rally behind thier community lea...

HRM the paramount Fon of Oku has reiterated his call for all Oku sons and daughters to rally behind thier community leaders to bring the development that Oku needs now and Tommorow.Fon Ngum IV was speaking today January 6th 2023 at the Oku Fons palace during a ceremony of initiation into Oku palace institution known in Oku as "Kembun-ebfon" by Yaah Bongjioh Quinta Bih who doubles as the 1st Deputy MAYOR of Elak council.He Pointed the hardwork,steadfastness and commitment of this community leader warranted palace recognition and that is why he named her "Yaah DEVELOPMENT of Oku".The fon used the occasion to urge all and sundry to emulate her example of leadership. According to Fon Ngum IV,not everyone can become leader at the same time and it is incumbent on all to support those in leadership to facilitate development in the fondom.He told Oku people to stay away from using their energy to plant seeds of discord and disunity as a way of frustrating some leaders...This to the Fon is a terrible way of life which can never bare any positive fruits .
Kebunebfon" is a greeting ritual which when performed,the individual is free to greet and talk to the Fon directly.This greeting is done by clap of hands 3times and followed by the expression "mbeh".The Kembunfon ceremony ended with the upliftment of Shey Yungsi Francisca to "Ebchio-Shey" Yungsi Francisca for her outstanding role in the promotion of Oku culture.The kembunfon ceremony was witnessed amongst others by the Divisonal Officer of Oku subdivision Mr Penanje Evaristus Sunkekang

Also at the end of 2022,the Oku white honey was on the spotlight as the Lord MAYOR of Elak council presented this treasu...

Also at the end of 2022,the Oku white honey was on the spotlight as the Lord MAYOR of Elak council presented this treasured product to Italian investors as he was on an economic tour to Italy in November 2022

In his end of year message to the Oku people,the Lord MAYOR of Elak council  Mr Ngum Jerome Njioh revealed some projects...

In his end of year message to the Oku people,the Lord MAYOR of Elak council Mr Ngum Jerome Njioh revealed some projects realized in 2022

The population of Oku has been praised for their high sense of maturity,commitment and above all hardwork which are clea...

The population of Oku has been praised for their high sense of maturity,commitment and above all hardwork which are clear indicators of a soon to be, transformed Oku society.The paramount Fon of Oku, HRM Fon Ngum Iv was speaking at Ijim as he joined Oku men,women, and youths who turned out to render the Oku/Kom stretch of road practicable at the request of the highest traditional authority of the land" the kwifon"
His Majesty Fon Ngum IV pointed no community the world over has succeeded without peace,unity of action,virtues he noted are indispensable to taking Oku back to her past glories.
He enjoined Okucians to shun all forms of violence,negative energy,civil disobedience, hatred,jealousy.....vices the Fon was categorical that have eaten deep into the fabrics of the society resulting to heavy loses ranging from human,material and financial.For Oku to be back on her feet,the Fon noted,all have to go back to the drawing board and reflect on where we were yesterday,where we are today,where we expect to go Tommorow.He used the occasion to announce that as Fon,he is the father of all the Oku people irrespective of social and political standing.He is ready to receive,listen to and serve all the people of Oku all the times as the palace doors are opened day and night.As a rallying point for all,Fon Ngum IV assured the people of his readiness to receive proposals made to ensure the advancement of the kingdom.
The Wednesday January 4th road works targeted the gham and baah zones of Oku from Manchok,Simonkoh to Nso and Jikijem,Ijim,Kom stretches respectively.
These two roads connect Oku to bigger health facilities in Banso and in Mbingo and will not only save lives but shall ease movement into and out of other parts of the region for other development purposes.

URGENT!!...ANNOUNCEMENT Yaah Bongnjioh Quinta Bih informs family members,friends and welwishers that some ill-intentione...

Yaah Bongnjioh Quinta Bih informs family members,friends and welwishers that some ill-intentioned people have created a Facebook account with her name and are using it to exploit fellow brothers and sisters in the name of having a link to a presidential recruitment for youths.It all started when this same account surfaced from no where and sent messages that Yaah Bongnjioh Quinta Bih had a patient in the hospital and needed 50thousands frs to be refunded with an interest of 10thousands after a week.A disclaimer was made after this.The person or people diverted to the presidential recruitment for youths.Just these days,she has received some people talking about an ongoing recruitment for grade 1 teachers which she has advertised she has connection same on this account.She therefore uses this opportunity to urge everyone not to fall prey for such scam.
YAAH kekuye eykuo...Bongnjioh Quinta Bih
Below is an example of such messages


Elak-Oku council Radio is an apolitical communication development organization created by Elak council in july 2020 with mission to bring the world closer to Oku and its environs by gathering,treating and dessiminating authentic and verified information.ECR's key area of intervention is education of the population through the design of content which promotes the socio-economic and cultural empowerment of its listeners.We do journalism void of hate speech,bias reporting in Elak Council Radio.
Elak council Radio broadcast on frequency 91.0MHz and is located opposite the Oku Honey cooperative Society.
The ECR is radio of the people, for the people,about the people.
You are all welcome to our services.You are free to make suggestions how you feel we can improve on our content to effectively serve all of us


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