Phonag Records

Phonag Records Phonag Records wurde im Jahre 1960 als Phonag Schallplatten AG gegründet und ist seither fest im Schweizer Musikmarkt verankert.

Independent Plattenfirma & Vertrieb seit 1960
Twitter: In den Anfängen wurden neben Tonträgern auch die Spielkonsolen Atari (u.a. das Pac-Man-Spiel), sowie VHS-Videokassetten vertrieben. Als Repertoire-Gesellschaft konnte Phonag Records gleich von Beginn weg schöne Erfolge feiern. U

nter dem hauseigenen Sub-Label „Helvetia“, brachte Phonag Records unter anderem Volksmusik Größen wie das Jodlerduett Vreny & Franz Stadelmann, Adolf Stähli oder das Trio Oesch hervor. Mit den Jahren entwickelte sich Phonag Records immer mehr zu einem musikalisch breit abgestützten Label und Vertrieb im Schweizer Tonträger Markt und konnte sich, durch die langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit dem Globi Verlag, auch erfolgreich im Kindersegment etablieren. Im Jahr 2007 wurde Phonag Records von TBA AG übernommen und die bereits seit langem bestehende erfolgreiche Kooperation zwischen den beiden Firmen verstärkt und vertieft. Auch unter der neuen Eigentümerschaft bleibt Phonag Records als eigenständige Marketing- und Repertoire-gesellschaft bestehen. Heute gehört Phonag Records zu den erfolgreichsten Schweizer Label- und Repertoiregesellschaften im nationalen Musikmarkt und arbeitet mit namhaften Künstlern zusammen wie Bastian Baker, Francine Jordi, Ritschi, DJ Antoine, Nickless oder Damian Lynn, aber hat auch Newcomer unter Vertrag wie Panda Lux, Nick Mellow und Florian Summer. Weiter vertreibt und vermarktet Phonag Records die Veröffentlichungen nationaler Label wie HitMill Records (Schlunegger’s Heimweh), Gadget Music (u.a. Hecht, Pedestrians), Zytglogge (u.a. Mani Matter, James Gruntz, Troubas Kater) oder Turicaphon, aber auch die Produkte internationaler Firmen wie Edel (Deep Purple, Kontor Records, Skunk Anansie, Alice Cooper), Soulfood Music (Spongebozz, Blank & Jones), Epitaph (Bad Religion, Tom Waits) oder Ignition Records (Noel Gallagher, Primal Scream). Im Kindersegment gehört Phonag Records zu den führenden Firmen in der Schweiz, mit Veröffentlichungen wie den Globi-, Papa Moll- und Kasperli-Hörspielen, sowie der Tonträger von Andrew Bond oder den Schwiizergoofen.

Happy release day  !‚Boy’ is a love song inspired by a first q***r love that was never spoken out loud, yet paved the wa...

Happy release day !

‚Boy’ is a love song inspired by a first q***r love that was never spoken out loud, yet paved the way for self-acceptance and strength. 🌈💪

‚Boy‘ by Sivilian out now on all platforms !

Link in bio 🔗

🎤 December Events Lineup 🎶 Last one for 2024 - starting fresh in 2025 💥Who is performing where this month? Check out the...

🎤 December Events Lineup 🎶 Last one for 2024 - starting fresh in 2025 💥
Who is performing where this month? Check out the dates and locations below or swipe through to see where and when they'll be at! 🎶👀

📅 Coming up:

- 06.12.2024 Fonderie Kugler, Geneva .usinekugler

Linda Elys
-07.12.2024 Songbird Festival, Davos

Philipp Frankhauser .fankhauser.official
-11.12.24 Mühle Hunziken, Rubigen
-14.12.2024 Theater Uri, Altdorf
-20.12.2024 Casinotheater, Winterthur
-22.12.2024 Cacis Mühle, Grosshöchstetten
-23.12.2024 Cacis Mühle, Grosshöchstetten
-25.12.2024 Zauberwald, Lenzerheide

Jan SEVEN dettwyler .seven.dettwyler
-30.12.2024 Zauberwald, Lenzerheide

Tag your concert buddy and get your tickets now! 🎟

Happy Release Day  ! 🔥Five songs, five stories of impossible love – melancholic, intense, and unique. Dive into the worl...

Happy Release Day ! 🔥

Five songs, five stories of impossible love – melancholic, intense, and unique. Dive into the world of Amarcoeur 💔

Tomorrow (November 9), Julie will shine at the MyCoke Music Soundcheck Final at the in Zurich! Don’t miss it if you want to hear her sing live! 🚀

‘Amarcoeur’ by Julie Meletta out now on all platforms 🎶

🎤 November Events Lineup 🎶Catch our talented artists performing live across the country this month! Check out the dates ...

🎤 November Events Lineup 🎶
Catch our talented artists performing live across the country this month! Check out the dates and locations below, and make sure to mark your calendars 🎸✨

Swipe through to see where and when they'll be performing! 🎶👀

📅 Coming up:

Linda Elys
- 05.11.2024 Komplex 457 (Support Tom Walker) , Zürich

- 14.11.2024 Rössli Bar, Bern
- 29.11.2024 Südpol, Krienz

Max Giesinger
-20.11.2024 Kongresshaus, Biel/Bienne
-27.11.2024 Zauberpark, Zürich

- 23.11.2024 Zauberpark, Zürich

jan SEVEN dettwyler .seven.dettwyler
- 26.11.2024 Zauberpark, Zürich

Julie Meletta
- 28.11.2024 Bleu lézard, Lausanne

Tag your concert buddy and get your tickets now! 🎟

One week of dipping in « chlorine » 💦 🩲„Chlorine“ by SIVILIAN available on all platforms 🎶Link in bio 🔗📷 .creation.agenc...

One week of dipping in « chlorine » 💦 🩲

„Chlorine“ by SIVILIAN available on all platforms 🎶
Link in bio 🔗


Ready for another month filled with summer festivals? 🎪🎟️In august, don’t miss  , .seven.dettwyler ,  ,  ,   and   on th...

Ready for another month filled with summer festivals? 🎪🎟️

In august, don’t miss , .seven.dettwyler , , , and on the different stages around Switzerland ! 🇨🇭

Swipe to see all the dates and let us know in the comments which ones(s) you will attend 🎶

Did you already had the chance to listen to  live on stage? 🎤If not (or if you want to see him again 😉 ), make sure to a...

Did you already had the chance to listen to live on stage? 🎤
If not (or if you want to see him again 😉 ), make sure to attend his performance today at the !

Did you already had the chance to listen to  live on stage? 🎤If not (or if you want to see him again 😉 ), make sure to a...

Did you already had the chance to listen to live on stage? 🎤
If not (or if you want to see him again 😉 ), make sure to attend one of his performances in the next weeks and months at the different festivals he will be at!
Find the all the dates on the 2nd slide ➡️

Did you already had the chance to listen to  live on stage? 🎤If not (or if you want to see her again 😉 ), make sure to a...

Did you already had the chance to listen to live on stage? 🎤
If not (or if you want to see her again 😉 ), make sure to attend one of her performances in the next weeks and months at the different festival she will be at!
Find the all the dates on the 2nd slide ➡️

Did you already had the chance to listen to  live on stage? 🎤If not (or if you want to see her again 😉 ), make sure to a...

Did you already had the chance to listen to live on stage? 🎤
If not (or if you want to see her again 😉 ), make sure to attend one of her performances in the next weeks and months at the different festivals she will be at!
Find the all the dates on the 2nd slide ➡️

Did you already had the chance to listen to  live on stage? 🎤If not (or if you want to see her again 😉 ), make sure to a...

Did you already had the chance to listen to live on stage? 🎤
If not (or if you want to see her again 😉 ), make sure to attend one of her performances in the next weeks and months at the different festivals she will be at!
Find the all the dates on the 2nd slide ➡️

📷 by

Did you already had the chance to listen to  live on stage? 🎤If not (or if you want to see her again 😉 ), make sure to a...

Did you already had the chance to listen to live on stage? 🎤
If not (or if you want to see her again 😉 ), make sure to attend one of her performances in the next weeks and months at the different festivals she will be at!
Find the all the dates on the 2nd slide ➡️

📷 by

Happy Birthday ! 🎂We wish you all the best for this special day and we are happy to have you as part of our Phonag Recor...

Happy Birthday ! 🎂
We wish you all the best for this special day and we are happy to have you as part of our Phonag Records family ! ✨
If you want to gift her something today, go listen to her new song "Soledad" !

Link in bio 🔗


Mainaustrasse 19


Montag 08:00 - 17:00
Dienstag 08:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 08:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag 08:00 - 17:00
Freitag 09:00 - 17:00




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