Department of Noise

Department of Noise We connect people through Sound. Fresh, flexible and strategic, resonating with your brands values and ambitions.

We are the leading Swiss agency for audio branding. We enable brands with sound - concise, emotional and powerful. We combine consulting, strategy and creation under one roof. With the highest branding affinity and a deep passion for sound and music, we transform brand strategies into flexible sound worlds and thus create an effective and emotional link between brands and their target groups. To t

ouch people with sound and to arouse strong emotions has always driven us and brought us forward. Since 2012 we have received communication industry awards, gold awards and chart successes for our work for companies, brands and credible artists. We claim to be the best partner for our customers for the ongoing digital transformation in terms of emotional impact. We make brands fit for a future, where new audio-only touchpoints make «Sound» the key differenciator in their recognition. Clients: 20 Minuten, Abraxas, Bank Cler, Basler Kantonalbank, Dow, Energie 360°, Fyooz, Groupe Mutuel, ifolor, maxon, Migros, Pro Senectute, Quotient, Sunrise, Swisscom, Swissgrid, Schweiz Tourismus, SRG SSR, VP Bank, Zürcher Kantonalbank.


And what are your expectations of your administration? How about «On the pulse of time👩‍💻, cohesion🎗️ and consistency ⚖️»? Well, this is what the administration of the Canton of Bern stands for – and therefore what its new is built on 🎶.

Thank you Anna Zwierko, Thibault Muller, Tim Burkhalter and every single representative of the directorates of Kanton Bern for the opportunity and for this inspiring journey!

More on the case: ➡️ Link in first comment.

Shout-out to the team💥: Florian Goetze, Yves Ge**er


«In the process with DoN, we achieved the perfect balance of strategy-driven creative ideas and data-driven target group opinion. The sound assets we developed effectively contribute to a coherent and recognizable holistic appearance of our brand every day.» Thank you Simon Fuchs / St.Galler Kantonalbank AG for your statement 😊! Happy to make your happy 🤍💚.

🔊Sound on 🔊 and listen to this cutdown of a recent communication activity✨.

How to use   as an integral and meaningful part of MarCom: This is our work for St.Galler Kantonalbank AG 🔊🤩💚🤍☺️🔊!Thank ...

How to use as an integral and meaningful part of MarCom: This is our work for St.Galler Kantonalbank AG 🔊🤩💚🤍☺️🔊!

Thank you Nathalie, Markus and Simon for your trust and the fruitful collaboration – «A likeable partnership - today and tomorrow»✨😊

More on the case: ➡️ link in first comment.

Shout-out to the team💥: Florian, Yves, Ph!L!pp

Die neue Sound Identity soll die Brand Experience auf sämtlichen multimedialen Kanälen optimal unterstützen.

Look what the postman brought us today🤩🏆🤩! We have been honoured with a «Better Sound» award from International Sound Aw...

Look what the postman brought us today🤩🏆🤩! We have been honoured with a «Better Sound» award from International Sound Awards for our work for Zürcher Kantonalbank. Thank you Locher, Streich and Baumann for your trust – happy that the seemed to like it too 💃❣️🕺! More on the case: See ➡️ first comment.

Shout-out to the fabulous team💥: Florian, Yves, PhiLipp

Die Agentur Department of Noise ist an den International Sound Awards 2023 in Hamburg für ihre Arbeit für die ZKB ausgezeichnet worden.


Expanding digital relevance in the long term: Please say hello to our work for Smile Versicherung✨🧡✨! 🔊

Thank you Fabienne,Ivana, Joséphine, Jonathan and Stefano for this fruitful exploration –that was fun! 🔊💃🕺🪩💃🪩🕺💃🔊

More on the case: ➡️ Link in first comment.

Shout-out to the team: Florian, Yves, Ph!L!pp


With both 👣 on the ground: Say hello to the Quickline AG 🔊Sound Identity🔊 – with a clear and differentiating positioning🍀! From campaign-music to TV-box start-sound, a seamless and coherent brand experience on the auditory level has been created. Way to go💯!

More on the case: ➡️ link in comments.

Danke Iva, Urs, Roland und «Team Quickline» für die gelungene und warme Zusammenarbeit, eine Freude wars✨😊! Shout-out to the DoN-Team: Florian, Ph!L!pp and Yves💥

3 years, a lot of brainwork and (currently) 1200 data sets later: "MeloMetric" is ready to rumble and knows which music ...

3 years, a lot of brainwork and (currently) 1200 data sets later: "MeloMetric" is ready to rumble and knows which music supports your message best💡🔊❣️! And we at DoN have gained supervaluable tools that make a sound strategy even more impactful⚡️. A massive thank you to Brigitte Liebig, Prof. Dr. Pietro Morandi and Dorian Mittner at Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW and the DoN crew (Meng, Yves, Florian) for all your efforts and energy you put into this beast💥!

More on the and about : ➡️


Sound is like water: it is hard to stop or control - but it can be directed in the desired direction. Please say hello to the new of Raiffeisen Schweiz! A big thank you to Jürg, Markus, Evin, Raphael, Bruno, Uta (🔊Core-Team🔊), Anita, Elodie, Sandra, André, Daniel, Gian Luca, Mario, Patrick (🎶Sounding-Board🎶) for the fruitful collaboration! And a massive shout-out to the DoN - team: Florian, Meng, Yves, Michael💥

More on the case: ➡️ check first comment.


Say hello to! This will help us (as an audio branding agency) to conquer the so-called «taste trap» 🪤 by bringing in empirical findings about how music is perceived – and learn how the   affects the society as a whole 🎶

As a «side product», we have obtained a scientifically approved survey instrument from this research that has already proved to be a valuable tool in client-related projects: We can derive data out of it that makes our work more precise and more creative✨ – and the project responsibles have a «proof of concept» for internal c-level onboarding👌. Happy client, happy us – way to go! 😊

Ah, if you're keen to be a part of the project: Join us! Apparently its fun, they say 🎉. Link ➡️ in bio👍🏼


«Thinking is the beginning of everything»: This is the guiding principle of the ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften – and it has found a new level of expression through sound 🔊✨🔊. We were assigned to create a comprehensive for their umbrella brand communication, including a sound ecosystem for multimedia to address various topics and their desired impact. Thank you Andrea, Nadine, Frank, Patrik, Selim and Jakob for this journey!

More on the case and on how to build a system of on-brand sound assets that enables a flexible and efficient workflow in your daily multimedia communication: ➡️follow link in first comment.

Shout-out to the team💥: Meng, Yves, Florian, PhiLipp

«A vivid brand must also be audible - whether it's B2B or B2C», says Michael Eugster, CMO of NeoVac Gruppe, the Swiss fu...

«A vivid brand must also be audible - whether it's B2B or B2C», says Michael Eugster, CMO of NeoVac Gruppe, the Swiss full-service provider of intelligent solutions for energy and water. Well, we couldn’t agree more🤩! Say hello to the NeoVac Sound Identity: bright-eyed, self-confident and with a proper dose of power, while emphasizing the company's ambition to always be one step ahead 👟➡️.

Thank you Lena, Michael and Sven for the delightful journey🙏 – Buffalo for president 🦬🏆!

And yes, it is always a matter of H2H – 'cause we're all humans, after all ✨

Die Zürcher Audio-Branding-Agentur hat für NeoVac die neue Sound Identity erarbeitet. Die «Macher-Haltung» des Unternehmens steht dabei im Fokus.

Vibey Bürospace zur Miete 🤩! Bei Interesse PM.

Vibey Bürospace zur Miete 🤩! Bei Interesse PM.

Beitrag auf Ron Orp Zürich: Space in Ateliergemeinschaft in Altindustriegebäude mit gutem Vibe in Zürich Altstetten

Alea jacta est – at least for this year. Humbly looking back on a gazillion moments of joyful, challenging, thankful, tr...

Alea jacta est – at least for this year. Humbly looking back on a gazillion moments of joyful, challenging, thankful, tricky, creative, far-reaching and also thoughtful decision making✨. We wish everyone a happy festive season and a good start into the next adventure – and always remember: you can’t go wrong with 6️⃣💥😊!

Spreading the sound 🔉 💬  Unsere Beraterin Meng Tian wird am kommenden Dienstag, 15. November, an der Konferenz «dezibel»...

Spreading the sound 🔉 💬 Unsere Beraterin Meng Tian wird am kommenden Dienstag, 15. November, an der Konferenz «dezibel» über Emotionen in der Markenkommunikation über das Medium Sound sowie die Relevanz von Audio im Branding-Kontext sprechen 🔥

Vielen Dank an die Podcastschmiede 🙌 für die Organisation dieses ersten Schweizer Audio-Events mit so vielen interessanten Gästen aus dem Bereich Audiokommunikation und Content 👏 Wir freuen uns darauf, neue und bekannte Gesichter in Winterthur zu treffen 💥

👉 Sag hallo und sei mit uns dabei:

Ein Sound, der die Brücke zwischen Technologie und Vertrauen schlägt – und 100% nach Zürich klingt 🔥✨ Für die Zürcher Ka...

Ein Sound, der die Brücke zwischen Technologie und Vertrauen schlägt – und 100% nach Zürich klingt 🔥✨ Für die Zürcher Kantonalbank durften wir die neue Sound Identity entwickeln. Das dynamisch ausgelegte Sound-Ökosystem wird über die nächsten Monate auf immer mehr Kanälen hörbar sein: von Marketing-, Sponsoring- und Bewegtbildaktivitäten über Service Center Experience bis hin zu den Geschäftsstellen 🙌

Die ZKB entwickelt ihre Sound Identity und unterstützt damit den digitalen Wandel auf Markenebene.

Honoured to be honoured 😎

Honoured to be honoured 😎

Department of Noise ist an den International Sound Awards 2022 ist für ihre Arbeit für das Schweizer Crypto-Startup «Fyooz» geehrt worden.

Frisch und aktivierend 🌳 Wir sind stolz, euch die neue Sound Identität von Pro Senectute vorzustellen! Daran durften wir...

Frisch und aktivierend 🌳 Wir sind stolz, euch die neue Sound Identität von Pro Senectute vorzustellen! Daran durften wir in den letzten Monaten arbeiten – mit Hackbrett und akustischer Bluesgitarre einen unaufgeregten, freundlichen, dennoch frischen Mix kreieren. Reinhören erwünscht 👂

Mehr zum gesamten Fall:

Die Zürcher Audio Branding Agentur hat die Sound Identity von Pro Senectute Schweiz entwickelt.


This is how we roll at DoN 💃💥🕺! Working full throttle on the sound identity and launch campaign for Groupe Mutuel. What a joy to have so much talent inhouse ✨💪🏻🤩.

More on the project ➡️

It’s 🔛 Wir freuen uns, euch die neue Sound Identity von Groupe Mutuel vorzustellen 🌞 Über das vergangene Jahr haben wir ...

It’s 🔛 Wir freuen uns, euch die neue Sound Identity von Groupe Mutuel vorzustellen 🌞 Über das vergangene Jahr haben wir das gesamte Brand Sound System für den Versicherer entwickelt, der sich im Prozess der Transformation befindet.

👉 Mehr zu hören gibts hier:
Happy Friday allerseits 😎

Die Zürcher Audio-Branding-Agentur hat ein Brand-Sound-System für die Groupe Mututel erarbeitet.


First application of our work for Pro Senectute 🔥


Unsere Lieblings- - Kollaboratöre Riklin & Schaub feiern demnächst Re-Premiere im Theater am Hechtplatz Zürich. Geht hin – Seelenbalsam garantiert❣️

Twenty-two, join our crew! 🙌 Bei unserem Forschungsprojekt Audiomotion mit der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW (Hoch...

Twenty-two, join our crew! 🙌 Bei unserem Forschungsprojekt Audiomotion mit der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW (Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW) gibt’s nächstens jede Menge zu tun. Deshalb ist Projektmitarbeit gesucht! Kennt ihr in eurem Umfeld Leute mit Musik- und Digitalaffinität, die sich für die Klassifizierung von Musik, den Aufbau einer Sound-Datenbank und die Datenauswertung interessieren könnten? Teilt dies gern mit euren musikalischen Freunden, Verwandten, Nachbarn, WG-Kollegen…
Bewerbungsfrist ist Montag, 7. März. Los los los 🏃

👉 Zur Online-Bewerbung bis 7. März:
👉 Mehr übers Forschungsprojekt:

Erste Wahl: FHNW


Happy to be a part of it again❣️

Another challenging year is coming to an end for planet 🌎. We’re supergrateful that it was nevertheless a thriving one f...

Another challenging year is coming to an end for planet 🌎. We’re supergrateful that it was nevertheless a thriving one for us at DoN, with lots of fulfilling projects that are spot on with our mission: contributing our little piece of inspiration to the society and therefore help to carry this world onwards. We bow to all the human beings that tried to do the same and make the world worth living – with devotion, passion, humility, curiosity and love ✨.
See you next year – for the next adventure. We're so ready for it 🚀! But for now: over and out.

Wir sind stolz, ein Teil davon zu sein❣️

Wir sind stolz, ein Teil davon zu sein❣️

Danke für Eure Unterstützung!

Dani Felber
Musik Hug
Viola Tami
Ringier AG
Department of Noise
ITS Transport
EISBERG Productions GmbH
Stadt Dübendorf
Musikschule Region Dübendorf
Keller's Grill & Catering
Energy Zürich

Für unseren Container voller Musik beginnt die Reise nach Smiling Gecko anfangs November. Für weitere Informationen über das Projekt oder unseren Container zu tracken, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Website.


This is us💥– Sound ON 🔊!
We have reworked our very own . What a journey to whitness a process from a clients perspective😊. Massive thanks to Michael Stuber for his , Fiction Design (Sofia, Atanas and Jordan) for their beautiful work, Silvia for the epic and webdesh ( and Polly) for our suppertight new and their patience. We’re happy as one can be✨!

«Emotions are criminals that you have to interrogate for the truth»: Happy to announce our   with University of Applied ...

«Emotions are criminals that you have to interrogate for the truth»: Happy to announce our with University of Applied Sciences and Arts at Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW with the of Innosuisse!

Wie wirken spezifische Klangerlebnisse auf Hörerinnen und Hörer? Welche Emotionen nehmen sie dabei wahr? Welche Faktoren sind ausschlaggebend beziehungsweise sind diese individuell oder lassen sie sich demographischen Mustern zuordnen? Diese Fragen will Department of Noise mit dem Projekt «Audiom...


Badenerstrasse 571a


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Our Story

We are an agency specialised in creating and executing sound and music concepts for brands and artists. We look at the whole picture and can build an audio brand- or artist-experience from ground up. We worked/are working for brands like Swisscom, PostFinance, Bank Cler, Schweiz Tourismus, EWZ, Tapit, Basler Kantonalbank, Edelweiss Air, Bubu, Ramseier, Sunrise, Schwarzkopf and well known swiss/german artists (Seven, Marc Sway, Caroline Chevin, Nino de Angelo, Resaid, Bligg, Carlos Leal, Celtic Frost).

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